《Daiyu's Ascent》63. Cousins Are Forever


Shocked stares and gaping mouths accompanied Tang Daiyu's statement. It was common knowledge that Prince Shangwei had never been in the capital before; they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Prince Yelang's finger flew up as he pointed to his nephew. "You-!"

Feng Yun bowed respectfully. "Greetings, Royal Uncle."

"Feng Yun, so you've finally decided to come to court?"

"I admit, Official Kang spent a lot of time persuading me. I was quite against the idea of being Emperor."

"Then what changed your mind?"

Feng Yun turned ninety degrees to his right. He smiled at his younger cousin.

"Not what, who."

Prince Yelang groaned and pointed at Tang Daiyu. "Stop being so cryptic, she’s already given me enough trouble and a headache for one day."

Feng Yun chuckled and answered, "Tang Daiyu."

This time, Liang Yingzhou's jaw almost dropped. He spun around and stared at her.

"How many influential people have you met?"

She smiled sweetly and asked, "What? Am I rivalling you now, Zhou-ge?"

Stepping forward, she walked past him and came up to Feng Yun. Bowing respectfully, she smirked and said, "Greetings to Older Cousin."

"Older Cousin?!" the entire hall exclaimed.

Even Liang Yingzhou, Kang Lei, and Prince Xie were shocked speechless.

"Younger Cousin, you've grown up."

"He acknowledged her as his younger cousin?!"

Exclaims filled the room.

"She was married to Emperor Rong, who is his cousin. It makes sense that she'd address him as such."

Ripples of agreement wound through the officials and ministers in the room. But their words were proven false by the next question.

"How is Auntie? She was so pretty in the light pink Hanfu and all of the hairpins the last time I saw her."

Shock splashed over everyone's face. "She even acknowledged Court Lady Yu as her aunt?!"

Sadness filled Feng Yun's eyes. "Mother fell ill a couple years ago. She passed away not too long after that."

Tang Daiyu felt like she had gotten the breath knocked out of her. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I left Jiangzhou after I had her buried. I've been wandering western Heping ever since."

The others in the court were eyeing them both, confused and dumbstruck.

"Then how did Official Kang find you?"

"My mother trusted him, so he's always known. He sent me a message while I was in Chengdu. I hastened to Nanning after receiving it."

"Then what do you mean I changed your mind?"

Kang Lei interjected, "I was reluctant to tell him about you. Though I know Prince Shangwei is worldly, he wasn't aware of everything going on concerning you. I didn't know you two knew each other from before."

"We met only once in our lives," they answered at the same time.

Liang Yingzhou's eyes suddenly darkened with jealously. Kang Lei nodded.

"Of course. Anyways, when I finally mentioned your name, he agreed right away."


Tang Daiyu titled her head, trying to figure Feng Yun out.

He chuckled, "What?"

"I'm surprised you even remember me."

"How could I not? You knew way too much about politics for being a ten year old. It intrigued me. Speaking of which, how is Uncle Ru?"

The entire room fell silent. Feng Yun's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Liang Yingzhou walked up and put an arm around her shoulders. Feng Yun watched, feigning reticence.

"On your journeys in the west, you must not have gotten news of the wider world, Prince Shangwei."

"What do you mean, Master Liang?"

"You know who I am?"

"Of course. You're the one in charge of Uncle Ru's ancestral home, Swift Breeze Sect."

Still unsure of the man before him, Liang Yingzhou said, "Chancellor Ru, Bi Mingyu, and Tang Bao are dead."

Feng Yun's expression changed. He leaned forward and peered at Tang Daiyu. Tears began to well in her eyes, telling him that the martial arts master in front of him spoke the truth. But then, something caught in his mind.

"Tang Bao?"

She looked up and said softly, "Mother gave Father a son ten months after we visited Liangzhou. You turned out to be right. He was so happy when Baobao was born. Many people congratulated him on finally having a son."

"Are you still upset about what I said?"

She shook her head. "No. That's long past. Plus, we've both changed since then."

"Indeed. You wound up as Empress of Heping."

"And now, you'll be Rong's successor. Just from that day we talked, I know you'll set Heping straight. Auntie educated you well. She was right to keep you from court politics. It's destroyed almost everything important to me. I'd rather just leave it all behind me."

"So you'll throw me into the lion's den?"

She chuckled. "I won't abandon you. I'm your younger cousin after all."

Tang Daiyu took a deep breath, turned towards the crowd of officials and ministers, and announced, "By the power of my regency, I declare that on the next auspicious day, Prince Shangwei be crowned as Emperor of Heping."

The others could do nothing but obey her whims. The officials and ministers bowed.

"Her Highness is wise."

Then, Cao Meixin, Bei Qing, Hua Chao-Xing, and Wu Caihong entered the hall. Liang Yingzhou walked over to them.

"Is it done?" he asked.

They nodded. "Yes. All of Prince Yelang's guards have been immobilised."

"Good," Tang Daiyu's voice rang out. "Because I have one more thing to do today."

Liang Yingzhou turned towards him and mouthed, What are you doing? This isn't part of the plan.

She ignored him.

"And what is that?" Prince Yelang snarked. "Who else do you plan to kill Daiyu? First you assassinated Emperor Jianyuan, thank you for that, and then my son. Who's next?"


