《Curse of the Drakku: Origins》Chapter 6


It had been close to a month since Etain’s father left, and she grew worried something bad happened. At first, she was fine with him being gone but the small problems continued to grow and she wasn’t ready to make decisions yet. She preferred to be out flying, carefree and unburdened. Her time as Dragon Lord would be soon enough!

Etain left her quarters and flew out into the open skies hoping to rid her mind of the terrible thoughts about her father. She soared above the forests of the Dragon Lands and enjoyed the spectacular view over the ocean. The white-capped waves below rolled on for what seemed like forever, ships in the distance traveling toward the western shores and the human cities there.

She’d not been to the cities yet, as she’d not shifted into her human form. Until her fiftieth birthday, she was forbidden from doing so. Of course, that didn’t mean she wasn’t curious. With her father gone, she wondered if now might not be a good time to at least try and see what happened.

The idea grasped her and wouldn’t let go. With her father gone, she was going to try and change. What would it hurt? At least when the ceremony came, she’d have the experience to know what to expect and wouldn’t act like those who’d never tried. They were embarrassing. She was the next Dragon Lord, she couldn’t be seen like that!

Etain soared across the sky, growing anxious for what she was about to do. The forest was thick and she spotted a small clearing that would be perfect for her. It was far enough away from the cavern and yet close enough if something went wrong.

When she landed, Etain scanned the area around her. Getting caught doing what she was about to do could get her into a lot of trouble. If any of the other dragon clans found out, they’d have one more reason not to support her ascension to Dragon Lord. Grymryg was going to cause enough of a problem, she didn’t need more.


Then she reconsidered her plan. Should she even try it if there were serious consequences to it? Was it worth it? Her friend Jerdyn said another dragon she knew shifted before his ceremony and was nearly caught. The stakes for her were much higher.

She almost decided against it, but the curiosity was much stronger. She had to know. It’s not like her father was around anyway.

Etain relaxed, slowed down her breathing, and concentrated.

At first, the effort seemed to take too long and she wondered if it would ever take hold. She knew it took a lot of effort and focus, but it felt like it wasn’t going to happen. Rustling leaves scared her and made her jump. Was she caught? Frantically she scanned the area around her only to determine it must have been an animal of some sort.

“Calm down. No one is here. You’re alone and you’re fine. Be patient,” she scolded herself out loud. Etain waited several moments to make sure her assessment of the sound in the leaves was correct. When she was certain she was alone, she breathed in deep and prepared herself for what was to come.

Closing her eyes tighter and concentrating on the human form, she imagined a human female in her mind. Beautiful with perfectly human features, she focused on that singular image. Removing all other thought from her mind, she saw only the woman she’d become.

She pictured her new body and how she’d change into a human. The long legs and thin arms, the curves, the pale skin were all real in her mind. Then, a bright flash of light engulfed her. She willed it into existence and shifted.

It was an odd experience going from a large dragon to a much smaller human. She looked down at her naked self and was surprised by the lack of scales and talons. In its place was smooth alabaster skin and long red hair. She ran a hand along her arm, the feeling unusual and supple. She suddenly realized her chest was much different than before and her legs felt…different.


A breeze made her skin prickle and sent a shudder of chill over her. Something was wrong, she wore no clothes.

“I cannot forget that when the ceremony comes,” she scolded herself. Every dragon knew to shift with clothes, otherwise the humans might be taken aback.

She took a step forward, the balance in her body quite different than previously. Her arm shot out and she grabbed a small tree keeping herself from falling over. The underbrush felt odd to her bare feet, stinging and painful.

The entire world looked different in human form. Her eyes weren’t as powerful and the view from ground level was quite different than as a taller dragon. One thing she didn’t expect was her hearing grew stronger, birds and chirping animals sounded more vivid. The scent of the forest was also more earthy, with mud and rotting leaves overpowering her. The sensations bombarded her in ways she never experienced in her dragon form.

“This…this is amazing,” she whispered. It was such a unique way to view the world. Gaining this perspective was something special. To fly in the air and peer down at the world to being barely above the ground and all the sensory experiences that came with it created a wonderful sense of awe in her. It was like nothing she’d ever felt.

Another cold breeze drifted over her delicate skin and she shivered. Her nerves were on edge, worried that maybe she’d be found out. Shifting without supervision was strictly prohibited. As the daughter of the Dragon Lord, if she were caught, she’d be in a lot of trouble and her father’s fury could be harsh.

Running her hands along her skin one last time, she concentrated on her natural form and shifted back to a dragon with ease.

Looking down at the world from her natural height, euphoria built up inside her as she knew she could shift without any problems. Realizing her mistakes, she knew when the ceremony came, she’d be ready and prepared for it like a true Dragon Lord should be.

Etain stretched her large garnet wings and flew into the sky, a buoyancy to her mood she needed. Her father’s long departure darkened her outlook. He’d not been gone this long before and her worries dampened her spirits.

But now, things were different. She felt alive. The world was new again, and she survived the shift! Not that there was any doubt. It’s not something dragons don’t survive, but there was always that lingering doubt that something would go wrong. Other than standing stark nude in the forest, everything was perfect.

Etain looped around clouds and breathed large plumes of flame, bursting from them like a volcanic explosion. She giggled to herself, feeling the freedom she’d never felt before.

Her father might not be around, but she was confident in herself more now than ever. If she had to become the Dragon Lord, she felt ready. It would take time to convince the rest of the Drakku that she was capable, especially if Grymryg continued his campaign to unseat her, but she had no doubt she’d surpass all their expectations. She would become the Dragon Lord.

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