《Two Broken Roads》Chapter 22. Pre-wedding Plans


It was time to get busy putting all our wedding plans and life directions together.

Monday afternoon, we met with Pastor Browning. The premarital counseling went quickly. He knew where we stood on key issues and that our focus was on God first and each other second.

We settled on the second Saturday in August and agreed to use the small chapel that was the original church building before expansions created the current 1,000 seat sanctuary. The chapel held about 120 people and that would be perfect. The smaller of the two fellowship halls would fit our needs for the reception with room to spare. Pastor Browning put us in touch with the kitchen crew. We were having cold cuts, salads, corn on the cob, and lots of home-style sides and desserts. We were allowed to have beer and wine, which we decided to take advantage of. Laura would work out the details with the ladies that ran the kitchen and order the food. It was all in motion.

I booked a block of rooms at the Comfort Inn for my family including several cousins, aunts, and uncles I knew would want to attend, and four rooms for remote members of Laura’s family. The hotel was only a few blocks from the church and mostly served business travelers, so I got a great price for Friday and Saturday nights. I took care of the cost for my direct family since they were doing a massive favor for me to surprise Laura. Plus, normally they’d stay at my house, but it was getting prepared for Megan’s move.

I didn’t expect the crowd that we now anticipated at the wedding, but I was happy about it. We invited 128 people. With the short notice and several unable to attend, the responses came back for 102. I knew some church members and Laura’s co-workers planned to attend the service, and we made sure to welcome them to the reception as well. We planned food for 160 people figuring any leftovers would travel well with family.


We specifically asked for no gifts, and there was no bridal shower, but we knew some folks couldn’t help themselves. We were happy with their attendance and maybe a card, but we weren’t a new household and didn’t really need anything. A few thoughtful people offered to bring little gifts for the girls to make them feel special, and that was really sweet.

Megan, Laura and I met. We went over the numbers I had gathered, and she decided to share the ownership with the terms we’d discussed. I had my lawyer draft an agreement and the three of us signed it several days later. Megan would move in while we were on our honeymoon. I told her all the furniture and kitchen supplies would stay since Laura and I didn’t need them. She cried and hugged again in gratitude. I must admit that it felt good to help put her in a position where her life could move forward in the right direction.

Laura and I never had a chance to put our pre-marriage sex guidelines to the test. As busy as we were and realizing we were only weeks, then days away from the close contact we craved, we decided to avoid anything beyond the heavy make-out sessions. And there was a lot of making out! I did give her several massages to keep her relaxed and calm during the frantic preparations. Rubbing her back under her top and massaging her feet, calves, and thighs tested my resolve, but I passed the test.

Laura, Sarah, Hanna, and Mattie spent a day shopping for their wedding outfits. They didn’t need to be the same, just complement each other. No gowns, just comfortable dresses one would wear to an upscale party. Laura wasn’t getting a wedding gown either but was going to wear white. I wouldn’t see it, of course, until the big day.

The guys were told just to wear a comfortable suit or tie and sport coat. I bought a new suit, but I needed one anyway.

Plans were coming together.

Then, we had our first trial as a couple.

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