《The Nebula》Chapter 4: Skill training


Author’s Corner okay don’t know if everyone saw in the previous chapters or not but after talking with the others I decided to change the name of a few stats. The main reason is because it sounds more Sci-fi like instead of fantasy like. The stats I changed are as followed…

Strength -> Physical Proficiency

Vitality -> Resilience

Intelligence -> Mentality

Wisdom -> Willpower

Further information of which stat does what is shown in the chapter. This is the last tutorial chapter before the game starts so enjoy!

Okay this is what I understood from the AI: She´s still the AI from my capsule that runs the starting processes.. But it seems as if installing The Nebula caused a massive increase in information that needs to be processed making her processing ability grow so she can help process all the information from the game and pass it to me so I can see the world and space properly.

When I asked why it was only this game where something like this happened her answer was

It’s not like there was a unique program or anything, the main difference is simply the size of the game. Most other games have a small part of a continent or a planet but this one has the entire galaxy. The Capsule AI’s helped with processing the information for the players but the size of the game had such a huge influx of information that my processors grew to handle the increased size of the game.

Not to mention the game developers even planned for this to happen and opened a link for the AI to enter the game as an aid for the player. Any ship you own I will be the AI in the ship’s Intercom and I can appear from the coms on your armor as well.

The idea of having this trolling hag with me really pissed me off. Still she appeared in front of me when the tutorial was over.

She looked like a woman in her early twenties, she wore a white plug suit and had pitch black hair and a model’s figure with a C-D sized chest.

I left before she could do anything else to me and took a nice cold bath to wash off the sweat from the training and to cool my head down.

Since the tutorial was done I could visit each of them as much as I want. I will probably return to body adjustment and try my best to cap all my physical stats and then focus on training my craft skills. I just had to tolerate that AI and it would be fine.

I’m totally going to go mad with that AI.

I jumped onto the couch and cover my head when I had fallen in.

After a bit I heard my dad.

“Huh? Noah what’s up?” He asked.

“Dad… did your capsule AI gain sentience as well?” I asked.

“Oh! So yours got it too?! Well her explanation did say all the Capsule AI’s would need to improve in order to handle the Nebula.” He said.

“What is she like?” I asked.

“Hmm… looks like a well endowed secretary with a gentle personality to match.” He said.

My face hits the pillow in front of me as I slump down.

“What’s to problem? How is yours?” he asked.

“Early twenties, first time she appeared she was in a plugsuit… a completely childish brat!” I tell him.

Then I explained what she did.

I got really pissed when he started laughing while holding his sides.


“Ah, well it probably compliments your own personality.” He says.

“So trolling me is considered a compliment?” I asked annoyed.

“Well she can only do that during the tutorials anyway. The main game AI which is Virtual Work’s personal AI will keep them from doing anything drastic. They will need our permission and so on to do things.” He explains as he falls onto the couch and turns the TV on.

“She´s still damn annoying!” I said.

“Hehe! Haven’t seen you like this since middle school.” Dad says making me jump off the couch and running out of the room.

Since I wanted to cool off I leave the house and go for a jog in the park.

The scenery was rather nice but it was then that I remember I didn’t eat so I returned home at 2 pm and found a plate made for me and a note from dad saying he was in game training.

I sigh and eat the food before returning to the game.

Hi~! Noah! Going to try and cap your physical stats today?

She said appearing as she was before in the large room we were in.

“Before that can you tell me what each stat represents. I need to know what their effect on my in game body is.” I asked blankly.

Boo~! No fun! Fine…What effects stats possess:

Physical Proficiency (Strength) is your Physical strength and physical damage as well as how much you can carry, it also determines how sturdy your body is.

Agility is speed and how fast you can move your body.

Dexterity is precision with your hands. Aids in both crafting and marksmanship.

Resilience (Vitality) is Vital force or you HP.

Mentality (Intelligence) is the force of Psi and how well you control it.

Willpower (Wisdom) is part of regeneration and how fast you can regain Psi

“Show me my status including skills.” I tell her.

StatusName:NoahFaction:LiberationBounty:0Fame:0Health:580HP Regeneration:0.30Psi:385Psi Regeneration0.55Level:1Extra Stat Points:0Physical Proficiency:30Resilience:17Dexterity:25Agility:19Mentality:55Willpower:55Charisma:10Leadership:10

SkillsWeapon Maintenance Level 1

Weapon Repair Level 1

Scrap Weapon Creation Level 1

Dismantling Level 1

Mechanic Level 1

Basic Machine Building Level 1

”So regeneration is willpower/100. Seems good enough for my race but I rather like how much Psi I have at the moment. Still, if I was any race that would be 660 and elves would have 1,210 psi. That is more than 3 times my own capacity which clearly shows the specialization of each race.” I thought.

