《Sole Survivor》Chapter 8: Taking Stock
Chapter 8: Taking Stock
Jakarta, Indonesia
A police officer returned home after a late shift. It was close to midnight and he was entering the house as quietly as he could to avoid waking his family. The cop sighed as he slid off his shoes in the doorway and hung his hat on a coat hook. His stomach growled in hunger. The man had neglected to eat anything since his break for lunch. The officer walked tiredly towards the kitchen, hoping for a quick bite before he dragged himself to bed.
"Quite a nice life you've gotten yourself here."
The cop froze in the middle of his dark dining room. On instinct, he unholstered his pistol and took aim in the direction of the voice.
"Show yourself!" the cop demanded.
The cop flicked on the lights and saw a scarred woman sitting at his dinner table. The officer immediately recognized the woman as the leader of Phoenix, Rika Darma.
"Show your hands, Darma!"
Rika raised her hands halfway sarcastically. "I'm surprised it took me as long as it did to find you. Even with the resources I had."
"What? Why would you come for me?"
"You really don't remember me?" Rika asked, feeling insulted. The cop had a blank look on his face. "Then maybe you'll remember your first assignment. A village in Jawa Barat. A village so small it wasn't even on the map. The village was responsible for growing tea plants."
Rika saw the realization come across the officer's face.
"Now you remember. I never forgot about the things you and your fellow officers did to my village. Those actions left scars both mental." Rika caressed a scar that went down her right cheek. "And physical. No matter how much time has passed, I never gave up on getting revenge on you all. Every police officer who were involved in what happened to my village is now dead. Except for you."
"It seems you're not getting your revenge today. Get on the ground."
"Very well." Rika laid down on the ground in the shadow of the table.
The officer pulled out a pair of handcuffs, ready to guarantee his retirement and future. As he got within a few feet of her, she suddenly sank into the shadow of the table and vanished.
"What the hell?" he yelled.
"Tell me." Rika's voice became disembodied. It was everywhere. Far and close. "Have you checked on your wife and kids?"
"No..." The officer ran to his kids room and slung their door open only see their beds empty. "No, no, no, no, no."
The cop ran to his bedroom to see his bed was also empty. In the corner of the room was his chair, which was covered with a black blanket. The officer slowly crept towards the chair. With his shaking hand, he reached for the blanket and, in one quick motion, tore the blanket right off.
"Eeeeaaaaaahahaaaaaah!" He screamed in agony as he viewed what was on the chair.
There was his wife sitting upright with her eyes gouged out and innards pulled out of her abdomen. On each of her thighs were the heads of their two children who also had their eyes gouged out. The officer collapsed to his knees as despair completely took over him.
"That's what I wanted to hear," Rika taunted from the shadows. "Every action has consequences. Through your monstrous actions, you in turn created a monster."
The man was too distraught to even acknowledge the inhuman woman taunting him.
"You should know. I made her watch as I killed your children. I told her of the things you did while I tore their flesh from their bones. You know. I think she lost her mind when she watched her children get decapitated right in front of her. Made gouging her eyes out and gutting her less fulfilling, but at least I purged the world of everything that has your stench."
The man grabbed his gun and jumped to his feet in a rage. "Come out! Get the fuck out of the shadows. I'll fucking kill you, monster!"
Something grabbed him by the ankles and he sank into the ground to his knees. He struggled to move and just then saw that he was in the shadow. A pain beyond anything he had ever experienced shot through his legs before the feeling below his knees disappeared.
"That's your feet and shins."
The cop fell over onto his chest. Everything below his knees was gone. The cut was perfectly straight. After his legs disconnected from the shadow, his blood began to pour out of his stubs. The officer screamed as his pain renewed. He tried to crawl away only to see his right hand go into the shadow. The officer tried lifting his hand out only to have it cut off.
"That's your right hand."
The cop rolled onto his back. He was starting to go into shock from the massive injuries and blood loss. The officer partially sunk into the shadow. Only half his body was swallowed. He was still able to look up at the ceiling. His back half of his body was feeling numb.
He heard footsteps approach his side. Rika came within sight. She had a ghastly smile as she looked down at him.
"And that's your life."
The man didn't make any noise. Just a surprised expression that slowly faded from his face. Blood flowed out from the edges of his body. Rika surveyed the room, admiring her work.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" an inhuman voice asked her.
