《Binary Progression》Volume 1 - Chapter 24: Alex


While Crown and Foxly were escaping the anti-cheat knights through the forest...

Bonifacius was making his way through what looked like a countryside of farms that stretched into the far horizon.

The cobblestone road stood a little above the fields as he travelled along with his unlikely companion.

"{Curstl: Come on! We might as well!}"

"{Bonenificus: I am not interested in forming a guild with thee!}"

"{Curstl: It's a new game! Why not?}"

"{Bonenificus: Curstl, please! Must I really explain this again?}"

"{Curstl: Are you upset about the guild? I could blackmail them into getting back together if you'd like!}" she offered.

"{Bonenificus: I would not!}"

"{Curstl: There's just no pleasing you...}" she sighed.

"{Lorb: Hey!}" a previously hidden player emerged from the bushes.

"{Curstl: STAY BACK, BANDIT!}"

Bonifacius stepped forward.

"{Bonenificus: Greetings!}"

Lorb wore a lab coat over sweatpants.

He had shaggy dirty-blond hair and a tiny bit of a beard on his chin.

It was an NPC, you could tell this by hovering your mouse over them.

"{Curstl: Oh, it's just an NPC...}"

"{Lorb: Umm... yeah!}"

"{Bonenificus: Why is there no dialogue menu then?}"

"{Lorb: I... ehh}"

"{Lorb: Greetings!}" he exclaimed again.

"{Lorb: I have a quest for you!}"

"{Curstl: See, I told you!}"

"{Bonenificus: Huh... I suppose thou are right...}" Bonifacius remarked.

"{Lorb: Escort me to a player I will choose at random and you will get ten billion XP points!}"

"{Curstl: ...}"

"{Bonenificus: Hmm... can we split the XP?}"

"{Curstl: You can keep it!}"

"{Lorb: Sure, why not.}"

Bonifacius played the /cheer animation.

"{Bonenificus: These NPCs are truly advanced!}"

"{Lorb: Aw, thanks, man!}"

"{Curstl: I'm... not sure this is an NPC after all...}"

"{Bonenificus: Nonsense! Tis clearly an NPC!}"

"{Lorb: Yeah!}"

"{Lorb: So, do you accept the quest?}"

"{Bonenificus: Yes!}"

"{Lorb: Great! You have to escort me to...}"

"{Lorb: That son of a bitch, Alex!}"


"{Bonenificus: Alright! Lead the way!}"

"{Lorb: Cool, thing is, I can't really figure out where he is... but he is somewhere!}"

"{Bonenificus: I see...}"

"{Lorb: I mean, unless you're in the mood to fight off max-level anti-cheat knights?}"

"{Bonenificus: N-no...}"

"{Lorb: ...}"

"{Bonenificus: ...}"

"{Curstl: ...}"

"{Curstl: Bony, are you sure this is an NPC?}"

"{Lorb: Yup.}"

"{Bonenificus: Of course!}"

"{Lorb: Alright, I checked the map and there's a town west of here, we should go there!}"

"{Bonenificus: I see! Quite the innovative quest!}"

"{Bonenificus: What does thou plan to do when we reach thy target?}"

"{Lorb: Cast the magic spell of good luck and fortune!}" he replied.

"He'll need both of those when I'm done with his sorry game-stealing ass!" Lorb thought.

"{Curstl: Your name sounds really familiar, though...}"

"{Lorb: It was selected at random from a list of game-devs}" he shrugged.

Curstl looked at him suspiciously.

"{Lorb: *Npc noises*}"

"{Curstl: Huh... guess it really is just an NPC...}"

"{Bonenificus: Indeed! Let's make haste!}"


Alexander wondered his game, his name now "Alex".

He played as a warrior.

"I was waiting for so long to populate my game!" he thought seeing a few players wandering around his starter town.

The map showed the world was just one big zone, in the centre was a large city serving as the capital, other than that there were four other towns, eight other villages and sixteen settlements.

"{Revenberry: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?}"

Alex used his admin-view to see the coordinated of the speaker and discovered the player was in the inn.

Alex entered the town inn and saw a female human t-posing on a chair.

