《Imaginings》Will Power and the Amulet of Hysteria


Will Power paced back and forth along the front of the filthy jail cell. His blond hair stuck out from beneath his helmet and his dull silver uniform crinkled as he moved. He looked over at Debra. He should’ve known better than to listen to her. “We’ll just slip into Jastic’s palace and swap out the Amulet of Hysteria for a fake", she’d said. Now they were stuck in Jastic’s dungeon.

Debra sat on the floor leaning back against the stone wall. She pushed her long dark hair out of her eyes and pulled her flimsy white dress down to cover her legs. Seeing Will staring at her, she gave an angry shout. “Keep your eyes where they belong.”

“What’s the problem?” shot back Will.

She glared at him. “All you had to do was keep out of sight while I crawled into the vault to get the amulet and next thing I hear is you shooting up the place. I barely had time to switch the real one for the fake before the guards burst in.”

Will stopped walking and stared at Debra. “Hey, you said there’d be no guards. What’d you expect me to do?”

“I’m just tired of all your screw ups.”

“My screw up!” he shot back. “Who got the guard schedule wrong?”

She glared at him. “If you weren’t so trigger happy, the guards would’ve never known we were there.”

Will began to answer, but thought better of it. He resumed his pacing.

Debra pulled out a gold piece of jewelry slightly smaller than her palm. A red stone sat in the center surrounded by alien symbols. Staring at it, she began to chuckle.

“What is it?”

“Someone took Jastic for a fool. This isn’t the Amulet of Hysteria. The symbols are all wrong.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she huffed. “I certainly know the difference between Cruclin and Traon.”

Will stopped pacing. “So we came here for nothing?”

“Oh, this will still fetch a nice price,” answered Debra with a smile. “Maybe not as much as the Amulet of Hysteria, but still worth the trip.”


She stood up. “Now let’s see about getting out of here,” she continued. “The guards should be here soon to take me to Jastic. I’ll create a distraction and you overpower them.”

“How do you know that?”

Debra gave him a sideways look. “Seriously? Every two bit ruler we run into wants to make me their queen. You’d think I was the only woman they’d ever seen.” She smiled. “And the rest is just as predictable. When I resist, they threaten me with some outlandish death. Hanging over a pit of dinosaurs, set adrift in a sea of lava, or my favorite, being slowly submerged in a vat of chocolate.”

Will laughed. “And after I save you, you’re always so grateful.”

“Well don’t expect any gratitude this time,” she shot back.

The sound of heavy boots announced the approach of two burly guards. One pointed his blaster at Will while the other unlocked the door. Stepping inside, he pointed at Debra. “The Emperor wishes to see you.”

Debra gave Will a quick wink and took a step backwards, fear etched on her face. “Please don’t hurt me,” she begged in a pitiful tone.

Will tried to keep himself from laughing.

“Do as you’re told and no harm will come to you,” growled the guard.

“No,” she cried turning around and running right into the wall. With a groan, she fell to the floor.

The two guards rushed forward and Will made his move. A karate chop knocked the blaster from the armed guard’s hand and a well-placed kick left him writhing on the floor. The other guard whirled around and reached for the blaster in his holster, but only grabbed empty air. The sensation of something poking him in the back made him freeze.

“Do as you’re told and no harm will come to you,” hissed Debra sarcastically. “Now what did Jastic do with our ship.”

“It’s in the Emperor’s private hangar,” he answered in a shaky voice.

“Thank you,” replied Debra as she pulled the trigger and the guard fell to the floor unconscious. She then fired at the other guard who was starting to stir. “Now put on a uniform. I have an appointment to see the Emperor.”


While dressing, Will considered how lucky he’d been to meet up with Debra. The hero business had been nice, but it certainly didn’t pay the bills. Once he’d finished putting on the guard’s uniform he and Debra left the cell, locking it behind them.

“Let’s make this look good,” instructed Debra. “Keep the blaster pointed at me and let the guards know you mean business.”

“This isn’t my first escape,” answered Will in a hurt tone. “Give me some credit.”

Debra gave a slight smile. “Sorry,” she shot back in the most insincere tone she could muster.

The two walked in silence until reaching the dungeon’s exit. “I’m taking this prisoner to the Emperor,” barked Will to the guard.

The guard unlocked the door and looked Debra up and down with a leer. “It’s good to be the Emperor.”

As they neared the Emperor’s quarters, Debra whispered. “Wait outside and I’ll signal when it’s safe.”

“Shouldn’t I …” began Will, but didn’t get to finish as one of the Emperor’s personal guards approached.

“I’ll escort the prisoner. Return to your duties.”

“Yes sir.”

Will only went a short distance before ducking in a doorway where he could keep an eye on things. The guard took Debra inside and came right back out, but remained just outside the door.

Emperor Jastic was a large man with a cruel face and bald head. His squinty eyes looked Debra over and he smiled, revealing a mouth filled with pointed teeth. Debra looked around the room for anything she could use as a weapon and saw a heavy metal platter holding what appeared to be rotten fruit.

“You’re even more beautiful that I’ve been told,” commented the Emperor in a rough wheezing voice.

Debra stumbled forward, going to her knees by the table which held the platter. “I’m sorry Emperor,” she pleaded. “Your compliment has overwhelmed me.”

“Think nothing of it my dear,” answered Jastic as he offered his hand to her. In a single motion, Debra grabbed the platter and swing it down hard on Jastic’s head. The loud clang of metal drowned out the Emperor’s cry of pain as he fell to the floor.

Outside, Will saw the guard grab his weapon and turn towards the door. Running forward, Will fired his blaster and the guard crumpled to the ground. Once inside, he locked the door and found Debra standing over the prone Jastic.

“You’re not the only muscle,” she laughed. “Now let’s get to the ship.”

The Emperor’s private hangar had an entrance right in his quarters. Will opened the door a crack and peered inside.

“Only two guards,” he reported. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”

Grabbing a blaster from the unconscious emperor, Debra joined Will at the door. “Let’s get to the ship.”

Will threw open the door, and the two of them rushed into the hangar, blasters firing. The two guards didn’t stand a chance.

Once onboard, Will fired up the engines and soon the planet Raxlor lay behind them.

“We should probably find out what that amulet’s worth,” suggested Will.

“Good idea,” answered Debra handing him the amulet which he placed in the analyzer. As he turned back, Debra wrapped her arms tightly around him and began kissing him. “As much as you screw-up,” she purred, “I still wouldn’t want anyone else for a partner.”

The computer beeped and an automated voice came from the speaker. “Object composition; gold plated steel and red colored glass. Estimated value; 2 credits.”

“What!” cried Debra, grabbing the amulet and smashing it on the control panel. Shards of red glass flew everywhere. “Everything we went through and all we get is some costume jewelry.”

“Looks like Jastic wasn’t the only one taken for a fool,” laughed Will.

Debra glared at him for a moment before beginning to laugh as well. “Yeah, I should’ve realized it was a fake. Well, on to the next score. The Empress Klastrin is supposed to have quite the jewelry collection.”

Will looked at Debra and smiled. Sometimes he missed being a hero, but this wasn’t one of those times.

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