《The Nebula》Chapter 26: Rewards with Consequences


Author's corner: Shorter chapter then normal but gets right to the point. Gonna get a move on and start the fun. I also hope everyone loves what i did for Havic and Alex. Also i have added the romance tag since it will slowly start to creep up here and there (not to mention Alex and Havic)


“Hya~! Stop! No~~~!” Alex shouted as Havic skillfully massaged the very tip of her tail just before started to bite and like Alex’s ear. She was rubbing herself on Alex’s left side making sure to keep her tightly pressed on her body while she makes sure to thoroughly rape Alex in every possible way.

All the things she did was so skillful that is seemed like she prepared for this a long time ago.

“What is going on here!” Shouted a deep angry males voice.

Looking back I see Frethir walking up with an angry glare as he looked around. Only when he was 10 meters away from us did he notice Havic.

“HAVIC! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO A CUSTOMER!” He shouted with all his might.

She totally disregarded Frethir. She let go of Alex’s tail and from her position on Alex’s right she grabs her face and turns her face towards her and gives her a deep kiss. A moment later she separated showing she was using tongue.

Without exception there wasn’t a male, beside the Zastros, that wasn’t bending slightly forward. This scene was simply to hot.

After she separated her lips Alex she grabbed Alex’s tail again and her legs finally gave way and she dropped to the ground without strength while trembling with teary eyes.

“Stop~!” She said in a slightly sobbing tone.

The image of Alex teary eyed while she trembled was so shocking that Havic froze in place.


“Ouch!” Havic suddenly shouted.

Without anyone noticing Frethir appeared behind her and gave her a firm punch to the back of her head and now she was crouching with tears in her head while she held the back of her head. She looked back a Frethir.

“What was that for?” She said.

“What?... look at what you did to that girl, you're still asking me what?!” He shouted.

“She is my soulmate! My love at first sight and my partner for life now!” Havic shouted as she stood up.

At once Frethir facepalmed.

“Can *hic* you stop calling me *hic* a girl. I’m a guy!” Alex suddenly cried making the entire area go silent as we looked at her.

“What…?” Havic suddenly muttered.

“Ah so you were a male! Finally I can relax!” Dad said with a sigh. “Man living with a trap is hard on your mental state.” He said.

Neither me, Jessica, Lisa, Hilda or any AI could hold our laugh back and let it out.

“Wait… you're lying right?” Havic said as she looked down at Alex?” She said suddenly she pinned Alex on the floor and without shame she probed for his manhood.

“Ah~!” Alex cried after being so shamelessly grabbed. Yeah this was probably the worst day of her life.

“It’s here… it’s a guy…” Havic said and stood up and took a few steps back. “But… that face… such a thing only belongs to girls…” She said.

Before she could pull herself together Alex forced himself up and ran over and hid behind dad who was a huge meat shield.

“Calm down Havic.” Frethir said as he was saying in a careful tone trying to keep Havic from breaking down.


“That face… but it's there… I marked him so… there is only one thing I can do…” She muttered.

The next moment she looked Alex’s way while her eyes had a glint in them that would send a chill up everyone's spine.

“Yeah, all I need to do is remove it with the proper surgical procedure.” She said and the most charming smile appeared on her face but her eyes were far from smiling.

Every man felt a chill in between their legs not to mention Alex and had already started to cry.


“GRAAHHH!” Havic shouted even more as her had was punched heavily.

“Get a hold of yourself you idiot.” Frethir said in a cold tone. His right arm had completely morphed and was huge and looked like the arm of all those giant Zastros.

“D-did you have to hit so hard?” She said looking at him from below.

“Do you even realize what you just said. What kind of nightmares will the people present have after hearing that.” He said in an ice cold.

“But… I love girls not men and I marked her!” Havic said.

“I’m a guy! Stop calling me a girl!” Alex shouted.

“That face belongs only to girls!” Havic replied with a smile as she eyed Alex making him hide behind dad again.

“What do you mean you marked him?” I asked.

Frethir changed his arm back to normal as he massaged the bridge of his nose.

“Our race, the Zastros, has a unique mating method. The females are highly attractive but they won’t take any random man and aren’t actually sex fiends even if they look like it…” Frethir said.

“”””Hey!!”””” All the present female Zastros shouted.

“Anyway, the females have a condition where they take “Love at first sight” to the extreme and sexually assault their love interest and they expel a pheromone unique to their body that marks their “partner's” body. This pheromone is a one shot thing and it keeps the female of our race from being consumed by lust but when they get a partner they release everything. After that they must at least see their partner once a day for some time or be around them so that the pheromone keeps them calm or they will get increasingly horny and even dangerous.” Frethir said bluntly.

“So… in other words Alex stays or she comes with us?” I asked.

“Precisely.” He replied.

“I don’t give a damn, just keep her away from me, don’t make me get a restraining order!” Alex shouted trembling behind dad.

