《Daiyu's Ascent》37. Official Xue


Liang Yingzhou watched Tang Daiyu go pale. Her face blanched, and concern flashed across his features.

"Ah Daiyu, what is it?"

She quickly shushed him. Grabbing his wrist, she started pulling him towards the window. Out in the main entertaining area below, Yang Yan was trying to stall Xue Longxian.

"I'm afraid we don't have any precious black jade stones here, Official Xue. There's green jade and white jade bracelets and other gemstones in our jewellery collection though."

Suddenly, Liang Yingzhou understood. "You recognized his voice instantly and panicked. What aren't you telling me?"

Instead of answering his question, she said, "We need to go, Zhou-ge. We can't stay here any longer."

But despite her efforts, he didn't budge.

"What aren't you telling me, Ah Daiyu?"

She just shook her head, not wanting to admit the truth. He sighed and followed her out onto the small platform balcony. Using his qinggong, he took her up onto the roof.

Once they landed, he asked again, "Ah Daiyu… did Official Xue do something to you?"

After gulping, she looked down at her shaking hands. Tang Daiyu closed her eyes. Two fingers gently raised her chin. Her eyes met his.

"Ah Daiyu?"

"H- he, he was just lewd with his words and actions. I- I wasn't ruined, but… it was always a fear. As just a maid in the palace serving the Fifth Princess, I tried to avoid him as much as I could. When I became Sixth Concubine Luli's precious companion, not even he dared to offend me then."

Liang Yingzhou’s eyes darkened. He said coldly, "Wait for me here. Stay low though, I don't want anyone to see you."

She caught his wrist and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Just to make sure Official Xue doesn't harm Ms. Yang, Ms. Shi, or Ms. Wei since they were kind enough to take us in."

And with that, he was gone. Tang Daiyu huffed and sat down on the roof of Tiantang Zhi Jia.


Inside, Liang Yingzhou leaned over the railing, watching the events unfold from the second floor. Yang Yan was still trying to divert Xue Longxian, but he looked as if he did not believe her.

"Ms. Yang, I know you have Tang Daiyu here. If you hand her over, my men and I will leave Tiantang Zhi Jia alone."

"I don't know who that is. We don't have a Tang Daiyu here. And if you're threatening Tiantang Zhi Jia, then you will


make many enemies of the other men who frequent here."

Having heard enough, Liang Yingzhou glided down from above. He stood just beside Yang Yan and clasped his hands behind his back.

Turning to face Xue Longxian, he didn't bow and instead defended Yang Yan, "Ms. Yang just said there there's no such person here. So why do you keep pestering her?"

"Y- you! Who are you?"

"Please, pardon me for not introducing myself first, Official Xue. I just couldn't bear to see you bullying a woman. My name is Liang Yingzhou."

Xue Longxian's eyes widened in realisation. "You're Jiangru's sworn brother. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the martial arts world?"

"Yes, since Master Zhuge passed away, I'm now Master of Swift Breeze Sect. And, I do have my disciples to train and care for, but I also have another, equally important, task that requires my attention first."

"And what is that, Master Liang?"

Liang Yingzhou's eyes darkened. Dislike towards this corrupt official started to turn into hate. He hated that this man scared Tang Daiyu so much. He hated that this man watched as her family was destroyed. He hated that this man relished in his position as the Emperor's most trusted advisor.

"Keeping you, and everyone else, away from my mei mei."

"Your mei mei? I don't know who your mei mei is."

Liang Yingzhou gave him a mocking bow. "I apologise, I mean Ah Daiyu."

Realisation dawned on Xue Longxian. "You're protecting Tang Daiyu? I suppose you have a death wish then?"

"No, but you do."

He drew his sword and sheath. In a blur, he shot by Xue Longxian and swiped out with his blade. Within a couple seconds, he was back in his original spot, the only indication he had moved was the fall of the hem of his robes and hair as they settled down. Xue Longxian stumbled and clutched at his arms, which had both been cut along with his back and chest. He looked up and stared at Liang Yingzhou in awe, shock, and horror.

"Jiangru had mentioned the One Hundred Dancing Lightning Strike once. I didn't know it was attainable. It seems that the student has surpassed the master."

What Liang Yingzhou didn't know was that Tang Daiyu had shifted one of the tiles on the roof, giving her a peephole to look through. Her hands clenched.

