《Two Broken Roads》Chapter 27. Glorious Consummation


Thankfully, the drive home was not a long one. Laura was squeezing my hand so tight it almost hurt, but that was all right with me. We stole a few smooches as we started the car… then at every stop sign… and red light… and again as we pulled into the driveway.

I shut down the engine and made sure she waited for me to open her door. I could see she wanted to get in the house quickly.

I held her hand as she exited the car. “Shall we enter our castle, Mrs. Hawkins?”

Her face glowed. Her eyes sparkled.

As she stood, I rather smoothly picked her up and kissed her as I held her and carried her to the front door. I managed to hold her as we entered. I closed the door and bolted it with one hand. Our lips and mouths remained locked as our tongues began sparring like they were in a frantic sword fight. Our arms and hands tried to pull us together to form a single body. We were heavily charged with passion, sending shock waves of energy to and through each other. Minutes later we slowly pulled back a bit and looked deeply into each other’s eyes. I gently put Laura down, never breaking our gaze. She simply took my hand and led me to our marital bed.

Sarah and Laura had prepared the room for romance. Laura didn’t know that Sarah left a gift basket on our bed with three bottles of our favorite merlot, two personalized commemorative glasses, and a lovely card with a slightly risqué message –

“Bobby and I hope that ‘consummating’ is a very tame description of your night.

Go wild, have fun, and just remember that about 200 people know exactly what you’re doing!

Love, Sarah and Bobby.

“I love those two!” Laura exclaimed.

“Oh yeah!”

Laura put the card down and turned to look in my eyes. “So, Mr. Hawkins… What would you like to do now?”

I removed my jacket, placed it over the chair next to our bed, and positioned her while standing with her back to the bed.

“Mrs. Hawkins, nothing would please me more than to remove everything you’re wearing, taking great care to slowly reveal every beautiful view I’ve only been able to imagine until now!”

“Be my guest!” she replied with a little blush and a coquettish smile.

I reached behind her, still maintaining the connection through our eyes, and slowly unzipped her dress. As I did she removed the vine from her hair and fluffed it out until it flowed freely but still held its shape. It splendidly framed her gorgeous face and made her shoulders even more desirable as it draped over them so gently. As her dress loosened, I slowly slid it down while gently caressing its path with my touch.

“Ohhh!” she whispered as I started to kiss her neck and shoulders, then along her collar bone. I met her forehead with mine, gently kissing her nose. I ran my tongue lightly over her lips and penetrated her mouth with my tongue as my hand caressed her neck. I moved a bit to her side while our tongues kept dancing. My free hand began to flow over her like a conductor leading a sweet symphony… gently touching her neck… over her shoulders… across the top of her chest… down her arm… then moving across her stomach below her lacy white bra. The clasp was thankfully in the front. I gently opened it while moving my kisses to her neck. Her bra fell away, and I heard her sigh. Laura’s breathing became more pronounced.


Her sighs heightened the sexual tension. A sweet fragrance from the candles pleasantly attacked my senses. I pulled back and looked into her eyes. I could see the love and lust welling up within her. Our lips met again. I prolonged taking in the sight I knew stood before me. The tension and impatience grew to a boiling point within us both.

Finally, I pulled back to absorb the sight of her uncovered beauty. I gasped with pleasure.

“Oh wow!” I uttered like a schoolboy seeing his first pair of breasts.

My peripheral vision took in more of the glorious view to be absorbed. I moved my gaze lower and, for the first time, I saw her garter belt, stockings, and a pair of white lacy panties. The vision sent pulsations straight to my groin.

“Meet with your approval?

“You’re more beautiful than I imagined, and I have a very good imagination!” She blushed a little and momentarily look embarrassed at my close inspection.

I gently cupped her breasts and began kissing the first one, then the other. At first, I avoided the most sensitive part, but then gently worked my way to her nipples. They already stood out in anticipation. My mouthed covered the areola on her right breast as I drew her nipple into my hungry mouth. She threw her head back with a moan of pleasure. I began nibbling with varying strength until her response told me I had it just right. My right hand stimulated her left breast mimicking the sensations I created with my lips and tongue on her right breast. I maintained my attention for several minutes, switching my mouth and hands back and forth between the twin treasures.

I slowly started to move away from her nipples. I sensed mild disappointment in a sigh, but she knew greater sensations awaited. I drifted my mouth’s attention up toward her lips again and took the time to kiss her deeply and passionately. The anticipation was thick enough to cut with a knife. Love-filled lust streamed between us.

I felt her swaying, slightly unsteady from standing while enduring the fire building within. I eased her into sitting position on the edge of the bed as I pulled away from our kiss I slowly moved south with my lips, gently sucking, licking, and kissing. I moved down over her neck… the tender spots on her shoulders and collar bone… I lingered slightly on one breast, then the other… then working my way down her abdomen and across her waist just above her panty line. I kept tenderly kissing her stomach looking for spots that didn’t tickle but caused a pleasure response from her.

