《Marissa》Chapter 25


Tony couldn't cross the park quickly enough, and by the time he burst through his father's office Tony wanted to collar the first person he saw. Unfortunately, he didn't encounter Barbara in her chair at the desk. He began a frantic knocking at the office panels, determined to find his brother and put their heads together to find Marissa.

After a few minutes of knocking, the heavy wooden door to his father's inner office swung open, and Tony turned to see the shocked countenance of his father.

"Tony!" he sputtered. "What's going on? You look like you're expecting a bomb to go off."

"I am," Tony huffed. "Have you seen Marissa?"


"I need to find Marissa Erinson. Have you seen her?"

The professor pierced his son with a paternal glare. "Anthony Garner, no, Antonio Gargano, stop. Look at me."

Obediently, Tony ceased his knockings and turned to face his father.

"Tell me what's going on, Tony," the professor commanded. "Is Marissa in danger?"

For the first time in over fifteen years, Paul Garner saw his youngest son look like he wanted to cry. Fortunately for both of them, Tony reined in the urge and spoke calmly to his father.

"Maybe, pop. Maybe."

"What can I do?"

"You can tell me how to find her."

Professor Garner paused for a moment, stroking his chin in thought.

"It's awfully late. Have you checked the bookstore? She's probably turned in for the night."

Frustrated, Tony ran a hand through his hair. "Pop, I don't have time. If I don't find her..."

"It's that bad, then?" the professor asked anxiously.

"Worse," Tony breathed through his nose to calm himself. "Worse."

"Tell me about it," his father prompted.


"I can't. I mean, I want to, but Pop, if I told you why she was in danger, I might put you in danger. Just...there's something you can do."

"Anything, son," he placed his hand on Tony's arm. "Tell me what you need."

"First of all, I need to find Mario and Barbara."

"I think they went to Barbara's house."

Tony shook his head in frustration. "That's twenty minutes wasted in going over there."

"I have a phone, Tony. So do the Crenshaws."

"Perfect," he looked relieved. "And then, would you go over to Marissa's place and see if she's there after all. Something tells me that she won't be there, but it's better to check."

"Of course. I can do that. How will I let you know?"

"If she's there, bring her back here. If I'm not here, call Barbara and let her know. By that time, I had better have more information, or I might go crazy."

"Do Mario and Barbara have any idea?"

"None. But they will soon."

"Well, Marissa's a lucky girl to have you searching for her. If anyone can find her..."

Tony gazed into his father's eyes, and Paul Garner felt an odd mix of fear at Tony's desperation and a wholly inappropriate pleasure at how deeply the young man felt the loss of the girl. Something brewed behind Tony's eyes that spoke of more than the desire to help a friend. "I'd rather she didn't need finding."

After a reassuring squeeze of Tony's arm, the professor released him and hurried out the office door.

With a fortifying breath, Tony paced to the phone. Panicking would not help Marissa, but Tony had to force down a manic desire to rush mindlessly from the office and run down to the Patch, his own safety be damned. He picked up the receiver and waited impatiently for the voice of the operator.


Finally, he heard a buzzing noise and a "who would you like to call?"

"Marshall Crenshaw, please."

"One moment, please."

Again, Tony's patience wavered.

"Hello, this is Ross Parker. Can I help you?"

"I'm sorry, who?"

"I'm Mr. Crenshaw's assistant. Can I help you?"

"Well, I actually need to speak to Mr., Crenshaw's daughter, Barbara."

Silence for a moment, then, "I'm sorry, Mr..."

"Garner," Tony supplied his name.

"Mr. Garner. Barbara is in a meeting with her father, and he has instructed that they not be interrupted for any reason."

Tony wondered tacitly if Barbara had somehow found out about Marissa. "Do you know if she has a guest at the house? I'm actually looking for a mutual friend of ours."

"Yes, actually, there is a young man in the office with Mr. Crenshaw and Barbara."

"Oh, uh, well thanks. I was looking for a young lady."

"I'm sorry. Just Miss Barbara and the young man."

"Would you give them a message for me?"

"Of course."

"Please tell them that Tony Garner called, and ask them to contact Professor Garner immediately at his office. It's urgent."

"I will give them the message, Mr. Garner."

"Thank you."

Tingling with frustration, Tony replaced the receiver. No doubt, his father would return shortly, but Tony could no longer restrain himself. He wouldn't sit impotently in his father's office while an innocent young lady fell victim to the Moran brothers.

He hated that she thought ill of him. He hated that she somehow despised him, that she always blamed him for her imagined slights. Mostly, he hated that he so desperately wanted to find her, to wrap her in his arms and repel any danger that dared assault her.

After a moment's reflection, he dashed into the evening with no clear idea where he would go.

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