Zhou-ge might be lenient to you because of his ties with your son, but I won't be. This is for what you did to me and my family.


She summoned her internal force and used Apparition Maneuver. Xue Longxian suddenly stumbled back a few feet, dropping to a knee, and vomited blood. Liang Yingzhou's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Tang Daiyu watched from above. Let's see how you like having your internal organs be control by me.

She curled her fingers, twisting his internal organs. He grunted in pain and more blood spurted from his lips. Liang Yingzhou watched in disbelief.

"Liang Yingzhou," Official Xue snarled. "You dare to so blatantly attack the father of your own sworn brother?!"

Pretending to have done it, he said, "Xue Longxian, I'm sparing your life today because you're my brother's father. But if you ever dare to harm Tang Daiyu again, I won't be so merciful."

Then, using his qinggong, Liang Yingzhou flew up to the second floor and disappeared from sight. Tang Daiyu quickly replaced the tile and looked up towards the fluffy white clouds slowly floating along in the light blue sky. Xue Longxian gritted his teeth and turned to leave. Yang Yan saw him to the door.

Up on the roof, Liang Yingzhou sat down next to Tang Daiyu. She turned towards him.

"Did, did you kill him?" she asked, pretending she wasn't aware of what had happened.


She hit his chest suddenly. "Well, why not?!"

"Xue Jiangru, otherwise known as Young Master Xue, is my sworn brother. We were both students of Master Zhuge in Swift Breeze Sect. Xiao Xue has a life-long affliction that affected his martial arts cultivation. When he fell really ill, Master Zhuge thought that it'd be best if he returned to Luoyang, so he saw him home. Master Zhuge returned from the journey to Luoyang and was healthy for the next six months. But then, he grew ill also and his health deteriorated quickly." Liang Yingzhou looked down at the streets sadly. "He only lived for a couple more weeks."

Tang Daiyu scooted a little closer to him and wrapped her arms around his, resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to watch your brother and master suffer."

I'm also sorry you will have to watch me suffer.

"It's been two years now," he murmured sadly. Then he added, "I spared Xue Longxian's life today because of the brotherhood I share with his son. But I warned him that if he ever dared to hurt you, I wouldn't be so forgiving next time."

"He didn't know you're Swift Breeze Sect's Master?”

He shook his head. "Xiao Xue doesn't know either."

"Didn't you tell him?"

"It wasn't the right time."

"But he's your friend. Your sworn brother even!"

"Ah Daiyu, your safety matters more than who knows my status. I'm afraid we can't stay in Luoyang much longer. Official Xue will have men coming here again unless we go."

"Okay. Where do you suggest we go then, Zhou-ge?"

"Unfortunately, Ah Daiyu, we're going to have to part for a bit. I need to return to Nanchang to make sure Head Disciple isn't spoiling the others. The Elders shouldn't be indulging them, but I cannot say for sure."

"Then, what about me? Where should I go?"

"For now, you'll be safer somewhere far away. I've already contacted a friend in Tongwencheng in the north. He'll be here in a day or so. Hide out here in Tiantang Zhi Jia until he arrives."

Then, Liang Yingzhou stood up.

"Wait!" Tang Daiyu cried as she reached for his sleeves. "Tongwencheng? But that's not even in China! You're sending me north into the rival northern states! Great Xia? You mean the nomadic Xiongnu tribe, one of the Five Barbarians? Zhou-ge, do you really want me to die?!"

He turned and gave her a stern look. "No one will search for you there. You cannot stay in Chang or Heping; it’s no longer safe anywhere in China. The tumultuous Sixteen Kingdoms in the North is your only refuge right now, Ah Daiyu."

She looked at him, horrified.

"Wait here for a man named Helian Taiqiang. He'll escort you to Tongwencheng. Do not leave with anyone else. Do you understand me?"

Tang Daiyu could do nothing but nod helplessly. And with that, Liang Yingzhou pulled away from her and went flying across the rooftops of Luoyang, bearing south.

She curled up into a little ball, clutching her knees to her chest. Tear welled in her eyes. But suddenly, she convulsed and turned her head, vomiting blood onto the roof. Her qi surged, and she meditated for half a shichen to calm it.

"It's beginning," Tang Daiyu murmured to herself. “I'm almost to my peak. Which means, I don't have much more time in the Red Dust."

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