"{Alex: Greetings!}"

"{Revenberry: ...}"

"{Alex: What seems to be the issue?}"

"{Revenberry: I'm stuck t-posing on a chair!}"

"{Alex: So that's really a deal-breaker after all, eh?}"

"{Revenberry: What?}"

"{Alex: Nothing!}"

Alex walked over and used the /pickup skill on the human before placing her down in a chair-free zone.


"{Revenberry: Thanks! I thought that was another character lost!}" she played the /laugh emote.

"{Alex: Oh, it's not that bad!}"

"{Revenberry: Yeah, no that's several years of game-time and my entire friend's list gone...}" she replied.

"{Alex: True... but this game has such a nice world!}"

"{Revenberry: Yeah, the map is cool... but whoever made it should have like... attached a zone to an existing continent in the game, not scrap the entire thing!}"

"{Alex: Yeah but that game had weird races!}"

"{Revenberry: I like the weird races though...}"

"{Revenberry: I can't play as a harpy here!}"

"{Alex: Alright... well, I'm going to get going!}"

He made his way out of the inn and onto the cobblestone town square.

A few homes and shops stood here and there.

"{Revenberry: Hold on! Do you know what we're supposed to do in this game?}" she followed him out.

"{Alex: What do you mean?}"

"{Revenberry: You seem to know the game well! I'm asking if you know if there are any quests or dungeons or something.}"

"{Alex: ...}"

"{Alex: I mean... there's a very in-depth mining system!}"

"{Revenberry: Oh... neat...}"

"{Alex: ...}"

"{Revenberry: ...}"

"{Revenberry: You're the admin aren't you?}"

"{Alex: perhaps...}"


"{Alex: Woah, Woah! It's not like that!}"

"{Alex: I just wanted to have everyone try my game! I really think it's better!}"

"{Revenberry: THERE AREN'T ANY QUESTS!}"

Alex let out a sigh.

"Quests this..."

"Quests that..."

"Is that all these people care about!?"

"{Alex: Just give the game a shot! Please!}"

A human walked out of the inn.

"{Kevin: Hey, did you guys find any quests by chance?}"

The man was suddenly struck by lighting as the message "Kevin was banned for: completely by chance" appeared in chat.

"{Revenberry: You just banned him for nothing!}"

"{Alex: That wasn't me!}"

"{Revenberry: IT WAS ABSOLUTELY YOU!}"

"{Alex: No, I made it so everyone could be banned at random!}"

"{Revenberry: WHY!?!?}"

"{Alex: Because it was a unique feature that was easy to implement!}"

"{Revenberry: BUT WHY!?!?}"

"{Alex: well...}"

"{Alex: It was a unique feature that was easy to implement...}"

"{Revenberry: You are a terrible game-dev...}"

"{Alex: Jokes on you, I can't be a bad game dev if I can't code!}"

"{Revenberry: That makes you the WORST game dev!}"

"{Alex: Why the hostility? Come on! I can spawn you some gold for being the first to discover me!}"

"{Revenberry: Bring the old game back!}"

"{Alex: Ugh... what's so great about that game anyway?!}"

"{Revenberry: Well, for one...}"

"{Revenberry: IT HAD QUESTS!}"

"{Alex: ...}"

"{Alex: There is no need to be so hurtful...}"

"{Revenberry: Wh- wha- YOU JUST DELETED OUR GAME!}"

"{Alex: If I burned your house down and gave you the deed to a mansion would you be so upset!?}"


"{Alex: I feel you don't appreciate me as a creator!}"

"{Revenberry: ...I honestly can't tell if your being for real...}"

"{Alex: I mean, I spent months designing the world, and re-colouring textures, I think you owe it to me to give the game a shot!}"

"{Revenberry: You should have made your own game!}"

"{Alex: Yeah... well... coding is mostly maths... and maths is hard...}"

"{Revenberry: You know what, screw you!}" she stomped off into the distance.

Alex followed her.

"{Alex: Oh! You're going to the capital?}"

"{Alex: You'll love it there!}"

"{Revenberry: LEAVE ME ALONE!}"

"{Alex: I'll show you an awesome restaurant I made, the potted plants are just scaled down trees, lol!}"

"{Revenberry: AHH!}"

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