《Daiyu's Ascent》19. Set in Motion


When she was sure she wouldn’t have a resurgence of vomiting blood, Tang Daiyu returned to the guest residence. But she made sure her plan was set in motion. As she entered the room, Feng Rong greeted her.

"How was your walk?"

She side-glanced him before shrugged. "A walk is a walk. Snow started to float down, so I came back."

"Daiyu, look, I'm sorry for what happened. I know-"

She spun around, furious.

"No, Rong, you don't know. You don't know the nightmares I’ve had, the haunting memories that keep me awake at night. The feeling of unfilialness. Some days I hate myself so much that I wish I was dead along with the rest of my family. As long as I was here in Chang, I never knew real happiness after Baobao died. That's why I loved being in Heping, with you. I thought I could finally be free and have a fresh start. But that will never happen, now that I know the truth. I cannot forgive you for what happened to my parents; I will never be able to forgive you or your father."

"Daiyu, what are you saying?"

She looked him in the eye. A numbness washed over her.

Li Xun had physically and mentally tortured me that day. He also was there when my parents were killed, along with Official Xue. Prince Yelang was the one who had threatened my father back home that day. He had changed since I had last seen him, so I didn't recognize him.

"Once I bear the child inside of me, make someone else Empress, because I'm done, Rong. I'm done with politics and niceties. I just want a quiet, peaceful life. That's my last hope. And if I can't even have that, then there's no reason to live."

"Daiyu," he murmured.

Her eyes fell to the ground. A memory bubbled to the surface. She swallowed, and her body began to shake. Tang Daiyu remembered the day she betrayed her father. Her fists clenched as she squeezed her eyes shut.


It was never Rong, Prince Yelang, or Sixth Concubine Luli who was really to blame. It was me. I was stupid, and it's cost me my family.


She looked up at him, tears in her eyes.

"What is it?"

She spoke, choked up, "I- I killed my parents. I'm responsible for their deaths, and Baobao's."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I'm the one who told on him. I handed him over to Emperor Jianyuan's head eunuch. I traded my father's life for mine. If I hadn't, I would be dead."

Feng Rong enveloped her in a big hug. But, she remained stiff, unwilling to let him in any longer.

"What happened is not your fault."

"I was taken from the streets of Chang'an. My bodyguard was killed. I was tortured for information. Rong, I was only thirteen at the time. It was just a couple days before my parents were arrested and executed. I was spared from death because I sold out my family." After a brief pause, she looked down and continued, "I forgot about that day, due to my trauma. I pushed it to the back of my mind and soon forgot about it all together. But I remember now. I remember my unfilialness and my sins. Heaven will punish me for what I've done."

"No, Daiyu, don't blame yourself. We had everything set up. You were supposed to be taken to Li Xun. You weren't supposed to be hurt though."

Suddenly, her sobs stopped. She looked up quickly.

"You planned it all?" she asked in her normal voice.

Feng Rong's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Wha-?"

Tang Daiyu cut him off, rolled her eyes, and scoffed. "I should've known. I should've guessed. That's on me."

"Daiyu, di- did you just trick me?"

She thought of the two years spent on house arrest in Peace Tree Inn and what she had learned in those two years.


She laughed darkly, "Oh, don't be too surprised. I've learned a thing or two in the past four years. One of which, being how to manipulate people to get what I want or need."

Then, Tang Daiyu straightened her back and raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm going to sleep somewhere else for the night. You're not going to stop me, are you?"

He swallowed, causing his Adam's apple to bob. Then, he shook his head. Satisfied, Tang Daiyu turned on her heels and walked away.

Just outside, she thought, The first step of my plan is done. Now, for the second.


On her way out of the palace, Tang Daiyu made two quick detours. Her first destination, Sixth Concubine Luli's residence in Jinhua Hall.

She slipped inside the bedroom and over to her former mentor, who was sleeping. Tang Daiyu leaned over Sixth Concubine Luli, coldness in her heart. She reached forward and slammed her hands against Sixth Concubine Luli's chest, using Two Point Hit again. The older woman woke with a start and coughed up blood.

"T- Tang Daiyu? What have you done?"

"I've broken your heart meridians. Don’t worry, you'll die soon and in pain."

Sixth Concubine Luli choked, and her eyelids fluttered. A few minutes later, she was dead. To hide her martial arts knowledge, Tang Daiyu pulled out a small sai from her sleeve. She quickly swiped it across her old mentor's neck. Blood slowly spilled out from the wound.

As Tang Daiyu peered at Sixth Concubine Luli, no feelings of remorse tugged at her. After cleaning the blade and returning it to her sleeve, she took a deep breath, left Jinhua Hall, and made for her second destination.

Step two, done. Time for step three.

In Chengming Hall, she sought out Prince Han. She found his residence and slipped inside unnoticed. His back was to her, and he was hunched over a table. Tang Daiyu silently approached him, wringing her hands nervously.

"Your Highness?"

Surprised, he jumped in his seat before turning around.

"Oh, Qiao Yue, er- Tang Daiyu, you gave me a scare."

"Sorry, Liu Jin. Do you remember the day we met?"

"Yeah, you were in such a rush to get back to Ling."

"No, I mean before that. You once said I looked familiar to you, but you couldn't place who I was. When we were children, my father brought me to the palace. We played together once day. I also played weiqi with your mother."

Prince Han's eyes widened as he remembered that day. "Oh, yes. Now, I do remember."

"I know that I have no right to ask this of you, but I need your help."

"With what? Your revenge? Tang Daiyu, your vendetta against my mother, your husband, and your father-in-law will get you killed. And plus, why would I help you over my own family?"

Silent, Tang Daiyu took a step backwards. Sadness filled her eyes as she looked down.

Finally, she said, "Y- you're right. I should never have asked. I'm sorry to have bothered you, Your Highness."

Before he could say anything else, she turned and fled. She made her way to the North Sima Gate, slipped out of the palace, and headed towards Chang'an.

How could I have been so foolish? I should've known he wouldn't help me. Now, it'll cause repercussions I can't afford. Heaven help me.

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