《No More Respawns》Floating Appendix




Fellman: Fellmans (Human -> Fellman; Humans -> Fellmans) are a race of humanoids. They are basically the opposite of elves; in every way that elves are fairer and more graceful/agile, Fellmans are more brutish and stronger/bigger. They aren’t beastmen though (there’s no animal parts on them), and they aren’t giants, ogres, orcs, goblins, etc. They have thick hair (usually black or brown), orange or yellow slitted eyes, short claws for nails, and thick hairy “hobbit” feet, for lack of a better descriptor, and they usually go barefoot.

How the tiers work: The tiers in this system are not exactly equivalent to levels, otherwise I would have just called them levels instead. The tiers are just a relative measurement of the power-level of each job or skill; they do not correspond to a single point. That's why Allen has been able to get free tiers on some of his skills and on Silent Assassin. Later on, in the higher levels, a single point might cause a skill to jump multiple tiers based on the new features.

Mana vs miasma: Mana is like the power source that's inside the characters, while miasma is pure magic that has been invoked into the world by means of a skill. miasma can be invoked as a certain aspect, having different effects, whereas mana is just mana.

Power Scale: Unlike Azarinth Healer (which I know many of you are also reading right now) The median level for humans is somewhere around 200. All humans that is. 300 is probably around the 60th percentile and 400 is 80th percentile. Things don’t really start to get hardcore until level 500. There are also no “racial power floors” either. Everything starts off at level 0, and a level 500 human is, on average, just as powerful as a level 500 dragon. (Though a level 500 dragon is a very weak dragon).

System and Aspects:

Stats: There are primary and secondary stats. The secondary ones don’t take any points, they’re derived from the primary stats (with simple equations). They exist for two reasons: to quantify some more effects derived from the combination of the primary stats, and to force balance into the builds (since these stats cant get too low or bad things happen).

Strength: physical strength, as in your muscles. Except how it effects your body is dependent on whether you have more vitality (power-lifter) or endurance (marathoner).

Vitality: physical health, sometimes called constitution. It increases lifespan, senses, and resistance to poisons and stuff. It doesn’t make you more physically resilient though, that’s resistance.

Endurance: physical endurance, increases energy and the time the body can go without food, sleep, water, etc.

Intelligence: how much information the mind can process at a time, makes you good at math (as in calculations, if you already know the steps) and other brute force stuff, doesn’t give you anything else. Also makes magic more powerful (especially at higher levels), just like strength makes punches more powerful.

Wisdom: literally just memory and the ability to think calmly. Also allows for more complicated magic and faster casting.

Focus: how fast the brain can process information and focus on a task, makes magic more accurate and stable.

Intelligence+wisdom is good for fireballs, intelligence+focus is good for healing healing, wisdom+focus is a strange combination that a support mage might use (*wink wink).

Dexterity = STR * FCS / VIT : its just dexterity.

Resistance = END * INT / STR : resistance to attacks, physical or soul-based. Endurance makes a more resilient body and intelligence makes a more resilient soul.

Speed = STR * FCS / END : its just speed


Perception = VIT * WIS / INT : its just perception, night vision, ability to pick a face out in a crowd, etc.

Stability = END * INT / WIS : the ability to resist the effects of trauma, suppresses emotional distress, doesn’t completely numb emotions though. Its like the mental equivalent of resistance.

Luck = VIT * WIS / FCS : makes the status screen symmetrical. Affects system-based RNG like critical hits and vital strikes for both attacks and injuries. Might keep you from tripping accidentally, idk. Doesn’t warp causality to your favor.

Here is the Aspect Chart. Most of them are self-explanatory, but some aren’t. Eventually this will all be explained I hope. (PS: “Arcane” is just a “lack of” an aspect, which makes it sort of like white light, ie. a combination of all the colors of light.)






Includes light elementalism, scrying, illusions, stelar magic, fire (light), warmth.

Includes shadow elementalism, fear, illusions, void, siphon magic, cold.



