《Daiyu's Ascent》54. A Proper Burial


"Emperor Rong?!" Liang Yingzhou exclaimed. "How did he find us?"

"He's been tracking me the whole time. He just never did anything about it."


Tang Daiyu looked away. "Didn't Physician Wang tell you, Zhou-ge?"

"Tell me what?"

Stupid doctor-patient confidentiality.

She recounted to him of her pregnancy and miscarriage and explained that the child she once carried was the only reason why Feng Rong hadn't killed her.

"When I said that I was no longer with child, he seemed truly saddened."

"Then what happened, Ah Daiyu?"

"He drew his sword."


"Lunged at me."


"I used Hei Siwang to evade him."


She sighed. "I hit his acupoints and switched out qi's. His body couldn't handle it, just like Shifu predicted. He'd dead, Zhou-ge. Emperor Rong is dead."

Liang Yingzhou's eyes widened. "Take me to him."

She nodded and led him outside. They walked over to where she had left the body.

"It was too much, and he died. I really wish things hadn't come to this, but fate has a tricky way of doing things I guess."

"What are we going to do with him, Ah Daiyu? Even though he wasn't the best person, he still deserves the respect of a proper burial."

"He's Heping's Emperor, Zhou-ge. He should be buried back in Nanning. Now, Heping is without both a successor and an Emperor."

"How do you plan on getting him back to Heping?"

"We can sneak down to the border. Xia Dongya and his men could probably help us from there."

"Are you sure you can trust them?"

"They're storing all of the fake documents regarding my father's treason. As far as I know, nothing's been done with them. So, I should hope that after these past months, they have earned my trust."


"What was my second rule, Ah Daiyu?"

"I know, I know. But that's no way to live. If I really am meant to change China, then I need allies. People who I can trust and who know I can be trusted. Otherwise, I'll never be able to succeed in fulfilling the prophecy."

Liang Yingzhou stared at her in shock before patting her head affectionately. "When did my mei mei grow up?"

Tang Daiyu sighed sadly. "I've always been growing up."

"Alright then. First thing tomorrow, we'll set out for Heping to return their Emperor."

She nodded in agreement. "We shouldn't just leave him."

"There's a storeroom off to the side of the safehouse. Let's put him in there."


The next morning, they talked things over with Shuo Zhang. He agreed to help them get to the border. They left the safehouse and headed towards Luoyang.

Once in the old capital, they rented a large sedan. Liang Yingzhou put Feng Rong, with a covered face, inside. Tang Daiyu climbed in after. Then, Liang Yingzhou sat down on the outside platform of the sedan and picked up the reins.

"Thank you for your help, Lord Shuo. We won't forget it."

"It's nothing, Master Liang. I just hope Young Lady Tang and yourself can stay safe."

"Thank you."

Shuo Zhang bowed before disappearing into the crowd. Then, Liang Yingzhou flicked the reins, urging the horse into a walk. They soon departed and headed south.


At the border between Chang and Heping, they stopped. Tang Daiyu climbed out and whistled. Soon, Xia Dongya appeared and the other exiles.

"Tang Daiyu, welcome back. How can I help?"

"We need to get into Nanning safely."

"For what?"

She looked to Liang Yingzhou who nodded.

"Emperor Rong."

Xia Dongya's eyebrows raised. "You've come to a truce with him?"


"No, quite the opposite," Tang Daiyu said sadly. "We've come to bury him."

"By Heaven. That is a twist. I'll see what we can do."

"Thank you."

He nodded and disappeared. A few minutes later, Xia Dongya reappeared.

"We'll get you into Nanning. Can you get into the palace?"

She nodded. "I have a plan."


A few days later, Tang Daiyu and Liang Yingzhou stood in front of the gates to the Nanning Palace. She stepped forward.

"Prince Yelang! It's me, your lovely daughter-in-law! Don't worry, Crown Prince Luzhen isn't with me this time!"

After a couple minutes, the gates opened. A eunuch beckoned them inside. They, along with the horse and sedan, entered the palace. Following the eunuch over to Yueyin Hall, Tang Daiyu's heart clenched.

I was happy here... for a while at least. Now, everything's changed. Can I ever have happiness?

Outside Prince Yelang's residence, they stopped. The eunuch knocked on the door.

"Your Highness, there's someone here to see you."


"Me," she interrupted.

Within moments, the doors slid open. Prince Yelang glanced at Tang Daiyu before his eyes fell on Liang Yingzhou.

"Master Liang, I'm glad to see you’ve finally come to your senses. Thank you for bringing Daiyu to me."

"With all due respect, Your Royal Highness, that's not why I've accompanied her here."

"Then why?"

Tang Daiyu raised her chin. "Dismiss everyone first."

"And why would I do that?"

"So you don't tarnish your reputation. If everyone sees you kill me, what would they think? I'm your only daughter-in-law after all."


She smirked, and he had no choice but do as they asked. Once all the eunuch and guards had left, Prince Yelang turned to face her.


She lowered her head and looked down at the ground. "Zhou-ge?"

He stepped over to the sedan and pulled back the flap. Prince Yelang looked inside and gasped. "Rong'er!"

He ran over and pulled out his son's body. His head whipped around.

"Tang Daiyu, you better have a good explanation for this!"

She sighed sadly and explained everything. When she was done, Prince Yelang snarled at her. She flinched away, and Liang Yingzhou stepped in front of her protectively.

"It was either her or him. She acted out of self-defense. It's His Majesty's own fault that he pursued us."

"Tang Daiyu," Prince Yelang growled low. "I definitely won't let you off this time!"

He turned and reached for his sword. But Liang Yingzhou stopped him. Using One Hundred Dancing Lightning Strike, he quickly hit Prince Yelang's acupoints. Frozen in place, he was no threat for the moment.

"Be grateful that we have decided to let you live another day. If Ah Daiyu wasn't so gracious, I would not leave before seeing you to the afterlife."

"Why did you risk bringing Rong'er back here?"

Tang Daiyu took a wary step closer to her father-in-law. "Because, despite everything, I cannot forget the past. Out of respect for our old friendship, I'm leaving Rong with you so that he can be buried properly."

With that, Liang Yingzhou wrapped an arm around her waist. Using his qinggong, he flew both of them away from Yueyin Hall. A few minutes later, they landed outside the palace walls. Xia Dongya and the other Chang exiles met them. They raced into the forest and made it safely back to the exiles' camp.

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