《Lost Stories: Green Knight》Story 5: Red Moon Rising
Dear Mother
I hope you are doing well. I know I do not write as often as I should and for that I am sorry. I know the last letter I sent you was about a year ago after the Training Camp incident and I am glad to say that I am in good health. However I am plagued with annoyance that I had to be saved by that unknown savior yet I have my suspicion on who it was. I will be here at Freysguard for a while so if you wish to write back, feel free for the Wyvern Riders are swift and I would love to hear from you.
How are the boys? Has Gaheris decided to learn magic at the caravan city of Scientia and how has Gareth taken it? I wish to ask of Agravaine for when he left he was heralded as a hero amongst his peers, I hope it has not rushed to his head. Father better lay off on him lest I hop on a Wyvern and come to take him away.
I finished my journey through Penglai stopping in Aeaea for a while where I befriended a legionnaire named Marcus who was of great help in my documentation of the beasts of Aeaea. After we defended the Temple of Neptune from a particularly large Kraken he was raised to be a centurion and me an honorary centurion by Caesar.
I was unable to stay in Tir o Gerrig or as you may know it as Nidavellir due to some issues. It is there where I met a particularly spunky dwarf named Wraithforge who asked me for a letter of introduction to work at the Underforge in New Camelot. Of you could check up on him, it would mean much to me.
Other than that, there it is nothing new mother. Once I am done with Odinsvollur and the North I will come home. I have plans to take up a post at the Academy as a teacher and I doubt Sir Bertilak will refuse me. I wish for you to tell my progress to Alis who I hope is as well as the day I left, and give her my love.
Hope to see you soon.
Love your son, Gawain.
Looking over his letter, Gawain placed his quill back into the ink bottle and waited for the ink to dry. As soon as it did, he folded it and placed it in an envelope. Grabbing a nearby wax candle, he dripped some of the molten liquid onto the letter and placed it back. Whistling, he looked as his companion trotted through the open door of the tavern and up to him.
Placing the letter on the floor, he signaled Gringolet to place his foot on it. Now size of a medium sized dog, Gringolet did it without hesitation. Taking off his foreleg, he looked down at his handiwork and gave off a satisfied 'Gwaah.'
'Can you send this on the next Wyvern to New Camelot?' asked Gawain as he picked up the letter and handed it to the tavernkeeper. Going to his pouch, he drew a gold coin and slid it to the burly barkeep who smiled and took both coin and letter.
'Consider it done son,' he replied as he continued polishing a metal flagon. 'I have not seen you around these parts, new in town?'
'Just arrived from Kursk,' replied Gawain as he picked up his flagon and took a sip. Frowning, he forced himself to swallow his drink.
'Not used to Dwarven Fire Rum, are ya son,' laughed the barkeep as he took the flagon and switched it with another flagon. 'Try this, Frosthoney Mead. My brother recently invented it with his little girl, shook every tavern from here to New Rome.'
Coughing as he took the flagon, Gawain replied, 'I am not good with spiced alcohol. I had a friend in Rome who loved to spice his wine with various herbs and spiced. Could not stand it.'
'Well you might have to get used to it son, with the cold this is the only thing warming some of the folks here. Seems like those men over there enjoy it,' he said, nodding to a group of men sitting at a table in the back.
Looking back, Gawain's eyes widened as he recognized who the men were. They were wearing a mix of leather, chainmail and plate armor along with various belts full of daggers strapped to their bodies. Their weapons were lying to the side against the wall, various swords and hooks with chains and crossbows.
'Geats,' he said aloud.
'Been here since last week, here to hunt some of the Andlat Bjorn during this time. I do not know why we called them, but it is understandable. Bjorn attacks have been happening more frequently outside the city in the forests to the east. Our own hunters claim there was one the size of a house, the poor lad was so fear stricken he took his own life soon after.'
'He took his own life!' exclaimed Gawain as he looked at the tavernkeeper incredulously. 'it could not have been so scary.'
'Have you ever seen a Andlat Bjorn?'
Gawain looked over his shoulder to where the largest of the Geats had been talking to him. The man had white as snow hair which was tied into a series of plaits along with a white beard that had black streaks. Unlike his companions he had not disarmed and a greatsword with a green gem in its pommel hung on his back. 'I asked boy, have you ever seen a Andlat Bjorn.'
'Boss has gone off again,' laughed one of his companions as he kept on drinking.
In the light of the lanterns that hung from the beams of the tavern, Gawain could see the shadow that hung behind the man. His eyes were like those of a predator, ever hungry and always vigilant. Yet there was something about him that seemed to annoy Gawain, something that he could not figure out.
'No. Never seen one, but I hope to.'
'Hope to he says,' boomed the Geat as he got out of his chair and began to walk towards Gawain.
'I want no fighting in my tavern Eonan,' warned the tavernkeeper, eyeing the burly man.
'Listen boy and listen good,' breathed the Geat as he got right up into Gawain's face, the spicy scent of Fire Rum on his breath. 'No one wants to see a Adlat Bjorn or any monster. You are either retarded or a dead man, or you can be both. I can smell it on you, the scent of naivety yet also the scent of a man who has escaped death.'