I continued my oral exploration of her tummy while I undid the clasps on her stockings. I moved my mouth over the side of her panties and down each leg as I rolled each stocking down, one after the other, and removed her shoes. Gentle licks, sucks, and kisses greeted each leg as I freed it from her hosiery. My mouth dwelled on each thigh, the back of her knees, and down her calves to her ankles. I caressed them, stimulated her sense of pleasure, letting each nerve send her jolts of bliss … letting me find more tender points to remember.

I passed over her panties barely touching them. The scent from her arousal was sweet and flowery. I found it hypnotic… trying to draw me in to where I wasn’t ready to go. Moisture coated her panties giving evidence to her body’s preparation for loving. Her breathing was heavy… her body quivered from the stimulation… her senses were at full attention… her chest continued heaving with passion.


It would not take long to bring her over the top. Her body was very responsive. I learned that lesson well in our passionate experiences on our favorite chair, so I knew I could bring her to multiple orgasms without concern of my coming too soon. That eased a concern that had crept into my head.

Her sighs and moans softly cried for release. She was on the edge. I wanted to remove the last shreds of clothing that covered the glorious valley, but I wanted her to stay on edge. I needed to pull back… let her passion brew a bit. She’d find anticipation would be worth the wait. I started to stand and heard her softly moan, “Noooo” in her desire for me to continue my loving assault on her senses. I brought our lips together and moved to whisper in her ear.

“Your turn to unwrap your wedding present!” I suggested

I stood before her within her reach. My tie was long gone. She quickly unbuttoned my shirt. Her patience was being tested. Her hands ran over my bare chest and I felt her kisses fueling my excitement. Her eyes took in what was exposed to her. Roughly pulling off my shirt, I was rewarded with loving licks and kisses on my nipples... not gentle... but not too rough either. Her attention moved from my chest to my abdomen and every nerve stood at attention awaiting the next touch, caress, or kiss. She knew there would be time later to explore. I slipped my shoes off without bending or moving as she lightly bit my stomach.

Laura briefly stood and hugged me. Her naked breasts crushed into my chest. I felt even more a part of her. She looked at me and whispered, “I’ve wanted to feel that skin to skin hug since we first met!” She deeply kissed me while reaching for my belt buckle and freeing it.

She sat back down and undid the button at the top of my trousers. It was my turn to start breathing heavily. I felt soft moans of anticipation form in my throat. Slowly pulling down my zipper, I felt her hand run along the hardness still hidden beneath. The moans started to escape from my throat and past my tongue. She was paying me back, not really teasing, but building anticipation. My trousers fell down and I quickly helped so I could step out of them while removing each sock. We were equally clothed—or unclothed as it were.

The outline of my throbbing member beneath my boxers was hard to miss. She gently ran her fingers over it bringing louder moans from the depths of my being. I voiced a gasp of pleasure from her gentle kiss on the tip through my shorts.

“Someone likes the attention,” she observed. “There’s something hidden in here I’ve wanted for a long time,” she said as she pulled my shorts down. Now my knees were weak.

Laura looked closely at the site unveiled and gasped with wide eyes as she took hold with both hands. She looked up at me with delight on her face.

“I knew it was rather big from sitting on your lap so often, but wow! I hope we fit!”

Her words stoked my confidence. I’m not breaking any size records, but I knew I was a little above average in length and thickness. How much, I don’t know. I never made it a hobby to compare.

“Do I meet with your approval?” I asked.

“And then some!” she replied. “This is going to be fun, isn’t it?”

“I think that’s a given!” I replied. “We’re gonna have a blast!”

I bent over and picked her up in my arms and deeply kissed her. The passion was boiling hotter than ever as we held our mouths together while I gently laid her down in the middle of the bed. Our hands explored freely while our tongues continued to intertwine. I stroked her hair and stimulated her nipples as she gently caressed my manhood. She shivered in delight when my hands gently ran down her body. My attention stayed above her waist. Her body quivered as tension rebuilt quickly.

After several minutes I broke the kiss and slowly worked my way down her body. I kissed above the garter belt and panty line. Her breathing increased again. She sighed whimpered sounds of arousal. My lips moved over her legs and kissed her thighs. Almost involuntarily her legs moved apart, and I started kissing all around her paradise region over her panties without giving in to making direct contact on her most tender center of pleasure.

I could see her engorged labia through the white and thoroughly soaked panties as my teasing kisses continued. Gently, I stroked down the center of her moist crevice with my finger. She ran the fingers from both hands through my hair. She gasped as her hands moved to clutch the sheets on either side of her. I assumed it was a small orgasm. There were larger ones to come.

