《BattleField - A Never-Ending Nightmare》Chapter 4 | Bandits Hideout


“There’s so much gold! I-I can’t even begin to count them!” Jacob said in excitement.

For the past day, Alastair had hunted every bandit they came across until Kendo approached him cautiously. Somehow, he had even convinced Alastair to keep a few alive to take them back to the bandits base.

The Boar was filthy rich, he had preyed on the innocent, soldiers, merchants, and even nobles for the past half century. He had to have a horde of gold and luxurious items sitting around with no one willing to trade with him, at least out in the open.

At first Alastair was adamant at taking what had belong to what amounted to a glorified thief and murderer. It was dirty money and should not be taken by them. Yet, Kendo once again should his glib tongue.

He convinced Alastair by telling him all the merits in taking the money. Why leave the money here for other bandits to use when they could take it and use it for the better good. Alastair was going to be given countless rewards, so he could use the money to make life better for those that need it most.

Of course, nothing so limited as a temporary relief should be bought, but instead an institution to help. Like orphanages loyal to him, schools, or places to higher the less fortunate to make a better income with him.

Kendo was even more incredulous that Jacob at the moment, he had sold all of it to Alastair without thinking it thoroughly. Who would have thought the Boar would fill an entire cave complex with so much money he could fund a principality for five entire years of luxury.

“That fat pig must have swam in gold liquid every day! How much did he collect over the years?!”


“We’re rich, Kendo! Rich I tell you! No more sleeping on the hard ground, no more jerky and gruel! Ugh...I mean, if Sir Alastair would be so kind,” Jacob said, ending on a quiet whisper. In another second, he glared at Kendo and huffed, he knew what Alastair’s answer was going to be.

“This isn’t our money to use. Kendo graciously agreed to help me build orphanages and use all the available currency and items to make life better for the less fortunant. Right, Kendo?”

Kendo laughed as he rubbed his kneck, Jacob was not going to let him live a day without this moment coming up. “Y-yea. Th-that’s right. We’re good peoples now, Jacob. We can’t be forgetting the poor commoners. Right?”

Jacob only grunted, knowing better than to let his thoughts be known. They had seen how effortlessly Alastair had killed the Boar and his guards. The stone sculpted man with a hundred scars didn't even break a sweat the entire time and that was with how weak he was now. They could only shiver as they imagined how powerful he would be once he got back to full strength.

Instead he chose to change the topic a bit. “How are we meant to move it all? Not like we can ask a dragon to come and pick it all up for us.”

“Thats simple,” Kendo replied, happy to let his part in this be forgotten. He pointed to Alastair’s hands.

They carried a brown box made of wood. It was carved in intricate swirls all meeting at the center around a magical orb that glowed bright blue.

Taking the hint, Alastair removed the top cover gently. The first thing they saw was the royal purple silk that covered a pillow. It had to be one of the most expensive things not including what rested comfortably on it. There were three rings, each one was black with runes of red carved into them. They vibrated with magical power.


“Altiner Rings?” Jacob whispered as his eyes widened and breath quickened. He gulped as his hands shook as he subconsciously reached out to grab one. But he was quickly woken up when Alastair closed the box tightly.

Alastair frowned. “You better control that beast, Jacob. True men of the Empire do not let their greed get the better of them.”

Jacob nodded silently, almost unable to tear his sight away from the box. Only when Alastair Hid them under his breastplate, on his chest, did he break out of the hypnosis.

“As you’ve noticed, Moving this all would not be a problem for such...powerful things. Even if we somehow doubled everything in here, it would only fill a single one.” Alastair spoke as he kicked a golden chalice.

These extreme luxuries were not to his liking. He preferred the peace and quiet of a humble village away from all the political monsters and battle crazed addicts of high society. But, that was a sacrifice he might have to make to use all of this for the greater good.

Waiting until Jacob had calmed down, he surpetepously pulled out the box. He knew how priceless these rings were and especially why the treasure hunter could not take his eyes off of them. Any Grand Duke would kill to get one not mention three or how powerful these felt.

Alastair took one out. Slowly, like he was being coranated by the Emperor himself, he slid the ring onto his index finger. The black metal was too large even for his large calloused and scarred fingers, but in a quick moment it flashed a red color. In a second, it shrank slightly, hugging his finger comfortably.

A feeling of connection appeared in Alastair’s mind after the ring fit him perfectly. He could see, in a way beyond normal sight, that the ring was spacious, but more importantly, it was completely empty. With a wave of his hand the entire room filled with countless riches began to shimmer and loose their physical makeup.

Under the watch of the three, they all disappeared into the ring. Alastair closed his eyes, holding onto that connection he had felt. In his mind’s eye, he saw all the treasures that had lined the large room sitting their absolute darkness.

“Well, we got twelve more rooms. Let’s go,” Alastair said.

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