《Daiyu's Ascent》55. Friendly Faces


At the camp, Xia Dongya showed Tang Daiyu and Liang Yingzhou to the warehouse. After inspecting everything, Tang Daiyu concluded that everything was still there.

She turned towards Liang Yingzhou. "How do we prove Prince Yelang did all this?"

He sighed, "Very carefully. If we make one wrong move, it could be a disaster."

She nodded in agreement. "So what do you think we should do?"

"We need to find something in here that proves Prince Yelang's guilt. Once we have enough evidence, we can take it into Nanning. You'll need to gather support from some officials, Ah Daiyu. This cannot be done alone."

"Who do you recommend we go to?"

"I know of a few officials that aren't too pleased with Prince Yelang at the moment. We'll try to sway them first."


"It's late now. We'll search for things tomorrow and if we have time, start to make rounds in Nanning."


They returned to the camp only to find that the other exiles had surrounded a couple intruders. Liang Yingzhou stood in front of Tang Daiyu protectively. She peeked out from around him. Her eyes widened in shock. Standing in the middle of the circle of exiles were Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong.

Tang Daiyu ran around Liang Yingzhou and cried, "Stop!"

The exiles turned. Upon seeing her, Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong dropped into respectful bows.

"Your Majesty," they said.

"Please, stand. I'm not Heping's Empress any longer."

Hua Chao-Xing straightened and said, "We heard you had returned, my Lady. Wu Caihong and I are still your maids, no matter what."

"But didn't Rong send you to me?"

"Yes, but you're our lady," Wu Caihong added. "We serve you now."

Tang Daiyu sighed. "Did Prince Yelang send you?"

The two maids shook their heads simultaneously. "We came of our own choice."

"Then, if you're going to remain with me, you're going to have to understand things won't be like they were in the palace. Life's going to be more difficult."

"We'll stick by our lady. No matter what," Wu Caihong promised solemnly.


Hua Chao-Xing nodded in agreement.

Tang Daiyu turned towards Liang Yingzhou. "Zhou-ge, what do you think?"

He walked forward and eyed the two maids. Finally, he sighed and asked, "Would you do anything for Ah Daiyu?"

They nodded.

"Even die?"

Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong paused before nodding again. Satisfied, Liang Yingzhou turned towards Tang Daiyu.

"If you want to let them stay, they can stay."

"Alright." She faced her maids. "You can stay."

She then filled them in on everything. When she was done explaining, Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong stared at her.

"My Lady, you've really been through a lot these past few months,” Hua Chao-Xing said.

Tang Daiyu nodded sadly in agreement. "Now, we're trying to keep Prince Yelang from seizing the throne since Emperor Rong has passed into the afterlife."

"What do you need us to do?" Wu Caihong asked.

She thought about it. Finally, an idea popped into her head.

"It will involve some risk, are you two sure you want to get involved in this?"

They nodded.

"Alright. Return to Nanning Palace and be my eyes and ears there. Listen for anything regarding Prince Yelang, and even Princess Guang for that matter. If you think you've heard something important, leave a message at Prosperity Restaurant in Nanning. Zhou-ge, Xia Dongya, or I will check for messages everyday at noon and six in the evening. Can you do this for me?"

They bowed and answered in unison, "Yes, my Lady. We'll do as you have asked."

"Good. Then, go back first."

"We'll leave first, my Lady."

Hua Chao-Xing and Wu Caihong retreated and were soon gone. Tang Daiyu turned towards Liang Yingzhou.

"Have I done the right thing?"

"We'll have to wait and see."

She sighed, "I hope I can trust them."


A couple weeks later, Liang Yingzhou returned from Nanning with a piece of paper in his hand. Tang Daiyu raced over to him as Xia Dongya approached.

"What is it, Zhou-ge?"

His eyes, dark, stared at the paper coldly. "Your maids have sent word. Prince Yelang is planning on announcing himself as Emperor. If he succeeds, then Heping is lost."


