《Candii's Quest》24 Prayin’


24 Prayin’

Under cover of the night sky, Candii touched down in Jammertown outside of Krawl’s vehicle rental shop. She gently placed each member of the band on the ground and then released the unicorn pearls, sending them into her backpack.

Key Gullz was first to wake. “Candii. What happened? I thought…”

“Well, you weren’t wrong. Let’s just say my commitment to protect my family, no matter equine or people, is very strong.”

“Fair enough,” Key Gullz said.

Sir Taco and Thad Penguino then roused and jumped to their feet.

“Morgana! Stand back everyone!” Sir Taco shouted.

Thad Penguino grabbed Sir Taco. “It’s all right! It’s over! She’s gone. Candii did it.”

“She did? She did what?” Sir Taco asked.

Thad Penguino scratched his head. “I’m not entirely sure, to be honest. What did happen up there, Candii?”

Begin Praying by Kesha


♫♫♫ … become.

Candii sighed. “I was able to connect with the unicorn pearls from beyond the grave and come back to life.” She saw the unicorn pearls react to their mention as her backpack glowed slightly. “I used my new ultimate connection to take control of all the unicorn pearls and defeat Morgana.”

“Good riddance,” Sir Taco scoffed. “I hope she burns in fiery pits and gets poked by pitch forks for all of eternity.”


'Cause … farewell.

“No,” Candii said in defiance, surprising the band. “Right before I defeated her, I saw something emerge. She was a real person with real feelings other than jealousy and disdain.”

Key Gullz shook her head. “But she...”

Candii threw up a hand. “Despite the atrocities she caused, I have to believe that she wasn’t born that way.”


I … prayin’.


Candii took a seat on the cold, hard ground.

The band joined her.

“On our way back here, I found myself thinking. Would I turn into that if I didn’t have all of you? I have an incredibly powerful gift now and I must make sure I use it responsibly. Can I avoid absolutely corrupting like Morgana?”


I'm … come!

The band was silent for a moment.

Sir Taco took Candii’s hand. “There’s no way that’ll ever happen to you. I’ll always be there for you if you ever need me.”

Thad Penguino and Key Gullz joined their hands as well.

“That’s right,” Thad Penguino agreed. “Key Gullz and I will always be there for you.”

Candii closed her eyes and nodded.

Her heart welled up.

She was going to be okay.


'Cause … name!

Thad Penguino saw a shooting star rise from the horizon and dart across the sky.

“Do you think she died in there?” he asked.

Candii considered it. “She had great power, but I’m not sure even she could survive her own strongest magic. Wherever she is, I’m praying that she can come to peace with her demons.”

Candii considered her words. On the Continent of the Jam Gods, it was very possible Morgana was literally with demons.


You … farewell.

“Please, everyone. Wherever she is, let’s wish her well,” Candii asked. She squeezed their hands and they tried to think positive thoughts for Morgana.


I … prayin’.

The band fell silent again. Candii wished with all her heart that Morgana finally got what she wanted. What she needed to be whole.

The unicorn pearls glowed and jiggled in her bag.

Somewhere up in the sky, Candii saw that same shooting star fly across the sky again with another light right behind.


She thought she felt Morgana’s presence along with another.


Sometimes … forgive!

Candii moved her lips and sang.


I … prayin’

The band remained silent and held each other’s hands for a moment longer.

Finally, Candii picked herself up and dusted the dirt off her clothes. “Well, this is it. We’re at the end of our last set list.”

“Not so fast,” Thad Penguino said. “We’ve still got to return our van keys.” He jingled the last remaining piece of their rental from Krawl.

End Praying by Kesha

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