《Daiyu's Ascent》38. Great Xia


A day and a half later, Tang Daiyu was sitting at the table, eating lunch, when the doors to the room opened. She looked up.

"Ms. Yang? What is it?"

"There's someone downstairs. He claims he knows you."

Remembering Liang Yingzhou's words, she asked, "What's his name?"

"He said his name is Helian Taiqiang."

"I'll see him," Tang Daiyu said as she stood. "Take me to meet him."

Yang Yan nodded and led the way. They descended the stairs. At the bottom, waiting for them, was a man dressed in furs and heavier clothing. Some of his long black hair was tied up and held by a small, gold hairpiece. The rest hung down his back. His black eyes held untold depths of experience and knowledge. He was also young, just about maybe mid-twenties. His eyes fell upon Tang Daiyu as she approached.

"Ms. Tang," he said and bowed respectfully. "My name is Helian Taiqiang. Master Liang instructed me to keep you safe."

"I know. Zhou-ge told me before he left."

She turned towards Yang Yan and said, "Ms. Yang, thank you for taking care of me these past couple of days. I won't forget Tiantang Zhi Jia's hospitality. If you ever need anything in the future, you can come to me."

The courtesan bowed and replied, "Many thanks, Young Lady Tang."

After bidding goodbye, Tang Daiyu followed her new escort out into the streets of Luoyang. Helian Taiqiang led her over to a hitching post. He undid the reins of a majestic white horse and turned to face her. An apologetic look crossed his face.

"I'm afraid I only have the one horse."

"That's okay."

"Do you know how to ride?"

Tang Daiyu nodded. "My father taught me long ago."

"Then let me help you."

He cupped his hands for her to use as a boost. She sat side-saddle on the horse. Helian Taiqiang took the reins and led the horse and rider away from Tiantang Zhi Jia. They soon exited the city, following the Huang River north. The pace was slow, but neither of them minded. A comfortable silence settled over the unlikely pair.



As the sky darkened, they stopped for the night. Helian Taiqiang set up camp along the riverside and sat down to sharpen a forked branch. Not used to outdoor type things, Tang Daiyu could only sit by the fire idly. She watched as her companion waded into the cold water to fish.

We're still in the time of Taoyue. How can he not be freezing in the cold water?

But soon enough, he had caught three fish within fifteen minutes. After cooking them over the fire, Helian Taiqiang and Tang Daiyu enjoyed their dinner.

Finally, she decided to break the ice. Turning towards him, she asked, "What do you do in Tongwencheng?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your work. What's your profession?"

He side-eyed her before returning his concentration on his meal, remaining silent.

Not giving up, she began to guess. "Are you a clothes maker? Your outfit doesn't seem inexpensive to me. I don't know anything about Great Xia clothing, but I'd say that you come from a decent family at the very least."

"You've met Master Liang. Would he really make contacts with anyone he didn't think could be called upon later?"

Seeing he was right, she tried a different route. "You're Xiongnu, right? One of the nomadic Five Barbarians?"

She suddenly slapped a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry, I- that's not what I meant."

He sighed and threw the fish bones into the fire. Standing up, Helian Taiqiang faced the tranquil river. Feeling embarrassed and guilty, she stood too and walked over, coming up shoulder-to-shoulder with him.

"I'm sorry if I've offended you. I've been scolded by Zhou-ge about speaking before thinking many times. Please, Mr. Helian, don't take my words to heart."

Silence. Unsure if he was actually upset or not, Tang Daiyu could only muse.

Great. I have a long journey to an unknown and unfamiliar place. And, I've already offended my companion for the trip.

She sighed and silently chastised herself.

Suddenly, she heard the screech of steel and felt a hand push her. Tang Daiyu gave a little yelp and stumbled towards the river. She fell to her hands and knees in the cold water. Turning her head around, she watched as black-clothed men descended from the nearby treetops, their qinggong aiding them well. Not too far away, she saw an arrow with the familiar fletching of the Feng Royal Family of Heping. Her eyes widened.


So, Prince Yelang dares to come this far north, even into Chang land, just to capture or kill me. Great. Will I ever be safe?

She watched as Helian Taiqiang fought the assassins. Their martial arts were all extremely good. But her protector's was still better. He fought strategically and used his own martial arts in a conservative manner.

He's trying to save up his internal force. I wonder if martial artists in Great Xia have a special skill that requires a lot of qi.

Soon, Helian Taiqiang flew upwards and started to spiral back down, his sword pointed aimed at the centre of the others and not at someone in particular. Confused, Tang Daiyu watched with a growing interest.

But then, she heard a splash and felt a yank on her clothes.


The next thing she knew, she was standing on her feet with the cold steel of a dagger’s edge against her throat.

"Sir," a familiar voice rang out from behind her. "I don't know who you are, but I would suggest that you surrender now. Otherwise..." Her captor's grip on her tightened, and Tang Daiyu tried to squirm out of his grasp to no avail. "Young Lady Tang will die."

Helian Taiqiang twisted and landed on his feet. He glowered at the man holding her.

Her captor said, quite loudly, "Daiyu, you've been quite busy. First, you seduced my son, then the Master of Swift Breeze Sect, and now your new protector."

Helian Taiqiang's eyes darkened with fury. Tang Daiyu fought against Prince Yelang, but he was much stronger than her. He leaned into her ear, smirking. "Struggle anymore, Daiyu, and I'll hit your Jizhong acupoint."

She stopped moving, but anger flashed across her face.

"How could I have seduced Rong when he's been playing this cruel game from the very start? And Zhou-ge? Ha! Hahahahahaha! He's my ge ge. And this man?" she nodded towards Helian Taiqiang. "I've only just met him! So, dear Father-in-law, why don't you stop slandering me? I don't care if you send me to the Yellow Spring, but I won't let you drag the Tang family name through the mud any longer!"

"Daiyu," Prince Yelang growled. "Don't be too much!"

"I wasn't the one who started this. You and Rong did. But guess what? I'll end this."


"Let her go," Helian Taiqiang's deep bass voice called out.

Prince Yelang's attention shifted. "Who are you, Sir? It's your bad fortune to be associated with this shameless woman."

"Prince Yelang, you bastard!" Tang Daiyu snapped.

"My name is not one you get to know."

Thinking that this man seemed daunting, Prince Yelang started to question who he was. He didn't seem to be Han.

"I’m a prince of Heping, the Emperor's father even! Whose name do I not deserve to know?"

Helian Taiqiang eyed Prince Yelang warily. He tried to figure out how to safely get Tang Daiyu back and get away. Finally, he decided to barter.

"Let her go, and I'll tell you who I am."

"And why would I do that?"

“Because I can kill you easily without harming Ms. Tang at all.”

Prince Yelang grumbled, "Very well."

Helian Taiqiang swiped out with his sword; and soon, the last assassin fell to his steel. Prince Yelang knew then that he had underestimated the strange man before him. He released Tang Daiyu and shoved her towards her companion.

"Ms. Tang!"

She stumbled into his arms. He steadier her quickly and took a respectful step away. Facing Prince Yelang, his features changed from concern to impassive.

Keeping to his promise, Helian Taiqiang raised his chin coldly and said, "My name is Helian Taiqiang."

Prince Yelang's eyes bugged. He choked out, "You're the Crown Prince of Great Xia?"

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