"Mordiggian," she acknowledged him. "Yes, I did."
Rika didn't trust the creature. She had accepted its offer purely because it was ready to kill her. Rika didn't regret the decision. Not yet. The creature did give her power. She now had access to something the creature called the "SYSTEM".
"With his death, I have finally reached level two."
Mordiggian emerged from a thick shadow on the wall and slithered forward. His skeletal hands clasped together. "Good. Very good. You should check your status."
Remembering the lessons the creature gave her she said, "Full Status."
StatusNameRika DarmaLevel2Experience110/125Class-RaceHumanAlignmentEvilCurrencyCanadian$130,981,241.80American$420,964,089.52Euro350,671,842.15Bitcoin740,147,042Xoth0 platinum 0 gold 0 silver 0 copperTitlePhoenix Leader, Human-Born Monster, Mass MurdererBuffsAgent of Mordiggian1.1x experienceDebuffs--Health200Health Regeneration/min2.3Mana250Mana Regeneration/min1.9Stamina270Stamina Regeneration/min3.1Fame0Infamy18000Strength20Intelligence25Wisdom19Perception21Endurance27Vitality23Agility31Luck14Unallocated Points3
SkillsIdentifyBeginner Level 3Shadow CreepBeginner Level 8Shadow ManipulationBeginner Level 9Pistol SkillIntermediate Level 2Assault Rifle SkillIntermediate Level 3Dagger SkillIntermediate Level 6Explosive SkillIntermediate Level 9Heavy Weapons SkillBeginner Level 10SabotageIntermediate Level 3Computer SkillIntermediate Level 1StealthIntermediate Level 7Language ComprehensionMaster Level 10
"Such high stats for someone who is level two," Mordiggian noted.
"They will only get higher," Rika said. She fused to the shadow she was standing over while Mordiggian examined the bodies she left behind. "Tell me. What's to stop me from simply turning on you with my power and skills?"
Mordiggian, without looking, struck towards the shadow on the wall to his side and his hand went in. He pulled it out with his hand around Rika's throat. She was choking as he pulled her to him. Mordiggian brought her up to the same position she was in before when they first met.
"Do not get over confident," he growled. "I am the one who gave you power. You humans are all the same. You get a little power and you let it go to your head. Know this. You are MY agent. You may be achieving all the goals you are setting out for yourself. But only because they work towards my master's own end. You belong to me!"
The grip it had around Rika's throat let go and Rika fell to the floor. She gasped for air as she struggled to get to her knees.
"You may be able to regenerate your health faster and be immortal when you are in the shadows, but your abilities still have weaknesses that aren't apparent. I'd suggest you don't rely on the shadows."
"And what do you suggest?"
Mordiggian reached into the void that was his abdomen and pulled out a glass canister. The canister was filled with a yellow goo. "I'm not expecting the next appearance of monster for roughly a week. I can't let that white cloaked hero have any rest. We must keep him going and exhaust him."
"Wouldn't him completing more missions just make him stronger?"
"Not when he doesn't have a chance to rest. Levelling puts extreme stress onto the body. That fatigue usually requires days for recovery. That fatigue will pile up and he will mistakes. One man cannot take that burden."
"He apparently has a partner now," Rika mentioned as she grabbed the canister.
"What?" the creature muttered.
"Some monster woman."
"Describe this woman."
"Reptilian. Has wings and a tail. She uses a spear as her weapon."
"A Naga," Mordiggian mused. "Hmm... It couldn't be. No. Can't be."
The creature usually was confident in its speech. Like it believed nothing could be of threat to it. Seeing it suddenly show pause made Rika wonder why it seemed so concerned now. That in turn caused her to worry.
"This changes things," it stated. "You and your commanders are still too weak to fight against him and his companion. I'm giving you a quest concerning that canister."
Quest:Slime MutationDifficultyDGiverMordiggianTime Limit48 hoursMordiggian has provided you with a sample of the Monstrous Lightning Slime that attacked Madrid. You are tasked with using this canister and finding a way to finding a way to either get people to consume this substance or have it enter their bloodstream. Each additional person you infect past one will grant an additional 20XP.[tr]Reward200 EXP
200 infamy
Continued being seen as useful to MordiggianConsequence For FailureRemoval of Agent of Mordiggian buff and titleDeath
"Wouldn't putting this in the water supply do it?" Rika asked.