Gawain simply looked at the man and grinned. 'I have faced every single monster from Sakurai to here. You do not scare me and neither will the Adlat Bjorn. Let me ask you this, have you faced the Umibozu of the Channel?'
'No. A horde of undead?'
'Yes. A pack of wild griffins during mating season?'
'Yes and killed a few.'
'What about a giant fifty foot tall golem?'
'I recall hearing about it from a man from Penglai,' replied the Geat backing off. 'You say you were there?'
'In the flesh, along with this one,' said Gawain pointing to Cadaryn. The drake just looked up indignantly at the Geat and hissed.
'Is that a Drake?' asked Eonan as he bent down to get a better look.
'How did you train it?' Eyes sparkling and all previous apprehension vanishing, Gawain got off his seat and picked up Cadaryn in his arms. 'Raised him from an egg. Been with me for six years and never once acted up.'
Looking at the Drake and then to its master, Eonan stood deep in thought before whistling shrilly to one of his companions. 'Osgar get over here and talk to our new friend, I feel you and him will get along.'
Putting his hand out to Gawain, Eonan looked at the knight in the eyes and told him bluntly, 'I do not like you and I smell that you do not like me to. We are hunters, we kill monsters and beasts for a living and we will always do so. We have no time for questions of how and why, but only the sense that we do what we must do. However, if you want to see a Adlat Bjorn meet us at the city gates at sunrise. I want to see for myself who you are.'
'I am Gawain Orkney, Knight of Avalon and documenter of magical beasts,' replied Gawain as he took the hand.
'Eonan, son of Rohir. Osgar get your ass over here now!' yelled Eonan as he walked back to his seat, hitting the smaller hunter on the head as he passed by.
Rubbing his head as he came to Gawain, Osgar was drastically different from his senior. He was considerably scrawnier with a mop of brown hair and freckles on both cheeks. Slung across his shoulder was a large bag which he fumbled to unclasp and drew out a large leather bound book which he hefted and slammed on the table.
'Osgar, son of Lulach' he spluttered, holding out his hand to Gawain. 'Sorry if I am a bit jittery.'
'No worries,' replied Gawain shaking the boys hand. Clearly younger than him, he wondered why such a fragile looking child was amongst mountains of men. 'Eonan said you and I might get along, any reason as to why?'
'I am not a Geat, well not officially,' mumbled Osgar as his hands refused to stay in one place, 'I am known as the Bestiary Keeper, which is this thing right here.'
Looking at the large book, Gawain reached for it before turning to Osgar, 'May I?'
'Sure, go ahead,' replied the boy as he squatted down and began to pat Cadaryn, who had taken a liking to the boy.
Pulling the book to him, Gawain flipped it open and was amazed by what he saw. Detailed drawings of many creatures that Gawain had encountered, as well as various noting's about their habitats and habits. Eagerly, he reached for his own satchel and pulled out his small leather-bound notebook, packed to the brim with sheets of stuck on paper and a small charcoal stick he used for sketches.
'Do you also take notes about monsters?' asked Osgar as he looked at how Gawain was comparing his own notes to the Bestiary. 'Those look quite detailed.'
'No. These are way better than mine, way more in depth than I could ever document. I never knew that there were a subspecies of Wyvern that could breath fire.'
'The mages called its fire a Magnesium Flame, burns as hot as the sun they said. Also had a strange liking for chicken.' Osgar let go of Cadaryn and stood upright and pointed at the small diagram on the left corner. 'Eonan was the one to cull them, he was paid by a lord in Nidavellir. The beasts apparently burnt down several settlements in the mountains and had to be killed. A shame really.'
'Then it was you who made this entry?' asked Gawain as he viewed the boy with newfound respect. 'How long ago was this?'
'I think around three years ago, there was a pack of a dozen or so. I asked Eonan for one of the corpses to study, before it was bought off by a mage from Scientia. The other entries were made by my father, and his father before him. We train new Geats using the notes of this book, it is not blades that kill monsters but knowledge.'
Sighing, Osgar took the seat next to Gawain and called for the tavernkeeper for a mug of warm milk. 'I hope you do not mind.'
'By all means, take a seat next to me. In fact, your drink is on me. Anyone that Cadaryn likes is someone I can get along with.'
'Thank you. It is sad to see such creatures die but it has to be done. People come first, even if we are greater monsters than those we fight.'
'What Eonan said, about having a duty as a hunter. He is right, there are things to be killed. But I know it may not be enough, but as long as there is magic, there will always be monsters.'
'Are we bad people for liking these creatures?' asked Osgar as he drank the warm milk. 'They do kill humans, elves and dwarves indiscriminately.'
'Same thing can be said for those who like horses, dogs and bulls. All can kill if mishandled, and not all monsters are deadly. I rode a Yesbryd once, a long time ago and I can still remember the feeling I had doing so. Cadaryn here is a testament to how any creature can become friendly.'
'I see. Do you mind if I can use your notes to fill the Bestiary? I feel like you have seen much more than me, I am sorry for asking bluntly. It is my dream to document and archive every single beast that roams this world.'
'Only if you allow me to copy from the Bestiary.'
'Consider it a deal,' smiled Osgar weakly as he raised his mug and the two toasted. 'To Monster Hunters and researchers.'
'To Monster Hunters and researchers.'
'Where is your friend Osgar?'
