《Mana Soul》Chapter 28 - The Artifice - Mr Peabody


Chapter 28 - The Artifice - Mr Peabody

The uncharacteristic behaviour of the senior clerk had garnered some attention from the small troupe of retainers sitting at the nearest tables to the reception.

However, before they had a chance to indulge their curiosity, the senior clerk returned. “Mr Peabody, his lordship requests the pleasure of your company to discuss this matter further. If you would please accompany me?” She was nervous and a little piqued from hurrying about on such short notice.

“But of course my dear,” Mr Peabody smiled encouragingly and followed the clerk deeper into the Guild building and to the Guild Chapter-Master’s waiting room.

“Just one moment please,” the clerk apologised and knocked on the far of the waiting room before slipping inside.

Left to its own devices in the waiting room, Mr Peabody took a moment to observe the various artworks on display. The golem of course already had memories of this room, shared by its benefactor and creator Markus, so it immediately noticed the somewhat minor changes in decor.

The extravagant timepiece was missing and had been replaced by a rather large display cabinet filled with antique statuettes. To most, the change would seem benign, perhaps reflecting a shift in the taste of the Guild Chapter-Master.

However, Mr Peabody could see the enchantments on the glass and on one statuette in particular. Featuring a noble couple dressed for a ballroom dance, the noblewoman had a tiny diamond necklace worn on her neck that just so happened to command an aggressively impressive view of the room. Crude and criminally inefficient, the enchantments were transmitting the sights of the waiting room into the Guild Chapter-Master’s office, no doubt onto a tablet viewing screen similar to what Markus favoured when reviewing such things.

Amused, Mr Peabody made a point of staring directly at the enchanted diamond necklace and winking at it playfully before the golem turned its attention elsewhere. Not long afterwards, the doors to the Chapter-Master’s room opened and the clerk came back out again.

“The Chapter-Master will see you now,” she said somewhat timidly.

“Very good,” Mr Peabody smiled and boldly entered the office. The Guild Chapter-Master and his personal assistant were already present, the former smiling wolfishly at Mr Peabody from the comfort of his extravagant chair behind his desk, while the latter stood at rigid attention behind him on his left side.

“Thank you, Ms Flinn, you may return to your duties now,” the Guild Chapter-Master waved dismissively to the senior clerk causing her to hurriedly close the doors behind her on the way out. “Please, have a seat, Mr Peabody,” the Guild Chapter-Master offered, motioning to one of the chairs opposite his desk.

The attempt at unbalancing Mr Peabody by using its chosen alias without the golem first introducing itself was not particularly effective and Mr Peabody decided to return the favour with just as little energy. “You are too kind! My lord Dupont,” Mr Peabody replied, eagerly settling into a chair with an affected quiet groan befitting a man of the golem’s apparent age and bulk.

“Would you perhaps care for a refreshment?” The Guild Chapter-Master offered, his eyebrow twitching near-imperceptibly while waving an arm expansively toward a cabinet sporting all manner of alcohol and expensive glassware.

Since Mr Peabody had not yet installed the hidden pouch to accommodate social drinking under scrutiny, the golem politely declined. “Ah if I did not have more work requiring my attention this evening,” Mr Peabody lamented, “Perhaps next time."

The Guild Chapter-Master just smiled and shifted in his seat slightly as he leaned forward, “Alright, straight to business then.” He rapped his knuckles excitedly on the desk, grinning expectantly, “Now tell me, what exactly is the Artifice Invigoration Station? Did I get that right?"


“You did,” Mr Peabody reassured him first before moving on with the description, “Plainly put my lord, the Artifice Invigoration Station is an artifice designed to renew, or refill, if you prefer, the mana supply within the power sources of other artifices, such as the jewelled pommel of a sword just as an example."

The Guild Chapter-Master’s eyes widened in surprise, “Truly?” He asked, leaning even closer, to the point that he was barely sitting on his seat at all.

Mr Peabody nodded confidently. “Indeed," tenting its fingers, the golem smiled, “The renewal chamber has been designed in such a fashion to accommodate all but the largest and most cumbersome of adventurer weaponry and armour. Once placed within and after initiating the renewal process, all artifices mana sources will be replenished in a matter of moments, or minutes at the latest, if the reserve is being overdrawn."

“Very interesting! Relying on independent Artificers or contracted houses for recharging equipment has been no small headache for the Guild I can assure you, and I can only pity what our less than well-connected members must go through to accomplish the same." The Guild Chapter-Master changed his posture slightly before asking his next question, “But tell me if you can, how did you manage to get a sufficient number of Artificers on board to provide mana for the artifice?” His eyes narrowed expectantly, clearly determined to get an answer.

“Besides calling upon my own connections, my benefactor has actually discovered alternate means to procure mana for powering his research and commercial artifices,” Mr Peabody answered with deliberate evasiveness. “I can, of course, provide assurances that barring extreme natural disasters or unwelcome interference, my benefactor is confident that a sizable and steady flow of mana can be guaranteed for the foreseeable future."

Mr Peabody’s answer was intended as a warning and none too subtle threat. The golem was intimately aware of its creator’s desire for peace of mind and safety. These were two of the reasons why he had created Mr Peabody after all.

