《Sole Survivor》Chapter 22: Reunion, pt. 1
Author's Note: Sorry about the delay on this, didn't have time to write last week.
Got a lot of good feedback on the last several chapters so based on some of the critiques I've received I will be adjusting the format of this story. I will be using less windows and merge it into the story more. So an example of this is that there will be no more damage windows or level up notification windows. This will just be written as part of the story to help improve the flow of the story. Status and enemy info windows will be hidden in spoiler tags to help reduce window spam. I understand the irony of this sentence considering how this chapter starts.
Anyways, thanks for leaving comments and reviews.
Now another note, I made a thread in the art forum requesting help from someone to create cover art for this story. While I cannot offer monetary compensation, I will give thanks and acknowledgement to the artist in both the story's description and in the chapter's note released after the reveal of the cover art. As an added bonus, I'll allow the artist to name a future main character (future spoilers).
Chapter 22: Reunion, pt. 1
Tom casually walked through the forest by his home. He had finished marking the plot of land where he wanted the construction workers to install his personal solar panel array and wind turbines. The company gave him specific guidelines to where they could install his personal solar and wind farm. His property offered several good locations, but the area he marked was the closest to his house.
Knowing that the power grid is going to be greatly affected by the fusion of Earth and Xoth, he wanted to ensure that his home was one hundred percent off the grid. His water came from a well and all waste water went to a septic tank.
The estimated cost Tom was given for the construction of his green energy farm, along with installing a power moderator and battery in his house, was well over a hundred fifty thousand dollars. The cost increased by another ten thousand dollars by fast-tracking the appointment for the installment to late next week. During this time, Tom will have to make sure Reia is in disguise for the entirety of the time that the workers are around.
After walking for a few minutes, Tom came across the old house foundation where he defeated the cyclops. The cyclops' dried blood was still on the rock wall. Tom stared into the pit and thought about the day of the test and how everything started.
'Has it only been a month? Jesus Christ... Felt like a lifetime ago.'
In his moment of nostalgia, Tom remembered he had something important to talk to Kara about.
"Kara, are you there?" he asked out loud.
Hello Thomas. It's good to hear from you again. Oh! I see you and Reia decided to take things to the next level.
"Were you watching?" Tom accused.
Oh no, no, no. I only needed to see your level four Lover skill to know, not only are you two intimate, but you two are taking every chance you have to... level up that skill.
"Ugh..." Tom groaned. "Please don't make jokes."
No need to get embarrassed. It's a beautiful thing. Now what did you want to talk about?
Tom composed himself and said, "I didn't want to worry Reia, but my memory of the mission in Russia was a little hazy. It only became completely clear yesterday and I remembered something extremely important from the mission. The identity of the being that Phoenix is working with. Rika Darma had a buff called Agent of Mordiggian. Do you know anything about him?"
I do. Mordiggian is one of Hastur's top officers. He has been by his side since he took over the demon continent three hundred years ago. Mordiggian is responsible for operations that concern sabotage, infiltration, espionage, and political subterfuge. His operations style is to keep himself hidden while achieving his goals through sabotage and proxy agents.
"Shit," Tom mumbled under his breath. "That is actually a really powerful agent to send forth as a harbinger."
"Can you give me any information about his abilities? His fighting style?"
Mordiggian's main magic attribute is Darkness. While he knows a variety of basic spells, his main set of magic is shadow and necromancy based. He has earned the nickname God of Ghouls for his abilities. He, like you, has the Teacher skill so he can endow his agents with some of his abilities.
"Makes it easier for his agents to act on his behalf."
Knowing that it was Mordiggian who was sent to your world confirms our previous theory that this individual is keeping himself hidden to avoid becoming a target for your world. Mordiggian is, skill and strength-wise, the weakest of Hastur's officers. He would not be able to fight back against the might of your world's combined military. Don't be mistaken though, Mordiggian is extremely powerful.
"Any tips on fighting him?"