Includes purification magic, shielding magic, healing/vitality, detoxification

Includes corruption magic, weakening, rot/decay, poison



Includes lifebinding magic, nature (druid) magic, healing/vitality, blood magic, resurrection magic

Includes necromancy, fleshbinding magic (dead stuff), reverse healing/vitality draining, resurrection magic



Includes body enhancement magic, body modification magic, mutation magic fleshbinding magic,

Includes soul enhancement magic, necromancy, blood magic, soulbinding magic



Includes meta magic, stabilization enchantment/enhancement magic, creation, solid/liquid telekinesis (control)

Includes anti-magic, destabilization enchantment/enhancement magic, destruction, luck/fortune binding magic



Includes earth/water/stone/particle elementalism, transmutation magic

Includes fire/lightning/wind/radiation elementalism, enhancement magic



Includes space/force/gravity magic, psychokinesis (force), teleportation

Includes mystical/spirit/world magic, binding magic (mystic), creation (mystic)



Includes mind, void (ground), fate (future), end (future), repression, corruption, anti-magic

Includes emotion, wind (sky), destiny (past), beginning (past), liberating, cleansing, enhancement magic


Character Sheets:


HPrgn: STR/min SPrgn: VIT/min MPrgn: FCS/min

DEX: ## (STR * FCS) / VIT

PER: ## (VIT * WIS) / INT

RES: ## (END * INT) / STR

STB: ## (END * INT) / WIS

SPD: ## (STR * FCS) / END

LCK: ## (VIT * WIS) / FCS

Class: Rogue


+10% WIS, +10% SPD, +20% DEX, -10% VIT, -20% END

-20%END -10%VIT -5%WIS -5%SPD +5%FCS +10%STB +20%DEX +25%MP



Jeremiah Allen Durand

Human – Rogue – Level 231

XP: 71325/78453 (8,314,416)

Stat Points: 0, Skill Points: 18, Job Points: 5


Dusk Lurker

Advanced – Tier 13

Spellspear of Chaos

Advanced – Tier 14


Basic – Tier 10


HP: 11700/11700

Regen: 188/min

SP: 16920/16290

Regen: 130/min

MP: 9375/9375

Regen: 155/min


STR: 188

INT: 125

VIT: 117 (130)

WIS: 57 (60)

END: 72 (90)

FCS: 162 (155)


DEX: 268 (224)

PER: 62

RES: 59

STB: 205 (187)

SPD: 306 (323)

LCK: 50




Tier 1 – Active: Identify – Category: General – Determine the characteristics of a target at a glance.

Job: Silent Lurker

Tier 15 – Active: Waiting Dusk– Lurking quietly in the silence of dusk, you build speed and power in hiding.

Tier 15 – Active: Dusk Vault – Category: Dusk Magic – Use your enemy’s blind spots to your advantage; move with great speed, in silence.

Tier 15 – Passive: Lurker’s Step – Category: Repression Magic – Deaden your presence and become one with the setting Dusk.

Tier 14 – Passive: Lurker’s Sense – Category: State of Mind – While waiting out of sight, your mind stills and becomes aware of more.

Tier 15 – Passive: Killer Instinct ­– Category: State of Mind – Estimate the success of your moves before you make them.


Tier 13 – Passive: Dead Calm – Category: State of Mind – Become like a true assassin: Dead inside.

Tier 15 – Passive: Body of the Lurker – Category: Enhancement Magic – Your body changes to blend in with the silence.

Tier 15 – Meta: Assassinate – Category: Martial Arts – Deal more damage when your enemies are unaware.

Job: Chaotic Destroyer

Tier 15 – Active: Ruptured Maelstrom – Category: Destruction Magic – Bombard your enemy with a vicious storm of chaos and destruction.

Tier 15 – Active: Fractured Nova – Category: Destruction Magic - Charge an attack with pure destructive power; release it in an instant and reduce all you touch to dust.

Tier 15 – Active: Chaotic Bolt – Category: Chaos Magic – Apply damaging magic to your attacks.

Tier 15 – Passive: Cloak of Chaos – Category: Miasma Manipulation – Shroud yourself in a cloak of chaotic miasma to defend yourself.

Tier 12 – Passive: Chaotic Synergy – Category: Enhancement Magic – You become more in tune with chaotic miasma despite its nature.

Tier 13 – Meta: Havoc – Category: Chaos Magic – Bring chaos and danger; cause magic around you to wreak havoc.

Tier 15 – Meta: Vital Strike – Category: Martial Arts – Your strikes land true and cripple your enemy.

Tier 12 – Meta: Destabilization – Category: Chaos Magic – Destabilize your enemy’s magic and afflict them with chaotic synergy.