Obviously aware of Mr Peabody’s intent, the Guild Chapter-Master’s brow furrowed for a moment before he backed off again and let out a deep sigh. “Of course. It was unreasonable of me to pry into your operation when you generously offered to present such a wondrous artifice. Please accept my fervent apology.” Contrary to his words, the Guild Chapter-Master was still obviously very interested, but knew he lacked the means to press Mr Peabody further without breaching propriety and risking damaging their potential mercantile relationship.

“That is alright,” Mr Peabody magnanimously accepted the token apology, “Perhaps you will have a greater understanding of how it works after the presentation tomorrow?” The golem teased.

Snorting quietly, the Guild Chapter-Master smirked, “I am sure I will,” he sighed and settled back into his chair before speaking again, “Do you know what plans Mr Farus has for the artifice?”

Mr Peabody grinned wolfishly, “He has left those particular decisions to me, my lord. After much thought and deliberation, I had decided to offer you, that is to say, the Guild, the opportunity to operate the first model here in Endem as a trial of sorts. The Guild would, of course, be entitled to part of the revenue generated, but this is under the implicit understanding that my benefactor and his interests remain undisturbed."

The Guild Chapter-Master nodded even though he seemed somewhat puzzled, “You do not want to spread the artifice across the continent? Not even nationally or throughout the duchy?"


“As I stated earlier, Endem will be sufficient for initial testing purposes. Depending on the market response and behaviour of other parties, the distribution of the artifice to other locales can be revisited at a later date,” Mr Peabody was unwavering on this point.

Having no other choice, the Guild Chapter-Master simply had to agree, “Alright, I will endeavour to ensure that certain interests behave themselves. Is there anything, in particular, you require for the presentation?” He asked, now all business.

Mr Peabody smiled, “An audience would be nice, all the better to advertise the new service and ensure credible witnesses. A number of depleted or drained weapons or other artifices to demonstrate the Artifice Invigoration Station in action would, of course, be welcome. And finally, a few of your senior clerks to witness the operational steps so they can manage the artifice and train those not present. I think this is quite reasonable, don't you?"

The Guild Chapter-Master nodded, “A simple invitation to the local nobility should suffice to generate a sizable audience, particularly regarding the sheer novelty of the attraction. Partially drained and depleted artifice should prove somewhat plentiful given the nature of the attendees and over-time can be paid for off duty staff to attend as well. What do you think, Mrs Anabeth?"

The Guild Chapter-Master's assistant leaned down to his level before making her reply, “Yes my lord. Although the notice is quite short, it is definitely possible."

“Very good, make the preparations immediately!” The Guild Chapter-Master was in a good mood again and smacked his hands together to accentuate his excitement.

Mr Peabody got to its feet and gave the Guild Chapter-Master a perfunctory bow, “With my lord's leave, I have much to prepare before the morrow.”

Having gotten out of his chair and now pouring himself a generous crystal goblet of wine, the Guild Chapter-Master waved his dismissal and Mrs Anabeth unlocked and opened the doors to the Guild Chapter-Master’s office so Mr Peabody could be on its way.

Pausing at the threshold briefly before leaving, Mr Peabody glanced back over his shoulder, “Oh, my lord. I nearly forgot. My benefactor has made his final decision regarding the provision of golems for the Guild’s use."

This off-handed remark immediately drew the Guild Chapter-Master’s full attention again.

Mr Peabody’s eyes glinted with unabashed greed, “We will have an opportunity to discuss it further tomorrow after the presentation, I am sure."

The Guild Chapter-Master was smiling again, a look of unrepentant avarice in his gaze, “Yes, we shall," he agreed determinedly.

With an affected skip in its step, the golem made its way out of the Guildhall, making sure to dip its head in thanks to Ms Flinn on the way out. With Everything now proceeding according to plan, Mr Peabody decided to take the long way back to the office.

Now well past midday, a number of smaller deliveries had been received and set aside for Mr Peabody’s review. Wasting little time, the golem quickly catalogued the latest parcels. Somewhat disappointed because the initial glassworks delivery was not amongst them. Even so, some of the sanitation troupes equipment had arrived and was otherwise ready for minor modifications and enchantment.

Mr Peabody was actually quite proud of the first element of the equipment. Resembling a stocky wooden cudgel with a hollow tip ringed with iron on one end and a thicker leather strap on the other. A small quartzite marble anchored in the tube with resin would be enchanted to emit light like a bullseye lantern. The minor artifice was intended to serve as both a source of illumination in the sewers, as well as a viable weapon for close-quarters combat. Enchanted for additional durability, Mr Peabody was not disappointed with the expense, particularly since the cudgel was also intended to be used to shepherd the slime-golems throughout the sewers.

The second piece of equipment was little more than a leather strap and buckle with a single lens of quartzite mounted halfway along its length in a bronze rim and riveted to the leather. Once enchanted, the lens would reveal the mana flow of the slime-golems. While the ocular equipment would not be particularly comfortable without minor padding being added, Mr Peabody thought it would be best to leave it to the wearer’s to resolve on their own since humans were so infuriatingly unique regarding even something as simple as the circumference of their cranium.

The final but currently still missing pieces of equipment were the oiled hooded cloaks and leather work-aprons. Mr Peabody had only minimal requirements in processing them to be ready for use, content with just enchanting them for durability and minor temperature correction. The cloaks were just a means to keep the workers relatively clean while traversing the sewers and the aprons were intended to serve as pseudo armour and utility belt for any tools they might need while performing more mundane maintenance on the sewers.

