《Binary Progression》Volume 1 - Chapter 24 (Part 2): Reused graphics


"{Kilin: And that's how I came up with the name!}"

"{JonathanW...: I see...}"


They walked through a field of tall trees as in the distance the town came into view.

"{Kilin: A town!}"

"{JonathanW...: Finally!}"

In the distance, a human with a muscular body model, blond hair and a blond beard stood.

"{JonathanW...: Bonifacius?}" John asked in the chat.

"{Bonenificus: JohnWillStab?}"

"{Curstl: Oh, the undead?}"

"{Lorb: Friends of yours?}"

"{Bonenificus: Indeed!}"

JohnWillStab ran up to Bonifacius.

"{JonathanW...: Any clue what's going on?}"

"{Bonenificus: No... though I feel the admin is involved in some way!}"

"{Lorb: Yeah.}"

"{Kilin: Lorb?}"

"{Lorb: ...no...}"

"{Bonenificus: The name is merely generated by the NPC!}"

"{Kilin: Oh...}"

"{Lorb: I have no idea who this Lorb person is...}"

"{Kilin: Of course...}"

"{Curstl: Yeah, aren't the dev's dead?}"

"{Kilin: Yeah...}"

"{Lorb: Damn, you people are depressing...}" Lorb played the /sigh animation.

"{JonathanW...: So, any idea how we get the game back to normal?}"

"{Bonenificus: Well, I can only speculate Crown would be our best bet!}"

"{Curstl: The base-exploding cheater?!}"

"{Lorb: The slaver-frog-cheater?}"

"{Curstl: That is very obviously NOT pre-programmed dialogue!}"

Everyone looked at Lorb awaiting his defence.

"{Lorb: algorithms?}"

"{Curstl: Oooohhh....}"

"{JonathanW...: Anyway, we need to find Crown!}"

"{Lorb: Or, and just hear me out! We could not do that, and we could find Alex!}"

"{Bonenificus: We are on a quest to find someone called "Alex"!}"

"{Kilin: Wasn't the cheater called Alexander?}"

"{Bonenificus: Indeed!}"

"{Curstl: Hold on! What if Alex is Alexander?!}"

Once again everyone looked towards Lorb.

"{Lorb: What a coincidence!}"

Suddenly, their screens flashed white as they appeared in the middle of a cobblestone road in the forest.

"{Crown: RUN!}"

They did as instructed, seeing the dozen black anti-cheat knights chasing Foxly and Crown.

"{Bonenificus: Crown, Foxly! Greetings!}"

"{Crown: NO TIME FOR THAT!}"

"{Lorb: I knew someone would try and cheat!}"

"{Crown: I used an AOE teleport to get you all here, I found the Admin-account guy, he's heading towards the capital!}"

"{Lorb: So that's why they're after you...}"


"{JonathanW...: What's his username?}"

"{Crown: It's Alex! I can't come with you guys, I checked the code and if somebody gets hit by the anti-cheat knights they get perma-banned!}"

A few of the players looked at Lorb who just shrugged.

"{Foxly: At least teleport them towards Alex!}"

"{Crown: I can't! He hid his player ID and coordinates, but I got to see the zone's flavour text, that's how I guessed he's going to the capital!}"

"{Crown: I'll teleport you guys to the capital, you can wait for him there, then I'll alt-f4 before I get banned,}"

"{Kilin: Wait, you're a cheater?!}"

Crown let out a sigh before going through with her plan.

She teleported everyone around her to the capital, it stood empty with no guards or villagers to speak of.

Immediately after that she hit alt-f4 and left the game.

"Oh shit!"

"{JonathanW...: LOOK OUT!}" he called out as behind them stood a few anti-cheat knights.

JohnWillStab was certain he'd be banned there and then when he noticed they were broken.

They stood completely still before switching to a ragdoll state.

"{Foxly: Looks like they spaz out when their target logs out...}"

"{Curstl: ...this might sound weird since he hijacked the entire game... but the admin guy doesn't seem like a great coder...}"

Lorb sat down on the ground next to the entrance to the capital.

Bonifacius approached the fallen knights and realised he could loot them.

He equipped their fancy black armour.

The two glassy orbs served by increasing the player's field of view, the armour itself was made from massive plates of enchanted metal, held together with enchanted chains and layers of chainmail.

He picked up the axe and read the flavour text, "Dev item, bans players..."

"{Bonenificus: Truly, a terrifying weapon...}"

JohnWillStab was unable to equip the armour, so was the rest of the group, since Foxly played a shaman, John a rogue and Curstl a mage.

