《Daiyu's Ascent》72. Happiness


Tang Daiyu closed her eyes and remembered Pei Xinhui’s words. Just do whatever makes you happy.

A single tear streak down her cheek as her bottom lip began to quiver.

"I am happy," she said quietly. "Knowing that China is becoming a better place makes me happy."

Both men turned to look at her.

"Ah Daiyu..."

"Younger Cousin..."

She shook her head sadly. "I don't want to hear any more, from either of you. I didn't agree to come here to listen to constant bickering."

Her eyelids began to flutter. Alarmed, Feng Yun shot towards her and caught her in his arms as she started to fall to the side.

"Tang Daiyu," he murmured hastily.

Liang Yingzhou stepped forward, concerned. "What's happening? Is she still unwell?"

"Yes. She agreed to see you because I promised to get you a summons. I must get her back to her rooms."

Before Liang Yingzhou could block them, she slumped even more against Feng Yun.

"Ah Daiyu!" Liang Yingzhou flew forward. "Feng Yun, explain this!"

"D- don't blame him," Tang Daiyu defended weakly. "I asked him to keep you away so you wouldn't worry about me."

"Ah Daiyu..." he said, hurt.

"Let me take her back first," Feng Yun said quietly as he scooped her up in his arms. "She needs to rest."

Liang Yingzhou nodded and stepped to the side. He followed them back to her residence. After Feng Yun had laid her down, Tang Daiyu relaxed.

"Older Cousin." She reached out and ensnared his wrist in her hand. He looked down at her with concern in his eyes. "It’s okay, I’m just a little weak still.”

He nodded and turned to face Liang Yingzhou. “As you can see, she’s just recovering. Tang Daiyu will be fine with some rest. Why don’t we talk outside?”


Liang Yingzhou eyed the wrist that was still caught by long slender fingers. When his eyes flicked back up, he nodded.

“Go first, Zhou-ge,” she interrupted. “I want to talk with Older Cousin about something first.”

Unable to disobey her, Liang Yingzhou exited the room. Feng Yun turned to look at her, concerned.

“Younger Cousin, what is it?”

“Look in the long drawer of my desk.”

He walked over and did as she asked. Inside, he saw a single folded piece of paper.

“What is this, Tang Daiyu?”

“It’s an imperial decree. Open it.”

Feng Yun gently unfolded the paper and read its contents. As his eyes scanned the words, surprise flashed across his face.

“Younger Cousin… this-”

“It’s exactly what it says it is. I wrote it before I spoke with Magistrate Pei. I had believed that I was going to die, but then… I took a chance.”

“But this names me as your successor!”

“Exactly. You know that Zhou-ge cares about me.”

“He doesn’t just care about you, silly, he loves you.”

She blushed and cringed. “Well…”

“Don’t bother. I know you love him too.”

“So… will you rule China for me, Older Cousin?”

“And what are you going to do?”

Tang Daiyu smiled happily. “I want to leave the politics behind me. I want to be free.”

“Which means?”

Feng Yun knew what she meant, but decided on drawing it out of her.

“I want to return to Swift Breeze Sect with Zhou-ge.”


Outside, Feng Yun approached Liang Yingzhou, who had his back to the door.

“I’m sorry, but she really didn’t want you to worry.”

Liang Yingzhou turned around and sighed. “I should be the one who’s apologising. I admit, I mistook your intentions towards Ah Daiyu.”


“It’s okay. But let me ask you this: if you care so much about her, how did she wind up with dark qi in her?”

Liang Yingzhou’s eyes widened in surprise. “What? She has dark qi again?”


So, he explained. When he was done, Feng Yun turned towards the closed doors.

“Is Master Pei related to Magistrate Pei by any chance?”

“Father and son.”

“That explains it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Magistrate Pei was the one who visited her yesterday. After speaking with him, there was a twinkle of hope in her eyes.”

“How did you get rid of her dark qi, Your Highness?”

“She expelled it through meditation. I used my internal force to help her. It worked, but she’s still weak from the toll it took on her.”

“Your Highness?”


“Thank you for taking care of my mei mei when I couldn’t.”

“Of course. She’s my younger cousin. I’d anger Uncle Ru if I abandoned her.”

“Do you really not love her? In the romantic sense?”

Feng Yun shook his head and chuckled.

“If I did, I would’ve married her as soon as I could.” He smiled. “She wants to go with you to Nanchang. Master Liang, I trust you’ll take her away from all of this. Please, keep her safe.”

Liang Yingzhou took a deep breath. “I will. Always.”

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