《Daiyu's Ascent》35. Xiao Xue


"I'm not the one you should be apologising to," Liang Yingzhou said coldly. A dour look crossed his face as he continued to stare at the eunuch in front of him.

Getting his meaning, Li Xun nodded and turned to face Tang Daiyu. "Tang Daiyu, I apologise for my rudeness. Please, punish me."

She took a deep breath and walked over to him saying, "Li Xun, Li Xun, as much as I want to punish you, for now and what happened in the past, Emperor Jianyuan will know you found me if you return to Chang'an battered and bruised. So, your punishment will have to wait for another time."

Li Xun quickly bowed in rapid succession to her. "Many thanks to you. Many thanks. Tang Daiyu really is kind and magnanimous. Blessings and good health to Tang Daiyu."

Liang Yingzhou turned towards her. "You've gotten wiser, Ah Daiyu."

She waved it off with a flick of her hand. "It's common sense, isn't it? The Emperor will know if something's off. It's better to let things lie for the moment. Head Eunuch can compose himself on the way back to the capital."

And with that, she spun on her heels and walked away. Returning to the market area, Tang Daiyu wandered around, but it wasn't long before she was being escorted by Shuo Zhang, Cao Meixin, Wang Yishen, and Liang Yingzhou. She stopped walked, but didn't bother with turning around. The others came up alongside her.

Scoffing, she said, "You'd think I was some important dignitary or something with the way you all are following me around. Isn't it better to let me wander alone or at the most with one other person? That way there’s less attention is drawn to us, me in particular."

"Ah Daiyu is right," Liang Yingzhou agreed. "Master Cao, Lord Shuo, Physician Wang, thank you for watching over my mei mei, but I can handle things from here. You may leave first."

Not wanting to argue with him, they excused themselves, split up, and disappeared into the crowd. Finally, Tang Daiyu turned to face her babysitter.

"Zhou-ge," she whined quietly, awaiting punishment.

His eyes fell upon her bowed head. He placed the conical hat back on her head and sighed. "Ah Daiyu, do you see the consequences of your actions now?"

She remained silent, knowing he wasn't done yet.

"Head Eunuch has evil intentions, yes, but he is also working for Emperor Jianyuan. Everyone is intertwined. If you hit at one, others will fall with them. It's a chain, Ah Daiyu."

"Are you about to give me rule number four?"

"Aiya, can you really still joke at a time like this? What if Physician Wang hadn't been close enough to help you? Li Xun would've killed you." His voice dropped low and sad as he added, "Do you really not value your life?"


Realising that he was not mad, but disappointed, worsened the tugging of guilt on her heart. She looked away, ashamed.

I could've saved myself if I really had to.

"So many would rejoice if I were dead. I'm an unfilial daughter, how can I keep living with that disgrace? Who would even care if I lived or died?"

Before she could think, the words had tumbled out. As soon as she had said them, she looked down at the ground and brought her hand to her mouth, quickly disciplining herself.

"Stupid mouth, why do you blabber such things?"

Tang Daiyu didn't dare to look up and check the expression on her companion's face. After what Cao Meixin had told her, she knew the answer to her own question. Liang Yingzhou's heart ached upon hearing her words. He watched her, not moving a muscle and with no desire to say anything. When she finally stopped hitting herself, her eyes flicked up. The edge of the hat blocked most of her view, but she did see the doleful look on his face.

"I've upset Zhou-ge, haven't I?"

He cleared his throat and clasped his hands behind his back. Straightening his composure, he gazed down at her.

"Let's go. I have a friend here in the city. He's a good man."

"Do you trust him?"

Liang Yingzhou side-eyed her. She must remember my rules.

Scoffing, he kept his eyes forward. At least she remembers something I've taught her.

He led her through the streets of Luoyang before they turned down a residential road and stopped in front of large, maroon colored, double doors with shiny brass knockers. Two guards stood on either side of the doors. The plaque stationed above read Xue Manor.

Tang Daiyu's eyebrows furrowed. "Xue? Do you mean as in Official Xue, Emperor Jianyuan's most trusted advisor?"

Liang Yingzhou turned towards her. "It seems your time in Weiyang Palace did you some good."


Without waiting for her to finish her sentence, he walked forward and knocked on the door. She ran up next to him.

"But he serves Emperor Jianyuan! Zhou-ge, are you planning on serving me to His Majesty on a silver platter?"

He flicked her forehead softly, lightly scolding her. "No. Don't be ridiculous."

The doors opened, and a servant stepped out.

"Tell me, is Young Master Xue home?"

The servant bowed politely and said, "Yes, Sir."

"Take us to him."

"Uh, I'm afraid Young Master is busy at the moment. Why don't you come back at another time, Sir, Madam?"

