《Daiyu's Ascent》66. Reforms


In the next week, Tang Daiyu implemented many reforms in Heping's court. She made Sima Qianlu, the eunuch who had announced her and Feng Yun, the Head Eunuch. Feng Yun became her most trusted advisor, gifting him the title of Imperial Advisor. The Chang exiles were trained by a renowned Heping general, and Tang Daiyu made them her elite Imperial Guard.

Shuo Zhang, she appointed as ambassador to Chang. She sent him back to Chang'an with a message for Prince Han, who now ruled Chang as Emperor Tiandao.


As she sat on the throne, reading through economic reports, she began to cough. When it had subsided, she eyed the blood on her sleeve with worry.

It shouldn’t be this bad. I need to meditate to expel the small amount of Shifu’s qi left inside of me.

Then, Liang Yingzhou walked in. She looked up and quickly covered up her sleeve.


"Your Majesty," he said as he bowed respectfully.

She waved her hand. "I told you before, you can still call me Ah Daiyu."

"It's okay. I just came to tell you that Bei Qing, Cao Meixin, and I are returning to Nanchang. We've been away from our sects too long."

"Of course, I understand."

He nodded.



"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not telling you what Feng Yun and I had decided. I'm sure it was quite a shock."

"You made your choice, Ah Daiyu."

She nodded. "We're all servants to fate. There's nothing that can be done about it."

"If this isn't what you wanted, then why did you do it?"

Sadness filled her eyes. Her voice was soft when she answered, "For China."

Liang Yingzhou sighed exasperatedly. "You don't have to follow your Phoenix destiny. Ah Daiyu, I'm sure your father would just want to you be happy."

Pei Xinhui's words echoed in her ears. I want you to succeed in life, but not at the expense of your happiness. If you want to leave the royal life behind and be happy in the martial arts world with Master Liang, then do so. If you would rather stay in Nanning or Chang'an and serve China, then do so. Just do whatever makes you happy.


Her heart ached with longing. Her eyes closed as she took a deep breath. Her hands slowly began to clench into fists under the table. She shot forward and slammed her hands on the table in front of her, causing him to jump slightly.

Exploding, she yelled, "How can I be happy if China is ruined, and I knew I could've done something to stop it?! How could I live with myself after that?!"

"Ah Daiyu-"

She interrupted him. "I do not have the luxury of being free like you do. Nanchang may be your home as Swift Breeze Sect's leader, but you can come and go from the martial arts world as you please. Me, on the other hand? I'm bound to Chang and Heping. I can't just abandon the innocent. The current China needs reforms. I can do that. I have my father's lessons and teachings. I can save China. So, I can't just sit back and watch as my country falls to ruin."

Tang Daiyu stood up. She peered down at him.

"You may go. Have a safe journey back to Nanchang."

Then, she turned on her heels and left. Heading out the back way, she quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and composed herself. She walked back to her residence where she plopped down at the desk and sighed. Her thumb and index finger pinched the bridge of her nose. Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong soon entered and bowed to her.

"Your Majesty," they greeted.

"Have the masters left yet?"

They looked to each other before shaking their heads no.

"We can go get Master Liang, if you want," Hua Chao-Xing suggested.

Tang Daiyu suddenly sat up and said, "No. Our paths are no longer connected."

She remembered his words, You won't be alone in the rest of your journey, Ah Daiyu. You have me by your side. I won't leave you again, I promise.

Her head lowered as she thought sadly, Zhou-ge, I wish things didn't have to be this way. But my journey is over. I made my decision the other day, and now I must live with it. I fear I won’t be able to get rid of Shifu’s qi.


A single tear slipped down her cheek and fell to the desk. Her eyelids fluttered.

"Leave me," she said quietly and urgently.

Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong bowed and left immediately. Once they were gone, Tang Daiyu let out a series of painful coughs. When she drew her sleeve away, blood was stained on the light pink silk.

"Shifu's qi is worse than mine. Which means, since I have mostly pure mixed with the very little dark I took from him, I still have time. But the side-effects will be worse and more prolonged if I don’t expel it from myself soon."

She coughed again and groaned with pain. Tang Daiyu slowly forced herself up from the chair and over to the bed. She sat down in the lotus position and closed her eyes. Just as she finally started to meditate, there was a knock at her door.

"Who is it?" she asked, slightly annoyed.

"Feng Yun, Your Majesty."

Her eyes opened, and she sat up. After covering her blood sleeve with the other, she took a deep breath.

"Come in."

Feng Yun entered and bowed. She waved it off, and he straightened up.

"The masters have left then."

"Good, good."

An awkward silence fell between the two of them.

Finally, she asked, "How are the staff changes going?"

"Well. Almost everyone's been swapped out."

"And Prince Heyang?"

"Stripped of his title and banished from Nanning."

"Okay. As you know, I've allowed you and Prince Xie to remain in the palace because you both have helped me. About the others, however..."

"Xia Dongya and I are dealing with them. Most opted to move out to live in their residences in Nanning. The few, like Prince Baisong, refusing to leave are more problematic."

"Do as you see fit."

Feng Yun nodded. "Your Majesty, there's one other thing."


"The matter of Prince Yelang. He's still bedridden. It seems as if death could take him any day now."

"Send him into the woods. The wolves can feast on him."

Feng Yun raised an eyebrow at her order. She stared back, daring him to challenge her. Finally, he conceded.

"Very well. I'll have Xia Dongya see to it."


Though he didn't know her all that well, he could still tell something was off about her.

"Younger Cousin," he called. "Are you feeling well?"

Indignant, she cried, "What do you mean?! I feel fine."

"You've gone a bit pale."

She cleared her throat nervously and stammered, "I- I'm just tired. T- that's all."

"Rest early then. I'll leave first."

Feng Yun bowed respectfully and left. After he closed the doors, Tang Daiyu coughed out another mouthful of blood. She pitched forward and fell to the floor with a thud. Still, close by, Feng Yun heard the sound and turned back. He shoved open the doors and ran over to her. His eyes widened when he saw the blood. Looking down, he gently shook her.

"Younger Cousin, Young Cousin."

Not yet unconscious, she groaned. He scooped her up and laid her down on the bed. His fingers wrapped around her tiny wrist and took her pulse. It was weak and erratic.

"Younger Cousin, you're sick. You must’ve overworked yourself. I'll go send for Physician Wang."

As Feng Yun turned to leave, she reached out and caught his wrist.

"No," Tang Daiyu gasped out. "Don't bother. No one in the world can save me now."

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