《Two Broken Roads》Chapter 15. Passion and Precociousness


Sunday was a repeat of the previous week. It started with church, then lunch with Sarah and Bobby, all of us went back at Laura’s house for a few hours visit, and more conspiracies were brewing between Laura and Sarah. I loved it!

When Sarah and Bobby left, the day took a new twist.

As we waved goodbye to Sarah and Bobby, the girls went outside with some friends to play. Laura and I retreated to her formal living room and took occupancy in a large comfortable chair to talk. I sat down, and Laura sat across the arm of the chair and in my lap. The talk lasted less than a few words when our lips met. It turned into a blissful and deeply passionate make-out session. Hands freely wandered avoiding parts we weren’t ready to explore.

Our bodies were in motion trying to contain the passion yet express it at the same time. Of course, her position on my lap and the grinding of our bodies together got an expected rock-hard rise out of me and it didn’t escape Laura’s attention. She just rolled her eyes and said, “I guess we’ll have to talk about that soon!”

It was the hottest make-out session ever in my experience. Most of the time our eyes were closed, but occasionally mid-kiss we looked deeply into each other’s eyes forming a connection right to our souls. It wasn’t hard to tell that we both had an overwhelming desire to take our physical connection to its full potential, and yet we knew we weren’t ready for that yet.

Then, something most unexpected happened.

The front door flew open as Hanna came in from playing. We quickly withdrew to just an embrace. Laura thankfully realized that if she got up that Hanna may see the effects of our passion in my lap. Hanna saw us and waved on her dash to the powder room. Laura and I chortled quietly and tried to look cool until Hanna went back outside.


Hanna, though, thought she’d visit a moment before returning to her friends.

Hanna walked in and sat across from us with the cutest look. “Mom… are you and Mr. Ben gonna get married?”

Laura seemed more prepared to reply than I expected. “Sweetie, it’s a little new for us to talk about that. But Ben and I are really in love, so it could happen!”

Hanna got that impish smile as she addressed me. “I told you to be nice to Mom, but you don’t have to kiss her until her lips are sore!”

We laughed as Laura asked Hanna, “You told him to be nice to me?”

“I have to look out for my favorite mommy!” Hanna beamed back. She lunged at us both with a huge three-way hug, turned to go back outside, and stopped in her tracks.

Hanna slowly turned back to us with a strange look while sniffing the air. “What’s that smell? I don’t remember smelling it before!”

Laura quickly explained to me that Hanna had a very strong nose for aromas. “What’s the smell like?” Laura asked. “Like something burning?”

“No,” she replied. “It’s sort of sweet and musty. It’s stronger close to you. Mr. Ben, are you wearing a cologne or something?”

I don’t wear cologne. Suddenly… I knew what scent she picked up. I could see Laura came to the same realization.

“Maybe it’s the new shampoo I used.” I proposed in my haste hoping she bought the concept.

“Oh, Okay.” She said with her normal giggle of enthusiasm. As she ran back outside she shouted, “You can go back to kissing now!” In a flash, she disappeared.

Laura and I couldn’t contain our laughter. “Let me guess,” I blurted out. “You’re really wet right now, aren’t you?”


“Well, yeah!” she responded like it was a dumb question while still laughing. “What did you think would happen with all that making out?”

“I’m leaking a lot of anticipation fluids myself,” I admitted. “I’m surprised you didn’t notice!”

“You really think I didn’t notice the growing wet spot on my butt?” she replied cutely.

“I was scared Hanna was about to get an education that I wasn’t ready to witness,” I admitted.

“She knows the basics,” Laura replied.

Noticing my slight look of surprise, she explained further.

“With all the sex these days in movies and TV shows, kids know a lot more than we did at the same age. Not every parent guards their kids against some inappropriate stuff, so you never know what she’ll hear or what other kids will try to do. I decided I needed to prepare her just in case she came up against something she didn’t understand.”

“I never thought of that, but I see your point. I didn’t have a clue about the facts until I was a few years older than Hanna. And even then, I had a lot of them wrong.”

“Me too,” she added.

“I have to say your wisdom and mom skills never ceases to amaze me. Everything about you, who you are, the attributes that define you, all your beauty, and that perfect body… It’s no wonder I’ve fallen head over heels for you!” I sealed the emotion with a kiss.

“Perfect body?” she asked. “I’m glad you like it, but it’s far from perfect!”

I knew this was the time to address some things. “Why don’t we get some of the lemonade you made and sit at the kitchen table? I think Hanna has given us some things to talk about and, frankly, if we stay here making out any longer I don’t think I can maintain my self-control!”

“Promises, promises!” she said with a sly smile. “But I think you’re right. First, I better go upstairs and freshen up a bit so Hanna doesn’t pick up our scent again.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” I chuckled in reply. I’m going to run next door, change out of my church clothes, and remove the evidence of a rather amazing making out session!

“Amazing doesn’t begin to describe it!” she added. She gave me a peck on the lips and got up to take care of business. “See you in the kitchen when you get back!”

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