《Daiyu's Ascent》6. Intermarriage


Tang Daiyu and Sixth Concubine Luli implemented their plan the very next day. Soon, the whole palace knew about Qiao Yue and how Sixth Concubine treasured her. Whenever Tang Daiyu walked anywhere alone, people kept respectfully away so that they didn't anger the Sixth Concubine. The only two who didn't shy away were An Mei and Prince Han.

One afternoon, Tang Daiyu and An Mei were walking together to the laundry depot. An Mei had to collect Princess Ling's clean clothes, and Tang Daiyu offered to walk with her.

"I can't believe it," An Mei said. "The whole palace seems to be talking about you. It's always Qiao Yue this, and Qiao Yue that. I can’t go anywhere without hearing it."

Tang Daiyu shrugged. "Sixth Concubine Luli is very good to me. She's kind and understanding. I couldn't ask for a better lady to serve."

"You're so lucky. Princess Ling is still the same, arrogant and proud."

Tang Daiyu laughed, "I highly doubt that'll change anytime soon. I'm sorry, An Mei. I wish I could get you transferred, but I don't have that kind of power."

"It's okay. You're a lady's companion. I'm still a maid."

"Titles mean nothing to me," Tang Daiyu said. "I only care about relationships. We have a good friendship. I have a good relationship with my Lady. What more could I ask for?"

"How true. Qiao Yue, you're so smart and magnanimous."

"I'm really not," she said and blushed. "I'm just saying what I believe."

"Well, I'm just happy I have such a popular friend such as you. Other maids leave me alone because of it."

Tang Daiyu chuckled and shook her head in amusement. "Think nothing of it, An Mei. You were kind to me when I first got here. I'll never forget that."

An Mei beamed, and they kept walking. Once An Mei had grabbed the basket of clothes, Tang Daiyu bid her goodbye, and they parted ways.

Tang Daiyu headed back towards Jinhua Hall and on the way, came upon Prince Han, sitting at a table and reading in a small courtyard.


"Your Highness," she said as she bowed.

He looked up and stood. Smiling, he walked over to her.

"Qiao Yue. What a pleasant surprise."

"Are you well, Your Highness?"

He raised an eyebrow at her. "I thought I told you to call me Liu Jin."

She blushed. "Yes, sorry. I forgot. Habits, you know."

He nodded. "I understand. I was just being ridiculous."

She shook her head. "You're not ridiculous. I just forgot, that's on me."

"It's okay, Qiao Yue. Really."

Tang Daiyu nodded, "Okay."

"Are you busy? Do you think Mother will care if I steal you away for a while?"

"She was tired from yesterday, so she's taking a nap right now. I don't know when she'll wake up, so I'm sure it's fine."

Prince Han smiled. "Walk with me?"

She nodded, and they set off. In the beginning, they walked together in a comfortable silence. Eventually, he spoke up.

"Qiao Yue, can I get something off my chest?"

"Of course. I'm listening."

"I'm sure you're well aware of the situation with Heping?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"My Royal Father has made a decision. One I don't particularly agree with."

"What is it?"

"Emperor Taio of Heping has demanded an intermarriage to pay for peace."

"No," Tang Daiyu breathed. "Your father agreed?"

Prince Han nodded.

"Has he chosen who's to be married?"

Another nod. "Ling. He believes that her temperament will mellow in Heping."

"Does she know about this?"

"Yes," he sighed. "And she's not happy about it."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

They stopped as they neared the Front Hall.

"Excuse me, Liu Jin. I should probably get back to Sixth Concubine Luli."

"Of course."

She left to go and walked slowly. Tang Daiyu turned around and saw that Prince Han had left. Letting out a sigh, she headed into the Front Hall.

I'm sorry, Sixth Concubine Luli, but I owe your daughter a favour. It's time I repay it.

Luckily, Court wasn't in session, so she walked right up to the dais and bowed.


"Greetings, Your Majesty."

"Tang Daiyu, what are you doing here?"

"I know that I have no standing here, but I'd like to make a request of Your Majesty."

"What is it?"

“I know about Princess Ling and the intermarriage. She gave me a good life by giving me over to her mother as a companion. I'd now like to return the favour."

"What are you talking about?"

"I want to give her life back to her. So, if you name me as an honorary Princess of Chang, I can then take her place in the intermarriage with Heping."

Emperor Jianyuan's eyes widened. He was left speechless.

"It has multiple benefits for you," she continued. "One, I'm out of Chang, so you don't have to worry about me anymore. Two, I'm still serving Chang by being the representative of our kingdom through the marriage. And three, peace will come to both kingdoms."

He couldn't believe it. Emperor Jianyuan realised that her father really had taught her well. As he thought about it, he knew that she was right. It benefited him the most.

The Emperor sighed, "Let me think about it, Tang Daiyu."

She knelt and kowtowed once. "Yes, Your Majesty."

He dismissed her, and she left. Tang Daiyu returned to Sixth Concubine Luli and told her what she had decided to do.

"You're not mad at me for doing this, are you?"

"No, this might actually work. The plan can be tweaked

according to this. And plus, you're helping my daughter. I'm indebted to you for this, Tang Daiyu."

"Nonsense, my Lady. I'm just repaying what you and your daughter have done for me."

"Let me think about how this can tie in. If we're lucky, peace agreements can be reached before you get married."


As the two brainstormed, the rest of the day passed. That evening, both Sixth Concubine Luli and Tang Daiyu were met by Gao Zhen.

"Gao Zhen? What are you doing here?"

"His Majesty has summoned you both."

They looked to one another and back to the Emperor's eunuch. Then, Sixth Concubine Luli bowed.

"We'll be along shortly."

Gao Zhen bowed back and left. A few moments later, Tang Daiyu and Sixth Concubine Luli left Jinhua Hall. At the entrance to the Front Hall, Gao Zhen waved them in. Inside, they bowed to the Emperor.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," they said.

"Sixth Concubine Luli, am I to presume Qiao Yue told you of her rash deal?"

"Yes, she did. As much as I treasure her, I'm willing to support her decision. She's ensuring I get to keep my daughter."

"Yes, that she is."

Emperor Jianyuan rested his gaze upon Tang Daiyu, and she cringed just slightly.

"Qiao Yue, are you still desiring to do this?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Well then, I guess I should call the Court."

Within fifteen minutes, the entire Court had assembled. The lords and officials bowed and greeted the Emperor.

"As you all know, Heping is determined to have an intermarriage. So, I have decided on a princess to go and marry one of the princes of Heping."

Lords and officials murmured amongst themselves.

“Wasn’t Princess Ling chosen as the envoy to Heping?”

“Is someone else going in her stead?”

“If so, which princess is it?”

Emperor Jianyuan cleared his throat, demanding silence.

"Qiao Yue, please step forward."

She did and bowed before the Emperor. He looked down at her. Gao Zhen made the declaration in front of the entire court.

"The Emperor has received instructions from the gods. From this day forth, Qiao Yue, is to be named Princess Fangzi and as such, will journey south to marry the Seventh Prince of Heping, Prince Shandong."

"I accept His Majesty's declaration with much gratitude."

Don't worry, Mother, Father, and Baobao. I will bring great blessings to our family. I will restore honour to the Tang name.

She stood up and turned around to face the court.

Everyone kowtowed before her and proclaimed, "Blessings to Princess Fangzi! Many thanks to Princess Fangzi!”

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