《Daiyu's Ascent》49. Selfless


"Ah Daiyu, what do you mean?"

"When I was six, I was out playing in the street one day. An important man rode into Chang'an to see Emperor Jianyuan. The toy I was playing with rolled in front his horse. Not knowing any better, I ran out to grab it. The horse got spooked and reared up, throwing his rider, and hitting me in the head with its hooves."

She wrung her hands nervously.

"My father took me to all the best doctors in Chang'an, but they couldn't help me. Conveniently for him, Prince Yelang and Rong had just arrived in Chang'an as the ambassadors from Heping. Prince Yelang is skilled in medicines and was able to save my life without any repercussions. But it came at a steep price."

"What, Ah Daiyu?"

"In the future, I'd be married to Rong. My father initially agreed to the arranged marriage. But a few days before my family and I were arrested, I was captured by Li Xun and tortured for information concerning my father's traitorous acts. This was all planned by Rong and Prince Yelang because my father had decided against marrying me off to Heping. When I got home that day, I heard Prince Yelang and my father arguing. I ran into my father's study only to see Prince Yelang holding a sword out at my father."

"So you're saying that your family died because your father decided you weren't going to marry Emperor Rong?"

Tang Daiyu nodded. "It's all a matter of slighted honour. But I never should've ran out in front of that horse. If I hadn't..." She wrapped her arms around herself and murmured, "My family might still be alive."

Unwilling to see her upset for any longer, Pei Xinhui shot forward and suddenly whisked her out of the throne room. He took her back to Peace Tree Inn in Chang'an. They sat down across from each other in the restaurant area, and a server came over to wait on them. Pei Xinhui ordered some black tea, and the server left.


"Xiao Tang."

She glanced at him with a slightly dazed look in her eyes. "What, Shifu?"

"Why did you lie?"

"I don't know what you mean."

He levelled her with an unamused look. "Why did you tell Master Liang there is nothing that can be done about Hei Siwang?"

She looked down at her folded hands resting on her lap.

"Because, knowing Zhou-ge, he'd do it. He'd switch with me to save my life. I can't ask that of him. He's Swift Breeze Sect's master. The disciples and elders need him. He can't afford to lose all of the progress he's made."

Pei Xinhui sighed, "Well, the side-effects aren’t too bad yet. You're still the selfless girl you were before. In the past, you did everything you could to protect your brother, and now you're protecting your Zhou-ge."

Tang Daiyu raised her head. "Why haven't you succumbed to Hei Siwang yet, Shifu?"

"I fight it every day, Xiao Tang. But as you know, it's a losing battle. The more you use it, the more of a toll it takes."

She nodded slowly.

The server came back, carrying a bamboo tray upon which was a teapot and two small cups. He set the tray down.

"Thank you," Pei Xinhui said.

"Of course, of course."

The server bowed and retreated.

Tang Daiyu reached forward and picked up the blue and white porcelain teapot. Into the matching cups, she poured the steaming hot tea. After setting the teapot back down on the tray, she picked up her cup and held it out in a toast.

"Let me toast you, Shifu. Without your aid back then, I never would've made it this far. So, thank you."

He nodded and raised his cup in respond. Politely covering the cups with their free hand, they each drank.


When they had both set their cups down, Pei Xinhui asked, "Why have you kept so many things from Master Liang? He seems to care about you a lot."

"He has his own things to deal with. I didn’t want to add to his burden. Plus, I knew he'd be disappointed in me if I did," she sighed. "I've been disappointing him a lot lately."

"Master Liang cares about you, Xiao Tang. He doesn't want to see you hurt yourself."

She eyed him warily.

"I know that. I just hate disappointing him. I looked up to him when I was a child."

"But you're not a child anymore. Master Liang needs to understand that."

Tang Daiyu glared at Pei Xinhui. "In one moment, you're defending him. The next, you're criticising him."

"And you're still selflessly standing up for him. You know, I have to somewhat respect him. He is the master of Swift Breeze Sect after all."

She shook her head, giving up. She knew she wouldn't get anywhere when he was mysterious like this.



She lowered her head and stared absentmindedly at the cup in her hand.

"I miss Baobao. I miss my family."

Sympathy flashed in his eyes. "I know."

She sighed sadly. "I wish they were here. I wish they were still alive. I wish things could've gone differently."

"You can't change the past, Xiao Tang."

"I know, I know. But... can I not dream?"

Before Pei Xinhui could answer, a blur of robes swept by and soon stopped. Liang Yingzhou sat down at their table.

"Ah Daiyu, are you okay?"

She nodded. He eyed Pei Xinhui with distrust.

"What intentions do you have towards my mei mei?"

Tang Daiyu froze before lightly tugging on his sleeve and whining, "Zhou-ge."

"I came to make sure she doesn't make a fool of herself."

"Eh? What? Now even you don't believe in me, Shifu?"

Pei Xinhui's gaze bored into her. She recoiled away.

"Uh, Zhou-ge, will you go and book me a room, please? I'm going to stay here for the night."

He glanced at her before his eyes flicked towards the man next to him. Finally, he nodded and stood up.

After he had left, Pei Xinhui immediately asked, "Since you're instinctively selfless, Xiao Tang, that makes you more likely to be foolish because all you care about is saving others. So, enlighten me on this: how do you plan on saving yourself from a wretched fate while not bringing Master Liang to harm?"

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