She spun towards him. "Someday soon, I will see you off to the afterlife, Father-in-law. But today, I have a different, more important matter."

Whipping around towards the exit, she roared, "BRING IT IN!"

Soon, cart loads of the false evidence were wheeled in by Shuo Zhang, Xia Dongya, and the other Chang exiles. Officials and ministers parted to let them through. Liang Yingzhou and the others watched as Tang Daiyu faced Prince Yelang.

"Behold! All of the false evidence you and Rong made against my father, against my family. Did you really think I'd let you or him destroy it? No. Once I found it, I had some allies help me move it out of the palace and to a safe place. I knew I would use it to make you pay one day. And now... that day has finally come. After today, my father, my mother, and my baby brother can finally rest in peace."

Turning, she swept her arm in a wide arc. "Take a look! These are all falsified accounts, lies, about my father's treason to Emperor Jianyuan. You'll notice that the handwriting matches Prince Yelang's and Emperor Rong's."

The ministers and officials slowly did as she asked. When they saw she was right, they turned on Prince Yelang.

"Your Highness, explain this!"

"How could you have done this?"

"If you hadn't done this, would Heping have suffered so much backlash from the tensions with Chang?"

Prince Yelang glowered at Tang Daiyu. He whipped his arm out. Sharp, needle-like, hidden weapons flew from his long sleeves. She didn't notice them, but both Liang Yingzhou and Feng Yun did. Even though Liang Yingzhou had great speed, Feng Yun was still closer. He gasped and dashed in front of her. The hidden weapons continued to fly towards them. But then, they suddenly stopped in mid-air, not moving and not falling to the ground. Prince Yelang stared, shocked.

When Liang Yingzhou got to her side, he asked, "Ah Daiyu, are you okay?"

She nodded slightly. Feng Yun turned around.

"What just happened?"

Then, both men noticed that she had gone pale.

"Ah Daiyu."

"Younger Cousin."

"What is it?" they asked.

Her eyes were locked on the frozen hidden weapons. Iced Rigour Mortis Technique?

Tang Daiyu swallowed slowly. Then, she began to walk forward, feet dragging along the ground Liang Yingzhou and Feng Yun watched, nervous, as she approached the weapons. Her hand reached out, shaking. When her hand neared the weapons, it stopped. She quickly retracted her hand.

It is Iced Rigour Mortis Technique. Which means... Shifu must be here.

"Ah Daiyu."

Liang Yingzhou drew her back. "What is this?"

Her bottom lip quivered. "A unique skill from Hei Siwang. It's a freezing move called Iced Rigour Mortis Technique."

"Ah Daiyu, you didn't-"

She shook her head. "No. I know of it, but I never learned it. Shifu must be here."

"Indeed, for how could I let anyone kill my disciple?"

Everyone spun to see Pei Xinhui holding a sword to Prince Yelang's neck. His eyes latched onto Tang Daiyu.

"Xiao Tang, glad you accepted my offer four years ago?"

"You helped me find a reason to live on. Thank you, Shifu."

"Then tell me, what would you like me to do with him?"

He nodded towards Prince Yelang.

Hatred burned in her heart. But as she looked at Liang Yingzhou, Xia Dongya, Shuo Zhang, Feng Yun, and the others, the overpowering desire for revenge began to die out.

She sighed and said, "Two Blood Hit."

Pei Xinhui stared at her incredulously. "Do you not want to avenge your family? They died needlessly. You've had hatred in your heart and revenge on your mind for the past four years. Why only Two Blood Hit?"

"It'll still kill him. But it'll take time. I'd rather he suffer like I did. The loss of your family is something that doesn't go away easily. If it does, then you're truly an unfilial person."

Pei Xinhui sighed. "Very well, Xiao Tang."

He withdrew his sword and dropped it off to the side. Stepping in front of Prince Yelang, he slammed his palms against his chest, breaking his heart meridians. When it was done, Pei Xinhui grabbed his sword and stepped down. He stopped in front of Tang Daiyu.

Proudly, he said, "Xiao Tang, it's a momentous day for you. Congratulations."

Sadness filled his eyes. He began to cough and covered his mouth with his sleeve.

"Shifu!" she cried.

Her hands shot out. She grabbed his arm. As he lowered it away from his face, she saw the blood dyed onto his blue scholar robes. Her features softened with concern, and she looked up into his eyes, scared.

"No," she breathed. Tears began to well in her eyes. She shook her head fervently. "No."

Feng Yun and the others were confused. But Liang Yingzhou made a guess. He stepped up to be at Tang Daiyu's side.

"Is it the effects of Hei Siwang?" he asked quietly.

Pei Xinhui nodded. "Yes. My peak has passed. Based on my current calculations, I only have a few months left."

Tang Daiyu let out a choked sob. Liang Yingzhou caught her as she doubled over. She looked at Pei Xinhui, anguished.

"Shifu, is that why you returned to the south?"

He nodded. "I had planned to return home to Guangzhou and not come back. But when I sensed that you had finally switched qi's, I came back."

She straightened and asked, "How did you know?"

He gave her a weak smile. "I'll always know, Xiao Tang."

Then, his eyelids fluttered, and he collapsed into her arms.

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