《Lost Stories: Green Knight》A Word from The Bard of Ballads


Wedi cwrdd yn dda. Well my dear readers, I believe this is the first time I am meeting you through one of my many works. You may call me The Bard, and I am the humble observer and archiver of all the tales you read before and after now. Time is merely a concept to me, and it is of no concern how you read these small works, but always remember to enjoy it. For if you do not enjoy something, then that is time wasted.

Who am I you might ask? The question you should be asking is, what am I? But even then you will not receive an answer from me, at least not yet. For now be satisfied that I am just a story teller and you have picked up one of my many tales. This in particular is one of my favorites, for it the tale of how sometimes overconfidence can lead to tragedy, and from tragedy can enlightenment come.

Our story begins within the wreckage of the Headmaster's tower of the Knights Academy, in the city of New Camelot in the Land of Avalon. The tower brought down in the events of Knights of Avalon: Honor. Amongst the wreckage I had come across these remaining scraps of paper, not something one would brave the wrath of the Roundtable Knights to obtain.

The paper had been burnt to ashes and none of the writing was legible. But fret not! Everything has a story, and everything that has a story has a soul. The soul of these paper's, the effort given to them was not lost to the fires. It shone to me like a beacon, as if asking for me to write about them.

But one may wonder, "they are scraps, how will you tell us the tale", and that my dear reader is where the question of, "what am I?" come in.


I can view the memories recalled upon, during the making of these papers. I, like a god, can view the memories of the owner as if I was present beside him or her. I can feel their thoughts and emotions in my own mind, and hence I write these tales in the third person. It is a shame that you will not be able to read it, in its originality but please make do with what I am about to present to you.

With that out of the way, I the Bard of Ballads, present you with the tale of Gawain Orkney, the Indomitable, the Green Knight and servant of the Queen of Faeries.

Tethia Hapus

-The Bard Of Ballads

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