《Daiyu's Ascent》65. Emperor... Or Empress?


A few days later, Tang Daiyu, dressed in mourning white, was wandering around Nanning Palace aimlessly. Since Liang Yingzhou had brought her back, she had been in a daze and hadn't spoken to anyone. Not even him.

As she was walking, she came across Prince Heyang. Alarmed, he quickly excused himself and fled.

She had changed, anyone could that. Many avoided her. But Tang Daiyu didn't care. The only thing she wanted was her family. And even that had been ripped away from her.


On the day of Feng Yun's coronation, she dressed into an elaborate and expensive, bright red, Beizi dress. She had Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong put in many gold hairpins. After having some makeup applied, she left her residence and made her way across the palace. When she arrived at a door, she knocked on it. As it opened, the shock expression of Feng Yun greeted her.

"Younger Cousin? What are you doing here?"

Opting to ignore him for the moment, she swept past him and entered the room. As she sat down at the table, he turned, shut the doors, and sat down across from her.

She looked at him and finally spoke, "Do you know what our parents talked about that day?"

Confused, he replied, "I do. But is that why you're here?"

"What did they talk about?"

He sighed. "Just some thing regarding you. My mother was good friends with a Buddhist monk, and so your father asked her some questions."

"Let me guess, my birth chart?"

"Yes," Feng Yun answered as he nodded. "Uncle Ru was concerned about your Phoenix destiny and what it meant for you in the future."

"Then you know."

"Yes, I know what's supposed to happen. That's why I'm surprised you haven't done anything yet."


"What do you mean?"

"To save China, wouldn't it be better if you’re Empress?"

"What are you thinking, Older Cousin?"

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. When he had finished, she turned her head to stare at him incredulously.

"Isn't it too bold?"

"Then tell me, how else do you plan to become Heping's true Empress?"

She smirked. "I have an idea."


As the time for the coronation ceremony drew nearer, Liang Yingzhou went in search of Tang Daiyu. But no matter where he looked for her, he could not find her. Finally, he gave up and headed to the Main Hall for the coronation.

In the hall, everyone had gathered. The three sect leaders, officials and ministers, the Chang exiles and Shuo Zhang, Cai Muping, Kang Lei, and members of the royal family. Even eunuchs and maids were present. Only Feng Yun and Tang Daiyu were missing.

Soon, everyone started to get nervous.

"Shouldn't His Highness be on his way by now?"

"Did something happen?"

"What's taking so long?"

Finally, they heard the scrambling of a eunuch as he scurried up the stairs and into the hall. Running towards the dais, he came to a stop and turned around.

"Welcoming His Royal Highness, Prince Shangwei, and Her Majesty, Empress Dowager!"

In walked both Feng Yun and Tang Daiyu. Both were splendidly decked out in matching red and gold robes. They resembled a royal couple getting married as they approached the royal dais together. The two of them stopped below the table and turned around to face everyone.

"What's going on?" someone murmured.

Bei Qing leaned over to Liang Yingzhou and asked, "Is this part of the plan?"

He shook his head. "I don't know what's going on. Ah Daiyu didn't tell me anything."


They watched as Feng Yun turned and walk around her, stopping when his back was to the others. His eyes met hers.

They seemed to say, You know, you can't go back after this.

Determination set in hers replied, I want to do this. I have to do this.

He nodded almost imperceptibly. Then, Feng Yun swept his robes back as he knelt and kowtowed to her. Gasps went up.

"I wish Empress a long life!" Feng Yun proclaimed.

Exclamations exploded. Bei Qing and Cao Meixin turned, shocked, to Liang Yingzhou. But he was just as surprised.

The eunuch cleared his throat, "Wishing long life to Empress Lihua!"

Unable to argue or protest, the members of the royal family kowtowed first.

"Long life to the Empress!"

The eunuchs and maids followed suit. "Long life to the Empress!"

Shuo Zhang and the Chang exiles joined in. Finally, the three sects leaders kowtowed.

"Long life to the Empress!"

Feng Yun stood and bowed to her respectfully.

"Younger Cousin, I leave the future of Heping to you."

Tang Daiyu raised her chin. "May Heping be everlasting!"

"May Heping be everlasting!"

It was official. Tang Daiyu had become the empress regnant of Heping.

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