For now? Don't. I know you will eventually have to fight him so take this advice to heart. Any skill that an enhanced Phoenix member has, that cannot be gained in your world, are abilities Mordiggian has. Learn from fighting them.
"That's really good advice."
And two more things. Mordiggian is a cunning strategist. A fight with him will only occur if he has a plan to win. Also he is able to create magic barriers which he will use to trap his opponent and isolate the fight. You will not be able to Fast Travel to or from him. Escaping from him will be extremely difficult once you begin the fight. Be sure you are well prepared and strong before you make the attempt.
"What about Hastur's other officers? Or even Hastur himself? What abilities do they have?"
I'm afraid I do not know what abilities the other officers have. Hastur's officers are extremely careful in disguising their abilities, usually only using their skills in combat against powerful opponents. When the worlds fuse, I'd suggest searching for history books on the previous wars with the demon continent for an idea of their abilities. As for Hastur, I do know that his main attribute is Wind. Expect extremely powerful magic in that field. I'm sorry I could not provide more information, but I am not omnipresent. I was only able to figure out that Mordiggian has the Teacher skill because his agents gain new skills immediately after being recruited by him.
"It's alright. This is all extremely good Intel. Too bad I don't know what his other officers are capable of."
While I am unable tell you their abilities; I can, however, tell you the names of Hastur's top officers.
"Okay!" Tom said enthusiastically. "Even that would help immensely."
His officer are Mordiggian, Aylith, Alala, Hastur's wife Shub-Niggurath, and their children Zhar, Lloigor, and Ithaqua.
"Making a mental note. I'll write those names down as soon as I get home. Kara, I really appreciate this information. It is extremely valuable."
No problem. If you have anymore questions, feel free to contact me. And let's keep up our talks too. I really appreciate them.
"Alright, it has been good talking to you. Talk to you later."
Just one more thing before you go.
Could you take eleven steps back and six to your right?
"Excuse me?"
Just humour me.
Tom sighed and decided to just follow through with what she asked. He took eleven steps back and then six steps to his right.
"This good?"
Yes. Perfect. You'll cushion their fall. Bye.
The familiar sonic boom noise echoed throughout the area forcing Tom to briefly cover his ears. The sound lasted for several seconds before it faded away. With the sound gone, he uncovered his ears to hear screams right above him. He didn't have enough time to look up before he was immediately knocked down to the ground by three objects.
Lying on his back on the ground, Tom quickly realized that the three objects that landed on him were three people. At his current angle, he couldn't see what they looked liked. One of them sat on his groin, another on his stomach and a third on his chest slightly over his neck.
"What was that?" the woman sitting on his chest groaned.
"I don't know," another said. "Nya, my head is killing me."
"Uh, girls, where are we?" the third said. "I've never seen a forest like this."
"Excuse me," Tom interrupted their conversation. He patted the ground with his right hand to further get their attention. "I'm sorry to intrude but you are all sitting on me."
The three women looked down to realize what they were sitting on. They jump to their feet in a panic.
"I'm so sorry, sir," one of them apologized.
Tom saw a hand reach out to him. He reached up and grabbed it. Tom was pulled up to his feet where he proceeded to brush himself off.
"It's alright," he said. "It was an accident."
Tom was finally able to get a good look at the three beautiful women. Each of them were from a different race of Xoth. The shortest woman got his attention first. He recognized her race to be that of the dwarves. Tom read about their race in the history book he received a month ago. He was surprised to learn that while the men of the race are often extremely muscular and stocky, the women are just like the women of his race except just... really short.
The woman before him was just below chest height to him. She had a round face with bright purple eyes. The dwarf's black hair was tied behind her head in a braid that reached the base of her neck. Her ears were two inches long, narrow and ended with a square edge.
She wore brown rough leather pants, gloves and jacket. Over the front of the jacket was a metal breast plate that was attached to straps that went over and under her arms. The dwarf woman held a hammer in her right hand. The top end of the hammer was almost as large of Tom's forearm. The shape of the hammer block was not unique. It resembled a regular sledgehammer.