“Oh my honey, don’t worry, I’ll follow you anywhere and I just need to be within 10 meters of you to not lose myself. I’ll make you see the light that having that thing between your legs will only hold you back from true happiness.” Havic said without any shame.

“Help me!!” Alex shouted nearly breaking down again while holding her junior.

“Just suck it up Alex, be a “man” and take responsibility.” Hilda said while her mouth was twitching as she held back her smile.

“Fuck you, why don’t you take my place since she loves girls so much.

“I’m only interested in the nice squishy kind with a some meat on them. Tin cans with their looks is pleasing to the eyes but no one from our race would mark an android.” She says while giving a look at the two androids. “That said, the elf looks rather nice.” She says licking her lips.


“Hmph, try and come at me and I will toss you into space.” Lisa said bluntly.

“Hehe, you wouldn’t have time to even have an ounce of psi leave your body before you’re in my hands.” Havic said.

Lisa rolls her eyes and looks towards dad through the corner of her eyes.

“Hmm, so it’s like that huh~.” She said with a mischievous grin.

Lisa flinched as she heard that. “W-what?” She said but Havic just grinned.

“Havic!” Frethir said in a deadly low tone. “Stop taking up more of their time!” Frethir said.

“Sorry sorry, everyone sorry for the commotion, I couldn’t control myself. Teehee!” She said.

At that all the people watching began to disperse after Frethir did some gestures for them to go.

Havic gets up and straightens her secretary clothes.

“Well, since I already marked my honey I will have to leave the trade ship since I can’t be too far from her, you can help with the resigning paperwork right?” She said.

“Stop calling me a girl!” Alex shouted but it just reached deaf ears.

Frethir just sighed, “Can’t change the past now. What's done is done.” He said and faced us. “You are all lucky… besides the Tosk at least, Havic is one of our senior merchant. She has knowledge of how to identify items, minerals and many items that would be good for selling. She can give an accurate price for most things and her skills in finance is top notch. Only her personality is a bit hard to handle.” He says.

“Hey, I resent that!” She said.

“Don’t care, go get your things. You can take a set of space armor and battle armor each to protect yourself in space and battle. Besides that, all your personal stuff can leave as well.” He says.

“Alright, it will take me about an hour or two before i’m completely packed. Miss elf, mind helping me carry my things?” She asked.

Lisa thought a moment before shrugging. “Sure.” She said.

“Alright, I’ll be back soon~! Wait for me honey~!” Havic said and quickly ran away.

Alex was grinding her teeth which, surprisingly, revealed a pair of sharp fangs on both upper and lower jaw.

After Havic was gone, Alex dropped down and sat on the floor.

“My life is ruined…” he said.

“Hey, cheer up, you got a sexy woman after you now.” Dad said and laughed.

“Fuck you! If she actually wanted what I had then I would be fine but she wants to take him away! How much do you think I worked to make myself look less girly as possible!” Alex cried back.

“... doesn’t seem you put much effort during the character creation to me.” Hilda said bluntly making Alex even more depressed.

“We can’t change our body so much so I tried to make it less girly but even then…” He said.

“Why didn’t you go for a dwarf or ogre?” I asked.

“One is too large to fit in small ships and one seat fighters, the other short and works best as mechanic but not pilot. Too much of a difference in size for both.” He replied.

“Then why did you choose such a girly Tosk?” Jessica asked.

“The reptile I am based off is called Royal Yellow Iguana. The royal part signifies my extreme human form while retaining small bits of reptile parts. This race was chosen because its both the least dangerous but also one of the most intelligent Tosk variants and most dexterous since my hands are very humanlike but much more flexible. This one matched my preference but it's a race of tosk that possess smaller physic.” Alex said.

“What are you all talking about?” Frethir asked with a brow raised and a slight frown.

“Its nothing really, just random talk.” I replied.

He looks at me and shrugs.

“I’ll be going, i’m sorry about Havic’s… inconvenience and her forcibly entering your crew.” He said and bowed.

“Its nothing, like you said, can't change the past.” Dad replied with a smile.

Frethir nodded and looked us over and nodded again. “Good luck with everything and your own futures.” He said and walked away.

Alex gets up and while gloom he starts walking towards the ship.

“I’m going to wallow in misery while in my fighter since I feel safer there at least.” He said and walked away.

We could only sigh and shake our head before we looked at each other and started chuckling at the show we got before at Alex’s expense.

Since we could do nothing we just decide to wait since we only came for the identification of the alien tech. Never would have expected that coming to simply identify something would snag us a demoness merchant. Maybe we should bring Alex into all the stations. Maybe, even as a trap he has the harem builder gene. If that is true then we might get highly skilled crew members.

Then again this is just rambling and my imagination.

After a bit dad gets bored so I tell him about the food stands and where fresh fruits and stuff are.

He goes to take a look but doesn't take money since we already have most of the barrels filled and don't have space for more.

