《Daiyu's Ascent》40. Tongwencheng


Weeks later, after climbing mountains and crossing the northern border into Great Xia, Helian Taiqiang and Tang Daiyu finally arrived in Tongwencheng. She looked up at the walled, fortress-like city in amazement.

"I can't believe you live here, Your Highness. It seems like a place out of some story."

He chuckled, "Welcome to Tongwencheng, Ms. Tang. Come, let me introduce you to my Royal Father."

She nodded, and they approached the gate. Helian Taiqiang took out his jade command token and showed it to the guards. They bowed.

"Greetings to the Crown Prince. Welcome home!"

He nodded and led Tang Daiyu in. They wandered through the main marketplace on their way to the palace. Her eyes caught on various items: clothing, jewellery, purses, and hairpins. Noticing, he led her over to a nearby vendor selling fur coats. She saw a soft, beautiful white one.

Pointing to it, she asked, "What is this?"

"It's from a snow leopard. They're common here in the Ordos Desert during the winter months. Would you like it? We have yet to get you some warmer clothes. I'm sure you must be a little cold. It's my fault for not taking better care of you."

She waved it off. "It's okay, I'm not too chilled. But I do like the coat."

In response, Helian Taiqiang pulled out a gold ingot and handed it over to the vendor. The vendor smiled and nodded.

"It's very good quality. Thank you, Crown Prince!"

Helian Taiqiang helped Tang Daiyu put on the coat. The white coat perfectly complimented her light blue dress. Almost immediately, she began to warm up.

"Better now?"

She nodded. "Thank you, Your Highness."

"Of course. Now, we can meet my Royal Father."

They made their way towards the north end of the city. As they were walking, Tang Daiyu stopped, eyebrows furrowed.


"Where is the palace?"

She followed his finger as he pointed up. Her eyes bugged.

"Up on top of that cliff?!"

He nodded before chuckling. "Don't tell me you can't do another mountain. We've already crossed a few before."

"I just didn't expect that the palace would be so far above the city."

"It was built like this for strategic reasons."

Understanding the Art of War, Tang Daiyu nodded.


When they had entered the palace, a eunuch ran up to the Emperor to report.

"Your Majesty, Crown Prince Luzhen has returned. He's even brought a beautiful woman with him."

Emperor Heichen's eyes widened. "A woman you say?"

The eunuch nodded. "Yes, she seems to come from a good, well-to-do family."

"Well, I can't wait to meet her. Maybe, she'll even become my daughter-in-law!" Emperor Heichen roared with delight.

At that moment, a guard announced, "His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Luzhen!"

Helian Taiqiang entered the throne room with Tang Daiyu at his side. They neared the throne upon which Emperor Heichen sat and bowed respectfully.

"Greetings to my Royal Father."

"Greetings to His Majesty."

"Rise, rise."

They straightened up, and Helian Taiqiang cleared his throat. "Royal Father, I know I've been gone for a while. I apologise. I’ll accept any punishment you deem worthy enough."

"You left for a reason. I will not hold that against you. Plus, you've brought back such a delightful beauty."

Tang Daiyu blushed and looked down at the ground, feigning innocence.

"Royal Father, let me introduce you. This is Tang Daiyu."

Emperor Heichen peered at her. "Tang Daiyu? You wouldn't happen to be a descendant of Tang Dali, the Divine Lightning Master?"

"He's my ancestor, yes."

The Emperor leaned back in his throne, shocked. "So how did Taiqiang meet you?"


"I'm a citizen of Chang, but recently, I've come across some bad fortune. Master Liang of Swift Breeze Sect reached out to His Highness for help."

"You know Master Liang?"

Tang Daiyu nodded. "He's my ge ge. And he's the Master of Swift Breeze Sect, which is technically mine by ancestry. Tang Dali was a Master of Swift Breeze Sect also. His descendants each inherited the sect, child after parent."

"So, you're actually the Master of Swift Breeze Sect?"

She shook her head and explained the truth. When she was done, Emperor Heichen was surprised. Even Helian Taiqiang was dumbfounded.

"I don't know any martial arts. My cultivation abilities are very low. Master Liang tried to teach me a few basics, but I didn't catch on at all. I'd much rather he remain the Master to uphold the reputation of my family's legacy."

Lies, lies, and more lies.

Emperor Heichen nodded in understanding. "Ms. Tang, you come from a very good family. If you become my daughter-in-law, I'd be happy."

Her eyes widened, and Helian Taiqiang nearly choked.

"Royal Father, that isn't why I brought her here. She-"

Tang Daiyu interrupted him. "Back home, Emperor Jianyuan of Chang and Emperor Rong of Heping both want me dead. Master Liang thought that the best place for me to hide was in the Sixteen Kingdoms."

"Why do they want you dead?"

She sighed. "I know something I'm not supposed to."

"And what is that?"

Sadness filled her eyes. She looked up at Emperor Heichen.

I haven't even told Zhou-ge that I know. That I remember.

"The reason behind my family's annihilation."


That evening, Tang Daiyu was bathing when there was a knock on her bedroom's door.

"Ms. Tang," Helian Taiqiang's voice rang. "My Royal Father has decided to throw a banquet for you. I've brought over a dress of my late mother's that I think might fit you."

"Thank you, Your Highness. I apologise, I'm currently... busy. Jiu Pang, will you collect the clothes from His Highness?"

"Yes, Miss."

Her servant opened the door slightly and took the dress from Helian Taiqiang. She shut the door and brought it over to Tang Daiyu.

"Thank you."

"Yes, Miss."

Soon, Tang Daiyu got out of the bath and dried off. With Jiu Pang's assistance, she dressed into a crimson red dress with gold intricacies embroidered as leaves and vines. Two identical gold hairpins were pushed into her bun at the back of her head. She looked at herself in the mirror.

"You look very beautiful, Miss."

Liang Yingzhou's words from their childhood floated to the surface of her memories. Young Lady Tang will soon rival Xi Shi, Wang Zhaojun, and Diaochan.

Her black eyes stared back at her, and she watched as her lips set into a determined line.

Tongwencheng, I'll show you the true meaning of beauty.

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