《Daiyu's Ascent》33. Truth Will Out


After lunch, Tang Daiyu strolled through the market. Farmers were selling fresh fruits and vegetables. Merchants were praising their wares. Butchers were finagling customers for more money per pound of meat.

"Where are you planning to go, Young Lady Tang?"

She turned towards Serenity Lake Sect's master.

"I haven't decided yet, Master Cao. Like I said earlier, I've never been to Luoyang before. My plan for right now was just to explore and familiarise myself with the city."

"That’s not a bad idea. For being so young still, you're quite smart."

Tang Daiyu gave a dry chuckle. "Zhou-ge would disagree with you."

"Master Liang just worries about you. You're like a little sister to him, after all."

Left without a retort, she silently walked on, trying to lose the mysterious master behind her. She kept on guard, always sensing for those following her. Tang Daiyu's eyes widened when she recognized a familiar face. Slipping off to the side, she ducked down to hide from Shuo Zhang.

What is Lord Shuo doing here? Could Emperor Jianyuan have sent him here to look for me? I need to be careful.

As she watched him stroll down the street, she noticed him stop. Craning her head, Tang Daiyu gasped in surprise.

He knows Master Cao? What is going on here?

She got up from her hiding spot and snuck a little closer.

Shuo Zhang bowed respectfully and said, "Master Cao."

She replied in kind, "Lord Shuo."

Shuo Zhang asked, "Where is she?"

Cao Meixin replied, annoyed, "I don't know. I lost her in the crowd. She's disguised after all."

"How could you lose her? She's the last of the Tang line! If either Emperor gets their hands on her, her fate will be sealed."

"Don't you think I know that?" she snapped. "And what about you? You were able to get Tang Bao out from under Emperor Jianyuan's grasp, but he still died!"


Ruffled, Shuo Zhang defended, "I underestimated His Majesty. I didn't think he'd be so cruel as to poison a child!"

Tang Daiyu choked. Baobao was poisoned? He didn't really fall ill? I never before thought his death was suspicious, but I should've known something was off.

"You know what it said on her birth charts, Lord Shuo. If something happens to her now, all of China will suffer. It's been written in the stars; Tang Daiyu will usher in a new era of peace. But for that to happen, we need to find her before someone else does!"

He sighed. "Well, Master Cao, I'll let you lead since you've seen her last."

Cao Meixin humphed and began to walk in the direction of the old palace. Tang Daiyu stretched up from her hiding place.

If what they're saying is true, then how come I've never head of this before? Or was I just not told about it like so many other things?

She quietly followed behind Cao Meixin and Shuo Zhang. Tang Daiyu slipped around the moving wave of people and watched as they entered a restaurant.

We just ate. Could something be going on here? Some sort of meeting maybe?

Deciding to check it out, she walked in and looked around. Seeing the two adults sitting at a table in the far corner, she glided over and sat down next to Cao Meixin.


Removing her conical straw hat, she blinked twice and asked innocently, "Me?"

"Where have you been?"

"Making sure you two didn't have evil intentions. I saw you both talking, and so I listened in."

Shuo Zhang and Cao Meixin shared a look that she couldn't discern.


He sighed and looked at her. "You, Tang Daiyu, have been destined for greatness since birth. You are the chosen one. The Heavens decided to look favourably upon you."

"Favourably," she scoffed. "How is letting my whole family die favorable?"


"The hardships you have gone through have taught you valuable lessons. Your wisdom will be unparalleled within the next five years."

Cao Meixin added, "This was all written in your birth charts. The Buddhist monk wouldn't have dared to lie to the great Tang family."

Unconvinced, Tang Daiyu asked, "And all this is true? You're not lying to me?"

They both nodded their heard and confirmed their words. Still wary, Tang Daiyu decided to go along with them for the moment. But she kept her guard up and remained suspicious of their intents.

"Does Zhou-ge know about this?"

"Yes," Cao Meixin answered. "He was there when the monk proclaimed it."

Suddenly, Tang Daiyu remembered. I grew up with Zhou-ge, at least for the first four years of my life. He was always there, always around.

Her eyes softened, and she looked down at her hands in her lap. Thinking about everything, she closed her eyes and relaxed back in the chair.

"Young Lady Tang?" Cao Meixin asked.

"I was wondering why the legendary Master of Serenity Lake Sect would follow their orders of Zhou-ge. It's not because of the Three Ancient Sects Alliance, is it? It's because you want something from me? You need me, alive."

The master began to stammer a response, but Tang Daiyu cut her off. "I'm not that naïve anymore. How would I survive if I didn't recognize when people want me to become their pawn? Thanks to Rong, Prince Yelang, and Sixth Concubine Luli, I know when I'm being manipulated. And I'm not in favour of that."

Tang Daiyu stook up and picked up her hat. After placing it back on her head, she looked down at Shuo Zhang and Cao Meixin. "I won't be controlled by anyone any longer. Nor will I be coerced against my will."

Before they could response, she turned on her heels and walked out. She knew that with Cao Meixin's qinggong skills, she wouldn't get very far without using her own. So once she was outside, she ducked down and crept to a deserted alleyway. Once she was away from the main thoroughfare, Tang Daiyu straightened and walked normally.

But soon, her path was blocked by a man in dark brown robes. She froze, shocked. The man approached her. He quickly hit her acupoints, preventing her from moving.

"I didn't know that Head Eunuch knew martial arts. Emperor Jianyuan must like having martial artists as his officials and servants."

"Tang Daiyu, you're one slippery eel. No one's been able to catch you for a while now."

She gave him a cheeky grin. "You're welcome."

"It would be in your interest, Tang Daiyu, if you refrained from being too much."

"Why? Are you going to kill me otherwise? Fine, send me to reunite with my family. Then, we'll all haunt you and Emperor Jianyuan as ghosts!"


She broke out laughing maniacally. Infuriated, he dealt a blow to her chest, sending her flying backwards. She hit the ground, hard, and vomited blood. With her acupoints still blocked, Tang Daiyu could only lay there helplessly. Though she had attempted to learn a few basic martial arts from Liang Yingzhou during her time at Swift Breeze Sect, the skills weren’t very compatible with her. Instead, she used her own martial art skills and released her acupoints on her own. Though free, she still pretended that she was still helpless.

"Li Xun, you will regret being my enemy."

"You might be fierce and stubborn, Tang Daiyu, but your death is imminent. No one can save you now, not even Buddha."

Then, a third voice added, "I wouldn't say that just yet."

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