"Slimes do not like water," the creature replied. "Their bodies dissolve and vanish if they are exposed to water."
"Does it matter where?"
"Anywhere it will be known to the world. More casualties the better. I want fear to spread in this world. If the world is in chaos, it will make my master's plans easier to achieve."
"Inventory," Rika muttered. A blue window appeared in front of her and she shoved the canister into the window before closing it. For the time being, she would do what the creature says. Eventually her commanders and she would be strong enough to take it down. "It will be done." Rika melted into the shadows.
Mordiggian felt Rika's presence leave the building. It shook its head and mumbled, "Fool." It went over to the mutilated bodies and started to throw them into its chest void.
Tom and Reia reappeared outside of his house. They were both tired from the mission. They sluggishly entered Tom's home and threw off their boots near the doorway and wandered into the kitchen. Reia walked over to a stool that stood by the kitchen's island counter, sat down and laid her head on the counter top.
Tom felt tired but not exhausted like after his last mission. He briefly wondered why that was, and quickly realized the biggest difference in the two missions.
"It seems rapidly levelling takes a toll on the body," Tom thought out loud.
"Uh, huh," Reia muttered. "That's... the way it is..."
"And it seems my buff of Agent of Kara will apply to you as long as you're in my party."
Tom walked over to a small drink fridge and pulled out two vitamin water drinks.
Vit-RefreshRankDEffects2X Stamina Regen (5 min), +10 HPFlavoured water that contains Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and various other minerals, vitamins and electrolytes.
Since his last mission, Tom kept his drink fridge stocked with these drinks to help improve recovery after missions. Fatigue was a concern after that first mission as he felt that tiredness remain even after taking a day off. It was through luck he discovered that a sports drink would rapidly improved his recovery. This was a fact he planned to put into the guide to the SYSTEM that he was going to write.
Tom placed one of the drinks next to Reia and said, "Drink this. It'll help you recover faster."
"Okay..." Reia pushed herself off of the counter and popped the nozzle. She lifted the bottle and started chugging the water.
Tom opened his bottle and drank as well. He went through half of it before stopping to take a breath. Tom saw Reia drink the entire bottle before stopping to take a breath.
"Feel better?" he asked her.
Reia nodded enthusiastically and smiled. "Yes. Much better."
"You're doing much better than I did in my last mission. I wasn't able to get off of the ground for at least half an hour."
"You also said that you nearly died in that mission," Reia pointed out.
Tom shrugged his shoulders dismissively.
"My teacher shouldn't be so modest. I learned a lot on that mission and it's thanks to you."
"You did a great job out there," Tom praised. "You only need to work on your patience and your observation skills. Do that and you'll become even stronger."
Reia's heart fluttered hearing him praise her talents. He was genuine in his praise and kind in his criticisms and suggestions. Tom was a great teacher and friend. He did everything in his power to make her feel welcomed in his home and on his world. She felt a twinge of pain at the irony of him suggesting she needs to improve her observation skills.
'Maybe improve your observation skills,' she thought.
They had been together all the time for close to a week. With the training, the fun and the mission they completed together, she was quickly developing deep admiration and affection towards him. Sadly for her, her attempts at flirting with him were stonewalled by his inability to take a hint.
"Now we should take stock of what we got from that mission," Tom stated. "Inventory."
InventoryCapacity6/60PackWanderer's Pack (+30)Lightning Magic Sphere X39Large Lightning Magic SphereOily Rags X10Mana Potion X8High Quality Steel Arrows X45Wooden Arrows X40Wooden Bows X7Health Potion X14Copper Sword X13Wooden Spear-Steel Scimitar X2Black BandannaSeed of a Mother TreeWind Titanium SpearBreeze Scarf--------------------------------------------
"It seems like we got a bunch of good stuff," Tom said.
"Let's have a look," Reia encouraged.
Tom pulled out the Mana and Health Potion. He placed the two bottles on the counter. The bottles were made of glass to reveal the liquids inside. The Mana Potion was blue whereas the Health Potion was red.
"Potions are always a good haul," Reia said. "They are somewhat expensive due to their ability to instantly heal."
Health PotionRankBEffects1.5X Health Regen (10 min), +150 HPMade through alchemy using healing herbs that grow on Xoth.
