《Sole Survivor》Chapter 25: Settling In
Author Note: Holy moly, over 1000 followers. I want to give thanks to my reader base and hope I don't disappoint you in the future.
I'm looking forward to the next several chapters. Going to be a lot of fun and plot (not that kind).
Please Enjoy!
Also a plug to the cover art request thread for this story.
Chapter 25: Settling In
Tom sat on a chair near the changing rooms of the same clothing store he took Reia to several weeks ago. He and the others just came from a same-day deliver mattress store and pharmacy. Clothes were the last thing they needed to take care of before they could head home.
"Excuse me, sir?"
"Hmm?" Tom mumbled as he was interrupted from his thoughts. He looked up and saw the clothing store's attendant.
"I thought I recognized you," she said. "You were in here a few weeks ago with that Turkish exchange student right?"
"I am actually surprised you would remember me."
"It's weird, but for some reason you kinda stick out in my mind. Not sure why."
'Probably my Fame causing this,' Tom thought. 'The more famous I become the more I am recognized, consciously or subconsciously. '
"Forgive me for prying, but I am very curious. How did things work out between you and the exchange student?"
Tom smiled and gave her a thumbs up.
"I'm so happy for you two!"
"Tom!" Reia called out as she left the hallway of the dressing rooms.
"Yeah, Reia?"
"I found everything I wanted."
Reia had a meager pile of clothing hung over her right arm. She saw the store attendant who looked at her in disbelief.
"You can speak English?" the attendant muttered.
"Oh... Uh..."
"Reia has genius intellect," Tom quickly explained. "She recently mastered the English language."
Tom found that the best lies you can create are the ones that are the closest to the full truth. Reia has a high Intelligence level compared to the average Human and she just recently got the Language Comprehension skill. All true.
"That's incredible! How are you finding Canada so far?"
"I'm loving this country," Reia answered. "It's so much more different than where I used to live. So much to do. The food is beyond anything I have ever tasted."
"I'm happy you're enjoying the country so far," the store attendant said. "Is there anything I can help you with here?"
"We're good, thank you for asking."
"Alright. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with."
"Okay." Reia sat down in the chair next to Tom.
"There's something that has been on my mind since morning," Tom said to Reia.
"What's that?"
"Well, you got the Language Comprehension skill after we made love. Yet I saw that Sylmae, Tala and Vivian all have Language Comprehension. How did... You know what, none of my business. Never mind."
"It's because Reia didn't do well in school," Sylmae said as she came out of one of the dressing rooms. "And she skipped the day they brought in the Language Crystal. Anyone who reaches a certain level of education and then touches a Language Crystal gets the Language Comprehension skill. Little Reia here had a habit of skipping school."
"Syl!" Reia yelped. Her voice then went into a whispered tone. "Tom doesn't need to know that."
Sylmae shrugged her shoulders. Tom got a look at the outfit she was wearing. A pair of skinny jeans and a v-cut yellow long-sleeved t-shirt.
"Nice clothes you picked out, Syl," Tom complimented. "Very cute."
Sylmae stiffened in place by Tom using her nickname and calling her cute. She turned and went back into the changing rooms. A large smile came across Reia's face. Tom noticed the look on her face.
"What?" Tom asked her.
"Oh, nothing," she giggled.
Reia and Tom leaned against each other.
"Tom, I thought I should let you know that for the next few days, I plan to sleep in my friends' room. I hope you can understand."
"Oh?" Tom said.
"I just want to make sure they settle in. Back at our house, we didn't have private rooms. We were all used to sleeping nearby each other."
"My bed will feel a little empty, but I'm willing to do some sacrifices to make sure your friends are happy."
"It means a lot more to me than you know to hear you say that," Reia said.
Reia rested her head on Tom's shoulder until eventually the others finished trying on their clothes. Tom paid for their purchases up front and carried their bags. Vivian was the only one who offered to help him with the bag load. As they left the clothing store, Vivian held one of her shirts and pulled at the material.
"I've never seen material like this in all my travels," she said. "What's it made out of?"
"Most clothes have a small section of information printed on the inside, but to answer your question, it's made from cotton."
"It's so soft and stretchy."
"We have various processes to make full use of cotton to create better clothing. I'm guessing there's no way you'll go back to linen and rough leather clothing after this, eh?"
"Right!" All four of the girls answered.
Tom left out a soft laugh. It was interrupted when he felt a tug at his sleeve. He looked where he was tugged and saw it was Tala.
"Um, Tom what's that?" she asked while pointing.
Tom looked in the direction she pointed. It was a large-scale book store.
"Oh, it's a book store," Tom answered.
Tala's eyes widened. "A-A book store?"
"Would you like to go in?"
Tala enthusiastically nodded her head. The group followed Tom into the book store. Tala looked all over the place in disbelief.
