《The Nebula》Chapter 29 Little Sister "Keep!"


Author's Corner: Hi all, a bit of procrastination but i got over it, had some fun with this chap thanks to the Den's Smiley Hyou, casual chap out of game this chap and the next one and maybe return to the game the next chap but if not the other chapter.


“So where are we heading?” I asked while we drive through the streets.

“Secret, want it to be a surprise.” Dad said bluntly.

I turn my head and look at the back seat and notice how there was a box with dad’s 10 year old Wine.

It was clear that this visit wasn’t to some nobody and was someone really important to dad since he wouldn’t pull out 10 bottles of his 10 year old wine and simply give it away.

Unlike the rest of our house, dad is meticulous about the basement which was a perfectly climate controlled cellar with the walls covered in bottle shelves while he has barrels stacked in the middle.

Turning my gaze, I saw our bags which showed we weren’t coming home for a while. At best we would be there a day or two considering dad packed a few pairs of clothes for us.

“Eventually we reached the highways and headed out of our city travelling eastward eventually taking a paved side road that no one was taking.

Afterwards it was more than three hours of driving before we came to a stop and what lay before us was a large metal fence that was guarded heavily and behind this was a huge well maintained lawn backed by a large mansion.

“Dad… who are we visiting?” I asked.

Dad just smiled and lowered the window and as the man saw dad he bent over.

“Got the wrong road buddy, just back off.” He says like he owns the place.

“Where is Marshal?” Dad asked bluntly.

“What does the captain have to do with this?” The man asked.

“HEY JENKINS! What the hell are you doing!” A large tan skinned muscular man walked out of the guard house and stood behind the man.

The man in question stood up straight and, turning to look at the man, he saluted.

“Just directing these guys that got lost sir!” He said.

“You idiot! You think anyone will get lost on the way to this house! How many sensors do you think we have on the road! They would have been stopped barely a kilometer after entering the road let alone reaching this point!” The man shouted into the mans face like a military sergeant.

“Sorry to take up your time Sir Collins. Also good to see you again, your boy sure has grown.” The huge man said bending to look into the car and let us pass.

“No problem Marshal, train these weak pieces of meat well like old times.” Dad said and shared a laugh with the man who nodded and then waved to open the gate.

As we enter and dad closes the window I looked at him intensely.

“Who is he? I haven’t met him have I?” I asked.

“You have, I think it was in War ground: Battle for Control, he was under the name Basil.” Dad said.

My eye grew wide as I look back at the man. That was one of the best military officers in the game. War Ground was a VR game that took you to the war torn world and placed you at the front lines. When you reach the mental age of 18 you have to “serve” in this game. War is none existant but all the world governments have moved war into games and specifically this game. It's a game where the world is the battleground and its a photocopy of earth as it is but it's open for conquest. This game can only be accessed for training purposes between a country's people in a private server and only within their own borders, while if a country proclaims war both countries battle within the game to keep casualties to a zero but once someone dies in the game they are completely ejected and need to wait for over a week in real life which is more than a month before joining again.


Basil was like that, he had died once early on and america was under attack by North Korea but when he logged in again he started to take things seriously and began to plan out sneak attacks and battle plans that slowly pushed the Koreans out and with the help of him aiding in taking out a large number of strategic points he was giving a medal of honor. Dad was part of his group and was considered almost like a second group similar to Captain america as seen in the first movies.

Knowing such a figure was here made you wonder who the owner of this place was. I had met him only 8 years ago and the face of everyone is changed in War Ground to keep identity secret.

So this was his real face, i’m starting to get curious as to who Dad wants me to meet that is so rich.

In front of the mansion is like all those movies, a fountain with a circular driveway which dad stopped the car on in front of the door where a butler came and opened the door for dad.

“Greetings Master Noland, Master has been anticipating your arrival.” The butler said.

“Thanks Proto, how is Magi?” Dad asked as I got out by myself.

“Like always she has her nose stuck in a book. Like usual only she can compete with the AI’s.” The butler said and sighed and dad laughed.

“Dad, who is he?” I asked.

“This is Proto, or if I have to use the correct term, the first ever Magic Puppet made by Malcolm Brim in Second Life. The power of science is great you know.” Dad said.