Job: Neuromancer

Tier 9 – Active: Mental Manipulation – Category: Mind Magic – Manipulate the framework of target minds within range.

Tier 10 – Active: Psion Burst – Category: Psychic Magic – Release a discharge of corrupted psions and deal damage to minds.

Tier 8 – Passive: Mind Sense – Category: Mind Magic – Sense the framework of the target minds around you.

Tier 9 – Meta: Inner Eye – Category: Mind Magic – See the casting of unseen mind magic.

Skill: Identify

Determine the characteristics of a target at a glance.

Category: General – Type: Active – Tier 1

Effects: Determine the quality, durability, material, and applied enchantments of any items, weapons or equipment with a concentrated evaluation. Intelligence increases your range of comprehension.

Cost: None

Job: Dusk Lurker

Lurk behind the soundless ripples of Dusk and become one with nothingness.

Class: Ranger/Rogue – Type: Advanced – Tier 13


The magic of Dusk is that of distortion, cessation, and emptiness. As an assassin, you harness this powerful magic to hide your presence and sharpen your dagger. At your core you are a hunter and master of the blade. The Dusk Lurker uses their magic to wait at the edge of sight, in blind spots, and in total silence. You are difficult to sense until it’s too late, dispose of prey swiftly and without hesitation.

Requirements: Have 2x higher FCS than WIS. – Have >150 STR. – Have >75 STB. – Kill an enemy without alerting them to danger. – Kill 1500 enemies with a dagger.

Modifiers: Mana Shift: Dusk – +15% PER - +10% STB – -10% INT – -15% SPD – Lowered metabolism while motionless. – Increased proficiency with short-bladed weapons.

Skill: Waiting Dusk

Lurking quietly in the silence of dusk, you build speed and power in hiding.

Category: Martial Arts – Type: Active – Tier 15 Max

Effects: While remaining motionless, you become harder to perceive indirectly, your miasma reacts less with your surroundings, and your synergy and focus increase; +0.125%/s, max of 75% modifier. Apply an instantaneous burst of speed in any direction proportional to the previous modifier, the amount of stamina used, and the speed stat.

Cost: +5%SP usage while still — 1SP to 500SP on activation.

Skill: Dusk Vault

Use your enemy’s blind spots to your advantage; move with great speed, in silence.

Category: Dusk Magic – Type: Active – Tier 15 Max

Effects: While outside of your enemy’s perception or in complete silence, your SPD is increased by 10% when active. If your enemy loses track of your position or fails to sense you, you can choose to augment a single step with an instantaneous forward vault with speed equal to 300% of your current speed; no additional momentum will be gained. Vaulting through dense Dusk miasma or areas of silence and repression will allow you to pass through stable mundane materials with no additional cost; unstable or magical materials will cause adverse effects.

Cost: 10MP/s base; 100MP for vault

Skill: Lurker’s Step

Deaden your presence and become one with the setting Dusk.

Category: Repression Magic – Type: Passive – Tier 15 Max

Effects: Reduces the sound and vibrations caused by all movement by 60%. While moving slowly, you become harder to perceive through indirect means; your steps leave no physical trace and have decreased weight proportional to MP used. While moving at 15% you’re your base speed or slower your steps grip the ground 25% more. Eliminates any damage you take from falling if you land on your feet at an additional cost.

Cost: >10 MP/s while in use; >50 MP to cancel fall damage.

Skill: Lurker’s Sense

While waiting out of sight, your mind stills and becomes aware of more.

Category: State of Mind – Type: Passive – Tier 14

Effects: Use your intuition to find cover. While remaining motionless, the range and precision of your senses are increased by 600% and the speed of your thoughts are increased by 500%. Only a single sense can be augmented at one time. While moving, the effect is diminished by half (300%) and will cause extreme mental strain.

Cost: 25 SP/s; 100 HP to accelerate thoughts.

Skill: Killer Instinct

Estimate the success of your moves before you make them.

Category: State of Mind – Type: Passive – Tier 15 Max

Effects: Your instincts sharpen in battle. Estimate the damage dealt to your enemies and damage dealt to yourself. Predict your enemy’s vital zones, vulnerabilities, and weaknesses. Vaguely sense when you are in danger and whether your moves will prove successful. When faced with lethal damage, your mind races for a way out.

