《Daiyu's Ascent》46. General Ye


"General," Tang Daiyu called out loudly. "Why waste your time on these monks? It's me you want, am I right?"

Everyone stopped fighting and turned to look at her. Ye Jianlu's eyes watched her with interest. Helian Taiqiang flew up to her side.

"Ms. Tang," he began quietly.

She shook her head, refusing to listen to him. Returning her focus to Ye Jianlu, she smirked with a dark playfulness. She snapped open her fan.

Slowly fanning herself, she said casually, "So, Emperor Jianyuan found me. Of course he did. So, what's the reward for bringing me back to Chang'an?"

"Fifteen hundred gold taels. And, the recognition."

"Why would you need it? Even I know you're Emperor Jianyuan's favourite general. To be honest, you already have the best recognition out of any general in His Majesty's Army."

"You’re right. I don't need the money. I just want to say I'm the one who brought you back."

Tang Daiyu scoffed, "You're just as arrogant as Lü Bu, and a military general at that."


Without waiting for him to finish, she snapped her fan shut and slid it up into her sleeve. She used her qinggong to fly down towards him. But as she drew near, she began to spin in the air. Whipping her sai out, she closed her eyes and channelled her impure qi. Within seconds of reaching and circling Ye Jianlu, he fell at her feet, bleeding profusely. Tang Daiyu landed softly, on one step above him. Glaring down at him, she held a killing intent in her eyes.

"Do you really think I'll let myself be dragged back in chains?" she sneered. "You've underestimated me, General Ye, and that's your fatal mistake."

"Wha- what was that martial art?" he choked out.

She sighed exaggeratedly and said, "Twelve Point Sting. It targets a person's meridians for a fatal blow."

Ye Jianlu stared up at her in horror. Helian Taiqiang appeared at her side.


"Ms. Tang," he began softly. "I thought you weren't going to use Hei Siwang again."

Turning towards him, she said, "I never promised that."

"Hei- Hei Siwang? The mysterious, rumoured to be myth, martial arts? You know it?!" Ye Jianlu cried.

Tang Daiyu focused on him and nodded. "Yes, I do. I mastered it a long time ago."

Ye Jianlu coughed, and blood spurted from his lips. After a few more agonising moments, he collapsed, dead. After prodding his limp body with her foot, Tang Daiyu took a backwards step up, satisfied.

"Ms. Tang, is this really the route you want to go?" Helian Taiqiang asked.

Turning to face him, she said nonchalantly, "I cannot get rid of this curse, so I might as well use it to my advantage while I can. When it takes over me, then I might regret it. But not now. Not while it's useful to me."

She could see the disagreement and disappointment in his eyes; but for the moment, she didn't care at all. Adjusting her stance, she fiddled with her position before stopping and looking up at him.

"Your Highness," Tang Daiyu began as she bowed respectfully to him. "Thank you for your protection these past months. I'll never forget what you've done for me. But now, it's time for me to return to Chang. I hope you stay well."

He bowed to her in return. "It was an honour to help Master Liang and Ms. Tang. I'm afraid I cannot see you back to Chang. I do apologise."

After they both straightened, she said, "I understand. I hope we can meet again one day, Your Highness."

"We will."

She nodded before bending down and picking up Ye Jianlu's blood-stained sword. Her grip tightened on the handle before she brought it swinging down. Ye Jianlu's severed head rolled down to the bottom of the steps, leaving a trail of blood in its wake.


Turning to Helian Taiqiang, she explained, "A gift... for Emperor Janyuan."

Without waiting for his answer, she used her qinggong and descended down the stairs, over the heads of the monks. Tang Daiyu picked up the head and looked around. Finally, she saw a bag on a dead soldier's body. Taking it, she placed Ye Jianlu's head in it and pulled the strings shut. With a final look back, she waved goodbye to Helian Taiqiang before turning and beginning her descent down the mountain.


A couple months later, Tang Daiyu finally arrived in bustling Chang'an. She made her way southwest towards Weiyang Palace.

At the front gates, she demanded to the guards, "I want to see Emperor Jianyuan."

The guards stood still, not responding.

Frustrated, she tried a different approach. "His Majesty wants to see me. Let me in."

Still no acknowledgement.

"Do you know who I am?!" she roared.



Suddenly, the double doors opened to reveal a very unimpressed Prince Han. Tang Daiyu reeled back, surprised.

"Liu Jin? Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Tang Daiyu."

"It's simple," she began sweetly. "I've come to speak with your father. And... I have a present for him."

She held up the sack containing Ye Jianlu's head and smiled. Prince Han eyed her warily before motioning for her to follow him.

"I don't know why you dared to show up here. My father still wants you dead."

"Do you think I don't know that? He sent General Ye after me."

Prince Han suddenly stopped in his tracks. "What?"

She stopped as well and turned to face him. Confusion flashed across her features.

"You didn't know?"

He shook his head. "No, I hadn't."

"Oh, well."

Tang Daiyu continued to walk forward and soon approached the entrance to the Front Hall. Prince Han came up beside her.

"Are you going in or not?"

"Will you come in as well?"

"I feel I must."

She sighed before nodding. Her feet crossed the threshold, and she headed in towards the throne room. Prince Han remain by her side the whole way. Breezing past the guards, she storming into the throne room, interrupting court.

"What?" Emperor Jianyuan roared. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Have I really changed so much you don't remember me?"

He peered at her before sitting back in his seat in shock. "Tang Daiyu?"

Murmurs ran through the court. Everyone began to point at her and whisper to each other. She didn’t care. Holding up the sack, she threw it at Emperor Jianyuan.

"Your Majesty, I've come bearing you a gift. I hope you accept it."

Li Xun fetched the bag, and his eyebrows furrowed it confusion at the heftiness. He handed it to Emperor Jianyuan who slowly opened the bag while eyeing her warily. Turning the bag upside down, the head of Ye Jianlu rolled out and fell onto the table in from of him. Cries went up into the air. Emperor Jianyuan’s gaze flashed to her. Prince Han turned and stared at her incredulously.

Calmly, Tang Daiyu said, "General Ye found me in Great Xia. Of course, I wouldn't let myself be dragged back here in chains. So, I'm afraid General Ye had to die. And, I decided to come here personally to deliver his head to you."

"Tang Daiyu, you're too ruthless!"

"Me? Too ruthless?" she scoffed incredulously. "In my entire life, I've only ever killed two other people, An Mei and Sixth Concubine Luli. But what about you, Your Majesty? How much blood is on your hands?"

Before Emperor Jianyuan could respond, another voice spoke up.

"How did General Ye die... Ah Daiyu?"

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