"I've never seen so many books in my life," she muttered.
"Even more than your library?"
"The library I work at is half this store's size with only a few dozen books. The quantity here. The variety. I've never seen such a thing. I would go as far to say this store alone surpasses Qelvica Kingdom's Royal Library in terms of quantity and variety."
"Oh," Tom muttered in surprise.
"Why is everything out in the open?" Sylmae asked. "Aren't they worried someone will steal something?"
"That's a worry most store owners have," Tom replied. "But I get the feeling you mean something else."
"Books are extremely expensive," Tala explained. "Usually they are bought by libraries, the rich, nobility or politicians. The idea that commoners can buy them is unheard of."
"Why are they expensive?"
"They are written by hand so they take a lot of time to make."
"That explains it. Here on Earth we have devices that can mass-produce books. Look."
Tom pointed to a stand with a fictional book series on display. There were at least ten copies of it.
"With our machines, we can create as many books as we like for cheap. Take a look around here, I'm sure you'll find lots of books you'll like. I'll buy them for you."
"Really?" Tala exclaimed.
"Really," Tom said with a smile.
The timid Tala suddenly launched into the store leaving them behind. Tom was dumbfounded by how fast she moved.
"You are probably going to regret that offer," Vivian warned.
"It's fine. Money isn't a worry for me. All of you should check this store out, I'm sure you'll all find something good."
Sylmae, Vivian and Reia took him up on his invitation and explored the store. Tom mused that he probably could have saved money by just getting Tala an e-book reader, but realized that if this store was enough to shock and surprise Tala, an e-book reader that could hold a hundred thousand books would make her catatonic.
'Catatonic...' Tom thought. 'Would that be considered a racist pun?'
This line of thinking brought forth a concern that Tom needs to add in his report of recommendations to the governments of Earth. The radical difference in culture and technology would be extremely overwhelming to the average Xoth citizen. Reia still finds new things everyday to be amazed at. A class will be needed for Xoth individuals who wish to interact with Human society. The class would need to teach about technology, culture and history of Humanity.
It annoyed Tom every time he finds something he needed to added to the books he has been writing. He wanted to release all four of them at the same time to the public. Despite the annoyance of new information to add, he was nearly done writing his books and would be ready to release them to the world within a few days.
While the others went wild in the book store, Tom wanted to have a look at the cook books to increase his Cook skill. The store didn't offer many books that would be useful in raising his skill since he order a large shipment of books online. In that shipment, he had various books such as gun manuals to attempt to get a skill dealing with firearms, and medical and science books to help increase his current skills' levels.
On the way to the cooking section, Tom's eye caught the cover of Yuri Weller's newest book called "Mind Over All That Matters". The man was famed to have the ability of telekinesis so Tom was interested to see if he could also get that skill. He picked up the book and a window appeared before him.
NoticeThis book was written by a fraud who uses fake magic tricks and slight of hand to trick people out of their money. Nothing of value can be gained from this book.
Tom sighed and thought, 'Of course.'
Vivian's warnings came to fruition once the day was over. The amount of books Tala bought required him and the others to make multiple trips to and from the book store to carry them all. Tom found it extremely cute that Tala politely asked him every time she picked out a book if she could have it.
As a result of the trip to the book store, Tala acquired a wide variety of books. She was interested in Earth and its inhabitants so she picked up books about geology, geography, biology, Human history, animals, culture, chemistry, politics and various other related topics. Tom figured that even if she was capable of speed reading, it would still take a few weeks of straight reading to get through her supply.
It was late afternoon when they returned back to Tom's house. The mattresses that they bought earlier in the day were delivered to his doorstep. They were left outside inside plastic sheets to keep them clean. Everyone helped Tom move all the things they bought into the house and into the room Tom gave to the girls to live in. He offered them separate rooms for privacy but they were adamant to sharing the same room.
The room reserved for the girls was very basic. It was the largest room in the house and was once Tom's father's office and study. After his parents' death, Tom placed all the furniture and decorations into storage leaving the room completely bare. For the time being, the only furniture Reia's friends had in there were their beds and a couple plastic bins each that contained all their clothes and toiletries.
When they finished readying their room, it was getting dark outside. Tom made a quick shrimp fried rice dinner for everyone. Reia was the first one to enter the kitchen after Tom started cooking.
"Smells delicious," Reia said as she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her chin on his right shoulder.
"Just wait until until you taste it," Tom said as he added soy sauce and sesame oil to the mix.
"So are you sure it's okay for me to spend the next few days sleeping in my friends' room?"
"Of course, you don't need to worry," Tom said happily. "My bed will be a little lonely, but I'll survive."
"Just a little?" she asked coyly.
Tom turned in place and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Okay, very." He leaned in and kissed her.