"{Lorb: You're planning to ambush him?}"

"{Bonenificus: Indeed! Perhaps if we best him in combat he shall surrender his hold over this game!}"

"{Bonenificus: I-hope this coincides with thy plans!}"

"{Lorb: Sure, as long as you let me talk to him first!}"


"{Bonenificus: Naturally!}"

And so, when the corpses of the knights despawned and the players hid, Lorb remained sitting in front of the gate.

"{Alex: But yeah, that's how I designed my favourite district!}"

"{Revenberry: Stop...}"

"{Alex: By the way, I hand-painted every painting in the game!}"

"{Revenberry: Shut up...}"

"{Alex: I can make you one too!}"

"{Revenberry: ...}"

"{Revenberry: You know what, that'd be nice!}"

"{Alex: Really?}"

"{Revenberry: YEAH IN THE OLD GAME!}"

"{Alex: There's just no pleasing you!}"

They walked down the cobblestone road leading towards the massive, walled-off city in the distance, while it was far from the coast, wide rivers linked it to a town in every cardinal direction!

As they approached the gate Alex was stopped by Lorb.

"{Lorb: Are you by chance Alex?}"

"{Alex: Yes indeed!}"

"{Lorb: Oh, I'm a massive fan of your game!}"

"{Alex: ...}"

"{Alex: ...}"

"{Revenberry: ...}"

"{Alex: SERIOUSLY!?}"

"{Revenberry: SERIOUSLY!?}"

"{Lorb: Yeah! I'm just such a fan of your game! Do you think I could take a screenshot with you?}"

"{Alex: Of course! I'd be glad to!}"

Lorb walked up to Alex before turning to face the same direction as him.

He played the /smile emote.

"{Lorb: Say: "Theft of intellectual property"}"

"{Alex: What?}"

Alex jumped back as Lorb performed a quick attack that disintegrated a long strip of the map and narrowly missed Alex.

It was a massive beam of light that sounded like several weather syrens overlapped over each other.

"{Alex: You're not actually a fan, are you?}"

"{Lorb: As if anybody would be a fan of this unoriginal pile of shit you "made"}"

Lorb cast another spell, again it barely missed Alex who saw the destruction it lay to the town he worked so long to fix.

"{Alex: Watch the buildings!}"

Lorb targeted Alex once more and fired off another blast of white light.

All around him appeared the black anti-cheat knights.

"{Lorb: Damn...}"

"{Alex: You missed your shot, virtual assassin!}" Alex said bitterly.

He walked in front of his army of black knights.

"{Alex: I hope ruining my city was worth it! Because-}" he was cut off when Lorb fired another blast of white magic at him, his character was sent flying across the entire city, smashing through walls and buildings, leaving a trail of destruction as he flew.

"{Revenberry: Did you kill him?!}"

"{Lorb: No, the coward activated god-mode...}"

The anti-cheat guards moved in to attack as Lorb sped past them, modifying his speed and agility stats to abnormal levels.

As he sped through the empty city he saw Alex in the distance, he was using admin-flight to stay suspended above the city.

Out of nowhere, he found himself stuck in one place.

His list of debuffs now showed "Admin-Paralysis"

Alex typed in the command "/ban Lorb" only for it to be rejected.

"What the?!"

Lorb suddenly broke free of admin paralysis as he once more shot Alex who was unable to dodge his attack, again, it did no damage due to his immortality.

All around Lorb appeared the anti-cheat knights again, spamming the chat with various repetitive remarks as Alex retaliated, a bolt of lightning flew down at Lorb, charring the ground but doing little damage to him.

"{Alex: If I didn't know any better I'd say you're not a cheater...}"

Alex suddenly found his flight skill removed as he began falling to the ground.

"He can control my buffs?!" thought Alex as he began typing in the command. "/give buff self AdminFlight"

As he was near hitting the ground he noticed his god-mode buff also disappeared.

"{Lorb: I might not be able to ban you myself... but I'll at least be able to beat the shit out of you and "your" "game"}"

As Alex hit the ground a cloud of dust particles flew up.

Lorb saw Alex stand up from his crash-landing.

His god-mode was back on.

"{Alex: Macros are handy...}" he remarked.

Macros are code or sometimes in-game skills composed of a list of commands, for example, a healer could create a macro to cast a spell of cure disease followed by minor heal and poison immunity with just a single click.

Alex bound the entire command "/give buff self GodMode" to his 'M' key.

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