"I've been in conversation with the lords you mentioned. They aren't happy about this. I think now, they'll back us."

"Let's hope so, Ah Daiyu."

"Should we go speak with them again?"

"Yes, I think it's time. We can't wait any longer."

With that, Tang Daiyu and Liang Yingzhou left the exiles' camp and headed into Nanning. They first met with Lord Cai Muping, who agreed to help them keep the throne out of Prince Yelang's hands. Then, they walked over to Official Kang Lei's residence. After being let in, they were shown to Kang Lei's study.

"Official Kang," Tang Daiyu greeted.

"Your Majesty."

"Am I still called that?"

"Everyone knows Emperor Rong opposed the royal proclamation. But Prince Yelang was the one who pushed for it in court. Eventually, His Majesty gave in."

She swallowed sadly. Rong, from behind the scenes you looked out for me. It's a pity you chose your father in the end.

"I see. So does everyone in court still see me as the rightful Empress of Heping?"

Kang Lei nodded. "Most in the court still sees you as Empress. We'll support you, seeing as Emperor Rong made you regent should anything happen to him."

She froze. Liang Yingzhou coughed.

"Regent? When did Rong make me regent?"

"He did it secretly behind his father's back. Prince Yelang isn't aware of it, but the decree is signed and was witnessed by myself, Lord Cai, and Prince Xie."

The three Zhou-ge said could be trusted. Could he possibly have known about the decree?

"So if I were to fight Prince Yelang for the throne, I have a true right to it, since I'm the appointed regent?"

"Yes. You can ascend the throne in Emperor Rong's place."

Does the court not know about Rong's death?

"What about in the event of Rong's death?"

Kang Lei hesitated. "Well, since he's named no other heir, as regent, you'd have full power as Empress and Emperor."

Tang Daiyu sighed. "History will not take kindly to this."

"What do you mean?"

She looked straight at him. "Rong's dead. Prince Yelang’s been lying this whole time."

"How do you know that?"

Sadness filled her eyes. True regret shone in her tears.

"Because I killed him."

Kang Lei stared at her in shock. "Wha- how?"

"Rong found me. He said his father had ordered my death. He didn't want to kill me; I didn't want to die. Unfortunately, he made his choice. I defended myself, which ended up resulting with his death."

"So history will see it as a power-hungry wife killing her husband to gain the throne," Tang Daiyu added miserably. "So, after we stop Prince Yelang, I'll refuse the throne. That's the best thing to do."

Liang Yingzhou nodded in agreement. "Ah Daiyu is right. It would be best if we plan for someone else, someone not involved in all of this, to succeed the throne."


Kang Lei hummed, thinking. Finally he asked, "What about Prince Shangwei?"

Tang Daiyu's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to remember who that was. Finally, it dawned on her. Her eyes went as wide as saucers.

"Do you mean Feng Yun?" she asked hurriedly.

Kang Lei nodded. Liang Yingzhou flashed her a confused look, but she ignored it.

She winced imperceptibly before exclaiming, "But he's like a distant descendant of the late Emperor Taio!"

"Exactly. He has never lived in Nanning and is Emperor Taio's eldest grandchild, thus being the Sixth Prince of Heping. That's why Emperor Taio chose Emperor Rong to succeed him. Other than his own sons, Emperor Rong was the second-eldest grandchild."

"How would we even propose this?"

"Leave that to me, Your Majesty. I'll talk to him. You focus on Prince Yelang."

She nodded slowly.

Then, Liang Yingzhou cleared his throat.

"Thank you for seeing us, Official Kang. Unfortunately, we still need to meet with Prince Xie today, so we'll be leaving first."

"Of course, of course. Give His Highness my greetings and well wishes!"

Tang Daiyu nodded and left with Liang Yingzhou.



"Where are we meeting Prince Xie?"

"Prosperity Inn."

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