Footsteps coming towards the kitchen interrupted their embrace. They turned to see Reia's friends. All three of them had a mild look of bliss on their faces.
"It smells really good in here," Vivian said. "Is dinner almost ready?"
Tom glanced over he shoulder and then back to them. "Yeah, dinner is ready. Shrimp friend rice. The table is all set, so just grab your plates and I'll give you all a serving."
Reia's friends were very eager to get a serving of the rice dinner. They practically rushed to get their plates topped then back to the table. Vivian didn't hesitate to dig into her food. Syl and Tala patiently sat in their chairs to wait for Reia and Tom to get their plates. Syl nudged Vivian with her elbow to get her to stop eating and to wait as well.
Tom and Reia sat down next to each other and readied their forks. Tom noticed Sylmae looked nervous and asked her, "Is something wrong with the food?"
"Oh! No! It's just that... I... We wanted to properly thank you for everything you've done for us today."
"You're welcome. It was fun today."
"Thank you for all the books, nya," Tala added.
"Thanks for the food," Vivian said before digging into her rice. "Issshh sooo derishious!"
"Don't talk with your mouth full Vivian," Sylmae chided her.
Vivian swallowed everything in her mouth and quickly drank half her glass of water. "This is honestly the best thing I have ever eaten in my life."
"Regardless, it's rude to just dig into your meal before the host eats or without everyone sitting at the table."
"Give me a break, Syl. Even Tala started eating her meal." Vivian leaned back to allow Syl to see Tala with a mouth full of rice with a few bits of rice around her lips.
"Seriously, Tala?"
Tom burst into a hearty laugh. He noticed all of them looking at him. Tom quickly composed himself.
"Sorry, sorry," he apologized. "I just found your conversation funny. It's nice to have this house filled with voices again. Listen. You're all welcomed for everything. I want to make sure you all are comfortable here in this world. Especially more so since we are going to be fighting side by side in the future." Tom clasped his hands together and planted his elbows on the table. "I know that today has been weird and difficult for you all. Being taken from your world and sent to an alien one and all. For all intents and purposes, you lost your home, but don't worry. Like I said before, my home is now your home. Now we've only known each other for a day, but I get the feeling that we'll all get along with each other great. I may still be a slight stranger to you three but I hope that over time I'll earn all of your trust and friendship. Sounds good?"
"Kuep feedon meuh rike dis en yuul unn moor dan dat," Vivian muttered with her mouth full again.
Sylmae and Tala tensed up in their seats after Vivian spoke.
"Sorry, what did you say?" Tom asked.
Vivian paused for a moment. She looked at Sylmae and Tala. Vivian then swallowed her food. "Uh... I said I liked the food and could I have more than that..."
"Oh! Sure. There's plenty in the pot so help yourself to extra."
Vivian got up from her seat with her plate. Tom noticed Syl's and Tala's eyes glued to Vivian as she walked away from the table.
"Is there something wrong, Sylmae, Tala?" Tom asked them.
"Nothing!" they both quickly replied.
Character Stats:
Spoiler :
StatusNameThomas "Tom" EverettLevel22Experience13320/13850ClassMagic BladeRaceHumanAlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$10,510,014.23Xoth0 platinum 4 gold 66 silver 30 copperTitleClever One, Determined, Giant Slayer, Vaccinated, One Of The First, Sole Survivor, Generous Healer, Interpreter, Selfless LoverBuffsAgent of Kara2x experienceBestiary of Xoth+10% damage towards the creatures of XothBrief History of Xoth+10% persuasion chance and friendliness towards the inhabitants of XothDebuffs--Health1250Health Regeneration/min33.99Mana1190Mana Regeneration/min40.3Stamina1190Stamina Regeneration/min8.2Fame3900Infamy0Strength125Intelligence119Wisdom130Perception58Endurance119Vitality103Agility82Luck90Unallocated Points0