“Do not be confused young master Noah, I am not a biological being, I am completely autonomous.” The butler said as he pulled back his sleeve and revealed a machine arm. I paled as I see something right out of a movie or video game.

“Wait…. First magic puppet… THIS IS MALCOLM BRIM’S HOUSE!” I shouted at dad.

“I told you already I am a very close friend of his. He wanted us to visit since he never met you and he wants to introduce his daughter as well. I met her but you haven’t met her face to face.” Dad says.

“This way Master Noland, Young master Noah.” Proto says as he walks to the door and opens it.

We enter and find a grand ballroom like setting before us.

I hear dad muttered “Ballroom show off, so cliche”

Still it was impressive all the same because it was half the room a kind of ball room with a large stairway in the middle near the back that went to a second floor that was connected to this room and could be looked down on from above.

It gave it a fairytale castle like scene which seem strange for a man like Malcolm Brim.

As we look around, our eyes soon met with a man descending the stairs.

Like I had seen in all the television shows and any image, he always held himself with pride and looked humble.

Dad walked forward and the two meet at the foot of the stairs.

The two look at each other a while before a smile crosses their face and they start to laugh before, like some kinds, they slam their hands together and then drop it and shift to a shake.

“Its been a while Noland, you’ve gotten really fat haven’t you!” Malcolm said laughing.

“And what about you, your hair is falling and you're still that same little popsicle with a pole shoved up your ass with that stupid persona of a gentle rich man over your face.” Dad said back.


They let go of their hands as dad walks next to Malcolm and throws his arm around Malcolm’s shoulder like they were brothers.

The image of that powerful man was instantly shattered.

“Noah, your so called grand idol, Malcolm Brim, this idiot here is the one that sponsored “The Nebula”! Malcolm, this is my son and my pride I pounded all my teachings inside.” Dad said.

“Oh so how good is his sword skills, I can always use a sparing partner.” Malcolm asked.

“Don’t joke around, you will break him in three moves before he can react.” Dad said seriously.

My brow twitches. I was beaten senseless when dad was training me in all his martial arts and swords kills. To say that someone can beat me in three moves leaves me peeved but I got to remember both of these half dozens of years more experience that was honed in battle over and over again under different circumstances and conditions inside many different games.

“Sophia come down and greet your uncle!” Malcolm shouts. “Also bring Maghen!” he said soon after.

“Coming dad!” A weak voice came from upstairs.

“Girls.” Malcolm said with a sigh. “Noland, you lucked out getting a boy.” Malcolm said.

“Shame I didn’t luck out with who he was born from but getting a son is more than enough to forget it.” Dad said rather solemnly.

“Don’t let it get to you, you should have long looked for someone better.” Malcolm said.

Seeing this an opportunity a grinned and dad didn’t miss it.

“Dad is already hunting, after all, what isn’t attractive by an futuristic elf nurse.” I said.

Dad frowns my eye but a playful light appears on Malcolm’s eye as he looked towards dad and says, “Is that so? And I wanted to introduce you to a friend yet you're already getting such success.”” Malcolm said and suddenly Dad put pressure on his arm and began to squeeze his head.

“Oh is that so, you could have introduced her earlier and not left me alone with this brat!” He said.

“Uncle?” A clear female voice that sounded eerily familiar came from upstairs.

When we looked, a beautiful girl at twenty with long straight blond hair and bright sky blue eyes walked down in a long one piece dress that hung over the shoulders with a simple strap. The dress showed off the hidden curves and gentle mounds that weren’t large but were generous.

Behind the girl was another who was more like a tomboy, she had long brown hair tied in a pony tail with a tight black leather hot pants and shirt sportswear that was held up by the impressive mounds within somehow but made them stand out.

As the two girls got half way down they froze and looked at me.

We just look at each other.

“Jessica and Hilda?...” I mutter.

The next moment I turn to dad and walk over and grab his shirt.

“Explain now!” I said as I arm my fist to send a punch.

“I told you that she was the daughter of a friend.” Dad said holding his hands up to calm me down.

“Yeah you did but you didn’t tell me she was daughter of the multi billionaire MALCOLM BRIM!” I shouted getting ready give dad a black eye.

“Please calm down Noah! I asked uncles to keep this a secret. I don’t want to be known by just my father. It makes things awkward.” She said blushing embarrassed.