Snow fell softly onto the ground as the party of six waited in front of the eastern gate. Freysguard had yet to wake up as the sun had yet to break the shade of the distant mountains. This left the forest they were about to enter dark and grisly as if it were night, a daunting place that reeked of death despite being a few hours walk away.
'I do not know Eonan,' replied Osgar as he rubbed his hands nervously. He wore a thick fur coat that covered him up to the beginning of his steel toed boots. At his side was the Bestiary and a longsword he could barely use. Around his neck was a thick red scarf which muffled his words, much to the annoyance of his companions. 'He said he would be here.'
'I am here!' yelled Gawain as he jogged up to the party with Cadaryn at his heels. 'I wanted to buy this.'
Holding up a reel of chain and a scythe, he grinned as he packed it away into his satchel, 'they call it a Kusarigama, I bought it form a Horaian fellow in the market. Saw you used chains and felt it may come in handy.'
'Boy. You are just a bucket of insanity,' said Eonan as he signaled the rest of the Geats to start moving for the forest. 'Do not muck this up.'
'He will not. I promise!' piped up Osgar as he fell back to walk alongside Gawain. As he reached the knight, his energy drained and he sighed, 'I was up all night copying your notes on Yokai, I did not know there were so many types.'
'There are many more, however my encounter with that old hag of a kitsune ruined my studies,' replied Gawain as he looked at the Geats loadout. Along with the numerous daggers strapped to their bodies, there were vials of liquid, iron chains and every single one of them had a crossbow strapped to their back save for Eonan. 'What are the Geats?'
'We are hunters for hire,' replied Osgar, 'I am pretty sure we have a conversation like this yesterday.'
'No. I mean, as in what are you? We call you when the Knights need specialists, but how did you come to be?'
'We were founded by the Hero Beowulf back when the provinces were filled to the brim with new creatures from distant lands. We are all descendants of his clan, all born for one purpose which is to kill and hunt.'
'So for centuries that is what you have done? Just hunt when asked and nothing more?'
'Yes. What else would you need us for? Certainly not wars, and not to defend cities day in and day out. Our hall may be at Lirsgate in the south, but there are hundreds of us all over the land. Where there are monsters there will be a Geat to fight them.'
'Knight!' yelled Eonan from the front, 'What do you folks stand for again?'
'Honor, Duty, Valor!' yelled Gawain back.
'Small words with big meanings. My people have only one saying, "Hunt the hunters and do not be the hunted." Way more simple and straightforward!' His mirth was cut short as he immediately stopped and drew his greatsword. It was majestic, pure silver with runes engraved into the blade with the green gem in its crossguard glittering. 'Winds howling.'
The rest of the Geats immediately drew their weapons and stood in a kill circle, with Osgar in the center. Every single one of them activated their circuits in unison and their dull armor now glowed with white energy.
Meanwhile Gawain, who was standing outside the kill circle was just looking for what Eonan had been wary of. Looking to the distance he squinted where he saw a familiar sight. He had barely time to blink twice before the beast was right on top of him and began licking with with frenzy.
'Gawain!' yelled Osgar as he drew his sword, pushing past his comrades towards his friend. As he burst past the large Geat, he stopped and stood shocked at the sight before him. Looking down at his hand, he was even more surprised he had acted without thought and fear at all.
'Becoming a bit more like a true Geat,' patted Eonan as he moved past Osgar and looked down at Gawain with confusion and disdain, 'Orkney, what the hell is this?'
'Down Tapco,' laughed Gawain as he brushed the Yesbryd head away. Getting to his feet, he patted himself down before looking to the Yesbryd rider.
'It has been a while kid.' Landing in the deep snow with a crunch, the thickly covered Aagario walked towards Gawain. His face was painted with exhaustion, his eyes tired and dark. 'How have you been?'
'It has been a while Druid,' replied Gawain as he shook the old mans hand. It felt brittle in his grip, as if one good squeeze could break it. 'What brings you to Odinsvollur?'
'Who is this man boy?' asked Eonan as he sized up Tapco, who did the same. Both of them harboring pride the size of mountains, each refusing to bend.
'A Druid I met before I left New Camelot. And this,' he said as he stroked the Yesbryd mane, 'is Tapco.'
'This is the Yesbryd you mentioned to ride?' beamed Osgar as his eyes glittered. Apprehensively he reached out, before gently rubbing Tapco on the face
'So what brings you here Feathered One?' asked Eonan, ripping his gaze from the Yesbryd. 'Not for the weather surely.'
'Actually I have just come here on something of pilgrimage. I am headed to the Forest of the Triskelion south west of here. There was to be a meeting of Druids. I am just looking for my brother who was last seen around this area.'
'Forest of the Triskelion? Do not the Druids and Shamans convene at the Aagario city of Niewi Nebi in the south?' asked Osgar.
'We do not know why, but the Norns have spoken for us to journey to the original druidic site before the Province Wars. We have long left the ruins for nature to reclaim, yet we must travel there again.'
'Well, I wish you all the best Druid. We must be off before the sun hits the forest, we have to prepare out traps,' cut in Eonan as he grabbed Osgar by the collar and dragged him off. 'Orkney, catch up!'
'Will you be staying in Freysguard for some time?' asked Gawain.