Mr Peabody had of course already secured and enchanted a plethora of hammers, chisels, pry bars and other such tools for the maintenance of the sewers. The durability enchantments in this instance were actually to better recover the tools in the event someone developed sticky fingers. The golem intended to enforce a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding the theft of company property, and the signature enchantments on all the equipment would make both identification of the property and its recovery incredibly easy. Furthermore, Mr Peabody had given each set of equipment a unique identification number and would give a matching number to each prospective employee.

Whilst the golem was enchanting the equipment of the sewer workers currently at hand in the privacy of its office, Mathis had knocked at the door informing Mr Peabody that more parcels had been delivered. As it was getting quite late, Mr Peabody decided to allow Claire the opportunity to stop working early. Mostly because any remaining deliveries could easily be handled by Mathis on his own.

It was not until just before official closing hours that the most important delivery arrived from the glassworks. Shooing Mathis away to spend time with Claire, Mr Peabody eagerly accepted the large crate and brought it back into its private office.

Easily prying open the lid with its bare fingers, the golem couldn't help but feel excited by the sight of the polished crystal spheres resting in the hard-packed straw. No more than two inches in diameter, each of them would serve as a core to create and maintain a slime-golem as well as syphon mana to the designed mana storage crystals.

Carefully sorting through the crate soon uncovered not just the slime-golem cores but also the mana storage crystals and identification chits Mr Peabody had ordered.

Similar to the slime-golem cores, the mana storage crystals and identification chits were also made of quartzite. But their designs and size were very different. The five mana storage crystals were each about two and a half feet tall and roughly a foot in diameter. Cylindrical in shape, Mr Peabody intended to wrap the crystals in decorative wiring similar to the storage crystal in the Artifice invigoration Station and for largely similar reasons in playing off their assumptions and ignorance of true enchantment and artificing.

The identification chits were actually quite an important tool for Mr Peabody’s plans moving forward. Flat, only an eighth of an inch thick and about the size of someone's pinky finger, the identification chits would effectively function the same as the identification tablet provided to adventuring Guild members and staff.

Mr Peabody intended to provide an identification chit to every one of its employees, including the indentured workers. The identification chit would allow his workers to make certain purchases on credit and store their current earnings to ward against potential theft. They would also allow qualified vendors to conduct business with the indentured workers. Additionally, the chits would be used for the indentured workers to roster for work and register their participation at a job site.

In many respects, the identification chits were actually the most important part of Mr Peabody’s overall plans. Without the thin wafers of crystal, the entire effort would increase in a magnitude of difficulty and inefficiency that would render it largely pointless.

Fully processing and preparing the mana storage crystals, slime-golem cores and identification chits, took Mr Peabody most of the night. With no suitable furniture to store the mana crystals within, the golem reluctantly buried them back into the crate’s packing straw for now. The slime-golem cores were carefully set aside, wrapped in multiple layers of fabric and then stored in a single sack for transportation. Since there were only a hundred of the identification chits and they used very little space, Mr Peabody stored them away in its messenger satchel.

Eagerly awaiting its meeting with Mr Thomas, Mr Peabody could not stop itself from pacing back and forth in anticipation.

At the appointed hour, Mr Peabody eagerly opened the front door and stepped out into the morning gloom. Immediately spotting Mr Thomas and a rather large crowd of men a short way down the street, the golem energetically waved to get their attention.

As they drew closer, Mr Peabody could see that most of them were dirty and in tattered clothes, some even lacked shoes to protect their feet. Somewhat huddled together for warmth, they truly looked like a band of beggars ready to pounce at any moment in desperation.

“Mr Thomas!” The golem greeted warmly. “Am I correct in assuming that these fine fellows are your prospective subordinates?"

Thomas cast a quick eye over the accompanying crowd and nodded, although he seemed a little apprehensive about it.

Taking a moment to look at the faces in the crowd more closely, Mr Peabody noted several men with criminal records for minor offences. “Mr Thomas, I am aware of the current difficulties the locals have been facing and I can assure you that provided your subordinates follow orders and behave in an honourable fashion, minor blemishes on their character and record can be overlooked."

Mr Thomas was visibly relieved and more than a little surprised. “Not that I want to talk my boys out of a job, but-"

“-Why give them a second chance?” Mr Peabody interrupted, guessing at the cause for his confusion. “Simply put Mr Thomas, I am a realist. Many who are currently out of work are desperate. I would be foolish and quite callous to deny an otherwise loyal and diligent worker's employment because their desperation drove them to commit a crime to ward off their families starvation."

It wasn't just Thomas, but now many among the crowd looked significantly more at ease, most notably those Mr Peabody had recognized as having criminal records.

“I repeat again gentlemen, I am a realist. I work with how the world is and strive to change it into what I want it to be. So allow me to make my motives perfectly clear. As long as you abide by the law and by your employment contract, I will pay you what is owed.” Mr Peabody opened his arms and hands expansively as it continued, “Not only that, I shall be rewarding those who prove themselves worthy of my confidence in due time. I have many initiatives to bring this town back from the brink and scarce yeomen I can trust to supervise. It is my sincere hope that I can find such men amongst those gathered here today!"

While some appeared sceptical of Mr Peabody’s grand speech, most amongst the crowd were visibly stirred by the golem's enthusiasm and conviction.

