《Daiyu's Ascent》32. Master Cao


"M, Master Cao," Tang Daiyu stammered before bowed respectfully. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you."

Cao Meixin waved it off. "It's understandable since we haven't met before."

"Are you also travelling to Luoyang?"

"Empress Tang, you've already reached such a high social status, but you have very little experience. Do you really think that Master Liang would have let you leave Nanchang without some form of protection?"

The truth dawned on her. Tang Daiyu's fists nearly clenched. I don't need his help. I can do this on my own.

"So," she began in a monotone. "Zhou-ge sent you."

"Yes, he's very worried about you. And to be honest, I haven't seen Master Liang care about anyone as much as he does for you ever since Master Zhuge died. You must be a very special person to him."

Tang Daiyu scoffed, "He's just repaying a favour he owed to my family."

Cao Meixin's eyes saddened. "Is that really what you think, Empress Tang?"

"Why else would he be doing so much for me? Why else would he risk his life?"

The older woman sighed. "He has already repaid his debts. Now, Master Liang is helping you because he wants to."

Still unconvinced, Tang Daiyu made to move. She prepared her needles, ready to attack. But in the blink of an eye, she landed flat on her back, the air knocked out of her lungs. Struggling to sit up, she glared at Serenity Lake Sect's master.

"I'm sorry, Empress Tang," Cao Meixin said as she bowed. "But Master Liang has requested that you do not reach Luoyang."

"You may have martial art skills, but I'm still the Empress of Heping. You cannot hinder me."

And I do too. I will use my martial arts if I have to.


"Then you've not heard?"

Tang Daiyu stood. Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "Heard what?"

"Emperor Rong has branded you a traitor to Heping. He's publicly stripped you of your title as Empress and rendered your marriage null and void."

Speechless, her eyes flashed up at Cao Meixin.

"Is what you're saying true?"

The master nodded. "An imperial edict was released late last night. You were probably already asleep."

Tang Daiyu blinked a few times, processing.

"Then why have you been calling me Empress Tang?"

"I figured you weren’t aware just yet. What should I call you now?"

After a pause, she answered, "Young Lady Tang."

"Very good, Young Lady Tang."

"Alright, now let me go to Luoyang."

Tang Daiyu moved to take a step forward, but Cao Meixin's arm shot out, blocking her.

"I'm sorry, Young Lady Tang, but I cannot let down Master Liang. There's too high of a risk for you if you really do enter Luoyang."

Tang Daiyu glared at the master with a murderous look. She cleared her throat and demanded, "So what? I'll just go by a false name. I can also get something for a disguise so that no one can recognize me."

The other woman sighed. "Fine. If you disguise yourself well enough, then you can continue on to Luoyang."


"If," Cao Meixin interrupted. "I also accompany you. The people in Luoyang can be unpredictable. It'd be best if you had a martial art master with you."

Knowing she wouldn't be able to shake the Master of Serenity Lake off and that she had to hide her martial art skills, Tang Daiyu groaned and gave in. The two women continued down the road towards Luoyang.


A couple days later they came upon the large and formidable, fortress-like gates. Tang Daiyu suddenly stopped. Confused, Cao Meixin turned.


"What's wrong?"

With her straw hat and men's clothes, Tang Daiyu was sufficiently disguised. She shouldn't have felt a sudden rush of fear..., but she did. And loneliness.

"N, nothing," she stammered. "I've just never been to Luoyang before. My mother was from here though. At least before she joined Swift Breeze Sect. I remember she used to reminisce about her childhood in Luoyang."

"Ahh, family ties."

"Are you from here, Master Cao?"

Cao Meixin shook her head. "No, I'm from Chengdu, out west in Sichuan."

"Oh, that's quite a ways away."

"Yes, it's been a long time since I've been home. I left when I was six to join Serenity Lake Sect."

"Is Serenity Lake only for female disciples?"

Cao Meixin nodded. She elaborated, "Yes. And because there are no men in Serenity Lake Sect, leaders are chosen based on assessment. The same goes for Thunder Cloud Sword Sect. It's only for male disciples. Swift Breeze Sect, on the other hand, is open to both male and female disciples."

"Wait... if Thunder Cloud Sword Sect is all male, how come Master Bei is the son of the late Master of Thunder Cloud Sword Sect?"

"His mother wasn't a martial artist. She was the daughter of a travelling merchant. So, there wasn't any animosity."

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"Not many do. She died in childbirth with Master Bei."

Silence fell over them.

Finally, Cao Meixin said, "Well, we're here. Are you going in or not?"

Tang Daiyu took a deep, determined breath and nodded. They approached the open gates and walked into Luoyang. As the two wandered through the market on the main thoroughfare, Tang Daiyu looked around.

"Is it what you expected?"

"It's a lot like Chang'an."

"Luoyang was the old Han Dynasty capital before the Three Kingdoms Period. Many parts of the two cities are similar."

"I know that," Tang Daiyu said defensively. "My father didn't raise me to be his successor for nothing."

"Of course not."


She was ready to teach the martial arts master a lesson, but a small voice in her head warned her not to make a scene. After a deep breath to calm down, she felt better.

"I'm hungry. Let's look for a restaurant."

Without waiting for Cao Meixin's reply, Tang Daiyu had already set off. She weaved in and out of people, trying to lose the Master of Serenity Lake behind her. But when she ascended the stairs, she reeled back upon seeing the woman standing in front of the door, waiting for her.

"I've already asked for a table. Shall we?"

"Master Cao, you're really too much!"

Cao Meixin ignored her, turned around, and walked into the restaurant. With no other option, Tang Daiyu followed her in. They sat down at a table, and a waiter soon came by. He became giddy almost immediately.

"Madam? Are you really the legendary Master Cao of Serenity Lake Sect in Nanchang? I've heard that your Sixteen Droplet Strokes is really powerful indeed!"

Cao Meixin chuckled lightly, smiling, and nodded once. "Yes, I am."

Legendary? If she's so well-known and powerful, why would Zhou-ge send her to help me? Surely Master Cao, as the leader of Serenity Lake Sect, has better things to do than babysit me. I must be wary of her... she might not have good intentions.

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