SkillsIdentifyMaster Level 2PersuasionIntermediate Level 1Language ComprehensionMaster Level 10Book LearningMaster Level 10TeacherBeginner Level 4NonchalantMaster Level 10Lightning StrikeIntermediate Level 6Lightning EnchantIntermediate Level 6Lightning ShieldIntermediate Level 3HealIntermediate Level 4PurifyIntermediate Level 5Sword SkillIntermediate Level 6DisguiseIntermediate Level 8PrayerMaster Level 10Hero's CallMaster Level 10Fast TravelMaster Level 10Loot CollectorIntermediate Level 3Magical RepairMaster Level 2TacticianIntermediate Level 3CookIntermediate Level 8Mixed Martial ArtistBeginner Level 8Club SkillBeginner Level 2Trap MasterBeginner Level 7UnbreakableBeginner Level 5FireballIntermediate Level 1Fire EnchantBeginner Level 9Bow SkillBeginner Level 9Surge StrikeBeginner Level 10Enhanced BodyIntermediate Level 3Enhanced MindIntermediate Level 1Chain LightningBeginner Level 3Group HealBeginner Level 4Enhanced SpellsBeginner Level 9Enhanced ResistanceIntermediate Level 4SM TransferMaster Level 10Computer SkillBeginner Level 10MassageBeginner Level 5LoverBeginner Level 4
StatusNameReia ZyerLevel20Experience8835/8865ClassLancerRaceNagaAlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$0.00Xoth0 platinum 4 gold 45 silver 14 copperTitleUnknown, Giant Slayer, Determined, Life SaverBuffs--Debuffs--Health1600Health Regeneration/min9.7Mana450Mana Regeneration/min4.5Stamina1010Stamina Regeneration/min10.6Fame3900Infamy0Strength160Intelligence45Wisdom45Perception53Endurance101Vitality97Agility106Luck89Unallocated Points0
SkillsIdentifyIntermediate Level 8Weapon RepairIntermediate Level 6Armour RepairIntermediate Level 3Weapon CraftingBeginner Level 9Armour CraftingBeginner Level 10Accessory CraftingIntermediate Level 1Spear SkillIntermediate Level 8Clothing ReformMaster Level 3Ice SpikeBeginner Level 6Wind ShieldIntermediate Level 3Wind BladeIntermediate Level 6HealIntermediate Level 4Club SkillBeginner Level 1Sword SkillBeginner Level 9PersuasionIntermediate Level 1Power StrikeBeginner Level 10Enhanced ResistanceBeginner Level 8Group HealBeginner Level 1FlurryBeginner Level 1Spiral ThrustBeginner Level 1Enhanced DodgeBeginner Level 1Language ComprehensionMaster Level 10
StatusNameSylmae "Syl" LyvanLevel1Experience0/100Class-RaceElfAlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$0.00Xoth0 platinum 3 gold 24 silver 71 copperTitleUnknownBuffs--Debuffs--Health180Health Regeneration/min2.0Mana150Mana Regeneration/min1.7Stamina260Stamina Regeneration/min3.1Fame0Infamy0Strength18Intelligence15Wisdom17Perception30Endurance26Vitality10Agility31Luck50Unallocated Points0
SkillsIdentifyIntermediate Level 5Language ComprehensionMaster Level 10Bow SkillBeginner Level 3Ice SpikeBeginner Level 2Ice EnchantBeginner Level 8Ice ShieldBeginner Level 2HealBeginner Level 8SlowIntermediate Level 8Group SlowBeginner Level 3
StatusNameTala MauLevel1Experience0/100Class-RaceBeastkin (Feline)AlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$0.00Xoth0 platinum 2 gold 7 silver 87 copperTitleUnknown, Book EnthusiastBuffs--Debuffs--Health100Health Regeneration/min2.0Mana580Mana Regeneration/min4.5Stamina100Stamina Regeneration/min1.1Fame0Infamy0Strength10Intelligence58Wisdom45Perception13Endurance10Vitality20Agility11Luck50Unallocated Points0
SkillsIdentifyIntermediate Level 5Language ComprehensionMaster Level 10FireballIntermediate Level 3Fire BarrierBeginner Level 2Fire EnchantBeginner Level 9Fire ShieldIntermediate Level 3FlamethrowerBeginner Level 3HealIntermediate Level 3Group HealBeginner Level 5PurifyIntermediate Level 1Ice SpikeBeginner Level 2Wind BladeBeginner Level 3Lightning StrikeBeginner Level 1Water BlastBeginner Level 8Rock ThrowBeginner Level 1EnchantmentBeginner Level 9AlchemyBeginner Level 6InvisibleBeginner Level 8Bubble ShieldBeginner Level 2DispelBeginner Level 6
StatusNameVivian "Vi" TerrabaneLevel15Experience2345/2900ClassWarriorRaceDwarfAlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$0.00Xoth0 platinum 28 gold 12 silver 93 copperTitleUnknown, Determined, Giant Slayer, Explorer, Lone AdventurerAdventurer Guild Rank6Buffs--Debuffs--Health760Health Regeneration/min6.6Mana360Mana Regeneration/min2.9Stamina740Stamina Regeneration/min3.7Fame250Infamy0Strength76Intelligence36Wisdom29Perception51Endurance74Vitality66Agility37Luck71Unallocated Points0
SkillsIdentifyIntermediate Level 9Language ComprehensionMaster Level 10Hammer SkillIntermediate Level 8Rock ThrowIntermediate Level 2Earth EnchantIntermediate Level 3Earth ShieldIntermediate Level 1Earth ManipulationBeginner Level 7HealIntermediate Level 1
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