Mana PotionRankBEffects1.5X Mana Regen (10 min), +150 MPMade through alchemy using magical herbs that grow on Xoth.
"I can see why these would be expensive," Tom noted. He tossed them back into his Inventory. "We should save these for emergencies."
Tom pulled out the Copper Sword and Wooden Spear next.
Copper SwordRankDDurability35/55Physical Damage5Element DamageNoneEffectsNoneA low level sword made from copper. Usually an apprentice's first attempt in weapon crafting.
"That brings me back," Reia said. "The very first weapon I created was a Copper Sword."
Wooden SpearRankDDurability12/15Physical Damage3Element DamageNoneEffectsNoneSome may consider this to be the most primitive weapon ever created and is a weak weapon. They're not wrong.
"I might as well toss this spear out," Tom concluded. "I probably get more damage taping a steak knife to its other end."
"A weapon is still a weapon," Reia argued hesitantly. "No harm in keeping it. Even if it'll become a souvenir."
Tom couldn't exactly argue. There's no real reason to toss the weapon, so he laid it against the wall. He planned to stockpile the weapons they collected into one of the rooms of his house. Tom couldn't carry everything in his inventory. He never knew when he'd need the exact space.
Next Tom pulled out one of the Steel Scimitars. The sword was curved and fairly well designed.
Steel ScimitarRankCDurability48/60Physical Damage20Element DamageNoneEffects+10 damage while fighting on top of a mountMade by a blacksmith from a far away land. This type of weapon was created to make sword fighting on top of horses easier.
"Pretty decent weapon," Tom said. He tossed it back into his Inventory. Tom pulled out the Black Bandanna to examine it.
Black BandannaRankCDurability20/30Damage Resistance+1%Element Resistance+5% DarknessEffects+5 PerceptionCan be worn as a face mask, around your arm or on your head.
"I'll be wearing this," Tom said. He took a sniff of it and recoiled. "Ugh. After I wash it."
Tom tossed the bandanna into his Inventory and pulled out the spear. Reia's eyes widened upon seeing the beautiful spear. It was a magnificent spear that was green in colour. The staff part had swirled carvings into it that improved its grip. The blade of the spear was triangle-shaped, with the bottom two points extending past the base of the blade.
"What an amazing-looking spear!" Reia exclaimed.
Wind Titanium SpearRankADurability350/350Physical Damage35Element Damage25 WindEffects+10 Strength, +10 Agility, improved Wind proficiencyMade on top of a windy mountain. Endowed with the Wind element to improve the user's speed and strength.
"This weapon's description might as well scream that it belongs to you," Tom joked. He handed the weapon to Reia.
Reia caressed the staff and closely examine the blade of the staff. She had never seen such a beautiful weapon. "Thank you so much, Tom." Reia placed the spear into her Inventory.
"You earned it. Speaking of which, I think the next one belongs to you as well."
Tom pulled out the Breeze Scarf. The scarf was coloured with different shades of green and blue, similar to the Aurora Borealis. The material felt similar to silk. It actually felt softer.
Breeze ScarfRankADurability60/60Damage Resistance+7%Element Resistance+8% AllEffectsImproved Wind proficiencyA scarf created by a mage who was a master in the Wind arts.
Tom passed the scarf over to Reia. She held out her arms and Tom placed the scarf on top. Reia looked at the scarf and felt the material. She twirled the scarf around the back of her neck and then over her shoulder.
"It looks good on you," Tom complimented.
"Oh, uh, thank you," Reia said, surprised by his sudden comment.
Tom quickly changed the subject by grabbing the seed from his Inventory. "The last item I have is the Seed of a Mother Tree."
The seed was fairly unremarkable. It looked like a brown, misshapen pebble. Tom held it between his thumb and index finger to examine the seed.
Seed of a Mother TreeRankSA seed that came from the great Mother Trees of Xoth. It is unknown what potential this seed holds.
Notice (Tom)Identify has reached Intermediate Level 4
Notice (Reia)Identify has reached Beginner Level 10
"The bestiary and history book didn't say much about Mother Trees," Tom said. "You know anything, Reia?"
