《Daiyu's Ascent》39. Crown Prince


Helian Taiqiang nodded once, affirming Prince Yelang's guess. Tang Daiyu stood still, dumbfounded. Just how many powerful and high up people does Zhou-ge know?

"Yes, I'm the Crown Prince of Great Xia. Master Liang of the Swift Breeze Martial Art Sect asked for a favour. A while ago, he saved my life. So, I was honoured to fulfill his request."

"Master Liang seems to always be mentioned along with you, Tang Daiyu," Prince Yelang said.

She raised her chin, purposefully haughtful. "He owes my father. This is his honour to be helping me."

"Are you sure that's all? Hasn’t he done enough to repay that traitorous old man of yours yet?"

Her eyes blazed with killing intent. "Take that back! My father was a good man!"

She moved to fulfill her intentions, not caring about revealing her martial arts, but Helian Taiqiang held her back.

"Ms. Tang, don't be so impulsive."

"Helian Taiqiang, you-!"

He pushed her behind him and confronted Prince Yelang.

"Your Highness, it wouldn't do either of us any good if we have a duel to the death now. If I kill you, I'd be killing a prince of Heping on Chang soil; and if you kill me, you'd be killing the Crown Prince of Great Xia on Chang soil. Since I have no grudges nor hatred towards Heping, Great Xia would see my death as a declaration of war from Heping. Chang would become the battleground. You may want Ms. Tang dead, but must the innocent people of Heping, Chang, and Great Xia have to pay the price for a useless war?"

Prince Yelang stopped, thinking about Helian Taiqiang's words. Seeing the consequences were indeed dire, he grumbled.

"Go, then. Take her away."

The two turned to leave, but then he added, "Daiyu, if you ever enter China again, both Rong and Emperor Jianyuan will not hesitate in killing you."

She turned around, snarling, "Let's see if they can try."

Then, she whipped back forward and walked over to the horse. With a boost, she mounted astride. Helian Taiqiang swung up behind her, reached under her armpits, and grabbed hold of the reins. He flicked them.



He urged the stallion into a gallop. They soon disappeared into the horizon. Prince Yelang watched them leave, eyes narrowing to slits.

Just you wait, Tang Daiyu. You cannot escape your impeding death forever.


Helian Taiqiang and Tang Daiyu followed the Huang River north until it banked off to the left. Then, they stopped.

"Your Highness, how are we getting across? The river's not too wide here, but I fear there may be consequences if we try crossing the ice."

"Yes, the ice isn't thick enough. But don't worry, Ms. Tang. I have a solution."

"Wha-? Aiya!"

He used his qinggong and flew both of them over the river. When they landed on the other side, she turned around.

"What about the horse?"

"He's a wild beast I tamed on the way here. His home is in Chang. I think his herd might even be nearby. This turn is near where I found him. He had been injured, so I took care of him."

"So now we have to walk?"

Helian Taiqiang nodded. "It's still a ways until we get to the mountains, and after that, the steppes. We can make good time now, but the latter parts will become more and more arduous."

"O- okay,” she said nervously.

They continued walking north. On the way, Tang Daiyu tried again to make some small talk.

"So…, you're the Crown Prince. Why didn't Zhou-ge tell me that?"

"Maybe he figured that you'd already know. There's been generations of the Helian family who have ruled over Great Xia."

Tang Daiyu turned her head away from him. Did my father really not teach me as much as I thought he did? How can I be so ignorant about these things?

"I didn't know though." After a pause, she asked, "Will I like Tongwencheng? How different is it from Luoyang or Chang'an?"

He sighed, "It's much colder there. You're going to need warmer clothes soon. But the city is built like a fortress, so it might seem unwelcoming at first. But for me, it's home."

"Are you happy to be going home?"

He nodded. "Home is home."


"Your Highness?"


"How did Zhou-ge save your life?"

Helian Taiqiang looked down at his feet, stepping one foot in front of the other. He sighed sadly.

"A year ago, I was fighting for the position of Crown Prince with my brothers. We had been racing across the steppes outside of Tongwencheng. We were all bruised and battered, but still pushed our horses as fast as we could. I got knocked off my horse by my third brother, Helian Que. After pulling his arrow out of my shoulder, I struggled to my feet. Clutching my shoulder, I ran and hid behind a thicket of bushes. As I was hiding, I saw a man dressed in dark blue. He looked well-to-do and was walking his black stallion, leading the beast by its reins. I was amazed; he definitely didn't look like he belonged in Great Xia. So I looked around before approaching him."

"I said to him, 'Good sir, why are you travelling this barbaric road alone?'"

"And was this man Zhou-ge?" Tang Daiyu asked.

Helian Taiqiang nodded. "He replied, 'I have no worries. Therefore, I'm travelling this road alone. Thank you, sir, for your concern though.' I really was shocked by him. He seemed so noble, I assumed he had to be from a noble family in Chang."

"Then what happened?"

His eyes darkened at the memory of that day. With a cold monotone, he answered, "My brothers came."

"They descended upon us. Before I knew really what was happening, he had pulled out a sword and was leaping up into the air with his qinggong. Though he couldn't be any older than me, he moved like a master of martial arts, swift and elegant. He fought my brothers, eight on one. They twisted and spun, swords clanging and screeching. But then, he used an ancient secret from the martial arts world in the South and defeated my brothers with one blow. They all fell back onto the ground, clutching at their chests and writhing in pain. He sheathed his sword, turned towards me, and bowed respectfully."

"He said, 'Your Highness, it was an honour to meet you. I hope we can meet again one day.' And with that, he turned to leave. I was shocked beyond belief. I thought, He's so good at martial arts. Is it possible he's a master?"

"Then what happened?"

"My brothers and I returned home. Our Royal Father was furious with us. As he was reprimanding us, a eunuch came up and whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened, and he straightened himself in his throne. After clearing his throat, he said, 'Let him in.' Confused, my brothers and I turned around. We watched as the doors opened, and a familiar man came walking in. Our eyes bugged, and we followed him as he stopped in front of our Royal Father."

"He bowed and said, 'Greetings to Emperor Heichen.' Our Royal Father waved off the formalities. He asked, 'To whom does Great Xia owe the honour of seeing the new Master of Swift Breeze Sect in the South?"

"Master Liang chuckled and said, 'I, Liang Yingzhou, was just on my way to enter Tongwencheng when I came across a very interesting scene.' He turned towards my brothers and I, causing them to cringe away in fear. Our Royal Father noticed this and demanded to know if we had troubled Master Liang with our squabbles. All of us looked away, guilty. He sighed and apologised to Master Liang for us."

"Graciously, Master Liang smiled and said, 'It was no bother at all. I just couldn't stand to see people ganging up on one person.' Our Royal Father then dismissed my brothers and I and spoke to Master Liang alone. Next thing we knew, I was announced as the Crown Prince of Great Xia. I was shocked, and my brothers were furious. But our Royal Father threatened to exile them from home if they dared to harm me. So, I've had no troubles for the past year."

"Was it Zhou-ge, then, that helped you?"

Helian Taiqiang nodded solemnly. "Not only did Master Liang save my life, but because of him, I'm the Crown Prince of Great Xia. Even though I never wanted to be."

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