“Now, I am sure you are all as eager as I am to get to work! Provided everyone is willing to accept the employment contract as it stands, I can provide everyone with their first week’s wages in advance!” Mr Peabody thrust its fist in the air as if inspiring an army.

More than a few amongst the crowd cheered and pumped their fists as well, a couple of the more dishevelled men even cried and hugged one another.

After going through the contract with Thomas, who was thankfully at least partially literate. Mr Peabody then read through the contract aloud to Thomas’s men. While strictly unnecessary, the golem was not a con artist and had had pride in its work. Thomas and all seventy-four of his men in attendance signed their contracts and Mr Peabody happily paid them their first weeks wages in advance.

Mr Peabody’s new employees could not believe their eyes when presented with their new working equipment. From listening to them chat amongst one another, Mr Peabody came to understand that when employed by the mayor, they had not been issued any equipment besides a few brooms and were expected to make do or buy their own supplies.

Explaining the importance of the identification chits took some time for the more stubborn or slow amongst the group to understand. But once the comparison to the identification used by the Guild was made, no man was willing to pass this prestigious opportunity up. After Mr Peabody also explained that it intended to provide banking and lending services for employees using the chits, the small crystal wafers were treated like gold. It was an expected reaction for Mr Peabody.

Because commoners lacked sufficient collateral, banks refused to offer them loans. Without access to loans, the commoners lacked the opportunity to make investments and often took generations to recover from even minor financial setbacks.

Acting as a bank for its employees was one of the methods the golem would use to pressure them into engaging and participating in the industrial revolution taking place in the capital. The generous wages offered to its employees were intended to encourage them to take the risk and make investments of their own and improve the economic prosperity of the town.

With everyone now equipped, Mr Peabody had Mr Thomas organize his men to head towards the sewer gate located near the slums. Not willing to chance the slime-golems cores being damaged or being stolen, Mr Peabody carried the sack itself.

After briefly explaining the concept of using specially made golems to keep the sewers clean and how the provided equipment was intended to work. Mr Peabody unlocked the sewer gate with the key provided by the mayor. The golem had already enchanted both the lock and key so now the gate would not open without this exact key inserted in the mechanism.

Leading them down into the sewer, Mr Peabody was amused by the number of grown men playfully waving their cudgels about to illuminate the darkness.

Endem’s sewers were better built than Mr Peabody initially would have given the town council credit for. It was clear that the expensive investment had been made in better times, perhaps even anticipating a spike in the town's growth.

Although the sewers lacked a sufficient flowing water source to shift the sewage along, the recent rain still seemed sufficient to keep the main channels of the sewer from overflowing onto the path for now. With no one clearing out the various blockages and shepherding the worst of the effluent downstream, the sewers were in truly horrific shape. Everyone except Mr Peabody was already wearing face-rags dabbed with peppermint oil to ward off some of the smell.

Before anyone had the time or the wherewithal to become suspicious, Mr Peabody withdrew one of the crystal spheres from the sack, coaxed a tiny portion of mana into it, then nonchalantly dropped it into the muck with an anticlimactic splat.

Even though Mr Peabody had already somewhat warned them what to expect, the rapidly growing gelatinous mass dissolving through the stagnant sewage still caught his new employees by surprise and a small measure of fear.

“Worry not, gentlemen. As I described earlier, this-” Mr Peabody pointed to the rapidly growing gelatinous mass, “-Is one of the many golems that you shall be shepherding through the sewers, They are quite harmless, provided you ensure that you are wearing your issued equipment."

“Ah... Sorry, Mr Peabody, I honestly wasn't sure what to expect,” Thomas admitted, “Erm, Mr Peabody... How big is it going to grow?"

The slime-golem was now the size of a small child and still growing, now slowly rolling onto a fresh patch of sewage.

Mr Peabody taped its chin and considered the current mana level in the golem’s core. “Not too much larger, perhaps only a few more inches." The slime-golems were not intended to be particularly large, just big enough to dissolve suitable amounts of material on short notice when necessary.

“As you can see, the golem destroys the waste and leaves the tunnel intact. Once it has reached a fixed size it will stop growing but will continue clearing sewage. Because the golem lacks intelligence, it may become somewhat stranded after the sewers are brought back into shape. In this instance, it is your responsibility gentlemen to drive them towards, erm, greener pastures, by brandishing your cudgels like so,” Mr Peabody held out a cudgel towards the slime-golem and was not disappointed as it rolled a few feet farther away down the tunnel before settling down again.

This received impressed mutterings from the men as they now held their cudgels more respectfully.

“It is my intention that Mr Thomas will organize you all into three teams and work shifts to ensure that there is always a team patrolling the sewers and relocating the golems as needed,” Mr Peabody looked pointedly at Thomas.

Although a little surprised, Thomas nodded in agreement, “I will see to it."

“Very good!” Mr Peabody clapped his hands enthusiastically, “Now, I do not intend to keep all of you down here quite so early in the morning, so perhaps after activating and distributing the remaining golems Mr Thomas could see to all but the first shift return to their homes and families. AH!” The golem loudly smacked its forehead as if just remembering something, “I had nearly forgotten!"

Although their faces were hidden behind masks and shadowed by their hoods, it was clear everyone was at least a little surprised and staring at Mr Peabody.

Rubbing its forehead somewhat ruefully the golem pretended to be somewhat upset, “I intended to offer accommodations for you and your families while we were at the office! Ah, but I was so excited and forgot!” Mr Peabody hissed in frustration.