The woman to her side wore a blue robe. She had large cat ears on top of her head. A short-haired, furry tail swished back and forth behind her. The cat-woman had faded green eyes and slit pupils. Her hair and the fur of her ears and tail were orangish-yellow with black spots. Her lips opened to reveal a pair of fanged teeth on the top and bottom of her jaw. Her weapon of choice was a staff made from an abnormally shaped branch from a tree.
The woman on the far right was from the elf race. Her outfit was a similar leather clothing as her dwarven companion. She was slender and had platinum blond hair that reached her upper back. Her ears were very long and pointed outwards from the sides of her head. What struck Tom as especially unusual about her appearance was that she had heterochromia iridum. One eye was green and the other was brown. A simple wooden bow was strapped to her back.
"You three okay?" Tom asked them.
"Just a little sore," the dwarf answered.
"That's good." Tom stretched out his hand. "I'm Thomas Everett. Just Tom is fine."
"Vivian Terrabane."
"Sylmae Lyvan," the elf said.
Tom shook hands with both of them.
"Tala Mau," the cat-woman greeted.
Tom attempted to shake hands with her but she made a surprised "nya" noise, quickly backed away and hid behind her companions. She shyly looked down away from his eyes.
The names finally registered with Tom and he came to a realization. "I'm sorry, but did you say your names were Sylmae and Tala?" Tom quickly asked while pointing to both of them.
"We did," Syl replied.
Tom couldn't help but let out a laugh. He placed his hand over his mouth to stifle it. "Jeez, this is crazy. You two wouldn't happen to be Reia's sisters would you?"
Syl's and Tala's eyes widen.
"Nya! You know Reia?" Tala yelped.
"She's currently at my house. I can take you three there right now."
"Please," Syl said. "We've been worried sick."
"Syl, Tala, wait," Vivian cautioned. "We don't know where we are or who this really is. Look at him. Do you recognize his race?"
Now that Tala and Syl got a good look at Tom they realized that she was right. He was too bulky to be an elf and the edges of his ears were rounded. No race had rounded ears.
"Syl, she's right," Tala said.
"Reia had the same reaction when we first met," Tom said with a smile. "Though this conversation is a little more friendly than the one we had."
"Sounds like her," Syl said.
"Look. I'll tell you three the same thing I told her. I'm a Human. I'm also sorry to tell you three this but you're not on Xoth anymore." Stretched out his arms to point all around them. "This world? This is Earth."
The three women stared at him in disbelief.
"You see Hastur has cast a spell that is going to merge our worlds in a year. Well, I guess it's eleven months now. Bit by bit, parts of your world is coming to my world until our worlds become one. A new world."
"Vi, I can't read him using my Identity skill," Syl whispered to Vivian. "I can only see he's level twenty-two, can you read him?"
"Twenty-two?" Vivian gasped. "I'm only level fifteen. Okay, I can do it."
Vivian read Tom's stats and was left flabbergasted. She fell to her knees to prostrate before him.
"Agent of Kara, I am so sorry for our rudeness. We did not know we were in the presence of an agent of the goddess."
"Agent of Kara?" Tala and Syl both yelled.
"Please, please, please, don't do that," Tom pleaded. "Just stand. Just please continue talking to me like you were before."
Vivian hesitantly stood back up.
"How did this all happen?" Syl asked. "You being an Agent?"
"It's a long story which can be saved for later back at my home. As for now, do you all trust me enough to follow me back to my house?"
The three nodded.
"Great. Come on."
Tom was thankful that the walk wasn't far away. The three otherworlders were quiet and Tom could feel their stares in the back of his head. They emerged from the forest onto his lawn. They saw his house and were in awe of its size.
"We're here. My home. Reia should be waking up soon."
Tom looked back and saw the three looking all over the property.
"Is there something wrong?"
