《Daiyu's Ascent》57. Undercover


"Tang Daiyu, why do you need to get into the palace?"

"I'm going to infiltrate Haoqin Hall."

"Haoqin Hall?"

"The Royal Archives. I had Hua Chao-Xing hide a special document there, back when I was still Princess Shandong. I need it now."

"But if you go now, you will be recognized."

"Wu Caihong and Hua Chao-Xing should be waiting for me at the west gate. I contacted them earlier. They're bringing me a maid's outfit so that I'll fit in better."

"Why not just have Hua Chao-Xing collect it for you, since she's the one who hid it."

"I need to go myself," she said quietly.

"Master Liang-"

"He can't know."

"But Tang Daiyu... if something happens to you..."

"Then it's my own fault for being careless. I won't drag Zhou-ge into this when it doesn't involve him. This document cannot fall into others' hands, no matter what. That's why I need to get it back."

"What is the document that it's so important?"

Tang Daiyu looked down at the ground. "It's something that needs to be destroyed."

"What is it?"

She shook her head. "You shouldn't worry about it. Will you help me tonight?"

Xia Dongya examined her. After realising that she wouldn't change her mind, he sighed and nodded. Satisfied, she thanked him.

"Don't thank me just yet, Tang Daiyu."


Around midnight, the two slipped away from the camp. They soon came upon the west gate. Knowing her cultivation has almost completely reset due to her qi exchange, she relied on Xia Dongya to give her a slight boost. With his help, she flew up and landed on the tiled top of the wall. She turned around and nodded to Xia Dongya in thanks. He waved and disappeared back towards the forest.

Tang Daiyu slowly moved back around and crept along the tiled roof. When she noticed Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong, she jumped down and landed softly in front of them. They handed her the maid's outfit and led her to the nearest building. Inside a side room, they shielded her with their bodies and sleeves as she changed. Once she was done changing, Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong took her clothes and left. Looking around, Tang Daiyu slipped out of the room and headed over towards Haoqin Hall.



When she arrived at the Royal Archives, she slipped inside and searched for her document. As she was rummaging the shelves, another person entered the archives. Completely unaware, Tang Daiyu continued on with her mission. A few minutes later, she was trapped in between two arms. She turned around slowly. Her eyes nearly bugged when she saw her captor.

"Y- Your Highness," she stammered, acting her part.

"This is the Royal Archives. Maids aren't allowed in here. So, what are you doing here?"

She gave a silent sigh of relief.

Thank Heaven he didn't recognize me.

"My Lady asked me to collect a document."


"F- First Princess."

Prince Heyang took a step back. "What does Miaomiao want from here?"

"Just a document. She had left it here earlier. I've been ordered to find it, but she couldn't remember exactly where it was last seen."

"Well then, let me help you. My younger sister is very forgetful. It might take you some shichen otherwise."

"Many thanks, Your Highness."

As they looked, worry continued to creep up her spine.

What if he realises who I am? I'll be doomed then.

Finally, the black paper she was looking for caught her eye. She reached out and snatched it, tucking it away in her sleeve quickly. Tang Daiyu turned towards Prince Heyang.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your help. I've found my Lady's document. I'll leave first then."

As she moved to go, he blocked her way. She gulped in fear.

"I'm curious. What would my sister hide here when she has never stepped foot in Haoqin Hall before?"

Alarms went off in Tang Daiyu's head. She took a step backwards. Prince Heyang advanced until he had her trapped between himself and the back wall. He put both hands up on either side of her.

"Who are you, Miss?" he asked coldly. "I've never seen you in the palace before."

"I- I'm new. I was just brought into the palace to serve First Princess."

"And if I took you to Miamiao, would she know you?"


Realising she was done for, Tang Daiyu wished she had been more alert and observant.

Stupid, stupid.

"You are quite a beauty," he murmured. "I wonder if I could make you my concubine?"

Her instincts kicked in. She recalled a simple move that Liang Yingzhou had taught her in the past. Using the Seven Speeds of Wind technique from Swift Breeze Sect, she ducked and sped away.

Outside, she made a run for it. When she was almost to the west gate, her arm was caught. Unable to shake herself free, her head whipped around to see who it was. Prince Yelang stood still, eyeing her. Prince Heyang ran up.

"Brother, this maid..." Prince Heyang began, breathless.

Prince Yelang sighed. "Feng Linyu, are you dumb? This is no maid."

His eyes bored into her as he asked, "Are you, Daiyu?"

Her lip curled as she struggled to pull herself free. Prince Yelang scoffed.

"Don't think you're getting away so easily this time. You don't have your Zhou-ge to save you."

"I don't need saving," she retorted.

"Oh? Then how do you plan to stop me?"

His grip on her arm tightened, and she cried out.

"Feng Linyu, your sword."

Prince Heyang handed him his sword. Prince Yelang brought it up and rested the cool, sharp edge against her soft, white neck.

"Tell me, Daiyu, what caused you to be stupid enough to infiltrate Nanning Palace and pretend to be a maid?"

She glared at him but didn't answer. Instead, Prince Heyang answered for her. "She said she was here to collect some document for Miaomiao."

"What document?" Prince Yelang demanded. "You must've left it here. That's why you’re so desperate to get it back."

She still refused to answer him. Infuriated he pressed the blade into her skin. Her eyes closed, and she could feel her warm blood begin to run down her neck.

"What document?!"

"Kill me if you dare, Father-in-law. But I'll never tell you."

In response, he asserted more pressure on her neck. Her blood ran faster as the line drew longer. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

"Feng Linyu, search her!"

Prince Heyang's hands patted her down, trying to find the document. He found her fan and sai and dropped them unceremoniously on the ground. Then, he felt the crinkle of paper. Pulling the black sheet from her sleeve, she twisted, thereby cutting her neck further.

"Ahh!" Tang Daiyu cried out. "No. Give that back!"

Prince Heyang read the paper, his eyes widening in shock.

"Feng Biyao, th- this... this document..."

"Feng Linyu, spit it out! I don't have all night."

"It's for a martial art called Hei Siwang."

Prince Yelang rounded on her. "Tell me, why would you have this, Tang Daiyu?"

She eyed him before answering, "I learned Hei Siwang before I entered Weiyang Palace. This instructions for an Immortal technique that I've been studying for years: Twenty Snake Point Strike. It combines the deadly Twelve Point Strike with the ultimate skill Four Winding Snakes. If used correctly, it can kill multiple people at once. The cost, though, is the life of the martial artist who uses it."

"If it costs a life, why is it an Immortal technique?"

Tang Daiyu scoffed, "You don't understand martial arts, do you? There are different ranks of technique. Immortal techniques are the strongest and most powerful."

"Why did you come now to get it?"

"To destroy the evidence of it. It's more powerful than even Swift Breeze Sect's One Hundred Dancing Lightning Strike. Therefore, I could not trust it here any longer. Also, I can't keep it with me because I don't want Master Liang to find out about it. My Shifu doesn't even know I've studied it. He basically invented Hei Siwang, but Twenty Snake Point Strike is my creation."

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