'Till tomorrow morning, I need some rest. I will look for my brother some more before I leave though' replied the Druid before grabbing Gawain's arm and trembling said, 'the Forest speaks of you. The Forest of the Spriggan King. Be careful Gawain, the Norns have spun your fate.'
'I write my own fate,' replied Gawain haughtily, 'do not worry about me Druid. In fact I hope when I return you tell me about the real reason you are here.'
'How do you know I have another reason?'
'I can tell when someone is lying and you seem too tired for someone just heading for a meeting. You forced yourself to come here quickly, but for what is the question.'
Waving at the Druid, Gawain and Cadaryn ran forward and caught up with the Geats as the they marched to the forest.
'So what is the plan?' asked Gawain to Eonan. 'We find the Adlat Bjorn's tracks and find its den. From then we place traps and use this as bait,' he said as he held up a small vial of red liquid. 'Frost-tusk Walrus blood.'
'Seems fairly simple, we should be done in an hour,' replied Gawain before he heard the laughs of the other Geats. 'Killing it is simple, it is clean up afterwards which take forever,' chuckled Eonan.
A few hours later Eonan called out,'prepare yourself men, we are reaching the forest entrance.'
It was a beaten path that lead into the forest, worn from countless carts and men who walked through the forest to the villages on the other side. Gawain stood on it and gazed into the darkness, his ears picking up the sounds of the leaves rustling.
'Beware the Forest.'
The Kitsune from Penglai said the same thing, beware the Forest. Who was the Spriggan King? Was he the same as the Stag-horned Knight?' As his thoughts began to race, something blew on the wind that made him want to hurl.
'What the hell,' he gasped the wind carried a scent he had never smelt before.
Taking a whiff, Eonan grimaced as he drew his sword and began to cautiously enter the forest. 'That smell is rotting bodies piled on top of each other, Adlat Bjorn feces and its breath...' \
'Its breath?' paled Osgar, 'It is awake?'
'We should come back tomorrow,' said Eonan as he calculated their options, 'if it is awake, our chances have dropped.'
Everyone froze as they heard the voice calling in the forest. All the Geats refused to move as the bone chilling call for help echoed before disappearing.
'Poor soul,' sighed Eonan as he sheathed his sword and began to walk away, 'nothing we can do for him.'
Something blasted past him and into the forest. Growling he knew what it was and he just walked off. Passing by Osgar he looked at his comrade and said, 'he made his choice, the fool.'
'Sir, we might have to go after him.'
Wheeling on Osgar, he immediately saw what was wrong and roared. 'ORKNEY!'
Osgar held up the sliced remains of his satchel, his now Bestiary deep within the forest. Lying in the snow was the blade that did the deed, one of Eonan's own knives.
'Catch up with him and circle the fucking beast, and then I want his head,' growled Eonan as he drew his weapon and charged it along with his armor before dashing off into the forest, chasing after Gawain's scent. 'Use the Bloodfire oil mixture, Monkshood and Basilisk venom should be enough. We are going to get that book back, the knight...it does not matter.'
As he ran through the forest, Gawain had his greatsword drawn with the Bestiary in his left arm. Hanging from his back was Cadaryn who was now used to this form of travel and did not mind it. Weaving in between trees, kicking up a cloud of loose dirt and snow behind him as he ran, he went where the smell got worse. It made him want to choke, but he had to keep heading for the gross odor. He looked to Cadaryn who was having a hard time breathing with his enhanced nose.
'Jump off here boy, any further and you might die,' commanded Gawain who felt the weight on his back vanish and heard Cadaryn land on the ground. 'Wait for me here, I will be back soon!'
The drake snorted and sniffed the ground, picking up a scent it began to run in another direction after its goal. It would not be left out of this fight , it could sense the danger ahead even if his master could not.
Breaking past the forest cover, Gawain slid to a stop as he held his mouth open in shock. Then he closed it as fast as he could before he smelt what he saw. 'Should have brought a cloth full of Rosemary...'
Stacked in piles around him were mountains of bones and rotting flesh, multiple the size of houses. Some at the bottom looked decades old while the newer ones still had flesh hanging off them. They were all strewn around what appeared to be a cave, tunneled into the side of giant rock. The cave itself was around twenty feet tall and the rock it was in was double that.
How did we let it get so bad? wondered Gawain as he slowly walked forward. As he did so, he turned his head and flinched. So that is how...
Lying in a pile were bloodied weapons along with the arms that held them, some still gripping the wooden shafts of their weapons. Torn fragments of fur garments littered the blood strewn ground he walked, the earth and rock dyed with drying blood. Just from the weapons Gawain could tell at least forty to fifty Northmen warriors had died. There were a few bronze weapons along with the rest, meaning that a few dwarves had died as well.
Making sure to not make any noise, Gawain stuffed the Bestiary into his satchel and tied it shut. Sweat dripped down the side of his skull as he felt something he had never felt before: fear. Such intense fear that every single nerve in his body screamed for him to run, to run and not look back.
'Arawn help me,' he breathed, his legs trembling. As he kept moving closer and closer to the cave, looking for the owner of the voice, he recalled the giant brown hand that had almost killed him and he stopped. His eyes were wide as he felt the impending pressure of death, choking him as he tried to breath.