Cost: None

Skill: Dead Calm

Become like a true assassin: Dead inside.

Category: State of Mind – Type: Passive – Tier 13

Effects: The furor of battle calms you; the stress of pursuit steadies you mind. As the fight drags on, your focus, wisdom, dexterity, and stability increase; +12.5%/min, max of +500% modifier.

Cost: +3% SP usage while active.

Skill: Body of the Lurker

Your body changes to blend in with the silence.

Category: Enhancement Magic – Type: Passive – Tier 15 Max

Effects: Your body is 45% lighter and 30% more flexible. Your bones are 25% more elastic. You can double these effects at will for a much greater cost. Your body will absorb 5% of incoming Dawn magic. You become harder to perceive while in your enemy’s peripheral vision. Your body will no longer make sounds or vibrations on its own. Effective power of channeled Dusk miasma is increased by 25%.

Cost: 50MP/min – 100MP/s(enhanced)

Skill: Assassinate

Deal more damage when your enemies are unaware.

Category: Martial Arts – Type: Meta – Tier 15 Max

Effects: 400% base damage when attacking while unnoticed by the target; bypass 5% of the target’s resistance when they are not in conflict. 200% base damage when attacking while imperceivable to the target. Successful activation can be given an additional paralysis effect to enemies below 3/5 of your level; duration proportional to the difference in level between you and the target; max of 10s.

Cost: 100 SP to bypass resistance; 400SP to paralyze

Job: Spellspear of Chaos

Chaos is your element and magic is your power; combine your skills with the blade and the arcane to become unstoppable.

Class: Ranger/Warrior/Rogue – Type: Advanced – Tier 14


Your magic synergizes with you. You are a force of destruction and subversion; a balanced close and mid-range striker who is impossible to predict and difficult to counter. Spells are your weapons just as much as daggers and swords, yet the Spellspear of Chaos is no Mage. You empower yourself with chaos and channel magic to attack and defend. The magic you bear corrupts and destroys, a danger to yourself as well as your enemies.

Requirements: Have STR as your highest stat. – Have >100 INT. – Have >2000 MP – Have 2x higher FCS than WIS. – Fight 1000 enemies using attack magic. – Empower your weapons with magic. Take lethal damage from your own magic and survive.

Modifiers: Mana Shift: Chaos. – +10% INT – +5% FCS – -15% WIS – +25% MP – Increased synergy with Chaotic mana. – Inherent resistance to Chaos magic (15%).

Skill: Ruptured Maelstrom

Bombard your enemy with a vicious storm of chaos and destruction.

Category: Destruction Magic – Type: Active – Tier 15 Max

Effects: Send a surge of destructive magic into your enemy through physical contact. The chaotic miasma will spread out and break apart as it is able. Chaotic miasma will disrupt enemy’s magic, and natural health regeneration while dealing continuous physical and magical damage until purged from the enemy’s body (dependent on enemy stats). Damage dealt is proportional to strength, intelligence, and the tier of this skill. Cooldown in minutes is equal to 10% MP used.

Cost: 150MP to 1500MP

Skill: Fractured Nova

Charge an attack with pure destructive power; release it in an instant and reduce all you touch to dust.

Category: Destruction Magic – Type: Active – Tier 15 Max

Effects: Be it stone, flesh, water, bone, magic, or the very air itself, destroy everything in your path. Channel pure chaotic destruction into anything that comes into contact with your mana. The destructive magic will spread from the point of contact as fast as it can; stability, magical effects, and the resistances of your target will restrict the spread and cause potentially severe backlash; rate of spread is proportional to MP used, Intelligence, and the tier of this skill. Once the chaotic magic has spread, you can activate it all in a single instant, creating a nova of destruction that turns your target into corrupted dust; the potential for backlash effects is significant and unpredictable.

Cost: MP according to usage; cooldown in seconds equal to 2x MP used.

Skill: Chaotic Bolt

Apply damaging magic to your attacks.

Category: Chaos Magic – Type: Active – Tier 15 Max

Effects: Launch a bolt of condensed chaotic miasma that deals blunt damage on impact and leaves lingering miasmic corruption. Damage dealt is proportional to strength, intelligence, and the tier of this skill. More mana charging the bolt will cause it to become more erratic and unpredictable. You can apply the chaotic bolt to a projectile with low enough mana impedance.