It was far too different from the confident android I know. Most likely there is a confidence problem with this main problem behind it.

“Hey captain and noah, I finally get to spar one of you for real! All I’ve tasted was dirt when fighting Sophia’s dad so I want someone more at my level.” Hilda said.

“Maghen, introduce yourself properly.” Sophia muttered.

“Do that yourself before saying that to me.” Hilda replied.

Sophia sighed and looked at me.

“My real name is Sophia Brim, if you want to call me either Jessica or Sophia either is fine.” She said.

“My real name is Meghan Fennel Welding. I’m part of Welding incorporated which supplies all the machine parts for Malcolm’s company to build the capsules we all use.” She said

I was shocked again, I know she was supposed to be rich since she said her father gave her money that time when we needed to repair the ship at the start and she had converted a lot of money into credits but I didn’t think it was to this degree.

“Oh I think he broke?” Dad said.

I snapped out of it and frowned before lifting my foot and stomping on dads right foot.

“Ouch!” He shouted.

“Broke your foot, old man!” I shout and let him go as he starts hopping.

“Ungrateful brat!” He curses.

“If you were the responsible of us two I would definitely obey but an old man that makes me drink your experimental formulas for ale doesn’t deserve it!” I said and took some steps back and crossed my arms.

The girls giggled at our antics that don’t change one bit from the game.

Malcolm just scratches his head wondering how to process this.

“Papa! Whats all the noise?” A high pitched voice called from above.

Looking up we saw a 10-11 year old blond girl wearing sports pants like Maghen but for kids and a skirt above it and a simple shirt. Her hair was made into a single braid on the left side of her bangs. She gave off a cheerful girl look.

“Oh thats right, you don’t know son, this is Jessica’s little sister Bonnie.” Dad introduces me.

“So there was another one?” I ask.

“Who is this big sis?” She asks pointing at me.

“That is uncle Nolands son, Noah.” Sophia said.

“Really!” She said with her eyes sparkling and then she did a look over me. “He is really handsome! I will keep him for Sophia!” She said and ran down the stairs and stopped not even two meters from me on one knee with her left hand out and her eyes closed and a big smile.

“Please marry my big sister! S'il-vous-plaît!” she suddenly blurred out.

“Heh?” I muttered.

Everyone froze as well. She then opened her eyes showing the sparkling eyes.

“My sister is shy but really hardworking and kind. She really wants to be a programmer and has been saying a lot about bigufof” She said but Sophia suddenly ran forward and covered her mouth.

“Bonnie! Don’t say random things like that!” She said.

Bonnie shakes Sophia’s hand off and starts complaining. “But sis! With your communication ability you will only be able to see big bro Noah in the game! What fun is that!” She complained.

“It's none of your business.” Sophia replied making Bonnie pout.

“Fine! Stay single for the rest of your life, I’m going back to my room to watch the recent Pokemon releases then! Hmph!” She said pouting and ran upstairs.

We all just stood there watching what had happened but eventually Malcolm coughed waking everyone up.

“Well since all the...introductions are done since it's already a bit late why not have some dinner while we chat?” Malcolm suggested.

“Fine by me.” Dad said.

“Oh I’m starved, all that training really got to me.” Maghen said.

Getting past the awkward situation we head to the dining room that was actually a small room on the second floor and looked like any normal family dining room.

"You probably expected some grand table twenty meters long with over excessive amounts of food made for few people right?" Malcolm asked looking my way.

I couldn't meet his eyes since I really did think that.

"This is just our family dining room, we have a separate dining hall for such occasions but for us we just use this one." He said and took the head seat while dad took the other.

There were four other seats.

Suddenly Bonnie appeared again.

"I'm hungry!" She said and ran over to one side and sat next to malcolm and Maghen quickly took the seat next to her.

The two smile and I notice a hidden high five below the table.

Sophia does as well and blushes as she sits next to her father and I sit next to the idiot holding his laughter in.

The table was set up in front of us as followed. Try of chicken wings with several stips of bacon roasted in an oven and probably had some alcohol over it. A large pan of black beans mixed with salami and many different cuts of pig meat, in brazil it's called feijoada, a large pan of rice mixed with cooked corn and small bits of chopped meat. Then there was estrogonoff, spaghetti, linguine, several plates of brazilian fried snacks and lastly several liters of goods like Coke, Spirit and my favorite Guarana. A brazilian fruit juice that is the best without compare.