Taking one step forward, he looked to the side and almost wanted to hurl. He had found the owner of the voice. As he did, Gawain truly understood why he was so scared. He had fought undead, taken down illusions and even faced a giant with no fear, yet when he saw the mangled and torn open body of person, he knew. This was no mere form of entertainment, this was not to stave off his boredom...he could die! That slap from the Earthen Giant had knocked fear into him, the fear of death and he could not shake it away. He had just not faced anything as dangerous as it since ... and now he was face to face with one.
Gawain looked from the fresh corpse with its ribcage torn open and still dripping with blood, its heart missing and its limbs snapped. From its feather dressed skull to skull he had just stepped through. His head twisted to the opening of the cave with one word on his lips.
Your luck has run out.
A blast of hot air pushed against Gawain as he stood his ground, his feet slipping on the slick ground as he tried not to breath in the horrendous smell. 'You have got to be kidding me...'
The Adlat Bjorn stepped out of its cave, a crash echoing each step it took. On all fours it was 8 meters tall and Gawain did not want to see it on its hindlegs. The area around its eyes were dyed sanguine red, its eyes burning a bright orange within like a demon. Its white fur was matted and dirty with mud and blood, with large patches of pale skin.
However what was different from a normal bear and an Adlat Bjorn besides its size were the two jagged spikes of crystal that erupted out of its shoulders. They were around three meters each, looking like glass shards that had been jammed into the bears shoulders. Each was as clear as ice and not a speck of blood on them were to be found, despite it being every where else on the bear.
'GRAAAAH,' roared the bear as it saw Gawain, baring its still dripping teeth and pushing off the ground and leaping for the Knight.
'Damn,' exclaimed Gawain, as he leapt back by pushing magic into his legs. He watched as the pile of bones closest to where he was, was annihilated by a swing from the bear sending fragments of bone like a shower of raindrops.
'Aim for the head,' said Gawain as he held onto his greatsword with both hands and charged his armor. Pushing off, he dashed forward and placed his foot on the Bjorn's swung paw, and leapt into the air. 'I will end this.'
Twisting mid air to get some torque, he flooded his blade with magic and swung at the creatures neck.
The top end of his blade snapped, flying off from the force leaving Gawain within striking distance of the bears jaws.
'Shit,' he swore as he felt the shadow of death press down on him. As he looked at the mouth, he missed the shards and he did not notice them beginning to spark with electrical energy. The hair on his head began to rise as he flicked his head towards the now dyed electric purple shards and his eyes widened as he saw orbs of electrical energy begin to expand rapidly.
Spinning his chain, Eonan dashed forward and threw it at Gawain's leg. The metal wrapped around the armored foot, and Eonan tugged at it with enough force to pull Gawain away and slam him into another mountain. Letting go of the chain, Eonan pulled back and watched as two domes of lightning erupted around the Bjorn as it cried.
'Light it up!' roared Eonan as he took cover. His hunters had used Gawain as a distraction to encircle the monster, hiding amongst the piles of bones. Each of them pulled out a short tube of hollow bamboo filled and sealed, with a small wick on one end. Without hesitation they threw it at the Bjorn and covered their eyes. The bamboo tubes hit the lightning barrier and exploded with the sound akin to a thousand birds and it was as if the sun had exploded.
The bear roared as it saw nothing but white spots and began to rage uncontrollably. It smashed into the mountains of its kills, roaring as it rubbed its eyes. 'CHAIN IT NOW!'
Ripping a vial from his pouch, Eonan popped it and drenched his sliver blade in the dark liquid. He had to be careful, for if he used magic now it would make the poison evapourate. He had to wait for an opening.
His hunters had avoided the falling debris and now charged their chains, spinning them, as they waited for the Bjorn to lose steam. As soon as it got back on its four legs, they let loose the chains. Like white ropes they flew over the beast and as soon as they landed on the opposite sides, the hunters jammed their knives into the gaps between rings and with magically powered fists drove them deep into the ground.
'OIL UP!' commanded Eonan as he charged forward, eyeing the beast as for any sign. Still blinded, its lightning dome had vanished and the shards had gone silent. As he neared it, he rose his sword to drive the point into its skull when he felt the air around him heat up. The shards burst to life with red energy and the bear opened its jaw before releasing a stream of fire at Eonan.
As he dove to the side, Eonan could tell that bear was looking at him with malice in particular. He watched as it struggled against the chains, the beast fighting to get back on its feet. Its claws cracked into the ground and it struggled and raged.
I have to get it from above...but how? He looked to where he had tossed Gawain and saw the knight had frozen, just staring at the monster that was Adlat Bjorn. Useless knight...
'OSGAR! Give me your sword!' roared Eonan as he held his hand open.
Osgar who had been slowly trying to reach Gawain, looked down at his leader and without hesitation tossed him the sword. His hands crunched as he continued to climb the mountain of bones towards his book and more importantly his friend.
Grabbing the long sword, Eonan dashed around the beast and halted into front of its midsection. Without hesitation he charged the longsword and slammed it into the beasts belly watching as it barely cut the fur and first layer of skin. The blade slipped and fell to the ground, sliding beneath the creature but it was enough to get its attention.