"Not too much," she replied. "Mother Trees are uncommon and are usually the center of any large forest. I do hear that the seeds they produce can have different potentials. Some seeds may grow into a tree that bears fruit that can heal wounds. Some seeds may grow into a tree that grows branches that are perfect for high quality bows."
"What an unusual tree," Tom muttered. "Any possibility that this could grow into anything that could be a problem?"
"Even from rumours, I only hear good things."
"Well, with apologies to Environment Canada, I think we should grow it. We'll need every advantage we can get. If this seed can do it, it would be insane to ignore it. I have soil, fertilizer and a pot used for a banana tree last year. We can grow the seed there until it gets large enough to plant outside."
"Sounds like a plan," Reia chirped.
Tom put the seed back into his Inventory and closed the window.
"Now we have our unallocated points to look at," Tom sighed. "I have ten and you have fifty-five. Now before we get into your points, there's an experiment I want to try out."
"Oh, yeah?"
StatusNameThomas "Tom" EverettLevel19Experience5990/7075ClassWarriorRaceHumanAlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$10,691,089.52Xoth0 platinum 1 gold 96 silver 30 copperTitleClever One, Determined, Giant Slayer, Vaccinated, One Of The First, Sole Survivor, Generous HealerBuffsAgent of Kara2x experienceBestiary of Xoth+10% damage towards the creatures of XothBrief History of Xoth+10% persuasion chance and friendliness towards the inhabitants of XothDebuffs--Health1100Health Regeneration/min9.3Mana800Mana Regeneration/min8.9Stamina960Stamina Regeneration/min6.8Fame1400Infamy0Strength101Intelligence80Wisdom89Perception52Endurance96Vitality100Agility68Luck76Unallocated Points10
"Allocate seven points to Vitality."
NoticeTom's Vitality has reached 100. This has unlocked the passive skill "Enhanced Body".
Enhanced BodyTypePassiveRankALevelBeginner 1 (0%)Health Regen MultiplierX2Disease/Toxin Resistance Increase+10%By improving your Vitality, your body has improved its healing and disease and toxin resistances. The more health you regenerate, the more this skill improves.
"I knew it!" Tom cheered.
Reia nearly fell off of her stool from Tom's sudden outburst.
"Oh, sorry, sorry. I just found out that by increasing any one of your stats to one hundred points, it'll unlock a special skill. I got Power Strike by increasing my Strength to a hundred. With Vitality at one hundred, I now have Enhanced Body. My healing is now two times better."
"That's great news! What are you going to spend your last three points on?"
"I guess Wisdom and Intelligence," Tome answered. "I want to see what happens when I get those to a hundred each. Allocate two points to Wisdom and one point towards Intelligence."
StatusNameThomas "Tom" EverettLevel19Experience5990/7075ClassWarriorRaceHumanAlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$10,691,089.52Xoth0 platinum 1 gold 96 silver 30 copperTitleClever One, Determined, Giant Slayer, Vaccinated, One Of The First, Sole Survivor, Generous HealerBuffsAgent of Kara2x experienceBestiary of Xoth+10% damage towards the creatures of XothBrief History of Xoth+10% persuasion chance and friendliness towards the inhabitants of XothDebuffs--Health1100Health Regeneration/min20.0Mana810Mana Regeneration/min9.1Stamina960Stamina Regeneration/min6.8Fame1400Infamy0Strength101Intelligence81Wisdom91Perception52Endurance96Vitality100Agility68Luck76Unallocated Points0
"Close Window. Now let's have a look at your stats."
"Show Status," Reia said to allow the two to see her Status.
StatusNameReia ZyerLevel13Experience1705/1860ClassWarriorRaceNagaAlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$0.00Xoth0 platinum 1 gold 75 silver 14 copperTitleUnknownBuffs--Debuffs--Health760Health Regeneration/min3.4Mana240Mana Regeneration/min2.5Stamina680Stamina Regeneration/min2.6Fame700Infamy0Strength76Intelligence24Wisdom25Perception36Endurance68Vitality34Agility26Luck71Unallocated Points55[table]
"What do you think?" she asked.
"Well, you're more focused on the Warrior path than I am. I'm a jack-of-all-trades in my capabilities. I want to use a bit of everything, but I'll never master them. Magic is supplemental to your abilities. I would focus on improving your Strength, Vitality, Endurance and Agility. Those are your big four. Perception and Luck should be your lowest. Intelligence and Wisdom are important, but should be considered secondary to the first group of stats. Strength and Endurance should be priority." Tom caught Reia staring at him. "Uh, if you wanted my opinion."