My kisses travelled over her panties to the source of her moisture. The wonderful aroma and taste overwhelmed my senses. I could spend hours in that spot just drinking it in with my eyes and tongue. But we were both ready. It was time.

I knelt and slowly removed her panties and garter belt. She was fully exposed before me. My love and desire filled to overflowing as I gazed on the most breathtaking site imaginable.

Her face glowed… her smile warmed me and begged for what was to come… her breasts stood firm with protruding nipples proclaiming her excitement. Her pubic hair was neatly groomed, framing the moist entrance to my destination. Love personified lay before me. I was overcome with emotion and desire.

My mouth was drawn to taste her. More quickly than before, I kissed her legs on the way to my target. The aroma was heavenly. I kissed and gently licked all around without hitting the most sensitive areas. A few moments passed, and my tongue made its way to the juicy center. Her taste flamed my passion. My tongue moved with varying pressure and technique all around her waiting channel, through the center, and around the sides from the bottom to the top of her love canal.

I was in my glory. I could feast here until I passed out from hunger. She was feeding me all I wanted.

Laura was gasping, uttering moans of pleasure. She had no words to describe what she felt. No words would suffice. She was lightly writhing, not yet an orgasm but not far from it. Her clitoris was unhooded and was begging for attention. I complied for a moment. She wanted her the release, but I wasn’t giving it to her this way. Not this time!

As I moved up her body her legs drew widely apart with erotically impressive flexibility. I came face to face with the woman I loved and looked into her eyes as I moved into position for what we wanted… for what we needed. We found ourselves in each other’s gaze. We were prepared. We longed for this moment for months. I ran my fingers through her hair and softly said, “Laura Hawkins, I am completely and fully in love with you. Shall we finish our connection? Really become one?”

“Please!” she begged.

I entered her slowly but completely. We both gasped as if we were breathing life into something… or someone new. We’re a new being. Two became one. The physical sensations were magnificent, but the connected love overwhelmed our senses and emotions. We stared adoringly into each other’s souls. The bond became unbreakably strong. Our love was all around us… within us… through us.

This moment was everything we dreamed it would be. The beauty exceeded my dreams. The wait tested our resolve, but it was more than worth it.

We savored the joining. Our lips and tongues met with urgency. Our eyes remained open and locked onto each other. I stared into the blue-gray sea reflecting back at me and saw the depths of her very being, and I saw myself in that sea with her.

Our eyes slowly closed. I became more aware of the physical sensations. Our hearts beat together. I was throbbing with passion inside a warm, moist, velvety sleeve. She contracted and pulsed around me, hugging my cock as it was completely welcomed in its new home. This was where it belonged. This was where I belonged.

I slowly began to move in and out. Her canal gripped me as I pulled back as if to keep me from leaving, and hugged me each time I returned to full penetration. She gasped with each thrust. Mutual moans floated through our kiss. I increased the pace as I sensed her need.

The movement made it difficult to maintain the connection at our lips. I raised my head to look into her eyes. Our minds embraced the overwhelming sense that we had built the circle of completion. We were physically connected in the most intimate way. Our minds and souls connected in our eyes. We were immersed in love almost as if we were floating under warm water.

Minutes passed. Our breathing became heavier. Laura’s vocal utterances were louder and intense. She was squirming more strongly than ever. I felt her tense up. I increased the pace into a higher gear. Her love canal squeezed me so tightly it almost hurt in a most delightful way. We both sensed immense pleasure and the fulfillment of our deepest needs.

Her eyes closed tightly. She went rigid and ceased to breathe, then let out a shout and cry. Her vocal serenade of pleasure filled me with a sense of love and fulfillment—as if I gave her a great gift. We were giving each other our greatest gifts. We gave each other all of ourselves, and all of our love.

As she gasped for breath I stopped moving to let her recover. She slowly opened her eyes and flooded my soul with pleasure and love. She was content in the moment, but the moment wasn’t over. She felt me throbbing within her. I asked if she was ready and she shook her head “Yes” with eagerness. I slowly began to thrust again and sensed she wanted me harder and faster. Her legs were behind my back… pulling me into her… setting the pace. I matched her rhythm. She pulled her legs up, bringing her feet above her shoulders and rocked her hips upwards. I was now as deep within her as possible. The fit was perfect as I felt myself against her cervix – making contact but not causing pain. We were made to fit perfectly. This is where we both belonged. Together!

Laura was breathing even faster and deeper. Every thrust was met with an exclamation. “Yes! Yes! Oh yes! Harder! Oh my! Keep going! Yes! Yes! Ooh I’m coming! Yes!”

My own release was near. It was always difficult to plan climaxing together, but that’s what we were building towards. Her moans and cries became louder and louder. I felt like a firehose in my balls had been opened. There was no stopping now.