It began to shake and struggle more, the magic being channeled into the chains beginning to falter as they began to flicker from white back to dull grey. As it struggled it shifted its weight to one side, baring its stomach to a waiting Eonan who shoved his greatsword into it, charging it with magic right before the moment of impact.
'COME ON GALATINE!' he roared as he buried the weapon hilt deep into the Bjorn and dragged it down slicing the bear open. Dark blood poured out of the cut like water, along with some pink entrails which fell out onto Eonans feet.
As he went to withdraw his sword, the Bjorn writhed and shoved him back with its weight and roared. Cracking the ground beneath its claws, it pushed upwards and snapped the chains binding it. Just before he had been forced back, Eonan had opened and flung another vial of Bloodfire Oil into the open body of the beast, watching it disappear into the darkness. It may not kill it, but the Bjorn would be in enough pain that it might faint.
'FALL BACK!' roared Eonan as he ran away from the raging beast, flinging off the chains and stamping the ground. Its shards began to charge up with fire magic again and as it buried its claws into the ground, glowing cracks began to form around it as fire bubbled and exploded to the surface. It exploded beneath piles of bones and managed to eviscerate one unlucky Geat who was standing right above a spout. His cries heard as his body was turned to naught but black ash.
'Dagur!' yelled Osgar as he reached for Gawain, having just made it within reach of the knight who was still frozen in shock. 'Gawain snap out of it!'
'Death...' mumbled the knight as he turned his head to Osgar. He saw the hand reached out towards him, he saw Osgar's eyes full of comfort and worry. Slowly he reached out for the boy, the one person he knew who would understand him.
'OSGAR!' yelled Eonan as he drew daggers and charged them before flinging them at the Bjorn.
'Come one Gawain! Let get out of here, now!'
The Bjorn blew past the mountain Gawain was on and sent him tumbling from its body hitting the pile. Tossed into the air, Gawain fell and ate dirt before spitting it out. Looking up, he watched the bloodshot eyes of the Bjorn stare down at him as smoke roiled out of its mouth. He was the first to attack it, and he knew it was coming after him.
'Come on Osgar,' spat Gawain as he slowly got to his feet, still holding onto Osgar. 'Osgar?' Looking down at his hand, his eyes widened and a scream got caught in his throat. He was still holding in a death grip the detached hand of Osgar.
Blood dripped out and onto the ground, before Gawain flung it away. Turning to the Bjorn he saw the fur coat Osgar had been wearing disappearing from its mouth and down its throat. Time could have stopped for Gawain. In fact his reality might have shattered right then and there. However nothing in that moment mattered to him but the rage he felt burst within him like boiling lava.
'OSGAR!' he roared as he charged his armor with magic to the maximum he could. He could feel in this state he barely had five minutes before he hit his limit, but five was more than enough. 'EONAN WHY DID YOUR SWORD WORK!'
'IT WAS MADE FROM FAERIE IRON!' yelled Eonan as he bit back tears, out running the Bjorn as he had seen his comrades die.
Without answering Gawain ran forward towards the Bjorn, his fear washed out and replaced with bright red rage. Running right for it, he watched it swing at him with its massive paw and Gawain responded in kind. Its claws slashed at his left eye before his magic infused right fist made contact.
Screaming for his life, Gawain saw half his vision disappear but he knew his target. His bright white fist slammed into the beasts paw, knocking it aside and blowing back the Bjorn. Vision blurry, in the time frame that the Bjorn was blown back, he ran forward and grabbed Galatine's hilt and drew the blade before getting down and rolling away as the Bjorn fell back down with a crash.
As he did, he noticed that the Bjorn had changed its target to Eonan who was running to pick up Osgar's arm.
'NO!' yelled Gawain as he ran for Eonan, grabbing the Geat's collar and flinging him away. As he did so, Gawain swiftly grabbed the vial of Frost-tusk Walrus blood and crushed it in his hands. Raising his fist above his head, he felt the liquid drop down and cover his face before he flung the shards aside.
'FOCUS ON ME YOU BASTARD!' yelled Gawain as he flooded the silver blade with magic and faced the Bjorn.
Its shards crackled with electricity as it began to generate the domes again. The beast roared in pain as the Bloodfire Oil took effect. It stared down Gawain, smelling its favorite meal on the knight.
'Pray for me Alis,' prayed Gawain as the two monsters decided to charge each other at the same time.
The bear reeled back and with both paws swung at Gawain. Gawain jumped up and did a somersault, slicing right through one of the paws and watched as the limb fell to the ground bleeding dark blood. The other paw fell short of him and only clawed up dirt and bone, flinging a wave of it in the direction it swung. 'RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH'
'This is for Osgar!' yelled Gawain as he landed on the ground and twisted as he hacked off the descended paw. It fell with a thump and the Bjorn fell backwards onto its behind. It looked at the bleeding stumps of its forelegs and unleashed an unearthly cry.
Tears flooding down his cheeks, Gawain looked up the monster with so much anger and sadness he felt like his heart was about to burst. This was every day thing for a hunter, yet why did it hurt Gawain so much? It was because it was at this moment that the genius Gawain understood the concept of mortality. He understood that people around him could and will die, and it could be his fault.