[table]NoticeTactician has reached Beginner Level 8
"I did ask for it," she teased. "Sorry for staring. I was just really interested with what you had to say. I now know where to put my points. Allocate fifteen points towards Strength, twelve points to Endurance, ten points to Vitality, ten points to Agility, four to Intelligence, three to Wisdom and one to Luck."
StatusNameReia ZyerLevel13Experience1705/1860ClassWarriorRaceNagaAlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$0.00Xoth0 platinum 1 gold 75 silver 14 copperTitleUnknownBuffs--Debuffs--Health910Health Regeneration/min4.4Mana280Mana Regeneration/min2.8Stamina800Stamina Regeneration/min3.6Fame700Infamy0Strength91Intelligence28Wisdom28Perception36Endurance80Vitality44Agility36Luck72Unallocated Points0
"Your stats truly are out of this world," Tom said in awe as he leaned against the wall. "Your stats are already close to mine and I'm six levels ahead."
"Well, I have a good teacher and partner," she said with a smile.
Tom rubbed the back of his neck, a little embarrassed from her praise.
"So I was thinking that after we take a shower and get our clothes, armour and weapons cleaned and repaired, we should take the day off," Tom suggested. "We shouldn't push ourselves."
"Sounds fun. Any suggestions what we should do?" Reia asked.
"I was thinking a good lunch and dinner, and watch some movies," Tom replied.
"Think of it as a recording of a play. Interested?"
Reia nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds like fun."
"Great. I got a couple I think you're going to like."
Forest sat in the middle of the meeting room with the screens of the world's leaders as they watched the cellphone footage from Cape Town. They watched with great interest as the white cloaked hero and his companion fought in combat against the hobgoblin in a sword fight. Seeing the hero use magic on the video further interested them. With the defeat of the hobgoblin, the white cloaked hero and his companion freed the captives in the goblin camp.
The two briefly talked in a language that none of the leaders have ever heard before the white cloaked hero translated something the dragon woman said into English for two little girls who hugged the woman. The video ended with the two teleporting away. The video screen vanished, leaving the world leaders with so many questions.
"Why doesn't he use guns?" the English leader asked. "It seems inefficient to use swords or bows."
"It could be for many reasons," Forest answered. "The individual is smart to say the least. Maybe he's worried the bullets might be tracked. Maybe he just gets off on fighting as a fantasy hero. Until we can question him, we can only speculate."
"So he really can teleport," the German leader mused. "That is disturbing. What's to stop him from simply teleporting right into our offices and just killing us?"
"Nothing," the Canadian leader said. "This goes further to prove his intentions."
"You've been more than pleased since we came to agreement that the white cloaked person is Canadian," China's leader muttered.
"Nonsense," the Canadian replied to his accusation. "I'm just pointing out that this individual could easily kill any one of us, but chooses not to."
"We're not here to argue nationality," Forest reminded everyone. "We are facing a threat to all our countries and we're here to share findings. Analysis of the slime remains, as Thunder called them, has been shared. The general consensus seems to be inconclusive. Not one of our top scientists seems to know exactly how these slimes live or what they're made of. They are unlike any living thing on Earth. The goblins are more familiar. Similar biology to humans. Their DNA, however, does not match any primate. They are not mammalian. Nor are they reptilian or avian. They appear to be a separate branch of animal."
"While this biology lesson is fascinating in its own right," the Russian leader said. "All that information can be reviewed later by our own analysts and scientists. I'm more interested in the partner that Thunder has employed. She looks very similar to a humanoid dragon."
"An apt description," China's leader muttered.
"She spoke a language I've never heard before. Has anyone here heard it before?"
The question was answered by silence.
"Thunder was able to speak this language as well. This leads to two questions. How has he employed one of these otherworldly creatures? And how is he even able to speak the language?"
"Maybe he's not from our world," England's leader suggested.
"A possibility," Forest said. "If true, it doesn't explain why he would help our world. At least if he's human, we can chalk it up to wanting to help fellow humans. For now, I think it is safe the assume he's human." Forest took a breath, readying his next thoughts. "I have a proposal for you all. Officially it will be presented at the UN General Assembly in a month. I'm presenting it now to give everyone time to go over it."