"And I'm afraid that matters cannot wait. My wife and I have something urgent to discuss with Young Master Xue."

Tang Daiyu's eyebrows shot up. Wife?!


She glared at Liang Yingzhou from under the safety of her conical hat. Despicable man! Wife? Couldn't he have come up with a better option? Didn't he say earlier that I'm his mei mei? Why couldn't

he have said that?

The poor servant cleared his throat. "Please, wait here. I'll go ask Young Master if he can see you."

"Thank you."

They watched the servant bowed again and retreat. Once he was gone, Tang Daiyu turned towards Liang Yingzhou.

"Wife?!" she cried as she pounded her fists against his strong, muscled chest. "Zhou-ge, you-!"

He caught her wrists easily. She tried fighting him for a moment before realising it'd never work. After she relaxed, he let go of her wrists, and they promptly fell back to her sides. He reached out and using two fingers, gently raised her chin for her to look up at him.

"I've said what needs to be said. Don't think on it, mei mei."

"Then, what about Young Master Xue? Is he your friend, Zhou-ge? Can you trust him?"

He nodded.

Tang Daiyu looked up at the words on the plaque and shivered. Her eyes squeezed shut as the memories of the night her parents died flooded her conscious memory. Her hands clenched tight, knuckles turning white. She bit her lip, forcing physical pain to overcome the emotions surging within her.

Liang Yingzhou tilted his head and noticed her distress. He quickly rested his hands on her shoulders.

"Ah Daiyu, Ah Daiyu!"

He shook her lightly, trying to break her from the past. She started to double forward as the emotional pain engulfed her. Not knowing what else to do, he wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a hug.

"It's okay, Ah Daiyu. I'm right here. It's okay, Ah Daiyu."

The past overwhelmed her, and she fainted, her body going limp. She began to slid towards the ground, but he quickly caught her.

"Ah Daiyu!"

Her head lolled, and he swept her up into a Princess Carry. Just then, the servant returned. He eyed them warily before bowing politely.

"Young Master will see the both of you now."

"Good," Liang Yingzhou said.

He followed the servant in. They walked over to the east side of the manor. The servant stopped at a pair of bamboo slider doors and opened them.

"Young Master is inside waiting for you."

Without another word, Liang Yingzhou stepped inside. Behind him the servant bowed and retreated. He walked forward.


Soon, another young man came into view. He appeared to be in his early twenties, with a thin build and a slight, sickly pallor. Upon seeing his friend, he perked up.

"Xiao Liang," he said, pleasantly surprised. "What have I done to deserve a visit from my sworn brother?"

His eyes trailed over Tang Daiyu. "Who is this?"

Liang Yingzhou paused before saying, "Xue Jiangru, meet Tang Daiyu."

Xue Jiangru's eyes widened in shock. "Xiao Liang, you mean the Tang Daiyu?"

He nodded. "You're the only one in this city that I could think of that'd be willing to help her."

Taking a step back, Xue Jiangru started shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Xiao Liang. I wish I could, but I can't. I don't mean to turn my back on our brotherhood, you're my sworn brother after all. If it was just you, I'd do anything."

He took another look at Tang Daiyu who was still unconscious. "But if what you want from me involves her, I’m afraid I cannot do it."

"Why, Xiao Xue?"

He raised an eyebrow at him. "She didn't tell you?"

There was a moment's pause before, "Tell me what?"

Xue Jiangru changed the subject slightly. "Honestly, I would've been quite surprised if she had consciously managed to cross the manor's threshold."

"What do you mean?"

The other man sighed. "You don't know, and it's not for me to tell you. But since she's currently... indisposed at the moment, I guess I'll have to."

"Tell me what, Xiao Xue?"

"My father, Official Xue, was present in the Front Hall of Weiyang Palace when her parents were killed. He was also the one investigating the late Chancellor Ru's affairs, though Young Lady Tang may not know that part. But she obviously remembers that night well enough if she fainted outside."

Tang Daiyu's words echoed in Liang Yingzhou's ears. Are you planning on serving me to His Majesty on a silver platter?

He put the pieces together. She was telling me that Official Xue's manor wasn't the place to stay. Ah Daiyu was warning me.

He looked down at her sadly.

"I don't blame her, though. I mean, I personally wouldn't want to step inside the home of someone who was a part of those that killed my parents."

"Xiao Xue, do you know of anyone else in this city who can hide her?"

Xue Jiangru thought about it. Finally, he nodded and hummed in affirmation. A mischievous smile tugged on the corners of his mouth as he looked at his brother.

"If you can handle a little tarnish to your reputation, Xiao Liang," he slightly joked. "Then the safest place for her in Luoyang would be Tiantang Zhi Jia."

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