The Bjorn unleashed a stream of fire at Gawain, hoping to wipeout the creature that did this to him. It was in pain, unbelievable pain. Pain unlike anything it had ever felt before. How could it lose? It was the top of its food chain, it had murded its brothers to become the strongest and for years it had been. Yet now this tiny toothpick of a being was about to kill it? Impossible!
'If he had lived, Osgar would have liked to study you,' muttered Gawain as he walked forward, the fire shooting above and missing him completely. With a red glint in his eyes, Gawain just looked up at the beast and sword, 'I am just going to kill you like you killed his dream. Without hesitation.'
Without hesitation, Gawain pushed himself to his limits, feeling the circuits on his legs beginning to crack and hiss as he flooded his boots and pushed off the ground. Flying through the air he blew past the Bjorns head and turned.
Turning its head up, the Bjorn saw Gawain falling back down with the greatsword ready to swing. Building up magic in its body, it was about to unleash another to torrent of fire.
'DIE!' roared Gawain as he sliced the beasts head from its neck, landing on the ground with a roll. He felt his legs crack from the impact, sending a sharp jolt up his spine.
The Bjorns head fell off and onto the ground with a thump, its tongue rolling out. Slowly getting to his feet, Gawain wiped the tears from his face before he was sent flying. His back slammed against the belly of the Bjorn as he fell to his knees. He looked up as Eonan bent down and picked up his blade, before spitting on the ground. 'You killed them.'
Walking away, he left Gawain exhausted and tired as he commanded the remaining men to splatter the area with oil and burn it to the ground.
'What about him?' asked one of his men, flinging vials of oil around. 'Do we leave him here?' 'Let him burn for all I care.'
It was night by the time Gawain limped back to Freysguard, Cadaryn walking solemnly by his master, making sure nothing else came their way. It had come late and saw the fire consuming the area, the bones and flesh becoming black and charred.
Cadaryn was sad he could not have done anything, having found the herbs he was looking for too late. He had stuffed them up his nose and run after his master, only to be met with fire and flames. However it had seen its master still laying against the smoldering body \of the Bjorn and run to him. Grabbing Gawains clothes, it had dragged his master out of the flames and away from the clearing until he had awoken.
Leaning on a stick he had found, Gawain was bloody and faintish. As he trembled forward, he could make out a familiar sight coming for him.
'Kid!' yelled the figure. The Aagario grabbed Gawain's hand and tossed it over his shoulder, helping the knight move forward. 'What in hell happened to you?'
'Graw! Graw, hmpph, braah,' replied Cadaryn for his master.
'The Bjorn? And they left him?'
'Graaaaah,' confirmed Cadaryn.
'Druid....'muttered Gawain as he slowly figured his words. 'There was an Aagario....his body...it had no heart...'
The Druid stopped and looked at Gawain with fear in his eyes as he spoke his next words, 'are you sure he had no heart?'
Fear gripped his heart like a iron vice and the Aagario looked up at the sky. High above them was a full moon, yet it was no moon one would welcome. For the white full moon slowly became dyed red, the night taking a fiendish glint. A cry of a hundred beasts boomed throughout the forest and made the trees shake from the power. Something was awake and it was angry.
- In Serial10 Chapters
Viceroy's Pride
This story could be about the Tellask Empire, ruler of a thousand suns and faced with imminent peril at the hands of the Orakh hordes. It could be about Paltai Amberell, the scion of a noble elven House, fallen upon hard times and seeking to find the key that will restore his family's name and save the Empire itself. It could be the story of his voidship, The Viceroy's Pride, powered by magic and crewed by a team of crack marines as they search for adventure and the solution to the Empire's myriad problems. Instead, this is the story of Daniel Thrush, human electrical engineer, befuddled researcher and survivor of the debacle that was first contact with a spacefaring civilization. Due to a combination of luck, magic, hard work, and more luck he is thrust into the center of events as Earth is shoved onto a much larger stage rife with semi-immortal elves and magical kingdoms that predate the Earthly invention of agriculture. Earth is outnumbered, and we have precisely one wizard. Dan. He's not very good at it, but he's going to have to learn in a hurry or watch everything he knows get torn apart by massive spacefaring empires straight from the pages of a fantasy novel. ---------- Some readers have noted that the MC tends to be weak willed and pushed around a bit. A significant portion of the story is his character growth into not being a pushover (i.e. him being passive is in the early chapters on purpose). I'm just including this caveat/warning to make sure that readers aren't surprised/upset and that they stick with it until he learns to stand up for himself. His arc begins to crystallize around chapters 25-27. If that's too long to wait, I get it, I'm just trying to do my due diligence and warn you that the character development is a bit of a slow burn. This is NOT a harem novel. Nothing against them, just not what it is. --------- Updates Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday Feel free to bother me on our discord- Discord!
