《Candii's Quest》23 Love Endures


Begin Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran


When … twenty-three.

Under the rubble, Morgana still lived. What life she did have left in her was fading fast. She crawled through the brick and mortar, life draining from her body, to find that one treasure she needed most to see.

She pushed stone off the glowing blue crystal that contained the body of her love, Jayce Corgimiester. She closed her eyes and whispered an ancient spell. The crystal began to fade slowly as his body began to warm.

Jayce opened his eyes for the first time in thirty years. He coughed once. Morgana closed her eyes and put her hand on his cheek.

“Morgana,” he whispered. “What happened in the courtyard? Are you okay?” He coughed again. “I feel strange.”


People … am.

“Honey, be still. You’re not well.” She felt his face beginning to warm again quickly. The freezing process was failing. She knew she had no power to save him at this point, and possibly ever.

Were all her years of toil and regret for nothing? Was she truly destined to fail and die without ever experiencing her dream of a life with her true love?


So … are.

“What’s the matter? Did the headmistress get on your case again?” Jayce asked.

“No, she said she understood.”

“Wow, that’s uncharacteristically nice of her. So then why do you look like you just got out of a fight?”

Morgana laughed, coughing up on her robes. “Oh, you know, the usual. Just drama and work.”

Jayce closed his eyes and nodded. “Of course.”

They lay in silence for several minutes. Jayce broke it by asking, “How many decades have I been under?”


When … memory.

Morgana’s mouth fell open. “You know?”


“You’re not the only genius around here,” he laughed. “I’m putting it all together now.”

“Ah.” Morgana sighed. “Then you know about your condition.”

“My condition? What about you? You’re leaking out of your face.”

Morgana wiped the red off her brow. “Never mind that. You have no idea how long I’ve waited and wished just to hear your voice again. To feel your skin against my hand.”

Jayce nodded. “As have I.”


People … understand.

Morgana tried to lift herself, but she collapsed.

“Don’t push yourself,” Jayce pleaded.

“It doesn’t matter,” Morgana said sadly.

“It does. You’re reducing the minutes we have left with each other.”

Morgana considered it. “You’re right. I don’t want to lose another second.” She laid back down next to Jayce and cuddled up against him. Utilizing great will, Jayce moved his arm over her. His atrophied muscles barely responded, but he finally pulled her in closer.


But … are.

Jayce’s body heat was getting dangerously hot. Morgana’s wrath from thirty years prior was returning to end what it started.

As her consciousness began to fade, she thought about what her mother said before she passed.

“You must fight for every moment to live.”

She felt a welling in her heart and she snapped back awake. “I want every second left with you that you’ll give me,” she said. “Take me into your loving arms.”

Jayce did so gently.



Jayce began to smolder and crackle. He felt no pain, for his body was old and had long stopped responding to such a trivial function. Morgana began to heat up as well cuddling with a body the temperature of the sun’s surface. She took no precaution to cast an insulation spell. Instead, she pushed deeper into his chest.



So … are.

“Goodbye, my love,” Jayce whispered into her ear.

“Goodbye, my one and only,” she replied.

Morgana took Jayce’s hand and squeezed it tight. They both shone with an immaculate red glow. Their hands melded into one.

The horde of Morgana’s remaining minions fled the room as intense heat radiated out and burned everything in its wake. Finally, their two bodies evaporated into scorching steam and dispersed into the air. Their essences intertwined and rode the wind into the night sky.

End Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran

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