《Daiyu's Ascent》21. Father-In-Law


Early the next morning, Tang Daiyu woke up. She brushed her hair and dressed into a maid's outfit. Leaving her place, she made her way towards Yueyin Hall where her father-in-law's residence was.

Just outside, she closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath. Tang Daiyu opened her eyes, reached up, and pushed aside the screen doors. She slipped inside and quietly shut the doors behind her. Tip-toeing over to where Prince Yelang was still sleeping, she silently knelt down and waited.

About half an hour later, he finally began to rise. Sitting up, he turned around and gasped upon seeing her there.

"Daiyu? What is it? I thought you and Rong were in Chang to meet with Emperor Jianyuan."

She looked up at him, a dark viciousness in her eyes. But her voice was tainted with a false innocence. "Oh, we were. I came back early. But who knew that there'd be secrets and schemes surrounding me everywhere."

Prince Yelang froze. Oh no. What has Rong'er done that she's found out about?

Tang Daiyu continued on, "You know what's funny? Last night, I was rummaging through Rong's office looking for something, but I was coming up completely empty. Out of anger, I threw a random book, and behold! It opened a concealed side room. You'd never believe what I found inside."

His eyes widened, confirming that he knew about the secret room and the false evidence within.

She quickly changed the subject. "I trusted you and your family. My father trusted you and your family. Yet, you threatened him at sword-point. What a naïve woman I was to think that I could just blindly trust. I guess my family's demise didn't teach me well enough, the harsh reality I was inheriting. But now, I know better. And when I get to the full truth of what happened to us Tangs," she threatened as she finally stood up. "No one will be able to escape my wrath."

Fear instilled, Prince Yelang swallowed. He watched her turn and sweep out of the residence. Once she was gone, he let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.

Just how much does she know? he thought. Rong'er needs to be more careful from now on.



Later that day, Tang Daiyu, still disguised as a maid, slipped out of the palace. She headed into Nanning and walked over to Prosperity Restaurant. Inside, her sharp eyes scanned the room. Suddenly, her eyes fell upon a familiar-looking person.

Her feet carried her forward, and without announcement, she plopped herself down across from a handsome man seemingly in his early twenties. He didn't bother to looking up from the soup he was eating.

"Is it really the great martial artist, Liang Yingzhou? I thought that was you. You know, you're a ways from home."

He calmly set his chopsticks down and looked up at her. She could feel his piercing dark brown eyes examine her.

"Tang Daiyu. You've grown up."

She gave him a little frown and joked, "What? Are you not going to call me Ah Daiyu like you used to?"

In response, he raised an eyebrow at her. Finally he said, "Would that really be appropriate anymore? Last I knew, you're-"

"Shh!" she interrupted. "I don't want anyone here to know I'm back from Chang."

"Then don't go outside without a better disguise. Anyone could recognize you from your face alone."

She levelled him with an unamused glare. Unfazed, he returned to his meal.

"You used to dote on me all the time, Zhou-ge."

"You're not a child anymore."

"No," Tang Daiyu said sadly. "I'm not."

Liang Yingzhou looked back up at her, eyes softening. "I'm sorry about your family."

She nodded solemnly. "How's the east? Everything alright in the Jianghu?"

A wave of seriousness washed over his features.

"Your squabble with both Emperor Jianyuan and Emperor Rong has caused unrest everywhere. Don't forget, the martials arts world stretches across Chang and Heping's eastern sides. We're affected too."

She looked away, ashamed. "I, I'm sorry. I didn't think-"

He interrupted, "No, Tang Daiyu, you didn't. Now, the people of both countries are paying the price."

She looked down at her lap, too pained to respond. Tears welled in her eyes.

Still young at seventeen years of age, Tang Daiyu had a lot to learn about the world and how her choices would impact it.

Finally, she murmured, "For the past four years, all I've thought about was revenge. Be it on Emperor Jianyuan, or now, Rong, Prince Yelang, and Sixth Concubine Luli. It's consumed me and blinded me."


Tang Daiyu dared to raise her eyes up at the martial arts master that sat across from her. For a few moments, neither one spoke. The only sounds were the bustle of the waiters and other customers in the restaurant. His heavy sigh eventually broke their uncomfortable silence.

"You've been through a lot for someone so young. It's normal for you to want to seek the truth and even vengeance, Tang Daiyu. But you must also remember who you are. Now, you are more than just a Tang. You are the Empress of Heping. Think like one, act like one, lead like one. Otherwise, both Emperors and your father-in-law will not hesitate to snuff out your light."

She shivered at his implication. Not desiring to die just yet, she leaned in closer to him.

"So, Master Liang, seeing as I'm here in Nanning and can only deal with my father-in-law right now, what do you suggest I do to keep ahead of him?"

Liang Yingzhou leaned back in his chair, relaxing. He gave her a bored look and a chuckle before replying.

"What makes you think I'm going to help you?"

She grinned childishly, "Why else would you be here?"

He sat forward suddenly, almost coming nose-to-nose with her. She leaned back a bit.

"Rule number one, Tang Daiyu: don't be so stupid as to believe the world revolves around you."

She smirked and asked, "So... are you going to help me?"

He sighed sadly, straightened his back, and dropped his tensed shoulders. "On account of your family, yes. I owe your father for something from long ago. It's time I pay it forward."

Understanding, she accepted his reason. She knew what he owed her father.

"What's rule number two?"

His eyes flicked to her, solemnity filling the depths of his narrowed pupils.

"Don't be foolish enough to trust anyone completely."

Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "Not even you?"

He nodded gravely. "Yes. Not even me, Ah Daiyu."


After returning to the palace, Tang Daiyu headed to her residence. There, she quickly changed out of her maid's clothing and into a commoner's wear that she had just purchased in the city. When she was finished swapping clothes, she looked around one last time to make sure she was forgetting or leaving anything behind. Then, she exited her residence and started to head for the side exit when she was suddenly blocked by Prince Yelang.

"Where are you going at this time of day, Daiyu? And dressed like this?"

Her eyes narrowed with hatred.

"With all due respect," she began sarcastically. "It's none of your business, dearest Father-in-law."

He stepped closer to her and leaned into her ear.

"No matter what you think you might know, Your Majesty, you are going to regret searching for answers that have long since been buried."

"Is that a threat?"

"No, a promise."

Tang Daiyu gave an involuntary shiver as he brushed past her and continued on his way. Once she had recovered, she resumed her walk.

After slipping outside and into the nearby bamboo forest, Tang Daiyu met up with a few of Chang's exiles. They lead her to their camp deep in the forest. After visiting the warehouse and making sure everything was there, she felt much more relieved. Back at the camp, she inquired about Xia Dongya.

One of the exiles, Kong Ce, replied, "He should be in Chang'an by now. It'll probably be tomorrow or the next day before he returns. Until then, Your Majesty, you should stay with us. We'll keep you safe."

Gratitude shone on her face, but in her heart, she remembered Liang Yingzhou's second warning.

Don't be foolish enough to trust anyone completely.

Tang Daiyu sighed and murmured, "The sooner I can eliminate the threat my father-in-law poses, the sooner I can focus on finding the rest of the truth. What I have now can only be a small part. This was too elaborately planned to be all stored in one place. Which means, the rest is probably in Weiyang Palace or somewhere else. But I need a plan. I can't always be reacting to everything. I need to get one step ahead of them."

She chuckled to herself, "But luckily, that's what I have the great Master Liang for."

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