《No More Respawns》Chapter 3: Slime Sauce


Welcome to [Unnamed World], please complete the following tutorial to unlock classes.

Press W to walk forward.

“Press W, what?” Allen laughed, looking around the empty corridor he had been transported to mere moments ago. It was completely baren, made entirely of simple stone, and lit neutrally by ancient looking mana lamps on the walls.

“Haha, that’s just me fucking with you, don’t worry about it,” replied Andy, his voice coming from every direction.

Allen smirked to himself as he mentally dismissed the message and walked forward. For some reason, he could vividly remember his first time doing the tutorial all those years ago, alone and afraid. “I was seventeen at the time, eh?” He looked down at his hands while he absently walked around and jumped over obstacles, completely ignoring all the informational messages that popped up here and there. It was only after a few minutes that he realized something. “Holy shit I am seventeen!” he shouted.

“Yeah, I reset you completely. Normally you’d respawn in the same body, but since I reset your whole soul, you are now seventeen and a half again.”

“I see,” whispered Allen in response the disembodied voice. “I don’t know how to feel about this part… well whatever, it doesn’t affect much after all the stats and levels kick in,” he thought, looking himself over. “I was kinda scrawny, wasn’t I?”

Allen dodged a random barrel that came rolling at him when he turned a corner. Then, after walking down the rest of the corridor, he found himself in an empty stone chamber that smelled like an old locker room.

Congratulations, you have completed part one of the tutorial.

Defeat the Slimes to continue.

On the far end of the room, there was an exit that was shrouded in darkness. From that door rolled a ball of goop about the size of a basketball and with the consistency and color of lime jello. It bounced aimlessly around the room as Allen walked up to it. It’s nametag showed that it was the same slime from all those years ago.

Name: Corrosive Slime

Slime – Monster – Level 1

With little to no effort, Allen stomped on the slime when it bumbled up in front of him. The monster burst open instantly under his sneaker. “…Sneakers?” Allen furrowed his brow as he looked down at his soiled shoe. “Ah, that’s what I was wearing when I got… hit by a truck was it?”


After a short moment of inactivity, another message popped up with a ding.

You have defeated Corrosive Slime – Level 1.

Awarded: 3 XP

Allen sighed as he shook the slime bits off his foot. Its corrosive properties completely ineffective on just about everything, given its level. “Maybe it’ll cause a rash if it touches my skin for too long, never got to test that last time,” he wondered.

Then he stood awkwardly for a moment. “Hmm, I forget how much experience I need for level one again?” If he remembered correctly, the end of the tutorial would give him enough to level up.

The next batch of enemies would also be slimes, just like last time. With that thought, he turned back to the door and waited a few moments. More squelching noises soon came from the door, this time there would be five of them, and they were the angry variants. The first time that Allen had dealt with predatory slimes they had actually frightened him a bit, but it was mostly due to the situation and not the dumb slimes themselves.

When the balls of goo rolled into the room, they eventually noticed Allen and started oozing towards him at jogging speed.

Allen habitually checked its nametag, already knowing what it was.

Name: Predatory Corrosive Slime

Slime – Monster – Level 2

The first slime lunged at Allen’s legs as soon as it got within range. Allen kicked it like a football, splattering it all over the floor and, to his dismay, his leg. The next two met a fist while the fourth one jumped up and stuck itself to Allen’s back.

Allen reached behind his back, but his seventeen-year-old body hadn’t been flexible enough to reach the slime. “Bugger,” he muttered.

He kicked apart the fifth slime before it attempted to swallow up his foot. By then the one remaining monster had crept up the back of his neck and was in the process of absorbing his head. Of course, even at level two, the slime barely had enough corrosive power to match the acne wash that Allen had used back on Earth. “What I would give to have some of that stuff again…” he thought.

He dispatched with the last slime by smashing his back against the wall. Then he groaned as the goop liquified and rolled down his shirt.

You have defeated 5x Predatory Corrosive Slime – Level 2


For fighting 5 enemies alone, you receive a 5% XP bonus!

Awarded: 57 XP

“Well, that’s that.” Allen stepped back into the middle of the room, ignoring the slime bits under his shirt. It would all disappear once he finished the tutorial, so it was better to just finish the last enemy and be done with it.

Allen chuckled to himself. He remembered how he had crawled back into the hallway last time to puke his guts out. Literally the only danger the slimes posed was their ability to swallow his head and suffocate him. Then there was that vile taste.

If there was anything he would like to have wiped from his mind, it would be the taste of slimes.

The next enemy slid towards the room door after Allen readied himself again. He remembered it clearly now that he found himself facing the monster again. It was a level three Predatory Poison King Slime that had actually killed him last time. Thankfully, he had respawned at the checkpoint after the first part of the tutorial and had only needed to kill the small slimes again.

The problem with the King Slime was not necessarily that it was any bigger or that it was harder to punch apart, but rather it’s poison element. Touching it at all would get him mildly poisoned while it getting into his mouth or any other hole, as slimes did, would result in a comparatively much worse effect.

Allen had the same gear this time that he had last time though, that being his casual clothes and his cheap hoodie. By the time the King Slime had squeezed itself through the door, Allen had already pulled his shirt off and replaced it with his hoodie. Then he wrapped the shirt tightly around the bottom half of his face.

Avoiding the mild poison effect was impossible, but it would be much worse if the slime got into his mouth. Thankfully, the mild poison didn’t damage his health, instead it had only caused stamina drain and unpleasant nausea. Allen had experience worse just from the food in this new world.

The King Slime crept into the room, trying its best to act stealthily. Of course, the waist-high ball of purplish sludge was anything but subtle. As soon as it was within range, it launched itself at Allen with a wet squishing noise.

He ducked and rolled to the side, anticipating its moves. The slime landed beside Allen with a splooch and seemed to writhe around in confusion. It had no way to convey emotion or voice, but Allen still somehow figured it was angry at missing its prey.

Not giving the monster the time to resituate itself, Allen jumped at the slime and started punching and digging at its gelatinous mass.

You have been poisoned with Slime Sauce

Effects: -1 SP/s for 10s

Allen ignored the message about being poisoned. He would have over a minute and a half before his stamina was completely gone. Plenty of time.

The slime retaliated by morphing around his body in an attempt to swallow him. It slinked up his neck and over his face, but Allen closed his eyes and mouth as hard as he could. Chunks of slime were flung away, but each time the slime would close the wounds in its outer membrane. Rather than panic, he continued to tear at the slime, reducing its mass little by little each time.

Eventually the monster would lose all the energy that was keeping its membrane together. After that, it would just fall apart into chunky jelly soup.

It was only a matter of time. With the slime unable to get into its prey’s mouth, it was eventually defeated, leaving Allen laying in the middle of the room completely covered in warm goo.

He got up and just stood in silence for the few moments that it took for the system to register the lack of any immediate danger. He still had the poison effect for another few seconds, but that wouldn’t matter with half his SP that was still left over.

You have defeated Predatory Poison King Slime – Level 3

Awarded: 28 XP

“King Slimes eh?” said Andy, his disembodied voice carrying a tone of amusement.

Allen didn’t reply, he just closed his eyes, waiting to be transported away and have the slime disappear from his everywhere.

Congratulations, you have completed the tutorial.

Classes are now unlocked. Status is now unlocked. Inventory is now unlocked.

Awarded: 168 XP – Rioter Balaclava – Brick

Congratulations, you are now level 1.

Requirements met: 256 XP

Awarded: 5 Stat Points – 1 Skill Point – 1 Job Point

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