《The Infinity Project》Important Announcement


In all honesty, I know that I said that nothing but my death or apocalypse can stop the rewrite, and... well, it was the latter. Just not an apocalypse of this world, but that of my worlds. The worldbuilding evolved so much that I have long ago rendered what I did of the rewrite (15 chapters) essentially obsolete. Worse, I'm getting married next month and... well, not exactly the 'end of my world' but certainly 'end of my world as I know it', so apocalypse altogether.

I'm still going to be writing things, but I can't really try to go do everything at once. I need to prioritize. And, to be honest, the rewrite of the Infinity Project is so low on the list of plans that I can as well give up on that field in a foreseable future.

As an apology I can offer an ability to read through what I have written for the rewrite (with a warning that it's an old stuff). It's honestly not much (especially as it is almost certain to never have been written until the end), but.. well. You'll find it underneath this text.

Currently I'm publishing a new version of my Long War story, link to which you can find underneath this chapter as well. Consider yourself invited. I'm also informing you that a friend of mine is slowly piecing together a game placed in the universe that the one of the Infinity Project evolved into, that I might end up dropping a short story written in it (probably under the Long War, when I run out of chapters backlog), and that I'm making another, imo even better fantasy universe that I plan to write something.

And in order to not mess up the RPG Mechanics this time, I'll make some working tabletop RPG in that world first. To know how to make the characters grow in power. So yeah, I learn on my mistakes. Also, as you can see, I'm really busy these days :V

Once again, apologizes to my readers. I really feel bad about failing to rewrite that story, although in all honesty, it at least had an ending (unlike others of mine thus far xD).

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