Forest opened a small holo-screen next to his right hand and did a swiping motion with his finger. A small icon appeared in the corner of each of their screens.
"Working individually doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere in finding Thunder or understanding these anomalies or these creatures. It is my hope that this proposal will change that. We like to call it the Unity Accord."
The credits of the movie began to roll. It was dark out and Tom was starting to feel a little groggy. Reia had already fallen asleep and was resting against his shoulder. Tom picked the first two Lord of the Rings movies for them to watch. It turned out to be a perfect pick as Reia excitedly watched every minute of them.
Tom was able to learn more about her world as they watched the movies. Reia felt the dwarves were very close to what the dwarves in her world were like. The dwarves in her world were slightly taller and either had fiery red or pure black beards and hair. The women seemed to be the opposite of their burly counterparts. Female dwarves were short, petite, beautiful women.
The elves in the movie made Reia laugh a little. She felt the elves were made to be too above mortals and closer to gods. The elves on Xoth were just people. Reia also went further to say that the elves in the movies were too tall and were not lithe enough.
Regardless of the inaccuracies, she enjoyed the movies heavily and was looking forward to seeing the last one. Not tonight, though.
Tom slowly moved to gently let Reia slowly lower without waking her. She was still tired from the eventful day. As soon as Tom was off of the couch, he slid his arms under Reia's back and her knees. He slowly picked her up and walked her to her room. She rested her head against his chest.
Tom entered her room and walked over to her bed. He peeled back the covers and laid Reia on her right side. He tried to stand upright, only to find Reia still holding his shirt with her left hand.
"Tom..." she muttered in her sleep.
Tom felt his heart skip, hearing her call out his name. In the time they'd spent together he couldn't help but start to develop feelings for her. He had never had much luck with women in the past. With the friendship he was developing with Reia, he didn't want to risk ruining it by misinterpreting her friendliness for flirtation. He needed more time to know for sure.
Tom slowly pulled his shirt out from her grip and rested her arm on her side. Tom pulled the blankets up and left the room.
"Good night, Reia," he said before closing the door.
Spoiler :
StatusNameThomas "Tom" EverettLevel19Experience5990/7075ClassWarriorRaceHumanAlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$10,691,089.52Xoth0 platinum 1 gold 96 silver 30 copperTitleClever One, Determined, Giant Slayer, Vaccinated, One Of The First, Sole Survivor, Generous HealerBuffsAgent of Kara2x experienceBestiary of Xoth+10% damage towards the creatures of XothBrief History of Xoth+10% persuasion chance and friendliness towards the inhabitants of XothDebuffs--Health1100Health Regeneration/min20.0Mana810Mana Regeneration/min9.1Stamina960Stamina Regeneration/min6.8Fame1400Infamy0Strength101Intelligence81Wisdom91Perception52Endurance96Vitality100Agility68Luck76Unallocated Points0
SkillsIdentifyIntermediate Level 4PersuasionBeginner Level 5Language ComprehensionMaster Level 10Book LearningMaster Level 10TeacherBeginner Level 4NonchalantMaster Level 10Lightning StrikeBeginner Level 9Lightning EnchantBeginner Level 7Lightning ShieldBeginner Level 7HealBeginner Level 9PurifyIntermediate Level 3Sword SkillBeginner Level 6DisguiseBeginner Level 8PrayerMaster Level 10Hero's CallMaster Level 10Fast TravelMaster Level 10Loot CollectorBeginner Level 6Magical RepairIntermediate Level 2TacticianBeginner Level 8CookBeginner Level 8Mixed Martial ArtistBeginner Level 2Club SkillBeginner Level 2Trap MasterBeginner Level 4UnbreakableBeginner Level 2FireballBeginner Level 4Fire EnchantBeginner Level 4Bow SkillBeginner Level 4Power StrikeBeginner Level 2Enhanced BodyBeginner Level 1--
StatusNameReia ZyerLevel13Experience1705/1860ClassWarriorRaceNagaAlignmentGoodCurrencyCanadian$0.00Xoth0 platinum 1 gold 75 silver 14 copperTitleUnknownBuffs--Debuffs--Health910Health Regeneration/min4.4Mana280Mana Regeneration/min2.8Stamina800Stamina Regeneration/min3.6Fame700Infamy0Strength91Intelligence28Wisdom28Perception36Endurance80Vitality44Agility36Luck72Unallocated Points0
SkillsIdentifyBeginner Level 10Weapon RepairIntermediate Level 6Armour RepairIntermediate Level 3Weapon CraftingBeginner Level 9Armour CraftingBeginner Level 10Accessory CraftingIntermediate Level 1Spear SkillBeginner Level 8Clothing ReformIntermediate Level 6Ice SpikeBeginner Level 2Wind ShieldBeginner Level 4Wind BladeBeginner Level 6HealBeginner Level 3Club SkillBeginner Level 1Sword SkillBeginner Level 1PersuasionBeginner Level 1
- In Serial9 Chapters
Oak: A Tree's Quest
Oak, a level 12 Dryad of the Darkwoods, sets out on a mission to defeat an old nemesis. A Cinnamon Bun Sidestory
8 208 - In Serial70 Chapters
Gokaiku: I Got Reincarnated, But It Wasn't How I Thought It Would Be!!