“Acc-accommodations?” Thomas asked, unsure of what he was hearing. Not surprising considering how generously his new employer was paying him.

With the audience suitably dumbfounded and unsure of how to react, Mr Peabody shifted its expression as if being lost in thought. “Yes, I wanted to make sure all of my employees have a roof over their heads, so I bought houses from the bank for them to live in while working for me.” A half-lie, which the golem was more than comfortable with since it intended to buy the houses soon enough.

Mr Thomas was dumbfounded and so were his subordinates.

Mr Peabody suddenly smiled. “Oh! I know! This could serve as a good test of your abilities and organisation skills Mr Thomas. After activating the remaining golems, I will head back to my office and you can organize your men so they can each have the opportunity to accept my offer and get settled. What do you think?"

This was intended as a test of Mr Thomas's ability to lead and supervise his men. Mr Peabody could have just raised the issue at the office before leaving for the sewers. But since no one had needed the extra push to sign the contract, the golem decided to use the offer to gain a better understanding of its new employees. Mr Peabody was also quite eager to see the mana reservoirs fill in real-time.

Thomas of course had no choice but to agree. Given the dire financial straits of his newly hired subordinates, it would be incredibly unlikely for any one of them to pass up free housing. Especially since some of them were probably homeless already.

After activating the remaining slime-golems and making sure they were behaving themselves, Mr Peabody announced it was returning to the office to bathe. This was again a half-truth. Having worn one of the same cloaks prepared for its employees, Mr Peabody’s clothes, although perhaps not its boots, were remarkably clean. Intending to have Mathis clean and polish its boots, Mr Peabody figured a liberal spritzing of moderately priced perfume and cologne would be sufficient to both temporarily mask and ultimately dispel the faint odour of sewage that had managed to cling to its clothes.

Within minutes of returning to the office, Mr Peabody had watched the first of the mana storage crystals begin filling with mana and couldn't help itself from smiling. Everything was coming together as planned.

After arranging the handing over of house keys for his new workers with Mathis, and showing him how to check their identities using the chits and tablet, Mr Peabody set about hiring a wagon and cart.

Loading the Artifice Invigoration Station into the hired wagon was a nerve-wracking experience. Despite the artifice now being fueled with a constant supply of mana, making it effectively indestructible, Mr Peabody still could not help but worry since everything now relied on the artifice’s success at the presentation.

The golem had initially decided to attend the presentation alone. While it would help its prestige if Mathis and Claire were to attend as personal assistants, Mr Peabody preferred not to risk it. Nobles were notorious for stirring up drama at the expense of commoners. The employees of the Guild would enjoy a certain degree of protection from the nobles scheming antics, but the same would not be true for Claire and Mathis.

Surprisingly, Mr Peabody’s benefactor had reluctantly agreed to lend Hector to serve as security for the duration of the presentation. Not willing to question its good fortune, Mr Peabody readily agreed.

Hector had, of course, arrived promptly thereafter, equipped in the benefactors best armour, which had been fastidiously cleaned and polished for the occasion. As was its nature, Hector deferred to Mr Peabody’s orders and they were soon underway.

Still quite paranoid, Mr Peabody was driving the wagon itself, taking a longer route to the Guildhall to avoid roads it knew were in states of disrepair. Receiving a number of curious looks from passersby, Mr Peabody was at least confident that Hector would be able to bodily intervene if trouble arose while Mr Peabody could escape with the artifice.

Finally arriving at the Guildhall, Mr Peabody was surprised to find that the main road was congested with traffic from nobles carriages.

Wondering what to do, Mr Peabody’s thoughts were interrupted by the quiet intrusion of Hector’s suggestion in its mind.

Hector: “Mr Peabody, you should enter the Guildhall and request a clerk, porter or stablehand to care for the wagon so we can bring the artifice indoors."

Hector’s suggestion was reasonable. Given the golem’s militant appearance, troublemakers would think twice before trying something and since Mr Peabody was easily recognizable, the Guild staff should notice the golem quickly and acquiesce to the request.

Following Hector’s suggestion, Mr Peabody hopped down from the seat and quickly scuttled across the road to the Guildhall. The common room was bustling with adventurers and nobles. They paid Mr Peabody’s sudden arrival little mind as none of them knew who the golem was.

Approaching the front desk, Mr Peabody was forced to wait as a particularly obnoxious noblewoman was loudly berating the senior clerk for his supposed incompetence in not recognizing her influential family and securing a table for her party. A small crowd of nobles nearby sneered contemptuously in support of the noblewoman.

Mr Peabody frowned inwardly, it was looking forward to fleecing wealthy nobles such as this one. The quality of someone's character could be readily determined by how they treated those of inferior status. In accordance with its benefactor’s directives, Mr Peabody was obligated to aggressively pursue the wealth of the southern nobles.

The memories of its benefactor’s treatment at the hands of the nobles were truly sickening. Although only experiencing the memories secondhand, the sheer intensity of Markus’s emotions were too much for the golem to handle and left it feeling numb after each time it revisited them.

Later assessing its actions, Mr Peabody would conclude that this was the primary cause for what happened next.

Glancing down toward the noblewoman's feet, Mr Peabody briefly enchanted the heel of her right shoe.