Cost: 15MP to 150MP

Skill: Havoc

Bring chaos and danger; cause magic around you to wreak havoc.

Category: Chaos Magic – Type: Passive – Tier 13

Effects: Instantaneously disrupt the miasma in magic around you within a radius of 13m. Disrupted miasma will lose stability and become unpredictable and dangerous. Only Chaotic miasma will additionally be accelerated in charging, casting, propagation, and cooldown speeds.

Cost: 10% of MP from affected magic.

Skill: Cloak of Chaos

Shroud yourself in a cloak of chaotic miasma to defend yourself.

Category: Miasma Manipulation – Type: Passive – Tier 15 Max

Effects: Cover your body and infuse your weapons with a chaotic aura. The aura will distort and corrupt incoming magic to a certain degree; proportional to MP used. The aura will absorb 25% of all incoming damage in exchange for mana if possible.


Skill: Chaotic Synergy

You become more in tune with chaotic miasma despite its nature.

Category: Enhancement Magic – Type: Passive – Tier 12

Effects: Chaotic miasma is 35% more stable under your control. Chaotic magic is more instinctual to you. You are able to more easily predict the effects of chaotic miasma by any means; effect proportional to focus and the tier of this skill.

Cost: None

Skill: Vital Strike

Your strikes land true and cripple your enemy.

Category: Martial Arts – Type: Meta – Tier 15 Max

Effects: Your enemy’s vital zones are 20% larger against your attacks. Attacking your enemy’s critical vital zones will ignore 15% of their resistance. Taking more than 50% of your enemy’s HP in a single hit will cause paralysis; duration proportional to the difference in level between you and the target. Max of 10s.

Cost: 50SP Base – 100SP to cause paralysis

Skill: Destabilization

Destabilize your enemy’s magic and afflict them with chaotic synergy.

Category: Chaotic Magic – Type: Meta – Tier 12

Effects: Take more than 50% of an enemy’s HP in a single attack to decrease their synergy by 12% and destabilize their magic; corrupting magic will remain in enemy until purged (dependent on enemy stats); magnitude proportional to Intelligence and Focus.

Cost: +20% MP use per attack.

Job: Neuromancer

The Neuromancer bends the mind and senses of their foes to their will.

Class: Mage/Rogue/Ranger/Swashbuckler – Type: Basic – Tier 10


Your magic pulls at the strings of your enemy’s senses and warps what they are able to perceive. You connect with the mind and learn its workings, allowing you to distract, deceive, control, and communicate. Though only scratching the surface, your magic has many uses, both large and small, dangerous and benign. Through Dusk, the Neuromancer wields the power of the world within.

Modifiers: Mana Shift: Dusk.

Skill: Mental Manipulation

Manipulate the framework of target minds within range.

Category: Mind Magic – Type: Active – Tier 9

Effects: Manipulate minds and mental frameworks through the application of your will. Will can be extended through space within a certain range and shaped to your liking; precision and efficacy of manipulation is proportional to focus and the tier of this skill; range of 48m. Manipulation may cause self-harm and mental strain if used recklessly.

Cost: None

Skill: Psion Burst

Release a discharge of corrupted psions and deal damage to minds.

Category: Psychic Magic – Type: Active – Tier 10

Effects: Condense your will into a pulse of destructive psychic energy. Charge this energy within you and release it in a wave of damaging psionic force; damage proportional to vitality, intelligence, and the tier of this skill; range of 10m. Base mana cost is static. Health cost increases with charge; rate of 1HP/s.

Cost: 50MP base; 10HP to 100HP charged.

Skill: Mind Sense

Sense the framework of the target minds around you.

Category: Mind Magic – Type: Passive – Tier 8

Effects: Sense surface level minds and simple mental frameworks in rage around you; resolution is proportional to focus and the tier of this skill; range of 42m. Mental frameworks beyond your comprehension will cause extreme mental strain.

Cost: 5MP/min

Skill: Inner Eye

See the casting of unseen mind magic.

Category: State of Mind – Type: Meta – Tier 9

Effects: See simple surface level mind magic as a metaphysical representation. See mental frameworks and minds as metaphysical representations. Range is equal to range of main sensory skill.

Cost: None

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