Laura screamed louder than I thought humanly possible in a huge orgasm. My deeper voice joined her in a passion-filled chorus as I filled her with months of pent-up anticipation. Her body reacted to each pulse, feeling the streams against her womb. The volume of fluid was greater than I’d ever produced. Weeks of holding back, high emotion, passion, and love built the foundation for this moment. The intensity of the climax was as if every cell in my body exploded in bliss. I was spent in every glorious way possible. Laura looked almost unconscious, but immensely satisfied.

I collapsed without putting too much weight on her. I was still hard inside her. She relaxed her legs and I rolled us over putting her on top of me while keeping us in contact and staying within her. She started to recover… she was back to the present. We locked our mouths together passionately. Our grasp felt like we were frantically trying to pull our bodies into one being.

How do you rate one kiss against another? This had all the passion equal to any time we ever made out, but it also felt like the final passage of a great symphony. All the joy, the complete bonding, the physical and spiritual connection, and satisfaction, the unbridled love—all of that came through our lips, our tongues, our mouths, our eyes, and our mashed-together bodies.

As we finally parted lips she collapsed her head on my shoulder. Miraculously I was still inside her, not rock solid but hard enough to stay in.

We spent time just holding, cuddling, recovering. If physically possible we could stay this way forever.

Laura finally broke the silence of the afterglow. She let out a great breath and sighed. “If it’s always going to be like this, we may never leave the bedroom!

I laughed. “This was special for so many reasons, but I know it will always be great with you!”

“I believe you!” She said “I don’t know how I deserve to be so happy, so loved, and so in love… but I am. I love you, Ben!”

“And I love you, Laura.”

We were too spent to even kiss. She just snuggled into me in blissful joy and contentment. She slid off me as I softened too much to stay in her. We just snuggled and rested for about half an hour.

As some energy returned, we decided we needed a shower—and we’d do it together! We consummated our bonds the way it should happen.

Now… it was playtime!

We showered, soaped, rinsed, played, explored, and talked. We mostly talked about some of the things we’d like to do to each other and with each other when we made love. We had a long list of options, each sure to keep the variety levels high and excitement higher.

The water was getting cool, so we stepped out and dried off. As fast as we could we went right back to bed, finding a dry spot, and made love again.

That evening and night we had three showers. The hot water never really recovered so the last two showers weren’t long, but more of a playful rinse. We went through two sets of sheets before we came up with the idea of using a furry afghan as a “sex” blanket. We enjoyed a total of five glorious sessions of lovemaking. Every time except the fourth we chose positions where we could look into each other’s eyes. Sessions two and four were very hot, heavy, and passionate, while three and five were gentle and nurturing, but still had plenty of heat. By the fifth we were both a little sore, but gently finished what we started. Laura was in cowgirl position and collapsed on me as we both came. She gently slid off to my side and we held each other through a night of well-earned, love-filled sleep.

I woke in the middle of the night and just laid in bed holding the most amazing woman in the world. I didn’t know how strong love could be until these past few months. I found myself wondering if we were built with a maximum love capacity. I wanted to believe it was infinite so my love for Laura could continue to grow without limits.

I thought of our family and the chance it could grow. I thought of her terrible past that led her to me, and my personal trial that brought me to her. I laid there and prayed with overwhelming joy, love, and thankfulness for Laura, and praised God for bringing us together. I had so many blessings to count!

Tears of joy were flowing freely. Laura stirred feeling the dampness hitting her cheek. She looked up at me with glowing eyes even through the sleepiness.

“Anything wrong?”

“Absolutely nothing!” I said. “I’m overcome with how you and I were brought together, and how blessed I am!”

“I know what you mean.” She paused. “Anyone ever tell you that you cry a lot?”

I laughed. “No. But you figured out my emotions ride near the surface. I always felt like a little girl… crying so much. But I came to accept that’s who I am and I’m not ashamed of it.”

“You shouldn’t be ashamed. It’s one of the things I love about you!” I pulled her tight to me.

After a moment she pulled back and looked at me. “A little girl, huh?”

“Yeah!” I sighed.

“Maybe you’re just getting in touch with your feminine side?” she added.

I chuckled. “I don’t think I have a feminine side to get in touch with.”

“You sure?” she asked.

“If I did, I’d be touching it all the time!” I said as I grabbed her breast while laughing.

She rolled around in hysterics letting out a hearty belly laugh. “You’re naughty sometimes, you know, Ben?”

“Sorry,” I said. Then thought to add, “Besides, if I had a feminine side, it would be a lesbian!”

She lost herself in laughter. Finally rolling back to me she looked in my face and said, “I’m going to love every minute with you, Mr. Hawkins!”

“Mrs. Hawkins,” I replied. “I’m going to make sure you do, because I EXTREEMLY like… and love you!”

With a smile and a kiss, we drifted back to sleep completely content, and overwhelmingly fulfilled.

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