《Daiyu's Ascent》73. Home


A few weeks later, it was announced that Prince Shangwei would succeed the throne of Lan as Emperor Nengyi. Tang Daiyu helped with the transitions before saying a tearful farewell to Feng Yun, Xia Dongya, and the rest of her Imperial Guard.

Feng Yun had ordered for a royal carriage to take them back to Nanchang. Liang Yingzhou pulled up just outside of the palace gates. Since Cao Meixin had returned ahead of them, Tang Daiyu stepped outside of the Southern Palace and climbed into the carriage, with just her two maids in tow. It lurched, and they were on their way.

“My Lady,” Wu Caihong began. “What is Swift Breeze Sect like?”

“It’s nice and peaceful. There’s no place I’d rather be.”

“Thank you for letting us come with you, my Lady,” Hua Chao-Xing added.

“Didn’t you say you’d stand by me, no matter what?”

They shared a look with each other and nodded.

“Then how could I leave you both behind?”

The two maids breathed sighs of relief.


When they stopped for a rest, Liang Yingzhou pulled aside the curtain on the carriage and helped the ladies out. Tang Daiyu stretched and took in a deep breath of the fresh forest air. She closed her eyes, at peace.

“We’ll be to Nanchang in about a week. Just bear with it for a while longer.”

She opened her eyes and turned around to see Liang Yingzhou approach.

“I’m fine, Zhou-ge, just stiff. Is there any water?”

He nodded and walked over to the horse. Out of the pack, he withdrew a gourd water bottle and handed it to her.

“Here. It’s mostly full.”

She thanked him and walked over to her maids. Tang Daiyu made them drink before she, herself, did. When she finally got some water, the cool liquid sloshed against the back of her throat. Her eyes closed in relief. But, she left some in the gourd and returned it to him.


“Finish it. I’m alright for now.”

“Are you sure, Zhou-ge?”

He nodded. Her lips drew into an unhappy, thin line. She did as he asked and drank the last of the water. Finally satisfied, he took the empty gourd from her and returned it to the pack.

“We should probably get going again.”

Tang Daiyu agreed and ushered Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong inside the carriage before climbing in after them. Their party started moving again and continued southeast.


As they finally came upon the outskirts of Nanchang, Tang Daiyu got out of the carriage to look at the city.

“It’s still so beautiful.”

“Welcome home, Ah Daiyu.”

She smiled happily and leaned her head against his shoulder. “Let’s go home then, Zhou-ge.”

He nodded and helped her up onto the horse. Liang Yingzhou swung up behind her and reach under her arms to grab for the reins. After flicking them, the horse started into a trot and made its way to Swift Breeze Sect.

When they arrived at the familiar red paifang and gold characters, a feeling of belonging swelled in her chest. He dismounted from the horse and helped her down. They walked over to the carriage, and Tang Daiyu pulled aside the curtain. She beckoned for her maids, who quickly exited.

“Welcome to your new home, Swift Breeze Sect.”

They went inside, and Liang Yingzhou went in search of the disciples and elders. Tang Daiyu led Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong over to Riluo Residence, her residence. There, the three immediately made themselves at home.

“This is such a beautiful residence!” Wu Caihong exclaimed happily.

“The backyard view of all the flora is exquisite,” Hua Chao-Xing agreed.

“I love it here,” Tang Daiyu mused with a smile on her face. “I’m so happy to be back.”


Soon, there was a knock on the door. Wu Caihong went over and opened it. On the other side stood Liang Yingzhou.

“Where is Ah Daiyu?”

“I’m right here!”

She peeked out the doorway and grinned. “What, Zhou-ge? We’re busy admiring the residence.”

He chuckled and said, “Come with me.”

Interest piqued, she stepped out and followed him. They walked towards the back of the property. There was a stone bench near a small pond filled with koi fish. He sat and motioned for her to do the same. Once she was seated, he turned to look at her.

“Are you sure this is what you wanted, Ah Daiyu?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“You wanted to help China.”

“And I did. I’m also trusting Older Cousin to follow through on my wishes. He knows how I wanted to reform China. With him as Emperor, I have nothing to worry about. My phoenix prophecy is fulfilled, Zhou-ge. I’ve risen from the ashes of my past. I ushered in a new era. Now, all I want it some peace and quiet and happiness before I reach my Autumn years. I want to have a home again.”

“Swift Breeze Sect will always welcome you.”

She scoffed and crossed her arms before slightly turning her back to him.

“I don’t want Nanchang to be my home, Zhou-ge. I want Swift Breeze Sect to be my home. I know I left before, but I never want to leave this place again.”

She slouched sadly.

“I can never go back to Chang’an without all the memories haunting me. Nanning, too. I know Feng Yun is planning to make Changsha the official capital soon. The new palace will be built there. I think he said he was going to call it Lihua Palace in honour of Lan’s first Empress. I’d live there to help him, but I don’t want to be bothered by politics any longer. It’s destroyed everything I cherished once. I won’t let it happen again, Zhou-ge.”

Liang Yingzhou wrapped his arms around her, and she leaned back against his chest.

Into her ear, he murmured, “Then by all means, stay here. Stay with me, Daiyu.”

She closed her eyes and relaxed in his embrace, perfectly content and truly happy.

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