《Healer》Chapter 49- Tussock (2)


I wore a faint smile and kept a blank mind in case one of the Bangaas had the Psychic element.

“No. No. It is just that we are increasing the security measures since the Great Reset. As you know, a new race known as the ‘Humans’ are going to climb the tower very soon. And your look matches the general description of a human.” The older Bangaa explained carefully.

“Is that so? But I am not a human though. Can’t you see that I’m a Lycan?” I remained calm despite facing the Bangaas’ inquisitive stares and lied without shame pretending to belong to another race. I already had a plan in mind and prepared myself mentally to behave childishly. I was banking on two things: my knowledge of the city to prove that I was a resident and the current ongoing conflict between the different races of the tower because of the Great Reset.

The Great Reset was the phenomenon that took place in the tower each time a new race was invited to climb it. The earlier races have already cleared out all the monsters, leaving no challenges for the next race. The Great Reset would respawn all the dead monsters, resources and treasures. It was the tower’s way of warning the existing races of the arrival of the new one.

After spending centuries living in the tower, the resources available naturally started running out. The Great Reset was a saving grace that could revive the economy. It did not have much of an impact on the first floor that was dedicated to farming. The races simply dispatched a few advanced creatures to deal with the monsters destroying the fields.

But it was a more complex issue on the higher floors such as the High Plateau. All the abandoned quarries and mines were suddenly full of ores and minerals again. The races naturally started fighting over the newly restored resources which led to tension rising. The residents of the tower became very careful when dealing with someone from a different race to avoid straining the diplomatic relations. It was especially true for the Bangaas who acted as guards; they were in a very sensitive position.

“You are a Lycan? But you do not look very hairy?” The Bangaa asked curiously. “If that is the case... Can you transform into your bestial form? It will be easy to confirm it.”


The question I was expecting came. I shook my head and used the answer I prepared. “Unfortunately, I can’t. We are in the middle of the day and I can’t use my bestial form under the sun. I come from the Silkmoon clan. The members of my clan have a low pilosity in this form. You can ask around to confirm this.”

The Bangaa displayed a complicated expression. I noticed his tail drilling into the ground, a clear sign of frustration and doubt. “The Silkmoon clan? Never heard of it but I did hear that some Lycans with weak bloodlines indeed cannot transform without fulfilling certain conditions… This is getting a bit complicated… Since you have to wait for the sunset to transform, can you wait until then with us? We need to confirm your identity and cannot allow a human to enter Tussock.”

“But I need to go back to the inn and I have important things to do. Are you stopping me just because I am a Lycan?” I did not hesitate to mention the sensitive issue of ‘my race’. Playing the victim was indeed a low blow but the end justifies the means. I watched the Bangaa hesitate before continuing. “Or is it because I did not follow the traditions of Tussock properly? Now that I think about it, the elders of my clan did mention it.”

I swiftly took out a handful of mana stones from my storage belt and handed them to the Bangaa while wearing the same innocent expression. There was enough to give a couple to each guard. My intentions were clear and the transition to this topic has been as smooth as it could be.

The Bangaas remained silent. Their captain did not immediately accept the bribe. “It would not be a problem in normal times but we received strict instructions to stop all the humans that come through. We cannot allow a single one to enter the city or we’ll get in trouble.”

“What do I do then? Is there no other way to prove that I am not a human? I lived in Tussock for a long time!” I forced myself to keep a clear mind, silently hoping for the Bangaa to pick up the hints I had already left him. I mentioned an inn, the traditions of Tussock and purposely stressed the word ‘Lycan’. I raised many points that could easily confirm that I was a resident of the city.


Fortunately, the senior Bangaa was not completely clueless. After thinking for a brief moment, he asked, “Where exactly do you live in Tussock?”

I smiled faintly. Things were going exactly as I hoped it would. I let the senior Bangaa come up with the idea of asking me questions; questions that only a resident of Tussock would know.

“The Round Silversmith Pub. It’s an inn close to the Harlek Square and the Fish Market. Not the greatest place to live but rent is cheap.” I mentioned a rather obscure place to discourage him from sending someone to check on the situation.

“Right. Then, what did you think of the celebrations that took place on the Harlek Square last week?” The Bangaa asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, staying calm and confident. “I did not attend. There is no reason for me to do so. I just hope that there will be a good harvest this year.”

The Bangaa nodded calmly. “It’s a pity. You missed one of the rare appearances of our city lord. Many people gather for these occasions just to see Miss. Amber.”

“People say she is the prettiest female of the Grasslands but it does not really matter to me. At the end of the day, she is a Blood Wing. I would rather stay far away from her as much as possible.”

“Right. I forgot about the situation between the Lycans and the Blood Wings.”

The tension in the air had decreased over the past few minutes. I could see that the Bangaas were visibly more relaxed around me. It was all a matter of confidence and attitude. By answering the questions of the senior Bangaa, I was proving that I was indeed a resident of the city and by extension, I could not be a human.

The senior Bangaa was more vigilant than his subordinates but in the end, even he was forced to admit that I had a good grasp of the situation in the tower and perfect knowledge of Tussock.

“It seems that I was overthinking things. You may really be a Lycan who is just unlucky to have this appearance.” The senior Bangaa said with a thoughtful expression.

“Sadly, I cannot change my appearance.” I once again presented the mana stones to the Senior Bangaa.

The doubt in his eyes remained but this time, he casually picked up the mana stones and dropped them in his pocket. “You are indeed familiar with how we do things. You can go in but be careful. The other races may target you because of your appearance.” The senior Bangaa warned me.

I nodded quietly. “Yes. Considering the situation, I may leave very soon and return to my clan. It will be safer there.”

“You can go in but don’t cause any trouble.” The senior Bangaa stepped aside, allowing me to enter Tussock.

“Thanks.” I smiled faintly and walked inside without hesitation. I had successfully passed the first obstacle but I could not let my guard down yet. There were so many things I needed to do to ensure my safety. As a human, entering Tussock was no different from entering the lion’s den.

Fortunately, my next destination was not very far from the entrance gate.

Behind me, the senior Bangaa took out the mana stones and handed two to each guard. He finally stopped next to a particular Bangaa, wearing a white head scarf. “Did you find anything peculiar about him?”

The Bangaa with the head scarf shook his head. “No. His mind remained clear when he was answering your questions. He was a bit nervous but that is to be expected from someone stopped by the guards. He is still suspicious though but for different reasons. When probing his mind, I found that he is just a first circle creature. It is not unusual for Lycans to send their youths out to learn about the world but they usually wait for them to reach the second circle. He seems a bit young to me. Maybe his clan is different. He may be worth investigating.”

The senior Bangaa clicked his tongue. “No. We’ll forget about this matter. You know that there is some conflicts going on over the mines right now. The city lord will not hesitate to arrest that Lycan if we report something suspicious about him because of his race. In the end, we may end up being dragged in the conflict between the Lycans and the Blood Wings. It is not a good thing for the Bangaas.”

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