8 167 - In Serial70 Chapters
Capital of Greed
[Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] The Cosmic Realm, the Infernal Realm, and the Mortal Realm constitute the world of Avaritia, a prosperous land of might and magic. With Humans, Elves, Dragons, Hobbits, Dwarves, and even Gods inhabiting its lands, it is a world that is as rich in history as it is in strife. For thousands of years, the Three Realms were locked in relentless conflict; the Mortal Realm serving as the battlefield. The three sides secured victories both large and small, but none managed to truly prevail over the others. Unable to watch his children slaughter each other, the God King Raidriar sacrificed his own life and split the Three Realms, stopping the endless wars. However, with his death, he left a prophecy. “On the eve of the Fourth Millennium, when the tears of Ausar finally run dry, the Throne of Fortune will appear.”“And he who ascends the Throne will be named ‘King of the World’.” And now, many years have passed and the fabled time has finally come. The Three Realms have shown signs of reuniting once again and the Gods have begun to place their bets on their chosen champions. Amidst this contest of epic proportions arrives one pesky transmigrator. -------------------------------------------Main Character Introduction: Atlas Constantine, previously John Doe, is the newly transmigrated 13-year old Prince of the recently fallen Constantine Kingdom. He is a genius, narcissist, a megalomaniac, and an ex-politician with nearly sixty years of experience. He is known for his treacherous character, bottomless greed, and glib tongue. He is also petty, vain, shameless, paranoid, and manipulative. A person whose moral standards are egregiously low. To summarize him in a sentence... "If people ever ask you to define the word 'Genius', just tell them my name.":- Atlas Constantine-------------------------------------------Tags: Transmigration, High Fantasy, Male MC, Weak MC, No Cheats, Kingdom Building, Wars, Territory Management.Upload Rate / Time: 1 chapter/ day. 8:00 AM CST. Note: This novel is a High Fantasy set in a world with varied cultures and multiple races. It is important to note that the characters, events, and motives are PURELY FICTIONAL and have no relation to real events or people whatsoever.
8 180 - In Serial6 Chapters
Everyday Life with Raptors
This is a strange idea I had after watching Jurassic World and then watching Monster Musume no Iru Nichijo (Everyday Life with Monster Girls). I suddenly stopped and thought to myself what if I could combine the two concepts? So...this is the result. As the interspecies exchange program goes international, the United States is brought into the fold. In an attempt to see if the United States military could incorporate extraspecies individuals into their military for incidents or cases dealing with extraspecies crimes or terror activities, the president signed off on an experimental program called "The Raptor Initiative." Four lizard men females of the raptor variety are brought to America and given special ops. training to be the ultimate killing machines. They are left under a handler named Lt. Owen Grady who named all four of them. Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo. However, as the girls are preparing for their first mission, a more sinister force is at work behind the scenes with secret plans for these girls. Can Owen give these girls a proper life in the States, and let them live as the young ladies he sees them as? Or will their prehistoric past influence their future?
8 195 - In Serial24 Chapters
24 The Conspiracy
In a few hours there will be an attempt to assassinate the president candidate. Jack Bauer and his unit must prevent it before it's too late, but soon Jack finds out that something bigger is going on and that the people who he really trust might be not who they seem to be. A very suspense story with a lot of twist and shocking moments that always has something going on. A day in Jack Bauer's life while he is trying to stop one of the biggest threat that America have known. With Chloe O'brian, Tony Almeida, David palmer and a lot of new characters that I have created.
8 256 - In Serial26 Chapters
The Sister In The Forest(Cancelled)
What do you do when you have a missing sister? Cry for the eternity of your lifeline and do nothing until you die? Or do you take a perfect opportunity of your childhood to explain the explanations of why your sister went missing in the first place? Follow a 16-year-old boy named Aaron Duncan, he is a muted teenager by choice who had lost his sister at a young age. He was five when his sister, Althea, went missing with no explanation. Aaron couldn't do anything, he couldn't prescribe a search until he was sixteen. So, he made it a struggle for the world and went mute, he refused to speak a single word until he finds his sister. And he finally got a chance, his school invited him to a multi-school camp trip to The Kielder Forest, a very recognisable memory for Aaron as it was that forest he and his sister made memories in. No chances were wasted, he agreed and went on the camp trip with his chubby best friend, George. When he arrived at the forest, he felt off. Aaron knew something was entirely eerie about the forest that never felt this way ever before, but he was the only one who felt this way so he shrugged it off and went into the forest with multiple different schools from all around the UK. Meeting Lia Ann kept Aaron thinking about his sister as they had similar personalities. One night, adrenaline was high for Aaron and he decided to go to the cave he made memories with deep in the forest. Everything was intact and his friendship with Lia grew when they both encountered each other. So, normally, Aaron thought nothing of it and continued going back to the cave until one day he was ambushed by a liquid entity that wasn't human. It almost murdered him before he was saved by an unexpected guest, his sister, in pure flesh, was finally in front of him. Aaron wanted to know everything, he asked everything until one question did it for Aaron as he found himself passed out from the help of Althea's distant eyes and woke up in his tent by George. "Was it a dream?" He asks himself dreadfully. A question that will have him explore his character, his purpose, his beliefs, his trust, and his friendships. Will a dream break Aaron down and destroy him? Or will it build him up to be even stronger to find out how his sister went missing? And possibly, what or who may have murdered her?
8 102 - In Serial17 Chapters
The last adventure ~The Goonies~ Brand Walsh
Samantha Roberts, also known as Sammy or Bowie is the only female Goonie. She's lived in the Goon Docks her whole life and there's no place she'd rather be. But like the rest of her friends she is being forced to move due to the construction of a golf course. She gets the name Bowie from her love of music, the boys think her obsession and love of music is annoying, but Brand finds it adorable. He finds everything about her adorable. Brand Walsh fanfic
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