When Takeru opened his eyes, all he saw was white and there was nothing else, or so he thought. Suddenly, a hoarse voice echoed throughout the white plains, introducing himself as God. And just like any other novels he had read, that "God" offered him a chance to reincarnate. After careful reconsideration, Takeru took the offer and reincarnated into the world of Merusia, but unlike the ones he had read, it was a cheat-free world! Join our main character as he dives into the world of Merusia and experiences an isekai adventure that wasn't quite what he expected. Disclaimer: This story is a novel for me to practice, it has no real plot whatsoever. I want to make this story a heartwarming slice of life one. I wish this would warm your hearts.
8 113 - In Serial56 Chapters
The Empress' Son
───── ❝ 𝐨𝐧-𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 ❞ ─────"𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙢𝙖! 𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙧!" "𝙄 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬." .....𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡?!A guy who died in an accident and is given the chance to be reincarnated, where he remembers everything that happened to his past life. One of those is his execution at such an early age as the prince and next Emperor of the Vermillion Empire, but the worst thing than that? He started as a baby.Clydeur, the eldest son of the Empress, will do what it takes to change his fate and prove himself better than his younger brother, Klydeur. It's either he live a simple life, make himself an outcast prince, never meet the Empress, or win her favor and melt the cold heart of his own mother by being the charming prince.┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑Started: November 13, 2019Started (posted): January 1, 2020Ended: ____Language: EnglishGenre: Historical, Fantasy, Drama, Isekai, Comedy, RomanceBookcover by: Truly Yours❤┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙Status: 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝Inspired from: Who Made Me A Princess👑Original story (this is not a translated novel)
8 339 - In Serial28 Chapters
Unique Mahabharata✔
#2 in tale. (28.06.2021)#56 in time. (28.06.2021)#38 in epic. (28.06.2021)#218 in time travel. (28.06.2021)#24 in Mahabharata. (06.08.2021)#10 in abhimanyu. (05.08.2021)#62 in arjun. (28.06.2021)#15 in dwarka (05.08.2021)Sometimes those things happens which we can not even imagine or have seen.This thing happened with khushi.Khushi - A simple, beautiful and bubbly girl whose life only revolved around her studies and parents. She was going to Mumbai with her parents happily but something happened which changed her whole life.Instead of landing in mumbai, she landed in Dwapar yug. Her whole life changed in a blink of an eye. And she marries Rajkumar abhimanyu. How she will convert the Mahabharata into Unique Mahabharata.Why she landed in Dwapar yug???What is the mystery behind this???What role is she playing in Mahabharata era???How she marries abhimanyu???Let's go to the journey of khushi how she will stay in Dwapar yug. [[ Words count 10,000 - 15,000]]***My first wattpad story.Zillions of grammatical mistakes.
8 236 - In Serial78 Chapters
I Hope You're Happy Now
Harry selfharms and never feels good enough for anyone. Not even Louis. He's loved Louis since the X-Factor but does Louis feel the same way? What happens when Harry starts to get bullied, and made fun of constantly? He becomes suicidal, can't take it anymore and decides to end it all. Does he succeed?
8 61 - In Serial101 Chapters
Female Face-Claims
Female Face-Claims for your stories!
8 155