My mouth was full of saliva after I properly examined the food and had to swallow hard to not let it overflow.

"Well, let's not tardy more, we are probably all hungry so eat up." Malcolm said. It didn't take much to have me up and getting the rice and beans followed by the chicken and finally a cup of Guarana.

Its so hard to find such good food in america like this. Rich people have it good.

After the initial bites when we calmed down we began to chat. Dad and Malcolm talked across the table while Sophia and the girls were chatting. I joined in when the topic entered the VR games.

Most of it was about old games we played and what we learned, how we played, skills we know and so on.

I had also been persuaded by the girls to spar against Maghen tomorrow.

On the other hand me and the three girls decided to watch a movie.

Dad and Malcolm said they wanted to catch up so we four would go watch something.

After a while the two men got up.

"Well the dinner was great, kids, me and Malcolm want to catch up a bit, you can enjoy the rest of the day. Old man, I brought some of my ten year old goods let's go enjoy them." Dad said anticipating the drink.

"Oh, so the good stuff huh, I shall relieve myself for the night as well. Good night kids." Malcolm said and got up.

The two adults leave talking.

"Big sis let's go I wanna see the movie!" Bonnie said.

"Sure, what movie do we watch." Sophia asked getting up followed by the restest if us.

As we leave the dining room we headed into the building further back. Countless maids were moving about, what was strange was their almost doll beautiful faces.

“I’ve been wanting to watch a superhero movie, hows about Deadpool?” Maghen said..

“Not with Bonnie here, what about Ant man. I haven’t seen that movie and it seems funny, and less gore filled.” I said.

“Sure, seems fun as well.” Maghen said.

I could clearly read her thoughts, she only wanted an action film to see the action. This damn battle junkie, I think I will have fun crushing you tomorrow.

When the others agreed we began to walk with purpose this time and eventually reached a large double door.

I was confused but there was a bit of foreboding that I knew what was waiting for me on the other side.

As expected when the girls opened the door what we saw was a small movie theater with two rows of seats with four seats each.

Meghan and Bonnie ran quickly inside with Sophia calling them and trying to run after them but the two sat on the two furthest seats near the wall leaving only her to sulk on the third seat and me at the final one on the row.

“Proto, can you upload the “Antman” movie?” Sophia randomly called and suddenly the butler appeared.

“It is possible young mistress, would you like any snacks?” He asked.

“A large cup of Guarana for me and maybe some popcorn.” I said.

“Same!” Maghen called.

“Yay popcorn!” Bonnie cheered.

“Please get some for us.” Sophia asked and he smiled and nodded.

After a bit maids soon entered with the drinks and popcorn we wanted. Each seat was like a true theater seat and had a cup holder on the arm rest.

After the popcorn arrived the lights darkened and the large screen flicked on as the movie began.

"If you require anything just call." One of the maids said as they all left.

As the starting credits began I turned to Sophia.

"I was curious about the maids. Why do they look so..." I looked for the right word.

"Doll like?" Sophia finished and I nodded. "You know my dad was the first Magus Puppeteer, he made hundreds of puppets which were magic items but only him, uncle and dads closest disciples knew how to give an ego to them. When Second Life was to shut down dad didn't want to lose them all so grandpa funded research in robotics and made the bodies for all of the puppets egos and uploaded all of dads puppets. Nearly all our employees are dads puppet with automaton bodies." Sophia said.

To think something like that happened. Not many people had the chance to perfect the puppets like dad and Malcolm since the secrets were kept under seven hundred keys.

It wasn't my style of playing so I never had the class when I was a kid so it didn't matter to me.

As I was thinking the movie started and we all fell silent only the sound of popcorn crunching and drink was heard and an occasional whisper or laugh.

As the movie finished we left the theater in smiles but soon Bonnie began to feel sleepy since it was already night time so one of the maids helped her off to her room while I was guided by Sophia to another.

"This is one of the Guest rooms, uncle will be in that one and the bathroom is down the hall." She said and turned to leave.

"Thanks for the room and the movie was great." I said with a smile. I saw her blush a bit as I enter the room to find a simple but still rich looking room.

Putting on my shorts and taking off my shirt, revealing the sculpted muscles, I jump in bed and fall asleep.

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