《Two Broken Roads》Chapter 20. Telling the Rest of the Family


Laura and I agreed that we wanted to tell the families that coming weekend at the Fourth of July picnic. My parents were coming with my youngest sister. Laura’s mom and dad would be there as well as Sarah and Bobby.

We also agreed that we wanted the wedding to be in about a month from then. Early August would be best so we could fit in a honeymoon before Laura headed back to work for the next school year. With the heads of both families there that weekend, we should be able to find a date that matched everyone’s schedule.

A thought crossed my mind. My parents and youngest sister would be here. The plan for a surprise for Laura erupted in my brain. I would need my family’s help in a big way. I was determined to launch the plan when I could get my family alone during their visit.

Everyone arrived at about two in the afternoon on Saturday. Hot dogs, burgers, salads of all kinds, corn on the cob, soda (a rare treat for Hanna and Mattie) and beer (a not-so-rare treat for the adults) were all staged and ready as folks gathered on Laura’s back patio.

Mom and Dad knew something was up since the picnic wasn’t at my house, but instead at my lovely neighbors. I introduced them to Laura, and they took to each other immediately. Sarah knew my mom pretty well and gave her a glowing report about Laura without spilling the beans. Laura kept her ring in her pocket to avoid stealing thunder from the moment to come.

Laura’s parents, John and Helen, were polite on our meeting, but they looked at me with a critical eye. They suffered with Laura during and after the miserable marriage she was in, so I was expecting heavy scrutiny. Laura warned me beforehand, but I was calm about it. I had nothing to hide, and I really wanted their approval.

After the greetings and before the news could leak out, I grabbed everyone’s attention and took the floor with Laura at my side.

“Thanks for coming everyone. I can’t tell you how happy we are that you can all be here.”

Murmurs of returned greeting ensued.

“I’m guessing everyone has figured out that Laura and I are more than just neighbors. We’ve been seeing each other romantically for about a month.” My parents beamed. Laura’s parents cautiously grinned with obvious concern.

I continued. “You may think what I’m going to say comes from wishful thinking, but Laura and I overwhelmingly felt God leading us together. From the first moment we talked we knew something was happening beyond the two of us. So, yes, in a very short amount of time we realized we were deeply in love. Sarah and Bobby can attest to it, and two little girls, who I also fell deeply in love with, will give witness to all that has happened.”


My parents were beaming even more. Mom and my sister both had tears in their eyes. Laura’s dad looked even more concerned, but her mom seemed to soften a bit.

It was time to forge ahead. “I know you all love us, so I also know you may have concerns about the speed of things that have happened. But you may want to buckle your seat belts!”

Laura had slipped the ring on without anyone noticing. I looked at her giving the nod that it was her turn.

“This handsome, loving, God-fearing man that loves me and my girls with more depth than I could ever imagine… has asked me to marry him!” She paused for effect as we heard gasps of shock, joy, and concern all at once.

Then, holding up her hand with the ring proudly she announced with a happy squeal, “I said yes!”

My mom, dad, and sister applauded and came over for hugs. Hanna and Mattie screamed with renewed joy. Sarah and Bobby already knew about us but clapped and joined the hug-fest anyway.

John and Helen stood back a bit and waited until the hugging broke up. Helen went right to her daughter and embraced her. I heard Helen ask her if she was sure about this.

Laura responded quickly and with assurance, “More sure than you can imagine, Mom. He’s a wonderful man with me and the girls, and he’s really hot!” They both laughed and moved off to talk some more.

John came right to me with a fatherly stern look and held out his hand. “I guess I can say congratulations, but can we talk a bit before I really mean it?” He gave a little grin.

“I was counting on that, sir!” I said.

“Cut the sir crap and call me John, okay?”

“Absolutely John. Do you mind if we talk over by the grill, so I can get that going? This mob looks hungry!”

“Works for me!” he replied.

“I’ll grab a beer for each of us and meet you there,” I offered.

I was ready to stand before the judge. He had a friendly face but looked like a man of strong will and character.

He then shocked me a bit. I was afraid his first question was designed to set the tone for the whole conversation.

“So, tell me, Ben. Are you screwing my daughter?” His face lost the friendly component.