As she stomped her foot for the umpteenth time, the heel suddenly snapped and the noblewoman tumbled to the ground with a screech.

Feigning surprise and shock, Mr Peabody deftly stepped aside to allow her entourage to assist her.

Supported by the elbows, the distressed noblewoman was escorted somewhere more private for her to recover from the ordeal.

With the front desk now clear, Mr Peabody smiled apologetically to the clerks on duty. “I hate to be a bother, but could you please organize someone to attend to my wagon outside?"

The senior clerk was unfamiliar with Mr Peabody and was already preparing to gracefully decline, but was interrupted by the junior clerk who recognized Mr Peabody from the day before, “Of course Mr Peabody!” He interjected eagerly, aware that the Guild Chapter-Master had placed a high priority on this event going smoothly.

Nodding to the junior clerk in thanks, Mr Peabody led the young man back to the wagon.

“Mister, uhm, did the Guild Chapter-Master not inform you of the venue change for the presentation?” The clerk asked somewhat timidly as they were crossing the road.

Mr Peabody had received no such communication, so the golem shook its head, “No, I do not think so."

The clerk became a little flustered, “Oh, I thought so, the messenger was sent quite recently so they must have missed you. I am not clear on all the details, but because of the overwhelming response from the local nobility and visiting nobles, the Guild Chapter-Master thought it would be better to move the event to the training field to accommodate everyone."

Scrutinizing the young man’s earnest expression for a moment, Mr Peabody concluded that he was telling the truth. “Hrm. I would prefer not to carry the artifice through the Guildhall if that is the case."

Nodding in understanding the young clerk paused for a moment in thought, “If it is agreeable to you mister, I could lead your wagon around to the service gate. It is where we receive most deliveries and is connected to the training field. I am not completely sure, but I think you might be able to squeeze the wagon through the training field gate too."

Mr Peabody nodded and climbed back into the driver's seat, “Alright, lead on then my boy."

The clerk nodded enthusiastically and walked alongside the wagon as he directed them to the service gate. Unsurprisingly it was currently closed, but the clerk withdrew a key from his pocket and tapped it against the large lock. Instead of unlocking the gate, as Mr Peabody and Hector had both expected, another clerk exited one of the doors opening into the courtyard beyond and hurried over to the gate.

“This is?” The newly arrived clerk asked.

“V.I.P for the event,” their escort explained. “They will want to go through to the training field if possible too."

The second clerk looked at Mr Peabody, Hector and the wagon over from behind the gate, “Could you please uncover the wagon?"

The clerk escorting Mr Peabody smiled apologetically for not having warned them of the possible cargo check beforehand.

“That's alright,” Mr Peabody replied, gingerly removing the tarpaulin covering the wagon bed. It had mostly been intended to keep the worst of the dust and prying eyes off the artifice, but since they were now at the Guild, it didn't really matter.

Eyes widening at the sight of the artifice, the second clerk stammered his apologies and opened the gate for them to pass through.

Fortunately, with a little coaxing, the wagon was able to fit through the second gate and continue into the training field. The field was currently occupied by milling groups of adventurers and nobles, with servants and Guild staff moving through the crowds plying trays of refreshments.

Mr Peabody, and to a lesser extent Hector, were fast becoming the focus of everyone's attention as they drove the wagon along one side of the field and then approached the stage still being assembled by Guild porters.

While some members of the crowd expressed interest in getting closer to inspect the contents of the wagon, Hector quickly took position between them and the wagon. Emitting a low rumbling growl, Hector was intimidating enough to convince them to keep their distance.

Mr Peabody then turned to the junior clerk. He was still standing by the wagon and despite seeming more than a little nervous, he was visibly excited to be a part of something so prestigious. Climbing into the wagon bed, Mr Peabody began fussing over the crystal surfaces of the artifice with an embroidered handkerchief. Noticing the clerk hovering nearby with a look of awe on his face, Mr Peabody decided to reward the young man for his assistance.

Accessing the information inside the clerk’s identification, Mr Peabody discovered his name was Dillan. “Would you like to assist me with the presentation, Mr Dillan?"

Probably too excited to wonder how Mr Peabody knew his name, Dillan eagerly hopped up and down on the spot. “Really?!” He asked excitedly.

Mr Peabody nodded. Since the golem wanted an assistant for the presentation anyway, why not reward someone who deserves it.

Over the next half hour, Mr Peabody carefully explained the workings of the Artifice Invigoration Station and rehearsed what Dillan was expected to do. The procedure was actually incredibly simple, Mr Peabody just wanted to ensure Dillan would remember what to do under the pressure of being watched by so many people of influence.

The stage had now been assembled and a large tented awning was established to provide shade for both the audience and for those on stage.

With the preparations now completed, Mr Peabody carefully lifted the artifice from the wagon, carried it up onto the stage and placed it in prominent view. Almost immediately, nobles and adventurers began clamouring towards the stage.

Opening its arms expansively, Mr Peabody bowed low to its left, then to its right and finally towards the centre. “My esteemed lords and ladies! If I could have your attention please!” Although somewhat unnecessary because the golem already had the attention of everyone in the training field, Mr Peabody had projected its voice to ensure those still inside the Guildhall would hear as well.

“I stand here before you on this fine day to present a most wondrous artifice of miraculous ability!” Mr Peabody flourished his hands and steps aside to reveal the artifice.

There was polite applause, but the response was somewhat underwhelming.

