《Daiyu's Ascent》56. Prosperity Inn


When Tang Daiyu and Liang Yingzhou entered Prosperity Inn, they immediately sensed that something was wrong. There was no one in the building, not even staff. They heard a noise behind them and spun around to see the front doors slam shut. A wooden board came down on the outside of the doors, locking them inside.

"Zhou-ge," she whispered quietly. "What's going on?"

"I don't know. Stay close to me, Ah Daiyu."

She nodded and inched closer to him.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. My dear daughter-in-law,” Prince Yelang said as he stepped into view.

A couple of his soldiers had restrained Prince Xie and one held a sword to his neck. Liang Yingzhou moved in front of Tang Daiyu, protectively.

"Prince Yelang," he said darkly.

"Master Liang, I was planning on sparing you and just taking Daiyu. But now, this has gotten interesting."

Prince Yelang smirked and flicked his hands. More imperial soldiers ran in. Liang Yingzhou stepped forward and drew his sword.

Thank Heaven I switched our qi's back. Otherwise, I'd have to figure out how to use Swift Breeze Sect's techniques.

Within seconds, the soldiers had all fallen to his blade. One Hundred Dancing Lightning Strike was indeed powerful.

Prince Yelang looked at Liang Yingzhou in horror. Prince Xie broke free from his captors. Before he could be caught again, Tang Daiyu threw her fan. It flew around, circling, circling, before slicing across the necks of the two soldiers. They fell backwards, and her fan boomeranged back to her. She caught in and snapped it shut with a loud WHACK. After returning her fan to her sleeve, she turned towards Prince Yelang.

"Father-in-law, it seems the tables have turned. If you wish to live, I highly suggest you leave now."


Fury flashed in his eyes before he spun around and took off. Tang Daiyu sighed and shook her head.

"Coward," she muttered.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Her eyes flicked up at Prince Xie. "You're helping us, so we'll help you. There's no need to thank me."

"All the same, thank you."

She nodded once. Liang Yingzhou greeted him.

"Your Highness."

"Master Liang."

"We have some updates."

"I booked a room upstairs. We can talk there."

They nodded and followed Prince Xie up. Inside the room, Liang Yingzhou explained their plan to him. When he was finished, Prince Xie leaned backwards in his seat, surprised.

"So you want to nominate Prince Shangwei for Emperor?"

Tang Daiyu nodded. "Otherwise, if I ascend the throne as regent, things won't end well. I can't be the one to succeed Rong."

"But Prince Shangwei has never had any interest in court affairs. How do you think this would ever be possible?"

"Prince Xie, we have to try. I know Prince Yelang is your elder brother, but he cannot ascend the throne. Heping will suffer and possibly even fall. Plus, I’ve heard Prince Shangwei has been taught in politics, he’d just rather not bother with them."

"Aren't you just looking out for yourself, Tang Daiyu?"

"So what if I am? I don't want to die just yet; I'm much too young for that."

Prince Xie scoffed, "I have seen your journey from Princess Fangzi to Heping's Empress. You succeeded in making Rong Emperor. What else could you do?"

"It was never my intention to become Empress of Heping, Prince Xie. When Emperor Taio pushed the jade sculpture into my hand, I was just as shocked as everyone else. All I wanted was to live out the rest of my days in peace. But others had a different plan for me.”


"So why do you even care about what happens to Heping? You're still a Chang citizen."

"Because I care about China. Chang and Heping are China. The Sixteen Kingdoms in the North, which aren't even part of China, are problematic in their own right. They're always fighting each other. Is that how you want Chang and Heping to end up? Because I don't. Despite my reputation, all I seek now is peace. Saving Heping from Prince Yelang's clutches is the beginning."

Prince Xie sighed. "Alright, alright. Let's say you're being genuine. No one even knows where Prince Shangwei is."

Tang Daiyu looked down at her hands and bit her lip.

"Official Kang said he'd take care of that," Liang Yingzhou interceded. "We just have to deal with Prince Yelang."

Shaking his head, Prince Xie let out a long breath. "I don't know if this'll work. My brother is very cunning. He already caught us today. What about tomorrow or the next day? How long can we last?"

"That's why we need to act... and soon," Tang Daiyu said, determination glinted in her eyes.

"Well then, what do you suggest we do?"

She smirked and relayed her idea. After discussing and brainstorming, the three parted ways. Just as they were leaving Prosperity Inn, Tang Daiyu slipped the manager a note without the others noticing. Prince Xie returned to Nanning Palace while Liang Yingzhou and Tang Daiyu returned to the exiles' camp.


Xia Dongya greeted them at the edge of the camp as they approached. The two smiled and nodded at him. Tang Daiyu waited until Liang Yingzhou was out of earshot before she spoke.

"Xia Dongya, I'm going to need a favour."

"What is it?"

"I need help getting into Nanning Palace tonight."

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