《Daiyu's Ascent》64. A Hidden Truth


Liang Yingzhou and Feng Yun carried Pei Xinhui to a side chamber, while Tang Daiyu flitted around them, panicking. In the side chamber, she forced them out. They unwillingly left, and once she was alone, she returned to her shifu's side. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she took his hand in hers.

"Why didn't you say things had already gotten so bad? I could've helped you earlier," she murmured, forlorn. "You saying you still had a few months left was just to spite Zhou-ge, wasn't it? You can't fool me, Shifu. After having suffered from the side-effects myself, I know your timeline."

Salty droplets welled in her eyes as her bottom lip shook.

"I owe you so much. I was going to repay you for your help four years ago. But now, it looks like I'm already too late."

She wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffled.

"Thank you, Shifu, for everything. My family can finally rest in peace. Hopefully, one day, I can once again be happy and carefree like I was in my childhood. Would you like that?"

Quiet sobs escaped her, and her shoulders began to shake. Her eyes closed, and her tears dropped onto his pale, sickly face. Then, she slowly drew a little of his dark qi. Not enough to do her much harm, but enough to help relax him just a bit.

Soon, Pei Xinhui began to stir. His hand slowly tightened around hers.


He opened his eyes and looked at her. Silence radiated in the chamber. Reaching up, he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Even after all these years, you cry so easily."

She let out a slightly relieved chuckle. Then, Tang Daiyu fell serious.

"Shifu, how much longer do you really have?"

He sighed and moved to sit up. She quickly stood and helped him. When she sat back down, he answered.

"A couple weeks at most."

"How did you hide it so well?" she asked quietly. "Before, I never would've guessed that you had passed your peak."

He gave her a wan smile. "I didn't want you to worry. Now that most of your problems are over, I can rest easier."

"Don't say that!"

"I'm dying, Xiao Tang. You know the consequences and the outcome. Hoping for anything else will only hurt you."


Pei Xinhui began to cough again, and she worried over him like a close relative. When his cough eased, he looked at her.

"When I feel my end has approached, I will send you a signal. Trust me, you will know it when you see it. Come to Prosperity Inn at all haste. Do you understand?"

Tang Daiyu began to cry again, but she nodded, agreeing.


"There's something I will tell you."

"Wh- why not tell me now?"

"I made a promise long ago."


He reached out and took her hands in his. Her watery eyes met his. She sniffled.



"I just got you back again. I- I don't want you to leave me so soon."

He smiled and lightly tapped her forehead. "Silly girl, you've grown up. What do you need me for any longer? Plus, you have your Older Cousin and Zhou-ge. I know they'll help you. You'll be left in good hands."

"But Shifu, you've helped me the most."

"Xiao Tang, listen to me. You must remember what I tell you next, okay?"

She nodded solemnly.

"I want you to succeed in life, but not at the expense of your happiness. If you want to leave the royal life behind and be happy in the martial arts world with Master Liang, then do so. If you would rather stay in Nanning or Chang'an and serve China, then do so. Just do whatever makes you happy."

Her bottom lip quivered as she agreed. Pei Xinhui let out a long sigh.

"Now, go get your cousin and brother."

Tang Daiyu nodded and obeyed.

When she returned with them, Pei Xinhui had already disappeared. She ran around the chamber, looking for him, but he was nowhere to be seen.


A week and a half later, as Tang Daiyu was helping to prepare for Feng Yun's coronation in the Main Hall, the wind blew in a black leaf. It landed at her feet. She looked down and dread pooled in her stomach. Slowly, she squatted down and picked up the leaf, her hand shaking all the way. As she stood, her bottom lip began to quiver.

"Ah Daiyu, you did a wonderful job with these decorations! It looks so lively in here."


She quickly hid the leaf in her sleeve, wiped the forming tears from her eyes, and turned to face Liang Yingzhou.

"Thank you, Zhou-ge. Please, excuse me."

She darted past him, but he quickly caught up with her. Holding his hand out, he stopped her from going any further.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to use the bathroom. It’s my moontime."

Embarrassed, he went red and dropped his arm. She fled from the hall, dashed out of Nanning Palace, and made her way to Prosperity Inn.

There, she hurriedly asked the waiter for the room of a man dressed in all black. He directed her up, and she took off. Tang Daiyu burst into the room and ran over to Pei Xinhui's side. He truly looked much worse than before. Obviously on death's door, his pallor was so pale and sickly that he seemed to already be a corpse.

"Shifu, I'm here."

He turned his head and a weak smile spread across his lips.

"Xiao Tang, you came."

"Of course I did. I promised you I would."

He coughed, and blood ran down the corner of his mouth. She reached forward and wiped the red from his face.

"What is it you're supposed to tell me?" she asked softly.

"I promised my mother when she was on her deathbed that I would never tell you our connection until I, too, was on my deathbed. Now, it’s time I tell you."

"Our connection?"

He nodded weakly. "My mother was the older sister of your mother. Bi Yigong was my mother, just as your mother was Bi Mingyu."

"We're cousins? True cousins?"

Pei Xinhui affirmed her guess. "Hei Siwang was thought of by my mother. That's why she was cast out of the Bi family. My father never knew her origins. She passed her ideas onto me, and I executed them into practice."

"Then why wasn't I supposed to know?"

"Because my mother feared the repercussions from others in the martial arts world if Swift Breeze Sect got associated with Hei Siwang. She was outcasted by her family, she didn't want Aunt and Uncle to be as well."

"So, I had family left. I just didn't know it? Is that why you bragged about knowing the Tang family better than Zhou-ge?"

Pei Xinhui nodded. "Yes to both."

"And now, I really am losing the last of my family," she murmured sadly.

He squeezed her hand and barely audibly said, "Live well, Younger Cousin."

She blinked rapidly, trying to fight the onset of tears.

"Shifu," she said quietly. "Older Cousin."

He smiled, and his eyes closed. She felt his hand go slack in hers.

Then, the flood gates opened. She sobbed uncontrollably. Laying down, she rested her head against his chest and continued to cry mournfully. Her tears soaked his robes.


Some time later, Liang Yingzhou finally found her. He stopped in the doorway when he saw her laying next to Pei Xinhui. His grip tightened on the yellow fan in his hand, knuckles whitening. But then, he heard her quiet sobs. Entering silently, he approached the bed. Shock filled his features as he took in the state of the other man. He gently rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Ah Daiyu."

She turned and sniffled. "Zhou-ge?"

Sympathy filled his eyes. "Master Pei has already passed to the afterlife. Come away."

She fervently shook her head. He sighed.

"Ah Daiyu, there's nothing else you can do. He's gone."

Liang Yingzhou grabbed her arm and pulled her away. She fought him.

"No, no! Let me go! Let go!"

"Stop being so childish, Ah Daiyu. He was your Shifu, yes. But you've already given up Hei Siwang. Now, come."

"No!" she roared. "He's all I have left. Let me go!"

Dumbstruck, Liang Yingzhou's grip lessened. She quickly freed herself and ran back to the bedside. He shook his head.

Chastising her, he said, "Ah Daiyu, stop being ridiculous. You still have me and Feng Yun, Bei Qing and Cao Meixin, Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong, and Lord Shuo and Xia Dongya."

Whipping around, she cried, "But he's the only blood family I have left!"

Shocked speechless, the fan in his hand fell to the wooden floor with a loud thud.

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