Having anticipated this reaction because of the artifice’s relatively ordinary appearance by the standards of wealthy nobility, Mr Peabody gave Dillan the signal to open the lower drawer.

No longer hidden from view, the crystal chimed melodiously and shone with a bright golden light that projected arcane sigils onto the shadows created by the awning.

Rendered collectively speechless by the sudden unveiling of the core, muted gasps were heard amongst the crowd.

Both enchantments were deliberately applied by Mr Peabody to provide the necessary impact and presence the golem felt the artifice deserved. Motioning for Dillan to close the drawer again, Mr Peabody struck while the iron was hot. “The Artifice Invigoration Station represents an unprecedented advancement in artificing and enchantments. No more will you be beholden to the whims of eccentric or egotistical Artificers to restore mana to your weapons, armour and other enchanted artifices!"

The crowd had begun loudly conversing with one another, so Mr Peabody had to raise its voice still higher.

“Provided you have identification with the adventurers Guild or can provide adequate means to prove your identity, recharging your own artifice cores mana could not be more simple! Please may I have a volunteer?” Mr Peabody asked.

Dozens of voices immediately cried out and the crowd of nobles began pressing towards the stage.

“Please! My good lords and ladies, there shall be time enough for all should you so wish it!” Mr Peabody stalled while scanning the crowd for a suitable candidate. “My lord!” Mr Peabody gestured to a young adventurer to come forward.

Reading his identification, Mr Peabody could see Geoffrey Cervati was a level twenty-three warrior. He was wearing an enchanted sword at his waist and two enchanted rings on his left hand, so Mr Peabody figured he would be a good subject to demonstrate the easy process of using the artifice.

Clearly proud at having been chosen to go first, Geoffrey sauntered onto the stage and approached the Artifice Invigoration Station. Waiting for Mr Peabody or Dillan to explain what to do next, he preened to the crowd.

“As my assistant will now demonstrate, the process for reinvigorating depleted or drained mana cores or other artifices could not be simpler. Simply open the lid and place the desired items within.” Mr Peabody patiently waited for Dillan to lift the display case lid for the young nobleman, correctly assuming he wouldn't do it himself.

Geoffrey withdrew one of his rings and deposited it on the silk cushion inside.

“Next, close the lid and in this instance, because our gracious volunteer is an adventurer, I would humbly ask that he insert his Guild identification in the slot currently indicated by my assistant.” Mr Peabody watched as Geoffrey somewhat bemusedly followed the instructions.

Geoffrey suddenly stepped back in surprise, eliciting curious remarks from the surrounding nobles.

“As I am sure you are all now wondering what could provoke such a reaction from our stalwart volunteer. The answer is of course one of the miracles of this wondrous artifice! My lord can now bear witness that the detailed information regarding the enchantments on his stored artifice as well as the level of remaining mana and cost to restore to full potential are all plainly visible upon the surface of the crystal!” Mr Peabody half turned towards Geoffrey and Dillan expectantly.

“Haha! It's true!” Geoffrey announced eagerly.

Allowing the gathered nobles a moment to quickly converse amongst themselves, Mr Peabody then raised his hands for silence, “My lords and ladies, from here, provided our esteemed volunteer wishes to follow through on the transaction?” Mr Peabody made a show of looking back towards the young noble for confirmation.

“Of course!” Geoffrey declared proudly.

“Then all that is now required is for a Guild representative, such as my assistant-” Mr Peabody waved to Dillan “-to insert their identification in the corresponding slot in the side, insert and turn the matching key in the lock..."

There was a brief flash of golden light accompanied by a harmonious chiming melody as Dillan turned the key.

“And the process is complete!” Mr Peabody declared.

Geoffrey just stared at the display for a moment before excitedly lifting the lid and sliding the ring back onto his finger. “HAHA! IT WORKS!” he held his hand up to the light to get a better look at it.

Mr Peabody was curious how the Warrior was so easily convinced by the recharging process. Concentrating on the ring, the golem was surprised to find it possessed a number of minor enchantments. Mr Peabody had chosen the adventurer, it had only been in regards to the level of mana in his equipment, the golem hadn’t actually checked what the enchantments on them were.

The primary and most notable enchantment effect on Geoffrey’s ring was the activated ability to improve the wearer's strength temporarily. Doubtless intended to mimic the Warrior special ability, it was an incredibly rare item. Most Artificers lacked the talent, time and resources to attempt such a thing.

Mr Peabody was genuinely surprised the young adventurer had risked such a rare item in an otherwise unproven artifice. For all he knew, the ring could have been stripped of all mana and destroyed right then and there.

While Mr Peabody was considering this, Geoffrey had helped himself to recharge his other items. Not that the golem particularly minded, except it had planned on requesting the nobleman to charge multiple items at the same time to demonstrate that it was indeed possible to do so.

It was not much of a set back however because the overwhelming majority of nobles in attendance were all too eager to have their turn. Mr Peabody was thrilled that the nobility’s craving to participate in novelties had managed to exceed common sense to such an extreme degree. Hours had passed before Mr Peabody had the opportunity to speak with the Guild Chapter-Master, who had been patiently waiting nearby for the past hour exchanging pleasantries with those queuing for their turn.

“I had not expected such fervent interest,” the Guild Chapter-Master admitted, somewhat sheepishly swirling the contents of his wineglass while glancing at the sizeable number of stragglers still actively conversing with one another as they headed indoors.

