《Daiyu's Ascent》45. Lotus Temple


That evening, Tang Daiyu and Helian Taiqiang finally reached the summit of the mountain. A grand staircase built from the Ordos Region's natural clay greeted them. The natural beauty of the Lotus Temple soon appeared as lanterns were lit for the night, illuminating their destination. Amazement washed over Tang Daiyu's features. Helian Taiqiang turned and smiled slightly.

"I thought the same thing when I first climbed up here as a child."

Her eyes took in the deep red front pillars and the similar colour of the temple's traditional style architecture. Covered with a dark green tiled roof, the Lotus Temple loomed ahead of them.

"Let's go. It's already dark out."

She followed him in, and they were soon greeted by a Buddhist monk.

"Greetings to Crown Prince Luzhen."

Helian Taiqiang bowed back respectfully. Tang Daiyu followed his example.

After straightening up, he said, "It's been a long day and a long journey. Would it be okay if we light some incense tomorrow?"

"Of course," the monk answered quickly. "Let me show you to your rooms first then."

He led them down a side hall and waved to two doors on either side of the hall.

"Thank you," they said together.

The monk bowed and excused himself. Helian Taiqiang took the room on the left side of the hall, while Tang Daiyu walked into the room on the right. Inside, she looked around. Though it was modest accommodations with basic furniture and dishware, she didn't mind.

This reminds me of Peace Tree Inn. I can surely live like this for a couple nights if I had to do it for two years.

She sat down on the bed and sighed.

Mother, Father, Baobao, I'll make it up to you. I promise. While at Swift Breeze Sect, I discovered something. Don't worry, I'll be able to live on for all of you. Hei Siwang won't hold me back forever.


There was a knock on the door that interrupted her thoughts. She turned towards the sound and recognized Helian Taiqiang's familiar stature.

"Come in," she said.

He slid the door open and shut it behind him. "Is everything okay?"

She nodded. "I've been pampered, and I've suffered. This is fine, no worse that when I was on house arrest."

"Good. I assumed you wanted to light incense tomorrow, right? On the actual anniversary?"

"Yes, thank you. Plus, I’m tired tonight. It'll be good for me to get a good night's sleep so that I can properly pay my respects tomorrow."

"Alright, I'll leave first then."

She bid him goodnight and watched as he left. Once the door had slid shut, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her hands began to shake, and her eyebrows scrunched together. Her impure qi had suddenly surged and now, she had to calm it down before things got too far. Using a special technique, she dampened the power of her qi for a while. Once everything had calmed down, Tang Daiyu tried her best not to pant from the exertion. Blinking a few times, she took another deep breath before laying down and closing her eyes.


The next morning, she woke up and made sure she looked okay before leaving her room. As she wandered the temple, she wondered where Helian Taiqiang was. Tang Daiyu came across an outside courtyard in the middle of the temple. She looked at a Siberian pea-tree perfectly centred among the stone benches and gravel walkways.

"Miss, are you looking for His Highness?"

She turned around and saw the monk who had greeted them the previous night.

Nodding, she asked, "Do you know where he is?"

"Right this way, Miss."


Tang Daiyu followed the monk back inside and was led over to the prayer room. She saw Helian Taiqiang kneeling in front of the gold and bronze statue of the bodhisattva, Guanyin. His eyes were closed, and his lips were murmuring slightly. She walked forward and knelt down beside him. Reaching out, she lit some incense and set it back on the offering table in front. Closing her eyes, Tang Daiyu took a deep breath.

Mother, Father, Baobao, is it wrong of me to chose revenge? Should I just eventually return to Nanchang and stay in Swift Breeze Sect with Zhou-ge? Have I done the right thing?

I miss you all. I wish you all were still here. I wish things hadn't turned out the way they did. I wish I didn't remember what happened.

But I know, and I have to make up for it. Don't worry, you'll all soon be at peace. This will all be over soon.

She slowly opened her eyes. Helian Taiqiang was watching her, and she turned her head towards him.

"All good?" he asked.

She nodded.

He helped her to stand and escorted her out of the prayer room. They headed to the dining hall for lunch.


As they were eating, there was suddenly a commotion outside. The monks all ran outside. Left alone, Tang Daiyu flashed Helian Taiqiang a worried look.

"Rong and Prince Yelang can't really have found me, could they? Zhou-ge said I'd be safe in Great Xia."

"Stay here. I'll go check things out."

Before she could protest, he was up and gone. Abandoned, Tang Daiyu huffed. Looking down at her bowl of food, with her appetite now gone, she pushed the bowl away from herself. Standing up, she decided to ignore Helian Taiqiang.

She walked out of the dining hall and followed the walkway towards the front of Lotus Temple. The kerfuffle grew louder, and fear started to chill her blood. Hiding just on the other side of the front door, she heard grunting and the rustling of robes. Suddenly, a wounded monk went flying through the doors and landed just inside the temple. Frightened, Tang Daiyu jumped back. She swallowed slowly and took a deep breath.

Closing her eyes, she started to release the restrictions on her qi. Feeling it surge, her eyes sharpened, and she grew braver. Stepping out from her hiding spot, she appeared at the top of the stairs and looked down at the fighting below on the stairs. Her eyes caught on the invader and narrowed with fury. Her hands clenched into fists as her somewhat long fingernails dug into her palms, slightly drawing warm, red blood. The black and ivory fan dropped into her hand suddenly as she gripped it tightly.

General Ye Jianlu. Emperor Jianyuan's favourite and most loyal general.

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