(A.N. Fun random fact! If you divide elves capacity by the dwarfs psi capacity atm you will get Pi = 3.14.)

[tr]Want help to know what to do to improve each stat?

“Sure…” I say.

Agility comes from running (duh).

Resilience can come from running or doing lots of endurance exercise that exhausts yourself.

Dexterity you can get from building tools, items, weapons and so on manually without using Psi to build it. You can also get dexterity from training your aim with guns.

Mentality comes from training your Psi and psi abilities.

Willpower comes from training to improve the amount of psi your body absorbs back into your body. (just a note but elves get double the regeneration as well.)

Charisma you are being recognised as a strong figure that supports others and makes them feel safe. Being social and well known in either good or bad can also affect it.

Leadership your ability to lead a group to fight, build, repair, etc… and during tense situations makes them feel safe by making careful decisions


“So I can keep increasing my mentality and willpower beyond what I have?” I asked.

Bingo! Truthfully, dwarves only unlock half the opening on both hands so they can work and craft. Dwarves that unlock all Psi exits are normally combatants who specialize in using dwarven Psi tech. The tech makes up for the lack of Psi abilities Dwarves can use.

That said, dwarves have a good control of Psi inside their body when compared to outside. If you flood your chest and legs with Psi you can walk at 2.5G unlike before where you couldn’t.

“You could have told me that sooner, you know!”

You didn’t have training in Psi manipulation so it’s not like it mattered, you got to 2.2 G anyway which is really good for a dwarf that isn’t boosting his strength with Psi.

“Tsk!... Can other races do the same?” I asked.

As surprising as it sounds, Dwarves are the best inner Psi manipulators but yes, other races can do this as well but elves are the worst with inner Psi manipulation because.

While you only have Psi exits on your hands and feet, they have them all over their arms and legs and even on their chest. Because of this after they open them to use Psi abilities with greater ease they get a reduction to use inner psi as it would leak out and blocking an exit would hurt as you should be very familiar with.

It was rather surprising to hear that elves could be bad with a form of Psi but when she explained it like that it made sense. Dwarves have the fewest exits where psi can leak out so that means they can reinforce their bodies to a greater degree when compared to elves.

“Since its like this let’s go to the 2.5 G training. Also teach me how to reinforce my body with Psi so I can handle it.” I said, a bit excited to be able to walk on such a high gravity planet.

Commencing 2.5 G training. Comfort benchmark was 1.8 G, beginning at that G force and will move up 0.1 G when ordered.

The room flashed and I find myself in my armor feeling the weight of my body increase as the g force increases.

To reinforce your muscles with Psi you first takes a few steps. First make it flow from the psi center to your chest and try to slowly move it into the muscles. Only when all the chest muscles are reinforced will you be able to move down to the abs and then to the legs.

With the current Psi capacity you possess you can easily support your entire body to a degree.

I nodded upon hearing her explanation. Still I reread the steps to gain a better understanding.

Then I got started. I pulled the Psi inside my brain and made it flow down my spine. I hadn’t noticed until now but the psi moves through the nerves in my body.

When it reached my chest I make the psi exit the nerves and enter my muscles. It flowed out naturally and was much easier than controlling it outside of my body. The Psi was slowly absorbed into my muscles and I felt my strength slowly rising in that area.

Slowly it filled up the chest and as it filled up the flow down to the muscles below it and to my back muscles.

It was like water that slowly flowed down and filled my muscles.

I waited for a while letting the psi flow but when it reached my foot it began to leak so I blocked the Psi to my foot. From there it was like a dam and spaces that were left empty started to fill up.

As it reached the top of my shoulders it flooded into my arms but again I blocked before it reached my hand and soon it filled them up.

The time it took to this was about 20 minutes.

“Finally done.”

You have gained a new skill

Psi ReinforcementRarity2Level 1A skill used by races with few Psi exits which helps to boost their strength by a large degree by reinforcing their muscles with Psi.

Increases Physical Proficiency and Agility by 5%

Cost 150 psi to activate skill

Semi- active skill

Remains active but reduces Psi regeneration by 0.20 psi regen to sustain the skill.Inner Psi ManipulationRarity1.5Level 1A skill to efficiently control Psi inside the body. Makes it easier to move and manipulate Psi inside the body.

Increases control of Psi inside the body by 1%

“I understand the first skill but why haven’t I gotten exterior Psi Manipulation?!” I asked nearly shouting.

Because your skills with exterior Psi manipulation sucks. Duh! You need several weeks of training to get that skill as a dwarf and even then you aren’t guaranteed. That said, you don't really need it as a dwarf.