Mr Peabody nodded, “Although a welcome one,” the golem admitted sanguinely.

“Yes, I recall you mentioning a profit share of some kind?” The cunning Guild Chapter-Master added somewhat shamelessly.

A wolfish grin spread across Mr Peabody’s face, “I have the contract here if you are willing to sign it,” the golem offered opportunistically.

The Guild Chapter-Master grinned back at Mr Peabody with matching intensity, “Haha! I knew I had a good feeling about you!"

After ruthlessly haggling back and forth for the better part of an hour, they settled on a reasonable five per cent profit share to compensate the Guild for the location, protection and provision of service by Guild staff.

The Guild Chapter-Master had made repeated attempts at securing a larger share, but each time in response Mr Peabody had threatened to withhold future contracts for golems and other valuable artifices. In the end, the Guild Chapter-Master had no choice but to back off and accept the less favourable deal.

Contrary to Mr Peabody’s expectations, instead of getting angry or upset, when the Guild Chapter-Master signed the contract he was even more jubilant than before.

“Truthfully, I did not think your benefactor had it in him to secure a talent such as yourself,” the Guild Chapter-Master admitted with feigned remorse.

Mr Peabody nodded appreciatively, “Then you would not be the first, nor I expect, the last, to do so. He is possessed of a determination and ability beyond the scope of his appearance."

“He is certainly different,” the Guild Chapter-Master admitted before downing another glass of wine and gesturing for his assistant to refill it. “He is not the only one of course. I will readily admit that I have never encountered an opponent quite as tenacious as yourself Mr Peabody."

“You flatter me,” Mr Peabody offhandedly waved off the praise. “I merely possessed the advantage in our little skirmish today is all."

“Perhaps,” The Guild Chapter-Master mused, sipping at his wine before glancing pointedly at Mr Peabody, “Or perhaps, much the same as Mr Farus, there is more to you than meets the eye."

“Sir Farus,” Mr Peabody corrected amiably.

The Guild Chapter-Master furrowed his brow briefly in confusion, “Pardon?"

“It is polite to refer to a noble with their affixed title even when they are not in present company,” Mr Peabody stated somewhat jokingly.

Growling slightly the guild master turned to his assistant, “I had been told young master Farus was not in possession of noble title."

Ms Anabeth had withdrawn her leather-backed crystal slate and was hurriedly scanning through Guild reports. Unbeknownst to her, Mr Peabody was capable of seeing everything she could and more besides. After a couple of minutes, Ms Anabeth found what she was looking for and was momentarily taken aback. Withdrawing the silver timepiece from her pocket and taking care to both check the time and make sure it wasn’t broken before making her report. “My lord, Sir Markus Farus was officially recognized by the royal court this very afternoon. it appears to have been confirmed within the past couple of hours."

The Guild Chapter-Master eyes widened in surprise and quickly turned his attention towards Mr Peabody, but before he could say a word the golem beat him to it. “Yes, the application was tendered, accepted and announced while we were haggling the finer details of the contract,” Mr Peabody admitted with a wide toothy smile on its face.

The golem could see the doubt in the Guild Chapter-Master’s eyes give way to wary respect as he reevaluated his opinion of both Mr Peabody and his benefactor.

[Hector: “Is this wise?"]

[Mr Peabody: “This is all a part of the dance. While I agree that it is still prudent for most to encourage most to underestimate our capabilities, I would also argue that certain individuals must be forewarned to prevent misunderstandings. Besides, what he does not understand, his mind will fill in the gaps with what is familiar. Our creator’s secrets are more than safe."]

[Hector: “Hrmph. I defer to your specialty."]

The silent exchange between the two golems had taken less than a single heartbeat, with neither of them demonstrating any signs of having communicated in any way with one another.

The Guild Chapter-Masters expression changed, now somewhat pensive, “Of course. You had to have realized the potential profit to be earned in a situation such as this. And I had heard you secured a short term loan from the royal bank...Yes this all makes sense,” he looked pointedly into Mr Peabody’s eyes with a new level of respect. “I was going to raise the issue of your bravery in committing such a gamble. But I realized how foolish that would seem, after all, are not all merchants prolific gambling addicts?"

Mr Peabody nodded in agreement, “Hehe, precisely! Purchasing goods in one location to sell in another, with only rumours and gossip to determine risk and profit. It is the measure of a merchant's conviction and ability to strike forth again with each passing season!"

Mr Peabody and the Guild Chapter-Master shared in a good laugh at that before each said their goodbyes with promises of collaborating further in the future.

Accessing Sir Markus Farus’s account, Mr Peabody deposited one thousand crowns of the afternoon’s profits. While certainly a small fortune in and of itself, through the Artifice Invigoration Station Mr Peabody had generated seventeen thousand crowns, four shillings and nineteen pence. Factoring in a moderate initial decline in revenue generation for the next few days or even a week, Mr Peabody was still more than ready to begin enacting its other initiatives and as an established merchant, it could finally begin following its primary orders.

With little information to work with, Mr Peabody believed that its next major undertaking was going to be extraordinarily difficult, almost impossible even. However, the golem also knew two things for certain. First, it had no other choice. And second, the more famous and wealthy Mr Peabody became as a merchant and prestigious the creator became as a noble, the more likely it would be for her to find them instead.

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