"U-Usually Lords have servants," Tala answered meekly. "We don't see anyone around."
"It's just the five of us here. And, while I own this property, I'm no Lord. I manage this property myself. Well... Reia helps me now." Tom grabbed the handle of the front door. "Please come in."
Tom opened the front door and walked in. He was followed inside by Tala, Vivian and Syl. Tala closed the door behind them.
"Reia!" Tom called out. He walked towards his bedroom. Tom reached for the doorknob and opened the door. "Reia, you up? You're not going to believe- Gah!"
Reia pounced out of their room and wrapped her arms, legs and wings around him. She immediately attacked him with kisses.
"If you were going to go out for a walk, you could have woke me up," she said.
Syl and Tala went bug-eyed seeing the display of their long-lost sister. Vivian smiled widely while nodding her head.
"Reia-" Tom was barely able to get a word out before another kiss was planted on his lips. Reia was especially affectionate this morning. Tom grabbed her shoulders and said in a stern tone, "Reia."
Taken aback by his tone. "Tom?"
"I found your sisters and they're standing right over there." Tom nodded to his left.
Reia's breath was caught in her throat as she lowered her right wing. She saw Syl, Tala and Vivian standing there, staring at them in shock. Reia slowly released Tom from her grasp and got to her feet. Tears came to her eyes.
"Syl? Tala?" Reia slowly took a couple of steps towards them. She started to choke as her tears ran down her cheeks. "Oh, Goddess!"
Reia ran towards them and embraced her sisters. "I missed you both so much!"
Syl and Tala hugged her back. Despite what they had witnessed, they were still happy to see their sister again. Relieved and happy. They couldn't help but also cry.
"You idiot," Syl muttered behind her tears. "We were worried sick about you."
"I'm so sorry," Reia cried out. "I'm so sorry."
"We're so glad you're okay," Tala said. She started to purr. "We thought you might have gotten hurt when you went missing."
'Hold back your tears, Tom,' Tom said in his head. "Hold..."
The three sisters had a good cry together for several minutes before they could regain their composure. Reia let go of her sisters and wiped away her tears.
"I just- I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am to have you two back," she said. Reia looked over their shoulders and saw Vivian smiling happily. "And you have Vivian with you. I haven't seen you in ages, Vi."
"It's good to see you again, Reia," Vivian said.
"You as well, Vi. There's so much I have to tell you all. So much has happened."
With that mention, Sylmae and Tala's mind came back to what they witnessed. While it left Tala confused, Sylmae felt anger well up inside.
"It seems so," Syl said in a displeased tone. Her eyes came upon Tom. She gave him a glare. "Mister Everett, could you please wait outside? We need to speak in private."
"Uh, sure," Tom replied. "Call for me when you're all ready to get breakfast."
Tom walked out of the house leaving the four to themselves.
"Reia, is there somewhere we can sit?" Syl said in a cold manner.
"Yes..." Reia replied. Syl's sudden shift of tone worried her greatly. "Over here."
Reia led the three towards the living room where a three seat couch and two chairs were arranged around a glass-top coffee table. While Syl was focused on their destination, Tala and Vivian took the time to examine the "house" they were in.
Vivian whistled. "This is some place. Never seen anything like it. It's so big."
"I'm interested in the lights," Tala added. "I've seen magic like this before but not in this form."
Syl and Tala sat down on opposite ends of the three-seat couch while Vivian and Reia sat in the two cushioned chairs.
"Look, Syl, Tala, I know what you two are thinking-" Reia tried to explained.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Syl yelled in anger.