Though Inner Psi Manipulation is something most dwarves know because it can be used to buff your own body depending how you manipulate it inside your body.

Flooding your skin will increase your defense as you are now can be classified as getting more defense.

What she said does make sense. Dwarves only levitate items so getting a Psi skill like this is already an achievement..

“Fine, slowly raise the g force in the room.” I tell her.

I immediately feel the G force rise.

2.2 G achieved.

I suggest moving around a bit to see how well you can move.

She tells me.

I nod and start jogging and even though it was heavy I could move as if I was in the 1.5 G before.

After 2 minutes of jogging the G force rose again and started to push me down more.

This one lasted 10 minutes at my request and I gained a point in resilience.

Then 2.3 G came and I started to feel the weight so I asked for an hour under this G force.

The results were 3 agility and 4 Resilience. I was already starting to sweat after this but with a wave of her hand the AI made the fatigue vanish. VR surely is convenient. Sadly that also meant she pushed 2.4 G and made me kneel.

The basic armor changed into a high gravity armor and began to support me more.

I calm down and thinking what I could do I try to fill more Psi into my muscles but they were filled so it just meant 30 strength wasn’t enough for 2.5 G.

“I probably… can’t reach 2.5 G in the Tutorial… Leave it on this setting.” I tell her.


I push myself up and start walking. Can’t really run so I just walk but that was like walking with 60 kilos of lead on each limb.

Pushing myself until sweat flowed in tiny streams from my forehead I walked for nearly 2 hours before I finally collapsed.

Congratz! You capped off Resilience and got Agility to 25. Want me to reduce to 2.3 so you can jog?!

“Yeah…” I mutter.

I feel the pressure on my shoulders lessen but I was still to exhausted but with a swipe of her hand that was gone and I was forced to sit up.

Only 5 points in Agility and Dexterity and you cap off all the physical stats. Seriously martial artists really have a different mentality than other people. Not to mention the Dwarf race’s stubbornness fits you perfectly.

“Just shut up. Anyway besides crafting I think using guns also relies on dexterity right?” I asked.

Yep but you didn’t get the fighters Tutorial so you can’t access the Shooting range or weapons.

Damn it!

“Damn I feel tired of this. my current stats are already good for a dwarf stating character. I’m going to rest now.”

Ah~! Already giving up! What about training your crafting skills?!

“I’ll do that another day.” I say as I log out.

The pain in the ass finally out of the way I take a bath and jump into bed even though it’s not even 6 pm yet.

From that day forward, I only go into the tutorial to train my skills though that results in me capping dexterity after manually building scrap guns.

Now during the month I trained all my skills as much as possible and this was the result with my stats as well.

StatusName:NoahFaction:LiberationBounty:0Fame:0Health:710HP Regeneration:0.30Psi:400Psi Regeneration0.55Level:1Extra Stat Points:0Physical Proficiency:30Resilience:30Dexterity:30Agility:25Mentality:61Willpower:55Charisma:10Leadership:10

Skills[tr]Weapon Maintenance Level 2

Weapon Repair Level 3

Scrap Weapon Creation Level 5

Dismantling Level 5

Mechanic Level 3

Basic Machine Building Level 3

Laser Weapon programming Level 4

Psi Reinforcement Level 2

Inner Psi Manipulation Level 1

Now, as you can tell my HP rose with Resilience. Mentality rose more because I trained my inner Psi control and some of my outer control trying to make machines by purely using Psi.

Building weapons from scrap and programming them wasn’t easy but since it’s in the early levels it leveled up fast. Of course any training with gun building or machine building resulted in Mechanic skill to gain exp.

Weapon maintenance is the strangest skill. It’s kind of similar to weapon repair but still it’s not the same. Weapon maintenance is a skill that helps me check a functioning weapon, repairing it before serious damage appears as well as maintaining the quality of the item. Long story short, to train the skill i have to take care of working guns to make sure they are functioning correctly which also counts as Weapon repair. It makes it easier to spot a fault is how I would describe this skill.

Well anyway, that annoying AI has developed a bit more personality. It seems that she developed two modes I have taken to calling “Serious mode” and “Troll mode”

You can guess what each mode has but let me explain. In serious mode she takes a sort of teacher to student approach and will actively and properly teach me when I need something with whatever information she has.

In troll mode… she fucks with me so much that when I was making weapons I actually tried shooting her, only to have her freeze the laser shot and casually move out of the way or slowing the laser beams down and bending back like the matrix just to spite me.

I couldn’t wait for the tutorials to be done with so that I would only need to hear her stupid comments and nothing else.

Anyways the month is finally over and tomorrow the game officially goes live. I leave the stupid AI and head to bed early because tomorrow at 8 am is the release time and I will not be satisfied with anything besides being first on the station.

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