《Daiyu's Ascent》47. Four Winding Snakes


Tang Daiyu froze. A chill ran through her veins. She closed her eyes.

No, no, no. Why is Zhou-ge here?

She remembered what Helian Taiqiang had told her. Master Liang needs to know.

Pushing the thought aside for the moment, she gulped and slowly turned to see Liang Yingzhou standing a few feet away.

"Zhou-ge," she said nervously. "What are you doing here?"

Ignoring her question, he repeated his. She flinched slightly at his cold words.

Making up a lie, she said, "It's simple. I cut off his head."

"Will Helian Taiqiang's account match yours?"

Tang Daiyu winced.

She tried to change the subject. "Zhou-ge... what are you doing here? I thought you were going back to Nanchang because you had to manage Swift Breeze Sect's disciples."

"I know what you're doing. Answer my question."

She wrung her hands nervously. "Uh, hahaha..."

Master Liang needs to know.

Tang Daiyu suddenly closed her eyes. She bit her lip in frustration. Her impure qi surged due to stress, and she focused on controlling it. After a few moments, her eyes opened. She stumbled to the side, breathing hard. Her eyelids fluttered.

Liang Yingzhou stepped forward, worry all over his face. "Ah Daiyu?"

She waved him off. "Don't. Please, don't come near me."

Things are getting worse. I need to end this... and soon.

"Ah Daiyu... are you injured?"

"No, no. I'm fine."

"Ah Daiyu."

A sharp, shooting jolt hit her head. Raising a hand to her temple, she pressed in, hard, trying to alleviate the pain. Tang Daiyu groaned.

"Ah Daiyu, what is it?"

"Nothing, Zhou-ge."

Ms. Tang, Master Liang needs to know.

"I know!" she suddenly screamed and dropped her head into her hands. "But I can't. I can't, I can't, I can't."


"Ah Daiyu," Liang Yingzhou murmured gently. He wrapped her in his arms. "Tell me what's wrong."

She looked up at him miserably. "No, no, no."

Emperor Jianyuan's eyes blazed with fury. "Stop pretending, Tang Daiyu."

Her qi refused to cooperate, and she cried out. Trying to dampen it, she was fighting a losing battle. When it finally settled, she was sweating and panting hard.

"Ah, Daiyu..." Liang Yingzhou's eyes bored into her. "What is affecting you?"

Before she could answer, a sword went flying towards her. Liang Yingzhou spun her around to shield her, but she pushed him away.

"Ah Daiyu," he began to protest.

Without waiting for him to finish, her instincts kicked in. Tang Daiyu whipped to face the sword, and she waited. As it was about to hit her, she leapt up into the air, twisted, and landed gracefully on her feet. Her hand reached out and latched onto the hilt, stopping the sword from flying any further. She twisted again and held the sword out towards Emperor Jianyuan. A decision toiled in her mind. Remembering her master's words, her grip on the sword's hilt tightened to the point her knuckles whitened.

It's not for using recklessly.

"Ah Daiyu?"

Upon hearing Liang Yingzhou's voice, she faltered.

Can I really do it? Will Zhou-ge hate me if I do? Is it worth it?

Her plan that she had made in Lotus Temple back in Tongwencheng ran through her mind. Tang Daiyu made her choice. Ignoring Liang Yingzhou, she closed her eyes. Her impure qi flared as she called on it.

I know the steps inside out. I can do this.

She launched herself forward, spinning. Like a snake, she wound around Emperor Jianyuan with the sword. She made four instant swipes at his body, slicing at his two carotid arteries and his two femoral arteries. With help from her impure qi, she quickly executed her skill and was back at her original spot within seconds. Blood dripped from the sword in her hand. She stared coldly at Emperor Jianyuan as he choked and bled. Liang Yingzhou turned towards her.


"Ah Daiyu, what have you done?!"

"What martial art have you taught her, Master Liang?" Li Xun demanded. "She can't have learned this on her own!"

"Stop!" she roared. "Head Eunuch, you can slander me all you want, I don’t care any longer, but leave Zhou-ge out of this. He knows nothing."

Emperor Jianyuan suddenly pitched forward, and his head hit the table.

"Royal Father!" Prince Han cried. He ran up to Emperor Jianyuan. After taking his father’s pulse, he turned, horrified, towards Tang Daiyu.

"You killed him," he breathed, half in shock. "You killed my Royal Father."

"He had it coming."

"You've now killed both of my parents."

"He killed mine first," she quickly retorted.

Official Xue stepped forward. "Tang Daiyu has assassinated the Emperor! Guards!"

Soon, guards rushed in. Too empowered by Hei Siwang, Tang Daiyu swiftly disposed of the guards. She shot forward and ended up with the tip of her sword against Official Xue's neck.

"Today, I won't kill you because I owe someone. But if you ever stand in my way again, I surely won’t spare you!"

He stared at her incredulously. She slowly lowered her sword until it came to rest at her side. Her light blue dress was stain with spots of red blood, but she didn't care. The only thing she could think about was her revenge.

"Ah Daiyu..." Liang Yingzhou said sadly. “You promised me that you’d never lose your morality.”

She spun towards him and saw the disappointment in his eyes. Swallowing, she tried to ignore his pity, but she couldn't.

Master Liang needs to know.

She sighed, giving in.

Very well, Crown Prince Luzhen. You win.

"Zhou-ge... it's time I told you something."

The entire room went silent. He took a step closer to her.


Just as she opened her mouth to begin explaining, a deep bass voice interrupted, "I thought I told you not to use Four Winding Snakes recklessly."

Tang Daiyu froze. Her eyes widened. She slowly turned around to see a black-clothed man wearing a matching mask. He walked towards her and stopped a couple feet away. She looked up at him.

"You didn't listen to me, Xiao Tang."

"S- Shifu?"

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