Character Stats:
Spoiler :
Status Name Thomas "Tom" Everett Level 22 Experience 13320/13850 Class Magic Blade Race Human Alignment Good Currency Canadian $10,517,439.80 Xoth 0 platinum 4 gold 66 silver 30 copper Title Clever One, Determined, Giant Slayer, Vaccinated, One Of The First, Sole Survivor, Generous Healer, Interpreter, Selfless Lover Buffs Agent of Kara 2x experience Bestiary of Xoth +10% damage towards the creatures of Xoth Brief History of Xoth +10% persuasion chance and friendliness towards the inhabitants of Xoth Debuffs - - Health 1250 Health Regeneration/min 33.99 Mana 1190 Mana Regeneration/min 40.3 Stamina 1190 Stamina Regeneration/min 8.2 Fame 3900 Infamy 0 Strength 125 Intelligence 119 Wisdom 130 Perception 58 Endurance 119 Vitality 103 Agility 82 Luck 90 Unallocated Points 0
Resistances Physical 44% Disease/Toxin 89% Fire 44% Plant 44% Ice 44% Earth 44% Lightning 44% Water 44% Wind 44% Spirit 44% Light 44% Darkness 44%
Skills Identify Master Level 2 Persuasion Intermediate Level 1 Language Comprehension Master Level 10 Book Learning Master Level 10 Teacher Beginner Level 4 Nonchalant Master Level 10 Lightning Strike Intermediate Level 6 Lightning Enchant Intermediate Level 6 Lightning Shield Intermediate Level 3 Heal Intermediate Level 4 Purify Intermediate Level 5 Sword Skill Intermediate Level 6 Disguise Intermediate Level 8 Prayer Master Level 10 Hero's Call Master Level 10 Fast Travel Master Level 10 Loot Collector Intermediate Level 3 Magical Repair Master Level 2 Tactician Intermediate Level 3 Cook Intermediate Level 4 Mixed Martial Artist Beginner Level 8 Club Skill Beginner Level 2 Trap Master Beginner Level 7 Unbreakable Beginner Level 5 Fireball Intermediate Level 1 Fire Enchant Beginner Level 9 Bow Skill Beginner Level 9 Surge Strike Beginner Level 10 Enhanced Body Intermediate Level 3 Enhanced Mind Intermediate Level 1 Chain Lightning Beginner Level 3 Group Heal Beginner Level 4 Enhanced Spells Beginner Level 9 Enhanced Resistance Intermediate Level 4 SM Transfer Master Level 10 Computer Skill Beginner Level 10 Massage Beginner Level 5 Lover Beginner Level 4
Status Name Reia Zyer Level 20 Experience 8835/8865 Class Lancer Race Naga Alignment Good Currency Canadian $0.00 Xoth 0 platinum 4 gold 45 silver 14 copper Title Unknown, Giant Slayer, Determined, Life Saver Buffs - - Debuffs - - Health 1600 Health Regeneration/min 9.7 Mana 450 Mana Regeneration/min 4.5 Stamina 1010 Stamina Regeneration/min 10.6 Fame 3900 Infamy 0 Strength 160 Intelligence 45 Wisdom 45 Perception 53 Endurance 101 Vitality 97 Agility 106 Luck 89 Unallocated Points 0
Resistances Physical 24% Disease/Toxin 100% Fire 24% Plant 24% Ice 24% Earth 24% Lightning 24% Water 24% Wind 24% Spirit 24% Light 24% Darkness 59%
Skills Identify Intermediate Level 8 Weapon Repair Intermediate Level 6 Armour Repair Intermediate Level 3 Weapon Crafting Beginner Level 9 Armour Crafting Beginner Level 10 Accessory Crafting Intermediate Level 1 Spear Skill Intermediate Level 8 Clothing Reform Master Level 3 Ice Spike Beginner Level 6 Wind Shield Intermediate Level 3 Wind Blade Intermediate Level 6 Heal Intermediate Level 4 Club Skill Beginner Level 1 Sword Skill Beginner Level 9 Persuasion Intermediate Level 1 Power Strike Beginner Level 10 Enhanced Resistance Beginner Level 8 Group Heal Beginner Level 1 Flurry Beginner Level 1 Spiral Thrust Beginner Level 1 Enhanced Dodge Beginner Level 1 Language Comprehension Master Level 10
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