“Would you believe me if I said no?” I asked in a way with the hope of setting the tone myself.

“Are you going to tell me the truth?” he pushed back.

“John, I’ll never lie to you. You have my permission to punch me in the face if you ever catch me in a lie!” I smiled at him hoping to lighten the mood a bit before I hit him with the rest of my response. “But don’t... ever... talk like that again about Laura or me!” I stared intently as he was taken aback at my candor and intensity. He knew he pushed the wrong button.


I continued. “Using the term ‘screw’ or the unfortunately popular ‘F’ word carries an implication that pisses me off. To me, you’ve asked if I’m using your daughter to get off. I will never ‘use’ Laura. When we’re together, we will want to please each other because we love each other. When we make love, it will not be screwing or, you know, ‘Effing’ each other! We will be making love! No matter how gently, or how frantically passionate, it will be making love. And to answer your question … no, we have not made love yet. That will be saved for our wedding night!”

My point was made and received. He lightened up considerably.

“Ben, I’m sorry it came out like that! That’s the over-protective father in me coming out with a lot of pent-up anger. I’m sure you know Laura’s past… her marriage and all. As much as that tore her up, it destroyed her mother and me. I don’t know how to protect her from getting hurt again, and that frustrates the hell out of me!”

“I understand completely. I should also take this opportunity to ask your forgiveness since I didn’t come to you to ask for your daughter’s hand. There just wasn’t time with how fast things went.”

“Don’t worry about that. It’s difficult to go through such traditions when we live so far away. That doesn’t mean I won’t be looking into you and raising lots of questions.”

“John, you and I are okay. We want the same things for Laura. I treasure her more than you can imagine! Well, maybe not more than you as her dad can imagine,” I said with a genuine smile. “There won’t be a moment for the rest of my life that I will take her for granted. I love her in the truest sense—her life, her feelings, her wellbeing, everything about her. And I feel the same for Hanna and Mattie as well. The three of them are more important to me than my own life.”

John looked a little emotional and I sensed he now knew me and trusted my intentions. I thought I’d lighten things just a bit. With a huge smile, I put my hands on his shoulder and said, “So there’ll be no screwing around here!”

He laughed. “Okay. I believe you! But a part of me was looking forward to punching you in the face!” He put his hand on top of mine on his shoulder and smiled. I liked this guy, and I knew we were going to get along.

By that time, my dad had joined the conversation and was very supportive while raising a few concerns of his own. John and I continued to talk openly and frankly. He still didn’t really know me although he was starting to understand me. He made it clear that I didn’t deserve his daughter, and I agreed with him. He laughed and admitted he didn’t think any man deserved her. I agreed again.

He voiced his concerns about the speed of the courtship but seemed to be more comfortable with it as we talked. I opened myself up for his full evaluation and scrutiny, and just as the burgers were done cooking, he held his hand out again. As I shook it he said, “Okay, this time I mean it. It seems way too quick for me, but congratulations. And welcome to the family!” He pulled me into a manly hug.

“Thanks, John. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

“Just take care of my little girl, or they’ll never find your body!” he said kiddingly… I hoped.

“Ben, how are the girls taking all this?” he asked.

“As I said, I would have asked for your permission but didn’t think I’d have the chance soon enough. So, I asked for their permission to marry their mom and they were ecstatic. Hanna, Mattie and I have become very close. They actually call me Dad already.”

“Kids are a great judge of character!” he added. “You seem like the real deal, Ben Hawkins. My daughter deserves the right kind of man in her life. I’ve only known you for about an hour, but I’m feelin’ good about this!” He wandered off to where all the women gathered along with poor Bobby who was feeling a bit ignored. As John walked away he was nodding his head in approval, sporting a smile. My dad gave me a hug and a big smile as we joined the party.

My world just kept getting better.

The families agreed that the first and second Saturdays in August were both good. My parents were staying at my house that night to do the three-hour drive tomorrow. I shared my surprise plan for Laura with my parents and sister. I needed them to be sure most of my family, if not all, could be at the wedding.

Mom got ahold of everyone in my family that night and filled them in on the happy news. By some miracle, all were available for either week in August. All agreed to help with the surprise I had in mind.

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