After a while Havic and Lisa appeared with seven large bags with clothes and personal items.

When I looked at Lisa, her face was deep red all the way to the tip of her pointy ears.

"Huh? Where is my Honey?" Havic said looking around.

"He returned to the ship to wallow in misery. What happened to her?" I asked pointing to Lisa.

"Nothing!" Lisa suddenly shouted and looked away.

The two androids giggled while Havic had a mischievous grin on her face. I more or less understood what happened and could only sigh.

"Do you know about alien technology?" I asked.

"Depends the type, since this trade ship travels within all three factions as a neutral trade ship we see lots of types so it really depends." She explained in a professional tone nothing like the seductive demoness she looks like or how she acted before.

"I wonder if we will have room for all your things?" Jessica muttered.

Like she said I began to wonder as well since there was a lot of items from tools to clothes.

"We will figure it out. Lets get to the ship and leave her things in the girls room before we check the tech we acquired." I said.

"Great, I want to make sure I know all the hiding places on the ship so honey doesn't run away." She said with a blissful expression.

I message dad telling him she is back before we head to the ship.

After dropping her bags off in the girls bedroom we head to my workshop where the engine thing was located.

As soon as Havic's eyes met the thing they got a bit wider as she walked over.

She had me move it and distance it from the wall as she began to open different lids looking through it all.

She had a serious expression that reminded me of the ship builder at the stations.

After half an hour she finishes closing up the final lid before she sighs.

"You guys got yourself some amazing luck I'll say." She commented.

"What do you mean?" Lisa asks.

"Well besides obtaining me to your crew, this little thing, it's a Xetra Blink drive." She said.

We just stared at her not knowing how to react.

"Xetra is the race that created this, they are large and bug like but super intelligence. Most of their ships are built with biotech but important things like engines and these are all machines. This thing can allow your ship to move a fixed distance at 2/5 the speed of light. Normally it's just short distance like 1000 kilometers but as an escape tool its efficient by it consumes a lot of power if not installed into one of the Xetra ships." She explained.

"So it's a very short distance hyperdrive?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"Yea, we really did get lucky and those bandits were super unlucky, Bahahah!" Dad said and laughed.

"Bandits?" Havic said confused.

We then explain how we acquired this and showed her most of the things we acquired. She had a bit of a stern expression like she was thinking of something.

"For now I think we can try and install this, do you know how it works?" I asked Havic.

"Its supposed to be connected to the shield generators, engine and Power generator. The shields will act as a barrier to help speed up while the other two feed the power and propel us. Besides the basics I don't know how to work this since its very uncommon and Xetra are isolationist so their technology is rare. We had beat be careful so that the boss of those bandits don't find this with us." She said.

We all nod as and look at the machine before we all split to do as we please. Havic instantly goes to the fighter in the workshop and tries to open the sealed fighter ship class window where Alex was inside but it was firmly sealed and Alex even pulls the skin under his eye and sticks his tongue out at Havic as she fails leaving her with a few tears in her eyes.

I go and start looking over my robot to see if no damage got through after the rocket hit.

And like that we spent some time before we finally got Havic away from Alex so he could reach the cockpit and get us back to the station.

Somewhere in space

*Knock Knock

"Enter" a deep menacing voice called from within the room. The room was dark and filled with smoke. The man sitting in the chair was an underground boss. He had a large scar going from his left cheek to his nose then rising to his forehead. His hair was pure black and was sleek as if it was coated in gel. In his mouth was a large cigar made from some kind of alien plant.

One of the large metal double doors opens and from outside walkes in an old butler with grey hair and a large grey mustache. His face was heavily wrinkles and colored green.

"Sir, I have received a report from Kelha II asteroid outpost." The butler said.

"Speak!" The boss said as he focuses. There was valuable technology to him in that outpost that was being readied to come to his hands here.

"The station had located the outpost when one of the men shot a tracker and it was spotted by the target. From it they traced back to the outpost.

Some hours ago they raided the outpost and reported in saying that the outpost was using what could only be described as a master class hacker. They took most of the systems besides the main controls. An half an hour later they took the master controls but we activated the self destruct and it detonated before it could be undone." The butler finished reporting.

Veins were appearing on the forehead and face of the boss.

"Send out a search party to retrieve all the remaining tech. It should have been in an explosion resistant safe room to survive the self destruct." The boss said.

"There is more sir." The butler said.


"There were a number of our ship and weapon blueprints that were stolen. Because of the micro trackers implanted in all of them we seen that there are a few crews that obtained something from us." The butler explained.

"Send a raid group to all hunt thos maggots down. I want all my tech back. If these bastards build the tech good saves us the time and money to get it." He said.

"What rank groups should we send sir?" The butler asked.

The boss leaned back as took the Cigar from his mouth and shoved it into a tray before smothering it.

"Send rank 5 men!" He said with a sinister grin.

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