《Daiyu's Ascent》61. Announcing Prince Shangwei


A plan was made.

One month later, it was put into action.


It was a warm summer evening when Tang Daiyu gathered with the Chang exiles, Liang Yingzhou, Shuo Zhang, Cao Meixin, Hua Chao-Xing, Wu Caihong, Bei Qing, Lord Cai Muping, Official Kang Lei, and Prince Xie around a campfire on the outskirts of Nanning.

She stood, looked around at the group gathered, and cleared her throat. "Thank you, everyone, for your help. China will remember what you have done for her."

The others nodded along, knowing the gravity of what they were planning to do.

Prince Xie looked at her dubiously. "Ms. Tang, are you sure you’re not setting things up for your own rise?"

Her eyes narrowed at him and she recited:

Which plant is not yellow?

Which day don't we march?

Which man does not go

To bring peace to the four quarters?

Which plant is not brown?

Which man is not sad?

Have pity on us soldiers,

Treated as though we were not men!

We are neither rhinos nor tiger,

Yet are led through the wilds.

Have pity on us soldiers,

Never resting morn or night.

A thick-furred fox

Scurries through the dark grass.

Our loaded carts

Proceed along the Zhou Road.

She eyed everyone there. "Does anyone else have comments or objections?"

No one dared to move, let alone speak. Finally, Liang Yingzhou stood.

He said, "It's getting late. We have a big day tomorrow, so I suggest we all retire early."

Everyone murmured in agreement and rose. Tang Daiyu watched as they returned to their tents for the night. Liang Yingzhou walked over to her.

"Don't worry, Ah Daiyu. This has been a long time in the making. You can do this."

She turned and looked at him. "Zhou-ge is really too kind. I can't expect that nothing will go wrong tomorrow. I know there's a possibility that some here tonight won't be tomorrow. I'm not that naive."


"Yes, all we can do is hope for the best."


The next morning, Tang Daiyu, along with Liang Yingzhou, Cai Muping, and Prince Xie made for the palace. Cao Meixin, Bei Qing, Hua Chao-Xing, and Wu Caihong followed behind, but split off, having a different mission to complete. Shuo Zhang helped Xia Dongya and the other Chang exiles with a third mission, unbeknownst to Liang Yingzhou.

As Tang Daiyu's group approached the front gates, Liang Yingzhou took her hand in his and gave it a light squeeze. She looked at him.


She nodded and took a deep, calming breath. Then, they entered the palace. Prince Yelang was holding court that day, and when a eunuch came running up to him, telling him of the others' arrival. Fury flashed in his eyes. He dismissed the eunuch quickly. His fists clenched on the table.

Tang Daiyu, you really are too much. I should've killed you when I had the chance.

Suddenly, a guard called out, "Announcing Her Majesty, the Empress, Lord Cai, Prince Xie, and Master Liang."

Murmurs rippled through the court as the four entered the hall. Tang Daiyu strode forward, the others on her heels. She stopped just beneath the dais.

"Father-in-law," she addressed.

"How dare she call him that?"

"Doesn't she know the late Emperor divorced her?"

"She may be the Empress, but she's still a fox spirit!"

For once, Tang Daiyu ignored the slanderings of the court ministers and officials.

"What do you want, Daiyu?" he asked coldly.

"What I'm entitled to."

"Fox spirit!" the ministers and officials began to yell over and over again.

Prince Yelang eventually held up his hand, silencing them. "What do you mean?"

She smirked and said, "I want what Rong left me."

"And that is?"

"The regency."

Outburst rose up from almost everyone in the room. Cai Muping stepped forward and held up a document.


"This is the imperial decree of the late Emperor! His writing of it was witnessed by Official Kang, Prince Xie, and myself. His Majesty indeed made Tang Daiyu his regent."

"Preposterous!" Prince Yelang flew into a rage.

A eunuch took the document from Cai Muping and brought it over to Prince Yelang. As he read it, shocked splashed all over his face. The paper fell from his hands, floating down onto the table in front of him.

"So my son really did leave you Heping," he scoffed, shocking the ministers and officials. "Is that why you killed him?"

Tang Daiyu winced. Gasps echoed throughout the hall.

"You ordered him to kill me. If I hadn't defended myself, I wouldn't be here today to make you pay for my family's deaths... including Rong and our child."

Prince Yelang's jaw dropped. "Ch- child?"

"When I returned here without Rong, I already knew I pregnant. I had told Rong before we had ever left for Chang'an. But since you insisted on having Rong hunt me down, I kept running. It took a toll and cost me my child."

Unsure of whether to believe her or not, Prince Yelang hesitated in answering. But then, the sound of rustling robes broke the silence. The one entering the hall was Wang Yishen. He walked forward.

"I, Wang Yishen, am a physician from Wuchang. I can confirm that Ms. Tang miscarried. I was with her as it happened."

Exclaims of surprise rang throughout the room. Tang Daiyu turned towards him, equally shocked.

"Physician Wang, what are you doing here?"

"Ask your ge ge. He's the one who asked for me to come."

She turned towards Liang Yingzhou who remained stoic.

"Zhou-ge, you-!"

He eyed her before addressing the true matter at hand.

"Tang Daiyu wasn't aware that Emperor Rong had bestowed upon her the regency. She only learned after His Majesty had already gone to the afterlife."

"It's true," Prince Xie added. "Official Kang told her a month ago."

"Where is Official Kang anyways?" Prince Yelang asked.

Suddenly, a commotion could be heard. A couple blood-stained guards ran inside.

"Your Highness! Two of the three Great Martial Arts Masters have invaded the palace! They're being aided by a couple palace maids!”

Prince Yelang glared at the group in front of him.

"Tang Daiyu! What is the meaning of this?"

"You killed my family. It's time I pay you back."

Infuriated, Prince Yelang jumped to his feet. "Guards!"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," Liang Yingzhou said calmly. "But I'm afraid many or all of your guards are busy dealing with Bei Qing and Cao Meixin right now. They won't be able to come to your aid."


"I have no desire to rule Heping as regent. That wouldn’t look good on my end," Tang Daiyu suddenly announced, loudly.

Everyone stopped and gaped at her.

"Then who in the hell do you suggest instead?" Prince Heyang demanded.

"Announcing, Official Kang!"

Kang Lei entered the hall. "Tang Daiyu has been smart enough to realise that only a Feng family member could sit on the throne of Heping without repercussions."

"So who?" Prince Yelang growled.


Everyone spun towards the entrance as a young man in his mid-twenties, dressed for royalty in gold and white robes, crossed the threshold. Many pairs of eyes widened. Tang Daiyu smirked. She turned back to Prince Yelang.

She raised her chin in defiance and said proudly, "Announcing my choice for Rong's successor: Feng Yun, the Sixth Prince of Heping, Prince Shangwei."

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